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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 1, 1965
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Approved For Releas /18T05161 oc omumda LJA RFOACKS AREA, USSR CIA/PIR cpy I -q rop .P A r. F Approved For Release 2003105/05: CIA-ROP78TO5161 A000700010033-6 Declass Review by NIMA/DOD 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP78TO5161A000700010033-6 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP78TO5161A000700010033-6 RECORD COPY COPY NO. PUB. DATE LOCATION MASTER DATE RECEIVED LOCATION CUT TO DATE bTV 8 P6TrEF&4ease 2003/05/05: CUT TO DATE COPIES 0 1/72 COPIES L - L DP 78T051'6*AO607.00010033-6 MAXI MUM 1 `~ COPIES DESTROYED CUT TO COPIES DATE CUT TO COPIES DATE CUT TO COPIES DATE MASTER DATE DATE RECEIVED OR ISSUED NUMBER OF COPIES DATE NUMBER OF COPIES M0. DAY YR. REC RECEIVED OR ISSUED D ISS D BAL MO. DAY YR. RECD ISS'D BAL ~' J.. 6- Dist. I: nit '51-60 10 10 - 4 IV 7 Z4- 62 TITLE - C PR - SEC. CLASS. LOCATION X1 FIR 67029 AUG 1965 TS% 25110 ,~25 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP78TO5161A000700010033-6 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP78TO5161A000700010033-6 Approved 00700010033-6 25 September - 65 UE 03 ERRATUM FOR CIA/PIR-67029 The coordinates 53 47N-37 35E on page number one of the Photographic Intelligence Report, Minsk/Machulishche Airfield Barracks Area, USSR, should be changed to read 53 47N-27 35E. .25 25 Approved For Releaa?h Approved i or Releas ? O CIA PIR- 7027 MINSK/MACHULISHCHE AIRFIELD BARRACKS AREA, USSR 53 47N-37 35E 1. Minsk/Machulishche Airfield is located 7.5 nm south of Minsk (53 54N-27 34E). The barracks area (see figure 1 and 2) is located at the east edge of the airfield and is comprised of 132 barracks (33 multi-story, 6 single story, and 93 single story probable officers/dependents quarters), 13 administration buildings, 2 messhalls, 11 storage/service buildings, 44 miscellaneous support buildings, one water tower and one athletic field. 25X 2. The barracks description dimensions and floor space are as follows: ITEMS DESCRIPTION DIMENSIONS NUMBER FLOOR SPACE A Masonry, probable 2 story 25 B C D E F Masonry, probable 2 story Masonry, probable 3 story Masonry, probable 3 story 1 story Masonry, probable 2 story 25 G Masonry, probable 3 story 250 x 65 feet 48,750 sq. ft. H Masonry, probable 2 story I Masonry, probable 2 story 95 x 65 feet 12,350-sq. ft. J Masonry, probable 2 story 25 K 1 story L 1 story 75 x 40 feet 3,000 sq. ft. M 1 story 110 x 45 feet 4,950 sq. ft. N 1 story 25 0 Masonry, probable 2 story 25 Approved For Releala X1 Approvo d For Relea ? O ~1A00070 010033-6 CIA PIR= 7027 ITEM* DESCRIPTION P 1 story ? Q 1 story R 1 story S 1 story *(See Figure 1) DIMENSIONS NUMBER FLOOR SPACE 3. All measurements have been made by the CIA/IAD project analyst and are approximate. They should not be construed as being mensuration data compiled by the NPIC Technical Intelligence Division. Approved For Releal?h A ffm 39 25 25 Approv ed For Rele`OV2 CIA-RDP78TO5161A000700010033-6 /-0 U,S. Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 0168-14HL, 2nd Edition, December 1962 (SECRET) CIA. C-RR5-82,713 CIA/IAD PROJECT 30861-5 Approved For ReI M 1 Approved For-Release2003/05/05.:CIA-RDP78T05461AQ0@7O00t0O33-6--?- TOP SECRET J Approved For Releaap25 : CIA-RDP78T 5161A00070 010033-6 HIFISK ACHULISHC AI MELD BARRACKS AREA, USSR 534 7 1 27-35E 0 li Iu BARRACKS (Figure 2) I ..-'1 ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS MESS HALLS r`-:l STORAGE/SERVICE BUILDINGS I I IISC, SUPPORT BUILDINGS Approved For ReleSQ f f1I 5 : CIA-RDP7 T651W40 0033-6 25 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP78TO5161A000700010033-6 fOP SECRET Approved For Release 2$j0M5S,705161A000700010033-6