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Document Release Date: 
September 23, 2005
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Publication Date: 
December 1, 1975
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PDF icon CIA-RDP91-00901R000700080010-5.pdf168.96 KB
STAT Approved For Release o&5/11/28: CIA-RDP91-009 i)ECE MBEH 1975 to undermui :'Ieft_st :;parties -and eation:dut ruoverrl nts.. and -tiltiniateiy _to overthraty` governmen ts. tl roughout 'the 0-i S ptc' bee 11;' 1973, bared of _ right-wing generals; overt~'~reWt e papulasIv ?lect ed sot list .g rernnie t ; o Chileaniesident Salvador _All cle .and set in.mot=.on an -unprecedented reign of .terror. . .,The. "events I, tiding to ilie.. 'ha'd- marched banglgg.. rots 'a.,nd pans in protest; of,'. Alieede's",economic measures,. and on tlie1 eve of ? tl e oitp, the? country vias-virtua!iy,par alyzed by _a strike o muck: owners - ` ~x,?e ' o 'know th r the United States goverrlr ea nut only Iraked appro --drt the :coup itself bu:. nanced tnz tr:. k t -ers' -strike and 'theso cY of the Pots 2s, evil. _.. _; Yost, of. . outer r. pates r---- : of k.'zich?;apcated .at =e ti:i spontaneous s CLV e;;,tprr Wdtrain E Colby; t e -I ant whnse Sency diet ios of tae ftn:lact-tg,::bas Z~.r3 the U S. 'contributio --to !Al--~~ lende's downfall 'as pouay -of "destabilization."::D to bilization is twice".as-many syllables as It* takes 'to' sad suh-: ;version.,, ut is' not different in other sigui.iic nt ways :: h,is poticy as ,yen as -plans to ;:assarrsinate certain Latin ;leaders- -had. been .?de-- velaped in a.-session of a top-.. `strcret-? war: ',game- known; to classified Washington as'. o- :LITICA. The, gai:ne .makes :it 'possible f orAmericart counter= insurgency experts to think viorki : It is iry trtiei that Pei ITI CA >,.vas'used:toplan the c ntp? in Chile,,.". says Daniel : beI Solar; .the social scientist?who' designed tb project;_ while:: :v orking .-for- a Massachusetts:. think tank. called AbC;.r'lsso- ciates.._ zmce tail of.this by.' - extension: of. the- fact, tbat;the sum was paid` ar Iby th De,- war. ce -Department] When a .. ls-planted every-instra examined and,tested The-liews fr in CliUe.-seemed too.faatiiiar to ixte flies are the- kind; .of events: that'are the 1St'of z oLrricA" ... Far=7;15 years, the-,United -States,has be:.u secretly -inthe busidess of exporting coun.ter revolution to those Latin . American `and Asian nations where nationalists, l~f Lists and"' other apparntly anti.A.m r? car elements"nave. gained in.. -strength : and_popalan'ty \'ire :have expo, red s r kes, riots torture,; kidnaping and .tssas sination-=an tlirng in : fact, -'.that is likely, to. result in strife -. in-the victim nation ??The ' strategy . was forme- lated . in.::the early. ,Sixties, when -. John '. F Kennedy brought 'to Washington, such.- men as Walt.-W.. Rostov, -an MIT.: professor. and interne'-. tional-affairs expert.- Rostov . perceived_ that . communism was spreading: around-: the - glob?by means of,.guerrilla wars of:: national .1 liber"n6ow other;Kenreey advisors: were was to creat-e a`.U g-Army TMr''{in~,' ransc'at the old :Et Special.-Fore s b-zrich--.n ser~5ew r Adnuntstratuon pal Green Berets--that woew,d go idles o ,brinl.manshlp and o tee slug _Jung lzand it Massive retaliation-:--whereby ou tr-_~c to -tree -With peasant every . p- tty ore~nz? ~ri .5 terse sts ign Qrt. seen;: to .lean tutimatel5 . ~o second z., uatt,e