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Approved For Release 206/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030 -2 OUTLINE GUIDE FOR JANIS C1 AND 8 Ptzr ose of a. ,TAINTIS Studto "To make available one publication containing all tie necessary detailed information upon which may be based a war plan for military operations in a given area." CHAPTER ESPONS Il3ILITY -O. or R~sx~onsiblQ A~encv I BRIE, JISPB 17 I.IILITARY GEOGRAPHY MID III OCF..NOGRAPIIY OHI IV COASTS AND LAMING BEACIEDS ORII V CLII4ATE ANDD M,ATIIER JMC VI PORT FACILITIES ONI VII TRANSPORTATION MID COP. H:HHUI'JICATIOITS VIII CITIES AND TOITNS IX RESOURCE AND TRADE 0SS X PEOPLE AND GOVERNt'IENT OSS XI II ALTH AT-TD 133AMITATIOILT I.1ID (SGO) XII DEFENSES HID XIII HMJAL FACILITIES OITI XIV AIR FACILITIES APPETIDIX I GEOGRAPHICAL GLOSSARY INCLOSURE 't~2 *JCS review completed* Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 Approved For Release 2dV406/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300031" 18-2 BRIEF 11. Topical Briefs.. A. Military geography. B. Coasts and landing places. C. Oceanography. D. Weather and climate. E. Port facilities. F. Transportation and communications. G. Cities and towns. H. Resou3?ees and trade. I, People and government. J. Health and sanitation. K. Army, Navy and Air. Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 Approved For Release 260606/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A00030003'il/'338-2 OUT IINESGUIDE FOR JANIS MILITARY GEOGRAPHY Definition of mili'tery geography and its significance in this area. General explanation of chapter organization. Reference to brief in Chapter I and to A sections of topics in this chapter for major linea- ments. Invite attention to Plans accompanying this chapter. Relationship of this chapter to other chapters. 21. Relief. A. General descriptioni of relief. Introduction of regional subdivision which is treated in detail in 218. D. Relief description by regions. To include such materials as: Defensive zones, effects on movement, corridors. 22. Drainage and Water Supply. A. Description of general drainage pattern and water supply for area as a whole; Indicate major lakes, swamps, streams, and water supply conditions, and point out their relation to military operations. 3. Description of drainage and water supply of each relief region and rel.at..on of drainage and water supply to military operations. Include such material as: width, depth, bottom, flow, banks, navigability, seasonal change, 23. Soil Trafficability. A. General explanation of soil trafficability and major factors which affect it in this area. Detailed explanation of soil morphology and of climatic conditions in area not required. B. Soil trafficabi.lity by regions. Indicate -,easonal changes. 24. Vegetation. A. General types of vegetation cover, and relation of each to military operations. (1) Uncultivated (2) Cultivated B. Detailed description of uncultivated and cultivated vegetation pattern within each relief region. Include such material as: Cover, con- cealment, fuel, forage, construction, comouflage, seasonal change, off et on movement and combat. 25. Regional Summary Table. To include a summary of relief, drainage, vege- tation, natural water su:ppl and seasonal changes for, each of the re- lief regions. Small islands not treated in detail in text may be included in table. 26. Natural Critical, Areas. A. Definitions of natural critical area - ground, naval, and. air con- siderations. B. List of natural critical areas with brief statement concerning the importance of each to tactical and strategical planning. 27. Routes to Natural. Critical. Areas. A. General description of route pattern for area as a whole. B. Detailed description of major and alternate routes. To include des- cription of relief, potential defensive zones, vegetation, - drainage and water supply, soil tr.?affic6ability, seasonal characteristics. Approved For Release 2002/06/11: CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 - 3 - Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 RESTRICTED 28. Principal Sources. A full summary. of the chapter giving essential facts to be included in Chapter 1. The most important maps and illustrations may be repeated in Chapter I, and reference to them shoold be included in the text material. Approved For Release 2002/0!/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 Approved For Release 2b9'/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A0003000 38-2 RESTRICTED 30. Introduction. Relation of Oceanography to operations in this area. General explanation of chapter organization. Reliability of data. Invite attention to any important figures or plans accompanying chapter. 31. A. Tides. (1) Tidal differences and constants. (a) Time differences. (b) Height differences. (c) Ranges. (d) Levels. (el' Exampl.e. (2) Sun, moon and tides. B. Tidal and local currents. 32. Sea and Swell. A. Sea. (1) (2) (3) Amounts of sea. Direction of seas. Relationship between wind velocity and state of sea. B. Swell. (1) Amount of swell. (2) Direction of swell. C. Local sea and swell conditions (optional). 33. Sea Water Characteristics. A. Surface and subsurface temperature. (1) Seasonal variation of surface temperature. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Horizontal distribution. Temperature range. Ice. Relationship between sea and air temperatures. Fog. (2) Variation of temperature with depth. B. Surface and subsurface salinity. (1) Seasonal variation of surface salinity. (a) (b) (c) Horizontal distribution. Salinity range. Electrical conductivity. (2) Variation of salinity with depth. C. Density. (1) Horizontal distribution of surface density. (2) Variation cf density with depth. (5) Use of density gradients by submarines. Approved For Release 2002/06/11 :' A-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 RESTRICTED D. Acoustic conditions. (1) Seasonal variation. (2) Variation with depth. (3) Background noise. E. Transparency and color of water. (1) Transparency. (2) Color. 34. Bottom Sediments. A. Characteristics of sediment types. B. Horizontal distribution. 35. Biological Factors. A. Algae (seeweeds). B. Bioluminescence ("phosphorescence"). 36. Principal Sources. Brief. A full summary of thechapter giving essential facts, to be included in Chapter I. The most important maps and illustrations may be re- peated in Chapter I, and reference to them should be included in the text material. Approved For Release 2002/06/1'1 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 Approved For Release 20bWb6/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A0003 OUTLINE GUIDE FOR JANIS COASTS AND LANDING PLACES LO. Introduction.. General explanation of chapter organization.- Parts of coast described and basis of selection. References to Plans, Sailing Directions, Port Facilities- chapter, and appropriate charts for information on approaches, an.chorag,es, and dangers to navigation. Problems of nomenclature, Reliability of data.. Scale of bottom gradients. Use of nautical and statute miles. Note on use of past tense for description oC'nava;ational aids. Break-down by major regions or sectors: summary of coasts; summary of beaches (i.nclude summary map or maps on standard Jl-:NIS base). 41. Region or sector. A. Single island or major division of coast: first segment or minor division (if details break-down is warranted). General statement. (1) (2) Coast (concise description of prineipal characteristics, pro- gressing along coastal segment; give for each part of coast a brief general. statement of offs}iors approach and shore features, followed by more complete description of coastal terrain. Treatment to be far less detailed than in sailing directions, as coastal description serves primarily as back- ground for detailed landing place descriptions which follow). Landing places (exclude general coastal description). (a) Single beach. (or group of closely related beaches) or Sin le landi.n? place (or group of closely related land-` ing places other than boaches) (piers, euays, breakwaters, river yanks, low shores, etc.). (b) Single beach or single lacing place (as in (a) above). NOTE: rJhen descriptioh of beach or landing place (a), (h), (c), C tc , i's brief, ontire de,,,crapta.on can be run without subheadings. ',,when description is longer or when several closely related beaches or landing places are described as a unit; f .rt.`ier subdivision can be made under headings 1, r, 3, It, as follows : (Single beach or group of closely related beaches.) 1. Location end extent ( ive locaticn of beach, not of coastal segment; length and shape of beach; location with regard to landmarks and developed areas). 2. Nearshore (deal largely with area shoreward of 5-fathom line; bottom gradient an.d,character of bottom; location and depths of reefs, bars, rocks, shoals, and other dangers; anchorage areas; local conditions of winds, tides, currents, waves axed water temperatures), 3. Character of beach (physical cor:,istency; width; grad- ient; surf and currents; structures such as groins and bulkheads; location of rivers and streams-entering or crossing beach; tidal flats and salt marsh, includ- ing consistency of bottom; local use; local weather peculiarities; sources of water -- potable and non- potable; areas suitable for landings). It. Adjacent terrain and exits. (Topography inland and on flanks of beach; roads, trails, waterways, and cross-country exits; emergency landing places for air- craft; nearest potable water; nearest radio, telephone, and telegraph; telephone, telegraph and power lines; power plants; railroads; habitations). Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 (Single land place or group of closely related landing places other than beaches.) (Refer to Port Facilities Chapter if described there.) 1. Location and extent (give location of landing place, not of coastal. segment; location with regard to landmarks and. developed areas). Ne.rshore (same as for beaches). 3. Nature of landing place (structures,; size and cap acity; surf and currents; local use; local great} er peculiarities; sources of water -- potable and non- potable). la.. Adjacent terrain and exits (same as for beaches). B. Single island or major division of coast: second ,segrlent or minor division (if detailed break-down is warranted). General statement. (1), (2)_, as above. C. Single island or major division of coast; third segment, etc. General statement. (1), (2), as above. Region or sector. Region or sector. Region or sector. Region or sector. Principal sources. A full summary of this chapter, giving essential facts to be included in Chapter I; The most iinportan.t'maps and illustrations may be repeated in Chapter I, and reference to them should be included in the brief. Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 REST TED Approved For Release 2(/06/11: CIA-RDP79-01147A0003REST 8=2` OUTLINE GUIDE FOR JAN15 CHAPTER V CLTy'ATE AND '.EATII M 50. Introduction. Evaluation of material presented in chapter from standpoint of adequacy of records,. General explanation of chapter organization inviting attention to important figures and tables. 51. General Cli.m&tic - Synoptic Regime. A. Brief description of climate and weathe? of area. B. Major climatic controls. C. Synoptic aspects of. climate or Weather. 52. Operational Significance of Climate and Weather. (A concise strategic analysis, with one over-all citation of Topics 53, and 5 for details.) A. Ground operations. B. Air operations. (1) Low level operations. (2) High level operations. (3) Incendiary bombing, (L4) Parachute operations. C. Naval operations. D. Amphibian operations. E. Cheirical warfare. 5~ . Synoptic 11 Types and Forecast Problems. 54. Climate. (Basic climatic data discussed by elements, with chief tables.) A. Precipitation. B. T:perature. C. Humidity. D. Surface wind. E. Sea and swell. F. Upper air wind. G. Cloud. (1) Cloudiness. (2) Ceiling. H. Turbulence and thunderstorms. I. Icing. J. Visibility, fog, haze, dust, smoke. K. Other climatic elements. Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 -9- Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000 - 55. Principal Sources. Brief . A full shim>.-,ry of chapter including essential facts to be included in Chapter I. Graphs :ind tables similar to those in Climatic Information Guide may be included t,,rith brief if desired.. Approved For Release 2002/06/11; CIRDP79-01147A000300030038-2 Approved For Release 2802/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000 OUTLINE GUIDE FOR JAN15 CHAPTER VI PORT F.CILITIE 60. Introduction. (Basis of selection between principal .and secondary ports. Invite attention to chapter organization, important illustrations, etc.). I 61. Principal Ports. A. Name of Port. (Brief description of highli-ght of port.) (1) Harbor (type, customary use, depth, size, shelter). (a) Entrance caar_nel. (b) Anchorage (area, depths, holding ground, number of berths - if possible). (c) Significant hydrographic~ features' (tides, curl ents, etc.). (d) Local weather (ve>y brief treatment as affecting port operations). (2) Landing facilities.' (a) Piers, wharves, and quays (brief summary statement on character, strength, etc., -of facilities followed by description by units in tabular form): 1. Name and location (reference number on map). 2. Owner and operator. 3. Type and us 4 ,. Construction.. 5.. Dimensions and depths alongside (include length of berthing space, width of apron, maximum weight, etc., if available). 6. Transit sheds, 7. Mechanical handling facilities (number, 'type capacity per lift, reach of boom, motive parrer). 8. Rail connection. 9. Capacity for general cargo (tons per day). 10. Facilities for _,tighthandling. 11. Other f 'cilit:Les (specific headings such as: water piped on, oil lines, etc.). 12. Remarks. (b) Other mechanical handling facilities (in tabular form). (c) Harbor craft, (3) Storage facilities. (a) Grain elevators (capacity, type, rate of loading, etc.). (b) Storage warehouses (location, type, railway sidings and truck platforms, capacity, type and character of receiving and shipping appliances). . (c) Supply dumps (location, area, transportation connections). (4) Capacity and clearance. (a) Actual annual traffic (recent peak year, type of traffic, breakdown by major commodities), (b) 'Estimated unloading capacity. (c) Estimated clearance capacity. (d) Facilities for clearing port (railroad, road, water,'etc.). Supplies (brief treatment of availability). (a) Water (source, amount, quality). (b) Oil and gasoline (bunkering capacity, storage tank capacity, stocks). (c) Coal (bunkering capacity, stocks, method and rate of delivery). (d Electricity. (e) Other supplies. _ -11- Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 Oft 4 Approved For Release 2002/06/11: CIA-RDP79-01147AO?q?QQQ3QQg8-2 (6) Repair facilities. (a) Dry docks and marine railways (loc..ution, dimensions, capacity). (b) Floating docks (di.mensions, capacity). (c) NNiarine repair plants (facilities, capacity), 62. Secondary Ports. A. NZane of port. (1) Harbor (location, type, depth, size, shelter; anchorage, weather, tides, number and size of berths). (2) Larding and storage facilities (summary statement and tabular description by piers or quays, including warehouses, supply dumps, harbor craft). (3) Clearance and capacity. ' (4) Supplies (water, oil, coal, electricity, and other.., specifi- cally important to ships). (5) Repair facilities (drydocks, marine railways, repair plants). 63. Principal Sources. (A full suwar r of chapter giving essential facts .for inclusion, in Chapter I.) -12- Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 Approved For Release 2W2/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147AO +(1W -2 OUTLINE OR)""" FOR JANIS T:cAi,!SPORRTATIC"T A'.TD COThTU?TICATIO'TS 70. Introduction. General statement of scone of Chapter. Invite attention to important illustrative material. A. General. (Pattern and strategic value; administration; track and right- of-way; type of motive power; ballast and standards of roadbed construction; locomotive and rolling stock eq ipment; repair facilities and yards; volume of freight and passenger traffic-, capacity of lines--with existing and additional rolling stock.) D. Individual lines. (Administration; track and right-of-waray; type of motive power; ballast and standards of roadbed construction; locomotive and rolling stock equipment; repair facilities and yards; volume of freight and passenger traffic; capacity of line--with exist- ins- and added rolling stock;; vulnerable points.) 72. Roads and Trails. (Pattern of system; effect of climate and weather; adjacent terrain; weight-axle load--of largest vehicle to use various road types; administration; standards of construction and quality; maintenance facilities; capacity. Description of main roads; repair facilities; `rater, gasoline and, oil available.) 73. Water Transport. A. Coastal and, inter-island water, transport. (Routes both regular and irregular, ports-of-call; frequency of sailings; types of vessels used, native crews.) D. Inland ?rater transport. (Rivers, canals, lakes, lagoons; channels; water sources; traffic; capacity;; hauling facilities; vulnerability.) 74. Radio. A. The radio system (broadcasting stations, administration, reception of broadcasts.) D. Point-to-point communication. C. Cor::mun.ication with aircraft, D. Coi;mmunication with ships. E. List of radio stations. 75. Telegraph. , (Pattern of network and localization' of line;stations; route. ` equipment; local stocks of construction materials; standard of maintenance; .administration; . availability. of trained personnel;: vulnerable features.). V). Telephone .. (Pattern of networks: and localization of lines; trunk lines, rural lines; centrals; route equipment,) 77. Submarine cables. (Part of arrival and farther terminus; administration; equipment; facilities for repair and storage of reserve supplies; present condition; vulnerable features.) 78. Principal Sources. A full summary of chapter giving essential facts to be included in Chapter I. Approved For Release 2002/06/1 t-ltifA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 Approved For Release AA606/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300038-2 R,ST tiTCTED OUTLIT GUIDE FOR JANIS CHAPTER VIII CITIES AND TOWNS O. Introduction. General statement of scope of Chapter giving basis of selection botwe on cities, towns and villages; invite attention to chapter organization, important illustrative material, etc. 81. General Description A. B. C. D. E. Pattern of urban settlement. Degree of urbanizc-,tion. Functions of Citiees and Terms. General characteristics of Cities and Towns in the area. Hajor cities. 82. Description of Cities. A. Name of city -- population. (1) Importance from standpoint of strategic position, trade, population, political significance, etc; (2) Physical characteristics. (a) Relation to surface features. (b) Shape and dimensions. (c) Degree of compactness. (d) Differentiated sections -- commercial, residential., industrial, etc. (o) Stroot plan. (f) Chief open spaces. (3) Means of access. (4) Buildings. (5) Billeting facilities. (6) Internal transportation.. (7) Repair and service facilities. (8) Public utilities. (9) Warehouses and storage. (10) Health and sanitation facilities, (11) War damage estimate. B. Name of city ?l to 11 as 82A). C . Name of city, etc. (1 to 11 as in 2A) . 83. Description of Towns. (Use outline for cities for basic description insofar as practical). 84. Description of Native Villages. Typos of villages (or other rural settlement) by regions.': v5. Principal Sources. Brief , A full summary of chapter giving essential facts for inclusion in Chapter I. Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 Approved For Release 2006066/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A00030003Q 2ICTED OUTLINE GUIDB FOR JANIS CRAPTER IX RRSOURC:,S AND TR4DE Note on General Organization: Treat topics for area as a whole, with sub- division b-r islands (and prefectures) within tonics wherever si;nificant. 90. Introduction. General statement of scope of chapter, invite attention to important illustrations, etc. 91, Food Resources. A. Agriculture. . (Type and location of farming areas and production by islands including livestock, time of planting and harvesting, and methods of cultivation, annual regional surplus, marketing (local), recent production trends. Same on non-food crops. B. Fisheries. (Production, equipment, ports and facilities for edible fish. Note poisonous 'fish.) 0. Processing, refrigeration and storage. (location, equipment, capacity, etc.,) 92. Water Supply. A. Natural availability by islands or groups of islands. B. Developed. sources (location, type, capacity, quality), adapt- ability to military water supply equipment, vulnerability*. C. Distribution, use and storage (for each island.). 93. Construction Materials. (Location, distribution, reserves, ownership, quality, .and quantity of Brood., stone, clay, sand, gravel, lime, cement' stone, etc.; Wood is construction wood. only. Give locations of forests; savrmills, and data reardinE fire hazards. 94. Industrial Ratr.. T,iaterials and Primary Processing. ' A. General. (Cha'racterization'of area's position :r.s-exporter or net user of industrial raw materials, labor problems in mining and agriculture in general.) B. Minerals, (Location, production and trends, stocks and storage facili- ties, distribution. by type' and location of use, reserves, mining methods, power-water-fuel requirements, labor avail- ability and quality, vulnerability to sabotage and bombing of; iron and alloy metals; non-ferrous metals; asbestos, sulfur, etc.) C. Fuel (coal, firewood only and petroleum). (Sources, quantity, stacks and storage facilities, distribu- tion by type and location of use, ownership, labor availability, fire hazard in forests.) D. . Agricultural. and marine materials. (Sources- amount, quality, producing areas, stooks and storage facilities,. possibility of expanding production, distribution by type and location of use,) Approved For. Release 2002/06/1.415CIA-RDP79-O1147A000300030038-2 Approved For Release 2002/06/11: CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 RES` "'D ICTED 95. Manufacturing Plants. A. Goneral. (Characterization of industry of area as a whole, relation as consumer or source of material to rest of Japan; labor problems in manufacturing in general.) B. List by products: C. (Location, physical description, production and trends, raw etc. materials used, destination of final product, power-vrater- fuel requirements, labor quality and availability, nature of government controls and subsidization, vulneraability to sabotage and bombing and reparability, usefulness to invading forces.) 96. Electric Power (by islands). A. Generation. (Breakdown data between public use plants and private industrial plants.) Location, type, vulnerability; capacity in k.rr., k.v.a. or h.p., and size; X.7.H. output; current charr.cterisfiics; transmission, distribution, and area served; operator; source of rdpla cemont parts. B. Transmission and consumer distribution. Type of current; types of plugs and ap ll a^cos; (souxce of power); transformer and substations; transr:iscion--overhead or underground; pourer consumed in K.W.H.; loa.ds--maximum recorded and totals connected in k.w.; principal use; avail- able surplus power. 97. Commerce. A. Flow of trade (Cormnodities,_ ori.;ins, anc? destinations B. Wholesale and retail trade. (Size of outlets,. stocks and turnover; ovmership and control; :cost' and profit :factors affecting prices.) 9C. Finance. (Currency and coinage (note issue); chocks and other financial instruments--brief description; orei n exchange rates and value of yen; brief description of banking system. 99. Principal Sburces. Brief. A full summary of the Chapter giving essential facts for inclusion in Chapter, I. Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 Approved For Release 2b*1/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300038-2 OL'TLI:.~ GUiD1 ~;F'01t -TANIS CHAPTER X PEOPLE AND GOVltai.N ENT ____ (Tn Ares. only . ~. 100. InTG,roduction. General statement as to scope of Chapter. 101. Population Physical Characteristics. 102. Population - Cultural Characteristics and Social Conditions. 103. Suitability of Inhabitants for Labor. (Energy, skill, reliability, attitude, strength, etc.). 104. Governmental Organization (Local). 105. Security and Public Order. 106. Political Factors. 107. Principal Sources. Brief. . A full. summary of Chapter, giving essential facts for inclusion in Chapter 1. --17- Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 1 Approved For Release 2W1/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A0003000 38-2 RESTRICTED OUTLI1TE GUIDE FOR JANIS CHAPTER XI HEALTH AND SANITAT ION 110. Introduction. (An evaluation of material presented in Chapter from stand- point of adequacy of medical records. 111. Environment. A. Water. D. Waste disposal. C. Animals. Vectors of disease. Dangerous animals. Pests. E. Food. 112. Public Health and Medical Facilities. A. Public health organization. B. Hospitals and medical institutions. C. r'edical personnel (in broadest sense -- dentists, Veterinarians, etc.). D. Social service agencies. 113. Diseases. A. Diseases of military importance. (1) (2) B. Diseases of potential military importance. (1) Endemic diseases. (2) Disease i,~1hich may be introduced. C. Diseases of minor military importance. D. Diseases common among civil population. E. Miscellaneous diseases. 114. Recommendations (in order of importance). 115. Principal Sources. Brief A full summary of chapter giving essential facts for inclusion in Chapter 1. -18- Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 RESTRI Approved For Release 21/06111 : CIA-RDP79-01147A0003000 38-2 OUTT. UI GUIDE FOR JAMS .CHAPTER XII DEFENSES 120. Introduct iot. Statement of scope of Chapter indicating its organization and content. Invite attention to important illustrations, etc. 121. Organization of Army and Navy defense forces. A. Administration. B. Tactics. C. Normal disposition of forces (material and personnel). D. Labor battalions (non-combat). 122. Supply and I:Iaintenance. A. Depots. (Name, location, capacity and general description of supply and maintenance depots.) B. Supply routes. (1) Overland. (2) Waterways. 123. Fixed Fortifications. (Include map overlay.) (List the defended ports and isolated landing beaches according to name, each a lettered sui>.topic, and under each show the available information under 15 sub-paragraphs as follows.) (1) Coast defense batteries. Marie of hattdry. Number of guns (disting'.ished between gzuzs, howitzers, and mortars). Caliber of guns. Exact model of guns. Exact location of emplacements. Detailed description of emplacements. Camouflage. Protection for gun and crew. Detailed description of guns. Maximum range. Effective range. Type of loading . Rate of fire. Rate of traverse. Types of projectiles available. Color of dye of projectiles assigned to each gun. Number of men in each gun crew. Replacement crews available. Ammunition dump, its exact location, and protection. Method of bringing ammunition to guns. Arc of fire of guns. Landmarks to identify battery from seaw~a.rd. Location and detailed description of base and stations, OP's, rangefinders, directors, plotting rooms and searchlights. Method of communication with guns. Local defenses. AA guns. Machine uns, trenches, wire entangleients. Personal weapons of crew. Places of the battery in the general organization of coast artillery. Total number of men in the administrative battery. (2) Er laced field artillery ba.tterj.os. Same information required as for (1) above, with appropriate modifications. Railway artillery which could be emplaced along a coast is to be described under this heading. Approved For Release 2002/06/11'1IA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 PON, 'a Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A0 W6d%6?8-2 (3) (4) (5) Medium AA batteries. Same information required as for (1) above, with appropriate modifications. Maximum and effective vertical and horizontal ranges. Air warm .sZstems. Lookout stations and equipment. Radar installations. Corununication systems. Reaction to alerts. Miacel1.r.Anus. Barrage balloons. Submarine detector equipment. Smoke generating apparatus. Beach patrols and observation posts. 124. Potential Defonso Areas (include map overlay). Repeat sub-topics under 123 as applicable. 125. Bibliography. A full summary of Chapter, giving essential facts, for inclusion only in Chapter I. Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 Approved For Release 2'S9606/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300~YA>-ED 4UTLINE GUIDE FOR , JANIS CHAPTER XIII NAVAL FACILITIES 130. Introduction. Statement of scope of chapter indicating its organization and content. Invite attention to important. illustrations, etc. 131. Organization (position in Japanese organization). A. Administration. R. Tactics (as applicable). C, Normal disposition of forces (ships and personnel within area). 132. Supply and VAintenance.. A. Depots. (Name, location, capacity and general description of supply and maintenances depots.) B. Repair facilities; including repair ships. (Class, anchorage, capacity and general descritpion of repair ships or tenders usually stationed in area. C. Supply Wautes (to .and in area)., 133. Naval Basel and Stations (include map overlay showing these). List the bases and stations according to name, each a lettered subtopics and under each show the available 'information under the numbered paragraphs as follows: A. Name of station, (1) General description sketches, photographs, maps, etc., showing location, arrangement and extent. (2) Harbor (type of harbor and nature of port, indicating depth, size, shelter, character of coast, customary use and arrangement.) (3) Entrance channel. (4) Anchorages (area, depths, holding ground,. landmarks). (a) Outer harbor. (b) Inner harbor. (5) Significant hydrographic features (tides, currents, sea, swell, etc.). (6) Unloading facilities (general description of strength, character and capacity of piers, wharves, quays and other facilities). (a) -escription of a unit (or pier). (Here include a table, showing by units (No. and location) (Type and use) (Dimensions and depths alongside, including length of berthing space) (Transit sheds, or other stowage) (Cranege, including number, type, capacity reach and motive power) (Rail or road connections) (Capacity for general cargo) (Facilities for night handling) (b) Description of another unit. (Subtopics as under (a),). (c) Description of another unit. (d) Description of other units or beaches. (7) Other cranage (including floating). Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 -- 21 - Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RD P79-01147A000300030 131.. (8) Warehouses, storage facilities, supply dumps. (a) Warehouses (including capacity, type and reach of appliances railroad sidings and truck platforms, type and capacity of receipt and snipping appli- ances). (b) Supply dumps (including areas suitable for dumps, indicating location, area and transportation facilities). (9) Other unloading places (including beaches, sub- merged vessels, etc,). (lf?) Harbor craft. (11) Facilities for clearing port. (a) Railroad. (b) Road - type of paving; width, etc. (c) Water. (d) Other. (12) labor. (a) Organized battalions. (b) Native labor. (13) Capacity. (a) Estimated daily unloading. (b) Estimated daily loading. (14) Supplies availability. (a) 'dater (source, amount, quality, servicing). (b) Oil and gasoline (bunkering and stordge tank capacity, stocks, servicing). (c) Coal (bunkering capacity, method and rate of delivery, stocks, servicing). (d) Construction materials. (Concrete aggregate, lumber, etc.). (e) Electricity. (15) Repair facilities. (a) Drydocks (location, dimensions, capacity). (b) Marine railways (location, dimensions, capacity). (c) Marine repair plants and shops (facilities, capacity). (16) Vulnerability. (17) Camouflage. (18) Landmarks to identify from seaward. Potential Naval Bases and Stations (include map overlay). (Repeat subtopics under 123 as applicable). '135. Bibliography. Brief (A full sunary of chapter, giving essential facts, for inclusion in Chapter 1). Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 22 -- Approved For Release 2002/06/11 : CIA-RDP79-01147A0003000 0 OUTLINE GUIDE FOR TAMS CHAPTER XIV AIR FACILITIES 110. Introduction. Statement of scope of chapter indicating its organization and content. Invite.a#tention to important illustrations, etc. 141. Organization. A. Administrative (if 'available), B. Tactical (if available). C. Normal, disposition of forces, aircraft and personnel (if available). D. Labor battalions, non-combAtant, (if available). 142. Supply and Maintenance, A. Depots (name,.Iocatiog. capacity. and general description of supply and maintenance depots). B, Supply routes. 143. Airfields (detailed description, by sketches, photographs and tabulated data as applicable). A. Name of airfield. (:1) General description (local position, coordinates, elevation, runway directions and dimensions, estimated operational capacity, number of revetments, dispersal facilities), (2) Facilities, a. Fuel storage and servicing, b. Night operation. c. Rep::.,.ir.nd storage facilities for aircraft, engines and instruments. (3) Field condition. a. Runways, material used in construction, condition, slope, hazards. b. Field, (1) General condition, including drainage, type of soil, condition in rainy season, possibility c't enlarge- ment. (4) Permanent defenses (include ammunition dumps), 13, ' Name of airfield (1 to 3 as in 143 A). 144. Landing Grounds .(detailed description, by sketches, photographs and tabulated data as applicable).., A. Name of landing ground. (1) General description. Local position, coordinetesr elevation, dimensions, estimated operational capacity, dispersal facilities. (2) Facilities - whatever available. (3) Field condition - Surface, slope, drainage, hazards, possi- bility of enlargement. (4) Defenses (include ammunition dump). 145. Possible landing sites - consider terrain, nearness to transportation and communication facilities, location, availability of construction materials. Approved For Release 2002/06/11 EIA~--RDP79-01147A000300030038-2 pproved For Release 2002/06/11: CIA-RDP79-01147A00030 146. Seaplane st