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PDF icon CIA-RDP78T05439A000300210055-9.pdf157.6 KB
ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300210055-9 Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300210055-9 ~E81~N9F9Mi?E~9EI'~ 25X1 C MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Defensive Systems Division, OSI M/EB 86/64 18 February 1964 Copy 25X1 A ATTENTION : THROUGH: Chief, Requirements Branch, Reconnaissance Group, CGS FROM: Chief, CIA/PID (NPIC) SUBJECT: Evaluation of Photography of the SA-3 Guidance Radar at Gryaznaya Guba, Mys Set Navolock and Ostrov Nargin REFERENCE: (a) Requirement C-S14-80,987 (b) CIA/PID Project C 140-64 1. This memorandum is in response to your requirement dated 16 January 1964 requesting a photo analysis be made of the latest photography available of Gryaznaya Guba SA-3 Guidance Radar (LOW BLOW), and to indicate if there were any significant disagreements pertaining to dimensions or antenna orientation as 25X1 C reported by In addition to your requirement a comparative study of component parts of Ostrov Nargin (Baku), Mys Set Navolock and Gryaznaya Guba SA-3 Radars (LOW BLOW) was made to determine if there were any new developments in similarities. 2. No major or significant disagreement was found in report 25X1C as far as content was concerned; however, additional pertinent intelligence could have been reported. The following observations were made by this analyst as a result of a comparative study of the three radar sites with new1photography obtained since last reported (M/EB 461/63, 29 October 1963). All three sites now positively contain seven identical components: two (2) troughs (similar to FAN SONG type troughs), one (1) cut paraboloid 25X1C (referred to by as a square dish), one (1) cut paraboloid with feed, 25X1C one (1) independently mounted feed and the two(2) (unidentified at this time) stacked cylindrical sections (referred to by as tubes). The chassis, evident on the LOW BLOW radar at Ostrov Nargin SA-3 may also be present at the other two sites; however, shadows preclude their precise interpretation (refer to Figure #1). DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW BY NIMA / DoD 25X1 C SECRET-ND FOR YCEPT M" The following additional observation may be taken into consideration with re and to the operational sequence of the radars. It is generally felt 25X1C by that the operational position of the LOW BLOW radar is when the two troughs are positioned at a 45? angle to the ground and the cut paraboloid with feed is present at the apex of the two troughs. However, it was observed in this analysis that every time this position was noted, the missile launchers 25X1D were either In one instance at the Ostrov Nargin Site even the radar was canvas covered in this position. Also, the troughs were in this position at Fili Airfield while being assembled for possible later testing. It was further observed that when the troughs were parallel with the ground and situated at a 90? angle to each other, the cut paraboloid with feed in a lowered position and the independently mounted feed in a raised position the missile launchers were occupied and in.one case actually poised. One possible exception to this is on winter photography, the launchers were canvas covered. It is also noted that at all times, without exception, the independently mounted feed was always positioned pointing toward the cut paraboloid whether it was in its raised or lowered position. This position of the feed might possibly be the operational situation of the radar. All components have the ability to move in one way or another. The cut paraboloid with feed revolves independently when in a raised position. The lattice mast mounted independent feed may be raised or lowered. The.single cut paraboloid was seen in alternate positions,opossibly slaved but not attached to the independent feed. The troughs have a 45 angular movement and the unidentified stacked cylindrical sections may move from a horizontal to a vertical position. The whole radar apparatus is mounted on a heavy lattice mast which in turn is attached to a wheeled frame. 25X1C and NPIC both used the component parts visible at Fili Airfield for a mensuration guide and only a difference was noted. 25X1A 3. The photo analyst on this project is and he may be contacted on extension 2705 should you have further questions regarding this project. 4. This project is considered to be complete. 25X1A ENCLOSURES: 1 - One line drawing (CIA/PID/MEB-P-177/614) 25X1 D SECRET-NOF ORN EXCEPT 25X1 C Approved For Release 2001/03 lT, TQIA+JPP78TO5439A000300210055-9 -- --- - - -=VISI%IL,e ~oRt~O~y O \ OSTROV ~Ax2.CI Itj CST PPt12 NC30 a-~ w %r v4 FEaD STACK a C1 Cy 1.1N t)a14-4L SEe.r-oe-L _ E IN oc-t~FHor_HTL-Y Mvu Ni-EEn FEED F oyt.-uo SE CTI0P GUIDANCE RADAR MYS SET NAVCLC SAL i SITE, USS. O ST2o V 1A X q ENO C-c yz Noy' A- c-L c 4. r 1.:, u. CIA/PID/bEB- P-177/61+ Attach to: M/EB 86/61.