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Document Release Date: 
September 8, 2005
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Publication Date: 
April 24, 1981
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PDF icon CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010010-3.pdf151.45 KB
SECRET Approved For-Release 2005/12/01: CIA-RDP93B01194000070001001 2 4 Ai %~ 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence VIA: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence FROM: Max Hugel Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: Certification of the Need for Extension of Classification on Documents Systematically Reviewed and Processed during the Years 1978 and 1979 1. Executive Order 12065, which became effective 1 December 1978, requires that all classified documents determined to be permanent in nature be reviewed as they reach 20 years of age in order to determine whether the classification originally placed thereon should be continued, modified or removed. The order provides that classification may be extended in ten year increments (in some cases longer) if the head of the agency producing the document personally certifies that a document must remain classified in order to protect national security interests. 2. The Agency has developed a centralized classification review program in order to perform the review mentioned above and to recommend for your approval and certification the extension of classification on those documents where it is found that classification should be extended. The review program is the responsibility of the Classification Review Division (CRD), Office of Information Services, DDA. CRD officers who review the documents and make recommendations with respect to classification are of the journeyman analyst grade with extensive Agency experience. They make their determinations in accordance with the classification guides adopted for each of the Directorates, as well as guidance received from the Information Security Oversight Office, the National Archives and Records Service, and guidelines developed within CRD. The major reasons for retaining classification are protection of: (a) intelligence sources, methods, and activities (names of agents and covert employees, tradecraft, organizational data, collection methods, analytical methodology, etc.),; (b) foreign government information, including liaison relationships; (c) information that would endanger the conduct of foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States; and (d) cryptology. 3. CRD has established an ADP system called Declassification and Review (DARE) in which all review recommendations are recorded. This system Unclassified when Approved For Release 2005/12/01 : CIA-RDP93B01194R00070001 6o1pgin.ted from Attachment. SECET Approved ForQelease 2005/12/01SEC-R& 3B0l1 000700010010-3 is designed to be your record of those documents you certify as requiring extension of classification. During the years 1978 and 1979, 205,863 documents were reviewed and recorded in the DARE system. Of these, it is felt that 188,534 documents require extension of classification, generally at the CONFIDENTIAL level, to protect the following: Sources and methods Foreign government information Foreign relations Cryptology Other The remaining 1,207 documents require protection at the CONFIDENTIAL level pending review coordination with other agencies. We are attaching for your perusal a random sampling of these documents taken from a variety of record groups. 4. For the classification to be extended on those documents reviewed by CRD as mentioned above and on which recommendations have been made for the extension of classification, the Executive Order requires that you certify the need for such extension. Your certification can be accomplished by signing- the attached Memorandum for the Record. This procedure has been approved by the Office of General Counsel. 5. It is recommended that you certify the need for classification extension as discussed in this memorandum by signing the attached certificate. /5/ Mix Huge! Max Hugel Attachment : 1. Certification of Classification Extension 2. Sampling of Documents SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/12/01 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010010-3 2 SECRET Approved For'Release 2005/12/01: CIA-RDP93B0l 1 X000700010010-3 SUBJECT: Certification of the Need for Extension of Classification on Documents Systematically Reviewed and Processed during the Years 1978 and 1979 Distribution: Original - DCI (To be returned to DDA/OIS/CRD), w/atts. 1 - DCI, w/Att. #1 1 - DDCI, w/Att. #1 1 - ER, w/Att. #1 1 - OGC, w/Att. #1 1 - DDA Subject, w/Att. #1 - DDA Chrono, w/Att. #1 w%Af-t. #1 1 - CRD/OIS, w/Att. #1 DDA/OIS/CRD (31 March 1981) Approved For Release 2005/12/01 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010010-3 SECRET Approved FoYaRelease 2005/12/01: CIA-RDP93B011M00070001001-M--- The Director Central intelligence Agency 2 9 APR 1981 SUBJECT: Certification of Classification Extensions Recorded in the DARE System I hereby certify that the classification extensions resulting from the systematic review provisions of Executive Orders 12065 and 11652 and recorded in the Declassification and Review (DARE) system during the years 1978 and 1979 are necessary for the protection of the national security interest of the United States of America. I am cognizant of the nature of the review process and reasons for continued classification, and I have personally reviewed a sampling of the documents involved. William J. Casey William J. Casey Approved For Release 2005/12/01 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010010-3