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SECRET Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 FFICE OF aT" w-N r~ A ~1 0 E IC~S . ! a r~ J PROGRAM SUBMISSION FY 1976 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 CONTENTS Page Tab I. Resource Packages: No. 1 - Office of the Director 1 No. 2 - Support Division 7 No. 3 - Selection Processing Division 14 No. 4 - Clinical Division 20 No. 5 - Psychiatric Staff 26 No. 6 - Psychological Services Staff 32 No. 7 - Operations Division 40 No. 8 - Field Support Staff 45 Resource Package Summary (Exhibit D) Resource Package Detail (Exhibit D1) II. Interrelationships of the Resource Packages III. Relative Priority of the 10% Decremental Changes IV. Suggested Priority for Increases for Unprogrammed Activities V. Additional Resources Projected for FY 76 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 T Resource Packages Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 200348 P24,,~-GIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Resource Package No. 1 requirements. Medical Systems Development Officer Identification Package Name Office of the Director Directorate M&S Component OMS Organizational Unit Office of the Director .Purpose and Description of Activity Development, direction and control of the Agency medical program. In support of PL 79-658, PL 81-110,1 and plans and develops OM.S ADP systems in coordination with the OMS divisions and staffs and OJCS. Total for Resource Package: 8 staff, $310,000. The OMS behavioral and social sciences (BSS) effort is also an activity of the O/D/MS. This seeks to place at the disposal of Agency management the insights, skills and other assistance available from the behavioral and social sciences. ($50,000). OMS Development Complement and funding for External Training is also part of the O/D/MS ($6,000). Relevant Objectives (DCI and DD only) Funds for FY 75/76 A5 7?01. Develop OMS systems for costing methodology applicable to users of Oi?IS services EXHIBIT Al est) Man-Years Lest Approved For ReleasS , 1 24 : CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/01J24. i LCJ~4-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 ? Relevant Objectives (DCI and DD only) Funds (est) Man-Years (est for FY 75 76 A67201 Have priority MAP systems agreed to between OJCS and OIS B57201 Accept 4 to 6 requests for .BSS assistance from Agency components B57204 Assure that present fluid nature of behavioral norms in society are appropriately considered in selection of new employees B57205 Arrange for CIA Management $20,000 Committee to examine certain aspects of the Agency's subculture B57207 If appropriate, develop plans for conversion to the metric systems within 6 months of Congressional enactment *Development of costing methodology will be directed by the O/DMS but it is not possible to estimate the man-years required no funds other than certain fr actiunal staff salaries' will be required. Costs for the several BSS objectives will primarily involve the services (and travel) of Independent Contractor Consultants. Plans for conversion to metric system would be developed by O/DMS; fractional man-years required impossible to determine at this time. Approved For Release 2096 CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003M/24 rte-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Outputs & Customers/Recipients . Outputs are planning and management services. Recipients, through the Agency medical program, are Agency personnel in general, certain dependents, and, through various OMS specialized activities, certain elements of the Intelligence Community and the Executive Branch. Output of the OMS BSS effort is professional assistance to Agency managers, on request, in various personnel./managerial areas where BSS insights and skills might be helpful. These activities are not readily susceptible to productivity measurement. SECRET Approved For Release 2003/01/214 : CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Exhibit CI Resource Package Name Office of the Director Reasons for Significant Changes in Resource Levels A. FY 75 compared with FY 74: Planned continuing development of the BSS program requires additional fees ($7,000) and additional travel ($8,000) for consultants. B. FY 76 compared with FY 75: None. Reprogramming of FY 75 Congressional Budget Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources Requested for FY 75 A. Ceiling Reduction of one (1) position would mean the elimina- tion of the position of Special, Assistant to the Director of Medical Services (Pos. No. 0177, GS-13). This would raise the serious question, which we are presently unable to answer, as to who would perform the voluminous medical chart screening duties now performed by SA/DMS. These screenings are in excess of 3,000 charts annually and E " Approved For Release 20b3/&1/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 -.4- Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 r-T E involve such significant matters as key assignments, White House and NSC details, and Congressional and Special Interest cases. SA/DMS is the OMS Statistician and coordinates OILS activities relating to Personnel Evaluation Boards, CIA Retirement Boards, etc. It would seem therefore that if his position were eliminated a host of medical administrative duties would inevitably devolve on the D/HIS and the DD/MS, with a resulting compromise of the effort these two professionals now devote to the professional aspects of directing the Agency medical program. B. Funds : $34,000 reduction would be accounted for as follows: GS-13 (cf par A above) $28,000 BSS activity 6,000 $34,000 Impact of reduction of $6,000 in the BSS activity would mean that this activity would not become fully operational in FY 75. Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources Requested for FY 76 Essentially the same as such a reduction for FY 75: the SA/DMS would be eliminated and the $36,000 funds reduction would be accounted for by this and by a reduction of $8,000 in the BSS activity. Impact of this latter would be that the BSS would not be maintained at the fully operational pace planned for FY 75. SECRET Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 -S- - Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003f f Exhibit t2 f-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Resource Package No. 2 Identification Package Name Support Division Directorate M&S Component OMS Organizational Unit Support Division Purpose and Description of Activity Overall mission of the Support Division (SD).is to provide administrative, finance, logistical and services support to the OMS. This includes the following activities: Direction Registrar Activity Services Activity Personnel Activity Supply Activity TOTAL . and contract) fan-year (staff Relevant Objectives (DCI & DD Only) for FY 75/76 Outputs _.& Customers/Recipients Registrar activity enables the Agency to meet a statutory requirement for the maintenance of employee health records and provides administrative support to OMS professional elements in the various medical processing activities. 25X9 Approved For Release 'hdIA-RDP78-05343AO001 Approved For Release 200F/~1(2k jlA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Services activity provides all non-professional services for the OMS. Preparation of the OMS budget and direction of all OMS fiscal matters are also functions of this activity. Personnel activity directs the Agency medical recruit- ment effort and administers the assignment and reassignment of all SD:MM personnel. Supply activity provides medical logistical support to all Agency elements and technical guidance to the''Office of Logistics. Certain Registrar activities in support of the MPT/PHE Program may be susceptible to productivity measurement.. These will be considered in FY 1975 along with the MPT/PHE Program. CR Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 -8- L::Ln1Dlt ~2 Approved For Release 2 ~Wi: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Division Reasons for Significant Changes in Resource Levels A. FY 75 compared with FY 74 $15,000 expenditure $13,000 ment of the $15,500 15,500 11,500 $27,000 Rental of Xerox machine (replaces 2 obsolete copying machines) 3,000 TOTAL INCREASE: 3 Contract Employees and $30,000 DECREASE: The $13,000 for IPS equipment for FY 75 is a non-recurring item. Reprogramming of FY Congressional Budget None Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources Requested for FY 75 A. Ceiling B. FY 76 compared with FY 75 Increase: 3 contract employees: Restoration of 2 employees for MPT/PHE/IPS support 1 'Contract employee for MEDSIGN support, GS-07 decrease; In FY 74 there was a non-recurring for the expansion of the OMS Medical Chartroom. increase for equipment for the planned develop- OI\1S Information Processing System (IPS). decrease because of reduction in FY 75 contract ceiling: 2 clerical positions in Registrar in support of the MPT/PHE/IPS effort. TOTAL DECREASE: $17,500 Approved For Release 200aQ:A-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 200 1% F C IA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Reduction of one (1) position (Records Clerk, GS-04) in the Registrar would leave this vital activity without a Records Clerk at a time when a second Records Clerk has been recommended for the Registrar by records authorities. A redistribution of duties, presently undetermined, would be necessary. B. Funds $28,000 reduction would be accounted for as follows: Records Clerk, GS-04 (cf par A above) $ 8,000 Medical Records System Contract Cancellation 20,000 $28,000 The cancellation of thel vould preclude 25X1A further development of the OMS IPS which in turn involves the MEDSIGN and CLINSTAT programs. Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources for FY 75 Essentially the same as such a reduction for FY 75 with an additional $1,000 (for FY 76) being reduced from certain contractual services agreements. Advantages of Increasing Resources for FY 75 It would clearly be advantageous if the two contract employees originally planned for the SD for the continued develop- ment of the OMS IPS were made available. The non-availability of these two positions (because of the reduction of OMS contract ceiling in FY 75 to FY 74 authorization 25X1A Approved For Release 20W,CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 -10- 25X1A Approved For Release 2003 tf RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 that the IPS will not develop at the planned pace. This in turn will mean a slower development of the OMS input to the MEDSIGN pro ect a art of ~ 7 ( P the MAP) and delayed development of r the CLINSTAT project (OMS internal clinical processing support). The two positions required and therefore requested as a worth- while activity are: 1 Contract employee (Clerk). GS-04 $ 7,750 1 Contract employee (Key Punch Operator), GS-04 7,750 TOTALS: 2 Contract employees and $15,500 Approved For Release 2003L?'A-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Exhibit A., Approved For Release 2003/01/ S,~~C1rf7P78-05343A000100010002-4 Resource Package No. 3 Fdentification Package Name Selection Processing Division Directorate M&S Component OMS Organizational Unit Selection Processing Division Purpose and Description of Activity Overall mission of the Selection Processing Division (SPD) is to establish and maintain an initial medical selection program and a dependent medical program for the Agency. This includes the following activities: Direction Clinical Activities Psychiatric Screening Activities Relevant Objectives (DCI and DD Only) for FY 75/76 None Outputs & Customers/Reci Tents Outputs are services such as the following: Initial medical evaluations (pre-employment or EOD) for Agency employees Medical evaluations and imm,nizations for dependents accompanying employees on overseas assignment and return 25X9 Approved For Release 2003/011DP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343.A000100010002-4 Sick call and emergency medical treatment for employees in the Rosslyn area Conduct of the MPT/PHE and Annual/Executive examinations for employees in the Rosslyn area Certain SPD activities, such as its role in the MPT/PHE program, are susceptible to productivity measurement and will be studied as part of the general productivity evaluation of this program in FY 75. Approved For Release 2003/08C - DP78-05343A000100010002-4 T. Q Approved For Release 2003/0t24e: Pl DP78-05343AGGOi1OOG0:lWR2-4 Resource Package Name Selection Processing Division Reasons for Significant Changes in Resource Levels A. FY 75 compared with FY 74 None B. FY 76 compared with FY 75 A $7,000 increase is projected to provide rental equipment and specialist services to permit the introduction of Xerography as a routine diagnostic procedure in SPD screening of all females, including dependents. This is a valuable technique used in leading medical centers for the early detection of cancer and other diseases. It is well worth the modest monetary outlay involved. $4,600 is;~also required in FY 76 for normal increases in IVAE and consultant fees. Reprogramming of FY 75 Congressional Budget Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources Requested for FY 75 A. Ceiling One (1) position deletion necessary in such a reduction would be Secretary-Steno, GS-06 (Pos. No. 0095) in the Psychia- tric Screening Branch. This branch is authorized only one such individt.:a1. and could not function without this position. A major redistribution of duties would therefore be necessary. We are not Approved For Release 2003/ &t RDP78-05343A000100010602-4 ILLEGIB : P78-05343A000100010002-4 r edis Lribution. SPD has in the last 4 years suffered the. loss of 5 positions. Its current bare-bones status is reflected in now having only one (1) staff medical technician assigned, and each time this tech- nician is absent, it is necessary to borrow a technician from elsewhere to keep the selection activity going. This is already a precarious situation for a .division that was called upon to perform 3,775 physical examinations in FY 73. B. Funds $30,000 reduction would be accounted for as follows: 1 Position (cf Par A above) $ 9"000 WAE and Consultant Fees 21,000 $30,000 25X9 Reduction of the WAE and consultant fees would mean less frequent consultant referrals for employees and dependents,: with an inevitable slowing of the selection process and perhaps the non-approval medically of certain individuals where consultation might have resolved the matter satisfactorily. Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources Requested for FY 76 $34,000 reduction impact would be essentially the same as such a reduction in FY 75 with the additional $4,000 (for FY 76) being further reduction in WAE and consultant fees, and greater strain on the clinical integrity of the selection process. SECRET Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 -17 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Advantages of Increasing Resources for FY 75 It would be worthwhile to advance to FY 75 the $7,000 - or Xero ra~phy programmed for FY 76. If Xerography in FY 75 detected only one case of early disease the modest invest- ment would have been worthwhile. Approved For Release 2003fffj - PT RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 200 ?4f24 ?q1A-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 LAi1I%I i A 4. Resource Package No.'4 Identification Package Name Clinical Division Directorate M&S Component OMS Organizational Unit Clinical Division Purpose and Description of Activity Overall mission of the Clinical Division(CD) is to establish and maintain a preventive health program for the. Agency. This includes the following activities: Health Services Diagnostic Activities Immunization ~an-years (staff ntract) Relevant Objectives (DCI and DD only) Funds (est) Man-Years (est) for FY 75/76 B57202 Perform 2,000 MPT/PHE $52,000 3.6 screenings (increase from 1,500 in FY 74) and evaluate results 25X9 B57206 Perform at least 1,000 $41,000 2.2 Annual/Executive Physical Examinations and reconcile this account- ing with the MPT/PHE Program Approved For Release 24 1PQ CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01 /24 1 78-05343A000100010002-4 Outputs Customers/Recipients Outputs are services such as the following for Agency employees: Medical evaluations Diagnostic studies Immunization and prophylaxis Occupational health Emergency medical treatment Consultative services Advisory assistance in medical intelligence production, Certain CD activities are susceptible to productivity measurement. It is planned that the MPT/PHE Program will be subjected to this starting in FY 75. e r., Approved For Release 2003/01/24 j8-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24 8-05343AO09,1pqqt 0002-4 Resource Package Name Clinical Division Reasons for Significant Chaii es in Resource Levels A. FY 75 compared with FY 74: Planned continuing development of.the MPT/PHE Program, increased fee rates for WAE and Consultants, and increases in Covert Examinations require. the following additional resources: Medical supplies and equipment $25,000 WAE and Consultant rate increases 7,500 Covert Examinations 9,000 TOTAL INCREASE: $41,500 B. FY 76 compared with FY 75: $15,000 decrease for non-recurring purchase of X-ray equipment in FY 75. $7,500 increase required for normal increases in WAE and Consultant fees. Reprogramming of FY 75 Congressional Budget None. Approved For Release 2003/01/2 D78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: C ftC U r05343A000100010002-4 cons equences of 10o Reduction in Resources Requested for FY 75 A. Ceiling Reduction of two (2) positions would mean the elimination of the position of a Medical Officer (Pos. No. 0110) and a Secretary (Pos. No. 0163). The impact of this loss would bear on all Clinical Division functions but specifically on Direction and Diagnostic Activities. This would require the elimination of certain less essential clinical activities such as the Annual/Executive Examination Program. An in- evitable decrease in professional support to the new Multiphasic Testing/Periodic Health Examination Program would have an effect on our ability to attain one of our major objectives. Finally, it would place undue stress on the remaining CD sources in the effort to provide high quality clinical medical services to all Agency components and personnel. B. Funds $63,000 reduction would be accounted for as follows: 2 Positions (cf par A above) $43,000 WAE and Consultant Fees 20,000 $63,000 Approved For Release 2003/01/2 Q"78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources Requested for FY 76 $67,000 reduction impact would be. essentially the same as such a reduction in FY 75 with an additional $4,000 (for FY 76) being reduced from WAE and Consultant expenditures as the clinical activities mentioned above were further curtailed. Approved For Release 2003/01/240 M 78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003 / RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Resource Package No. 5 Identification Package Name Psychiatric Staff Directorate MFRS Component OMS Organization Unit Psychiatric Staff Purpose and Description of Activity Overall mission of the Psychiatric Staff (PS) is to establish and -maintain a psychiatric program for the Agency. This includes the following activities: Direction an-years (staff and tract) Clinical Activities Research. Clinical activities involve preventive, diagnostic and consultation services for employees. 25X1 Approved For Release 20S~ .TilA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 25X1 C Approved For Release 20 IA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Research is of the special limited type designed to keep the Agency psychiatric program current, especially in selection techniques. Relevant Objectives (DCI E DD only) for FY 75/76 Outputs & Customers/Recipients Psychiatric evaluations for Agency employees to assure emo- tional suitability Diagnostic and consultative psychiatric services for Agency employees This activity is not readilysusceptible to productivity measure- Approved For Release 200 g I i k-1A-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 25X1 C Approved For Release 2003/ ' (41 -RDP78-05343A0000bb lY)O(' 1-$5 Resource Package Name Psychiatric Staff Reasons for Significant Changes in Resource Level A. FY 75 compared with FY 74 None B. FY 76 compared with FY 75 Increases: 1 Staff Analyst, GS-09 $14,000 1 Contract Analyst, GS-09 14,000 1 Staff and 1 Contract Position and $28,000 Both of these are required in Sp 9tial Activities of PS to permit the proper. development of PS/OMS support to the preparation of studies for publication, The Contract Analyst was approved for PS for FY 75 in the original Congressional Budget but was deleted when the OMS contract ceiling for FY 75 was reduced; this contract position is still required and is accordingly requested for FY 76. $1,800 is also required in FY 76 for normal increases in WWAE and Consultant fees. Total increases are therefore: 1 Staff, 1 Contract Position and $29,800 Reprogramming of FY 75 Congressional Budget None Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources Requested for 1Y 75 A. Ceiling Reduction of one (1) position would mean the elimination 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 200"-1 -RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 of the Clinical Psychologist (Pos. No. 0080, GS-15). This Is a position that was established in. 1952. and from which the Agency's psychiatric screening methods emanated. The original incumbent is still in this position and represents our best potential for continued development of our selection mechanisms for the future. Incumbent also regularly provides psychological testing assistance to the PS psychiatrists and consultants. Elimina- tion of this position would thus for several reasons mean the loss of a basic modality in our Psychiatric Program. B. Funds The above position would account for the necessary funds reduction. ($35,000). Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources Requested for FY. 76 A. Ceiling The new Staff Analyst, GS-09, position programmed for Special Activities for FY 76 would be deleted. This would delay the planned development for PS/OMS efforts in various studies as mentioned above. B.. Funds $35,000 reduction would be accounted for as follows: 1 Staff Position (cf par A above) $14,000 ItiAE and Consultant Fees 21,000 $35,000 25X9 Reduction of $21,000 in WAE and Consultant Fees would Approved For Release 2003/,, . R-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 impact on all PS activities as it would be necessary to curtail the present scope of the efforts in various special studies as well as postpone the planned expansion of these efforts. Advantages of Increasing Resources for FY 75 It would be worthwhile if the Contract :Analyst, GS-09 ($13,000) position originally approved in the FY 75 Con- gressional Budget (but deleted when the OMS contract ceiling was reduced) were restored for FY 75. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 204& TCIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 ~T r00t 010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP71-05343A0' RESOURCE PACKAGE No. 6 T.7.,nnt4 fiction Package Name Psychological Services Staff Directorate M&S Component OMS Organizational Unit Psychological Services Staff Purpose and Description of Activity Overall mission of the Psychological Services Staff (PSS) is to establish and maintain a program of psychological support services for the Agency. This includes the following activities: Direction an-years (staff/contract) Assessment Activities Testing Activities I I 25X9 Special Activities Research TOTALS PSS provides, for all components of the Agency, a program of assessment, testing, counseling, consulting, and research services in the area of human behavior, having as its primary objective the improvement of the Agency's utilization of human resources. Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 -32- 1 , an .r A dvl6a 1`oi 1116ase 2003701 DD On... I for FY 75/76 ip-RDp 78- 534 A00010Q 1 0 ltznct:` ~~a-`rs (est) B57203 With DD/MU assistance $21,000 0.7 utilize. Assessment Center technique to identify future leaders/ managers in one office (division in the DDO) of each Directorate Outputs V Customers/Recipients Outputs are assessments performed; tests administered, scored, interpreted and reported; employees counseled; consul- tation provided; studies carried out; research performed; lectures and training programs presented. Customers are Agency employees and managers at all levels. The processing of test results to generate reports is, in certain aspects, susceptible to productivity measurement. Study of these aspects has led to the conclusion that pro- ductivity can be enhanced, with better quality control, by the development of a computerized test interpretation and reporting system. Such development is underway, and is treated as an MBO objective scheduled through FY 75. S 111. CR3 E T Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 25X1 B L Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Resource Package Name Operations Division EXHIBIT C7 Reasons for Significant Changes in Resource Levels A. FY 75 compared with FY 74: Decrease of one (.l) staff position, Medical Service Specialist, GS-11 (Pos. No. 0099, $16,000) 25X1 0 is necessary because of the reduction in the OMS personnel authorization in FY 75. B. FY 76 compared with FY 75: None Reprogramming of FY 75 Congressional Budget Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources Requested for FY 75 A. Ceiling Reduction of one (1) position would require deletion of the one Contract Employee authorized since. the staff cadre could not be cut further beyond the FY 75 cut already projected. 25X1 C `: Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20031'i4" i6 A-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 25X1 B . Funds 10% funds reduction could not be effected without further cut of staff personnel since essentially all of the $150,000 funds allocated for OD for FY 75 are for such services. The deletion of the Contract Employee mentioned in A above would account for a $6,000 reduction. Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources Requested for FY 76 A. Ceiling Same as FY 75 above B. Funds Same as FY 75 above E( R Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 -43- Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: C l [ ~8f 05343A000100010002-4 Resource Package No. 8 EXHIBIT A 8 Identification Package Name Field Support Staff Directorate M&S Component OMS Organizational Unit Field Support Staff Overall mission of the Field Support Staff (FSS) is to es- Purpose and Description of Activity tablish and direct the The one activity is as follows: Sub-activities under this include: Central management of the field program, including Direction professional and technical guidance Operation of the OMS cable and dispatch secretariat. Coordination of all OMS support activities directed to Agency field elements. Direction and coordination of medical evacuations. Liaison with other Federal agencies engaged in overseas activities. Relevant 01bjectives (DCI and DD Only) for FY 75/76 None Approved For Release 2003/01/2:1178-05343A000100010002-4 medical program 25X1 25X9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/0 r2 ! 1-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 OUtPULs CUStoIII t:i's/ Reeij)ie1ttS Output is professional medical guidance and assistance to Agency field activities, to include professional direction of Agency medical personnel in the field (e.g., Regional Medical Officers). This activity is normally not readily susceptible to pro- ductivity measurement. During FY 74, however, a statistical study has been undertaken by the FSS concerning the incidence of significant illness reported from Agency activities over- seas. It is possible that this study, when fully developed, will provide certain indications of the effectiveness of health care overseas. Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 -46- Approved For Release 20 / t IA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 EXHIBIT C8 Resource Package Name Field Support Staff Reasons for Significant Changes in Resource Levels A. FY 75 compared with FY 74: None B. FY 76 compared with FY 75: $10,000 increase in travel funds is projected to 25X9 permit Regional Medical Officers to return TDY to the U. S. for short refresher professional training courses at seminars/meetings to be selected specifically for each RMO involved. This modest investment is indicated to help these medical officers maintain their professional currency. Reprogramming of FY 75 Congressional Budget Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources Requested for FY 75 A. Ceiling The 3 employee FSS staff could not sustain a 10% reduction. B. Funds Could not be sustained since all FSS funds are for the ti staff employees. S R C EI Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 -4 -/- Approved For Release 2003/9 N O -RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Consequences of 10% Reduction in Resources Requested for FY 76 A. Ceiling Not possible (cf FY 75 above) B. Funds $10,000 funds reduction could only be effected by deleting the similar amount requested in FY 76 for the refresher training of RMO's. This would be an inappropriate reduction. Advantages of Increasing Resources in FY 75 The $10,000 increase in travel funds for RM0 refresher training is a very worthwhile activity and its provision in FY 75 would be a prudent investment. . Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 -4$- Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Next 9 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/0 M (,~ Ih-2DP78-05343A000100010002-4 II. Interrelationships of the Resource Packages The eight (8) resource packages of the ONIS are closely related activities. They may perhaps be best viewed as three major groupings: (1) Professional Medical Services (CD, SPD, PS and PSS), COD and FSS), and Management Support (O/DMS and' SD) . This, in fact, is how they are accounted for in the official Agency program structure, withth.e OMS itself, of course, a sub-caegory of the Program Wide Category. No OMS element, with the possible exception of the PSS, could operate without the other elements, e.g., the CD and the PS are dependent on the Registrar Branch of the SD for the administrative support necessary for record maintenance and for issuance of dispositions following medical evaluations by those two professional elements. The numerous personnel cuts of the past few years have tended to increase the mutual interdependency of the OMS elements, e.g., during the last four years as SPD lost 30% of its staff positions it has come to depend on the CD for backup personnel support. cRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/61 -RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 III. Relative Priority of the 10% Decremental Changes The OMS personnel authorization cannot be further reduced without serious consequences for the Agency medical program. In compliance with the instructions for this Program Call, however, the 10% decremental changes outlined in the several resource packages are ordered as follows for FY 1975 and FY 1976 (by OMS element and resource the lesser priorities listed first: FY 1975 PSS (No. 6) OD (No. 7) SPD (No. 3) PS (No. 5) O/DMS (No. 1) SD (No. 2) CD (No. 4) package number) FY 1976 FSS (No. 8) PSS (No. 6) OD (No. 7) SPD (No. 3) PS (No. 5) O/DMS (No. 1) SD (No. 2) CD (No. 4) with Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 20 CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 IV Suggested Priorities for Increases for Unprogrammed Activities Increases for unprogrammed activities are included only for FY 1975 in this Program Submission. These are ordered as follows with higher priorities listed first: 1. Contract Employees (4): Support Division (2) $15,500 Psychiatric Staff (1) 13,000 Psychological Services Staff(1) 5,500 2. Regional Medical Officer Travel for Refresher Training (FSS) $10,000 3. Rental for Xerography (SPD) $ 7,000 TOTALS: 4 Contract Positions and $51,000 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05343A000100010002-4