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AUGUST 1965 000 ---[ REV OATS/'L-01 -'I OR'a CGEMp _._.___ e / r fi ;;;Tu GLASS ^~ PA Cr '~ ---~-"=' R~~II AB{Iq W . o2~-NExr Rev ~ ~~ J~ iu J + m { m Approved For Reletf A i gh[f DP78-0637OA00 BULLETIN GROUP 1 Bj!(1KI]Di.MTIC Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 54C44 ',a 6"am L ORD, THOU KNOWEST THAT I AM GROW- ING OLDER. KEEP ME FROM BECOMING TALKATIVE AND POSSESSED WITH THE IDEA THAT I MUST STRAIGHTEN OUT EVERY- ONE'S AFFAIRS. KEEP MY MIND FREE FROM THE RECITAL OF END- LESS DETAIL. GIVE ME WINGS TO GET TO THE POINT. SEAL MY LIPS WHEN I AM INCLINED TO TELL OF MY ACHES AND PAINS. THEY ARE INCREASING WITH THE YEARS AND THE LOVE TO SPEAK OF THEM GROWS SWEETER AS TIME GOES BY. TEACH ME THE GLORIOUS LESSON, THAT OCCASION- ALLY I MAY BE WRONG. MAKE ME THOUGHTFUL, BUT NOT NOSEY, HELPFUL BUT NOT BOSSY. WITH MY VAST STORE OF WISDOM AND EXPERIENCE IT DOES SEEM A PITY NOT TO USE IT ALL. BUT THOU KNOWEST, LORD, THAT I WANT { A FEW FRIENDS AT THE END. Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 SECRET Approved For RreibT'#29JPCIkb78-06370A000100010024-9 CONTENTS Bulletin Board OTR Calendar Courses of Other Agency Offices Paramilitary Training Non-Agency Training 21 Fall Session Schedules of Washington-Area Universities Directory of Training Officers Office of Training Directory 41 Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET FtblbTApproved For Reba M(Y:4-: Tdfxflf-06370A000100010024-9 IN THIS ISSUE ... OTR courses scheduled to begin in September, Octo- ber, and November are listed. with a brief description beginning on page 7. A new section -- courses conducted by other Agency Offices -- has been added to the Bulletin, page 16. Bulletins in the past have featured articles on OTR courses. This month it is on. Paramilitary Training -- page 17. Additional courses which will be included in the fall semester of the Agency's Off-Campus Program are described in the section on Non-Agency Training be- ginning on page 21. Also featured is the fall session schedule of Washing- ton-area universities, beginning on page 36. If you are interested in self-development, read about the programs offered by the University of Oklahoma for persons employed full time, featured in the Bulle- tin Board, beginning on page 1. There are also regular news items for Training Officers and Agency employees. The Directory of Training Officers and the OTR Direc- tory - pages 39-41. Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY ii SECRET Approved For Re Igi iMibT/ J':'aR- 7Y8-06370A000100010024-9 BULLETIN BOARD NATIONAL The projected schedule for the National Interde- INTERDEPARTMENTAL partmental Seminars is: SEMINAR 13 September - 8 October 1965 25 October - 19 November 1965 17 January - 11 February 1966 14 March - 8 April 1966 2 - 27 May 1966 NEW & REVISED HEADQUARTERS REGULATIONS ON TRAINING The NIS is a four-week course on counterinsur- gency given for representatives of U. S. Govern- ment Agencies. The subjects covered are the study of developing nations -- critical nations de- signated so by the Special Group (CI) -- and with the U. S. Government's resources and activities in assisting host governments in countering insur- gency on both the policy and the operational levels. The development of internal defense plans and the function of the country team in U. S. Missions are also covered. The seminar is given at FSI and is open to middle- and senior-level officers, GS 14 or above. Under certain circumstances an operations officer in Grade GS 13 may attend. The Agency's current quota at each course is eight. Selections are made by the Director of Training about two weeks before the, beginning of the course. If you are eligible and wish to take this course, check with your Training Officer. Four Headquarters Regulations on Training have been published recently. Two are revisions; two are new. The new regulations are on the Midca- reer Training Program-and the Training 25X1A Approved For Release 2002EQE1~,9~,, IA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INT R ~p USE ONLY 1 SE Approved For R61ils :S&AJ61~78-06370A000100010024-9 AIR OPERATIONS COURSE and Training at Non-CIA Facilitie ernment Employees Training Act tions are on the raining Program Selection Board The revised regula- For Training Officers: We wish to call special attention t aced 9 June 1965, as it re- defines E raining Program requirements for professional and clerical personnel. An Air Operations Course will be conducted from 30 August through 20 September 1965. Registra- tion is limited to 14 students. PARAMILITARY The next PM Course is scheduled to begin on 31 COURSE January 1966. The article, beginning on page 17 describes the types of instruction covered in seventeen weeks of training. INTELLIGENCE Dates: 13 September - 8 October 1965 RESEARCH The class meets from 0900 to 1230 at 1000 Glebe, TECHNIQUES but on occasion visits Agency facilities and serv- ices in other buildings. This course is intended for research analysts who are new to intelligence research and for those who have to keep up with changes in the Intelligence Community and with improvements in the support available to analysts. Research analysts from the DDI, DDP, and DDS&T usually take the course, but it is also valuable to librarians, linguists who exploit foreign language publications, document disseminators, requirements officers, and others who support intelligence research. A text prepared especially for this course is used for background reading and the student may keep his copy as a desk reference. Each student is re- quired to bring a research project to class, which is approved by his supervisor, on which he works during the course. The course is organized so that the student can carry his project through all 25X1 A 25X1 A 25X1 A - 25X1 A Approved For Release 2009J ,R.j CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 Z CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For ReCe& I-PbPY8-06370A000100010024-9 of the major steps in the research process; that is, research planning, the use of libraries and other repositories of information, assembly of data from the in-box, the use of collection pro- grams, the analytical process, and intelligence writing and briefing techniques for disseminating finished intelligence. For additional information on the course, call Intelligence Produc- tion Faculty, extension or call AIB/RS, extension ORIENTATIONS FOR The next scheduled Orientation for Training Offi- TRAINING OFFICERS & cers will be on 28 and 29 September ( 1 1/2 days); TRAINING ASSISTANTS the Orientation for Training Assistants will be conducted on 15 September. These Orientations are conducted by the Registrar Staff and include briefings on OTR activities as related to the duties of the Training Officer and Training Assistant. If you have not attended one of these orientations, or if you have attended one some time ago and would like to be brought up-to-date on current OTR activities, you may make arran ents to do so by calling AIB/RS on extension" NEW TRAINING OFFICERS AND TRAINING ASSISTANTS QUARTERLY MEETINGS FOR ALL AGENCY TRAINING OFFICERS OTR will resume meetings of all Agency Training Officers so that officers in OTR and Training Offi- cers can discuss matters of common concern af- fecting the training of Agency employees. The first meeting will be scheduled in early September and Training Officers will be notified of the exact date and place the latter part of August. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 200.21,0yj? TCIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 3 SECRET Approved For Rele 2W-W/b / 9'~ ,&rR6lb 8Y06370A000100010024-9 The Registrar invites contributions in the way of items for the agendas for these meetings. AGENCY'S Two courses have been added to the tentative fall OFF-CAMPUS schedule of the Agency's Off-Campus Program. PROGRAM For details, see page 22. A Headquarters Em- ployee Bulletin will announce the definite schedule and dates of counseling and registration. UNIV. OF OKLAHOMA'S PROGRAMS FOR SELF- DEVELOPMENT UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE DEGREES FOR PERSONS EMPLOYED FULL TIME: The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, has two programs whereby persons who are em- ployed full time can obtain degrees by combining independent study with a short period of intensive resident instruction. The School of Continuing Education offers the Bachelor of Liberal Studies Development Program, which breaks sharply with traditional residence credit-hour programs. The student proceeds at his own pace in a program of independent study with the assistance of a team of faculty advisers. He has flexibility in the sequence with which he prepares in three areas -- humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Adults with un- usually rich experience and prior learning may complete the BLS in two years or less. The high school graduate should anticipate spending at least four to six years in the program. An. excellent rate of progress is the completion of independent study in an area each year followed by the area seminar which is offered during the summer. Following his placement tests, the BLS applicant may complete Orientation, Advisement and Enroll- ment during week-end conferences scheduled for this purpose three to four times a year. Applicants who are not able to go to the University for com- pletion of placement tests may request a copy of "The Off-Campus Procedures for Placement Test- ing, Orientation, Advisement, and Enrollment. " Approved For Release 2002/149RLA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 4 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Rel~4. e' ~)6NIi k:'aR-I -06370A000100010024-9 25X1 A AnAdvanced Program in Governmental Studies was announced in early April 1965. The program offers a Master of Arts in Public Administration which may be earned by combining independent study and preparation with a six-day period of resident instruction. The curriculum gives the student an opportunity to concentrate study in one of eight areas - Political Thought and Behavior, American Government and Politics, International Relations, Urban Development and Public Policy, Social Welfare Studies, Science and Public Policy, Business and Economic Activities, and National Strength and Security. For more detailed information on these programs, cal SCHEDULE OF Purpose To determine the level of short- PRETESTS FOR hand or typing course for which OTR CLERICAL an employee is qualified. REFRESHER COURSES Place 2103 Washington Building Annex, Arlington Towers. Registration : Form 73 is sent to AIB/RS/TR for Clerical Refresher Course. AIB then registers employee with Clerical Training/IS/TR for pre- test. Dates of 13 September - 8 October Courses 8 Sep -- typewriting and Tests Pretest 9 Sep -- SHORTHAND 18 October - 12 November Pretest 13 Oct -- typewriting 14 Oct -- SHORTHAND 22 November - 17 December 17 Nov -- typewriting Pretest 18 Nov -- SHORTHAND Approved For Release 2002A1 IA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 5 SECRET Approved For Relefse ROAM- &r I-06370A000100010024-9 AGENCY Purpose To qualify employees for positions QUALIFICATIONS as Agency typists or stenographers. TESTS-FOR CLERICALS Place 2103 Washington Building Annex, Arlington Towers. Registration ; Training Officer call Clerical Training Office directly; extension 25X1A Time and Given to the Training Officer when Day of Test : he registers his employee. Dates Typewriting 23 August 7 September 27 September 11 October 1 November 15 Novembe r SHORTHAND 24 August 7 September 28 September 12 October 2 November 16 November Approved For Release 2002/Qt ECiA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 6 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Release( 6-F1 1k--I F5~W-W370A000100010024-9 OTR CALENDAR SEPTEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 China Familiarization 20 - 24 Sept CIA Review 14 Sept Clandestine Services Name Check 7 - 13 Sept Clandestine Services Review 14 - 23 Sept Clerical Refresher 13 Sept - 8 Oct Counterintelligence Familiarization 20 Sept - 1 Oct Covert Action Operations 27 Sept - 15 Oct Effective Speaking 13 Sept - 20 Oct Finance & Logistics: Small Stations 27 Sept - 15 Oct Information Reporting, Reports, & Requirements 13 Sept - 1 Oct Intelligence Research (Map & Photo Interpretation) 13 Sept - 15 Oct Intelligence Research Techniques 13 Sept - 8 Oct Introduction to Communism 27 Sept - 8 Oct Introduction to Intelligence 13 - 24 Sept Management (For GS 11- 14) 26 Sept - 1 Oct Operations (For CTs) 13 Sept - 14 Jan Operations Familiarization 13 Sept - 22 Oct Orientation for Overseas 7 Sept - 8 Oct Orientation for Training Assistants 15 Sept Orientation for Training Officers 28 - 29 Sept Supervision (For GS 5- 10) 13 - 17 Sept Writing Workshop (Basic) 14 Sept - 7 Oct Writing Workshop (Intermediate) 13 Sept - 6 Oct Approved For Release 2002/04,,29Rc11-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 7 SECRET Approved For Releaseel2b@MI/204IA P I"370A000100010024-9 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Administrative Procedures Advanced Operations Seminar Chiefs of Station Seminar CIA Review Clerical Refresher Communist Party Organization & Operations Conference Techniques Counterintelligence Operations Information Reports Familiarization Intelligence Production (For CTs) Intelligence Review Intelligence Techniques (For CTs) Introduction to Intelligence (For CTs) Orientation for Overseas Project USEFUL Senior Management Seminar Support Services (For CTs) 18 - 29 Oct 11 - 22 Oct 4 - 22 Oct 12 Oct 18 Oct - 12 Nov 11 - 29 Oct 25 Oct - 1 Dec 4 - 22 Oct 25 Oct - 5 Nov 11- 15 Oct, 18-22 Oct 25 Oct- 17 Dec 28 Oct - 10 Nov 25 Oct - 12 Nov 11 - 22 Oct 5- 6 Oct 18 - 29 Oct 17 - 22 Oct 25 Oct- 17 Dec Approved For Release 2002/01Wcc4RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 8 CIA INTER NA USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Releasi-~0 2 I . I D$ifi'-~6370A000100010024-9 NOVEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 25X1 A Basic Country Survey: USSR China Familiarization CIA Review Clandestine Scientific & Technical Operations Clandestine Services Name Check Clandestine Services Records Officers Communism (For CTs) Counterintelligence Familiarization inance and Logistics: Geography of the USSR 1 - 12 Nov 8 - 15 Nov 9 Nov 15 Nov - 3 1 - 5 Nov 15 15 15 29 29 29 15 Information Reporting, Reports, & Requirements 1 - Introduction to Intelligence 22 Operations Support 1 - Orientation for Overseas 2 - Supervision (For GS 5 - 10) 15 Writing Workshop (Basic) 16 Writing Workshop (Intermediate) 15 - 19 Nov Nov - 10 Dec - 26 Nov Nov - 17 Dec Nov - 3 Dec Nov - 17 Dec Nov - 17 Dec 19 Nov Nov - 3 Dec 26 Nov 3 Nov - 19 Nov Nov - 9 Dec Nov - 8 Dec Approved For Release 2002/0l RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 CIA INTE `A SE ONLY 9 SECRET Approved For Rel6bOt MKOMAP T9W-7' -06370A000100010024-9 QTR COURSES Scheduled on the Calendar beginning on page 7. For clerical employees who support the CS at headquarters. Covers the organization, functions, general administrative regu- lations, and procedures of the Agency. Emphasis is on the Clandestine Services. Advanced Operations Seminar (2 wks - full time) For middle-grade and senior officers of the CS. Covers opera- tional experiences of the Area Divisions. Basic Country Survey: USSR (Z wks - full time) For personnel whose work requires a basic and comprehensive knowledge of the Soviet Union. Covers a brief study of Tzarist Russia and significant developments within the USSR since the Communist seizure of power. For professional employees. Covers general survey of mainland China's geography, history, economic factors, and its role in foreign affairs. Includes pronunciation of Chinese names. Chiefs of Station Seminar (3 wks - part time) For Chiefs of small and medium-size stations, their deputies, Chiefs of Bases, certain Chiefs of Support, and desk officers directly supporting operations. Focus of the course is on the person of the Chief of Station and his responsibilities. CIA Review (Z 1/2 hours) For all overseas returnees. Covers salient facts in the Agency's recent development. Includes the security reindoctrination lecture. For CS employees. Covers principles, techniques, and procedures for exploiting the Agency's records and other resources to obtain biographic information. Approved For Release 2002/01&9 .pIA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 10 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For RelcPdTs% WERN-: iHk-F 7 -06370A000100010024-9 Clandestine Services Records Officers (1 wk - part time) For CS employees to qualify them as CS Records Officers. Covers operational factors and relationships on which to base the decision to destroy or retain CS operational records. Clandestine Services Review (8 days - full time) For CS officers who have recently returned for an overseas assignment as well as officers who support the CS. Covers the organization and function of the Directorates; DDP is treated in detail. Clandestine Scientific & Technical Operations (4 wks - full time) For middle-grade and senior officers of the CS and DDS&T. Covers collection responsibilities of the CS in S&T operations, fundamentals of guided missiles, biological and chemical war- fare, and use of nuclear power. Field trips. Clerical Refresher (4 wks - part time) For clerical employees to improve their accuracy and to develop their speed in either shorthand or typewriting. Employees may take separate instruction in both skills. Communist Party Organization and Operations (3 wks - part time) For professional employees. Covers organization and activities of Communist parties outside the Sino-Soviet Bloc. Conference Techniques (6 wks - part time) For Agency officers who are responsible for planning and for leading group discussions and conferences. The role of an effec- tive participant is also emphasized. Counterintelligence Familiarization (2 wks - full time) For CS employees. Covers terminology, authorities, missions and activity of CI; exploitation of CI records and CI reporting. (3 wks - full time) Course content will be announced in a Special Bulletin. Approved For Release 2002 (d 1 CIA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 11 SECRET Approved For Relea~i`2db~TI#UKb'-'6370A000100010024-9 25X1 A Counterintelligence Operations (first week - full time; second and third week - part time) For middle-grade and senior CS officers who anticipate engaging in or supervising CI operations at headquarters or in the field. Course is divided into four parts: Introduction, Targets, Opera- tions, and Special Aspects of Counterintelligence. Covert Action Operations (3 wks - part time) For recently assigned or experienced CS officers. Advanced seminars on covert operations. Class members discuss opera- tional problems with senior Agency officers. Effective Speaking (6 wks - part time) For professional personnel. Covers principles of speaking as they relate to oral presentation. Includes a lecture on selection and use of graphic aids. Finance & Logistics: Small Stations (3 wks - full time) (Formerly Budget and Finance Procedures) For administrative assistants and support officers required to maintain budgetary, financial, and property records at a Class B or Type II Station. Emphasis is on all facets of financial respon- sibilities. Geography of the USSR (5 wks - part time in p. rn. ) For all employees who need a geographic background in regional study of the USSR. The course deals with the physical and cul- tural geography of the country as a whole and with each region in some detail. Military and economic geography are stressed. Approved For Release 2002/0g 2 j A-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 12 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SEC T Approved For ReI1WZ1WE: IX--Ft1-06370A000100010024-9 Information Reports Familiarization (1 wk - full time) For CS employees assigned as junior reports officers or those assigned to type CS reports and intelligence cables. Information Reporting, Reports, and Requirements (3 wks - full time) For CS employees required to report intelligence information. Covers official policies and procedures for completing a report as well as practical exercises. Intelligence Research (Map & Photo Interpretation) (5 wks - part time) For all employees required to use maps and aerial and ground photography for intelligence purposes. Includes industrial tours and an in-flight exercise. Intelligence Research Techniques (4 wks - full time) For analysts. Covers each step in the process of intelligence research. Intelligence Review (2 wks - full time) For middle-grade and senior officers. Covers the Agency's de- velopment under the central intelligence concept, recent organi- zational developments to meet current and future responsibilities, changes in functions of the intelligence community, problems of coordination, and future trends in intelligence. Introduction to Communism (2 wks - full time) For professional employees at EOD. Covers historical develop- ment of the USSR and Communist China and the doctrine, organi- zation and operations of the Communist movement. Introduction to Intelligence (2 wks - full time) For professional employees at EOD. Covers concepts of intelli- gence, the intelligence agencies of the U.S. Government, and the Agency's responsibility for collection, production, and dis- semination of intelligence. Includes the fundamentals of Ameri- can beliefs and practices. Management (1 wk - full time) For officers in Grades GS 11 through GS 14. Covers up-to-date practices and attitudes applied in planning, directing and manag- ing the work of others. Approved For Release 2002/g/ IA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INTER A L USE ONLY 13 SECRET Approved For Releags'26UT/60.W:LCWSU6370A000100010024-9 Operations Familiarization (6 wks - full time) For CS and non-CS officers whose responsibilities in support of operations require adequate familiarization with functions of the case officer and with the programs and operations of the CS. Operations Support (4 wks - full time) For CS employees who support the CS at headquarters or in the field. Covers name checks, foreign travel, dispatch, pouch and cable procedures, and familiarization with tradecraft termi- nology. Instruction is directed to the activities in a field station. Orientation for Overseas (2 days - full time) For employees (and spouses) assigned to an overseas post for the first time. Covers the Agency's mission and functions, security, cover, legal and medical advice, and working effective- ly with people of other cultures. Orientation for Training Assistants (1 day - full time) For employees who support training of Agency employees. Covers procedures for admission to OTR's and non-Agency courses. Orientation for Training Officers (1 day full-time; 2nd day 1/2 time) For professional employees who plan training and for those connected indirectly with training matters. Outlines activities of OTR's Schools and Staffs. Project USEFUL (2 wks - full time) For U.S. military officers (field grade and above) and civilians in the military (GS 13 and above). Covers functions and capabili- ties of the Agency to support the military and the support the Agency requires of the military. Senior Management Seminar (5 days - full time - student reports Sundayp. m.) For GS 15s and above. Selection by Senior Training Officers. Conducted by contract instructor; features managerial grid. Supervision (1 wk - full time) For employees in Grades GS 5 through GS 10 who are responsible for supervision at the first level. Covers problems in planning and directing the work of others. Includes factors in motivation and communication. Approved For Release 2002S//0EE1~/29 :TTCIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 CIA INTERI W USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Releci4 I t JI:' 8 ' 06370A000100010024-9 Writing Workshop (Basic) (4 wks - part time - Tues & Thurs) For professional employees. (Non-professionals may attend under certain circumstances.) Covers basic principles of grammar and rhetoric, and elements of sentence construction and paragraph structure. Writing Workshop (Intermediate) (4 wks - part time - Mon & Wed) For professional employees. (Non-professionals may attend under certain circumstances.) Covers principles of good writing including clarity, accuracy, and logic. Approved For Release 20021 I2 , lA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INTER A USE ONLY 15 SECRET Approved For Release(i 1 1ALRFtt$ 370A000100010024-9 COURSES OF OTHER AGENCY OFFICES Office of Communications October Crypto 101 18 Oct - 5 Nov Crypto 201 8 - 26 Nov Technical Services Division 25X1 A 27 Sept - 15 Oct 20 - 24 Sept 20 Sept - 1 Oct 13 - 24 Sept 11- 15 Oct 4-8Oct 25 Oct- 5Nov 11- 15 Oct 15 - 19 Nov 29 Nov - 19 Dec 15 - 19 Nov Approved For Release 2002/01 /? c l - DP78-06370A000100010024-9 16 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 SECRET op~~II~~~~ Approved For Re~Jase~1~ ~' U ffA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 NON-AGENCY TRAINING This section of the OTR Bulletin contains information on non-CIA courses or programs related to requirements for the professional de- velopment of Agency employees. Attendance may be sponsored by the Agency: some courses may be self-sponsored. In both cases, the Training Officer should be consulted. Procedures for enrollment under Agency- sponsorship A Form 136, "Training at Non-CIA Facilities, " is sent to ETB by the Training Officer who is responsible for ensuring that all Agency requirements are met. For overt employees, the completed form is sent directly to the External Training Branch/RS/TR. For other employees -- those who are presently under authorized lover, or who have been under authorized cover within the last six months, or who anticipate their being under cover before the termination of the sponsored training -- the completed form is sent to ETB/RS/TR through the Central Cover Staff. A copy of each Form 136 is sent by ETB to the Office of Security for approval as an employee activity. 25X1 A 25X1 A 25X1A Procedure for enrollment under self-sponsorship According to-para (C 12), an employee who takes a non- Agency course at his own expense, is required to send a written re- quest for approval through administrative channels to the Director of Security. The request will include the subject(s) to be studied, the address and name of the school, the full name(s) of the instruc- tor(s), and the dates and hours of instruction. For additional information on the courses outlined in this section or on other external courses, cal AIB/RS/TR, on extension Approved For Release 2002/p/ajyA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 21 SECRET Approved For Relea~2iiR~"i&FR8Y06370A000100010024-9 ADDITIONAL COURSES The June-July 1965 issue of the OTR Bulletin an- OFFERED IN AGENCY'S nounced the tentative schedule of the Agency's OFF-CAMPUS PROGRAM Off-Campus Program. Two courses have been added to the fall semester: George Washington University Psych 29 PSYCHOLOGY OF CHILDHOOD 3 credit hours A genetic approach to the study of the child. Special emphasis is placed on the socialization process, learning, and the child's view of the world. American University 55. 530 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS 3 credit hours Provides basic orientation in ADP for executives, administrators, manage- ment specialists, and students of man- agement. Although not technical, it in- cludes background material on technical aspects of information and data process- ing technology to the extent required by management. Emphasis is placed on business data systems; however, scien- tific applications and information stor- age and retrieval systems will also be considered. Previous experience with office equipment, punch card machines or electronic computers is not neces- sary. Instruction will be tailored to the interest and requirements of the students. This course is a prerequisite to all oth- er AU courses in the field of systems for organizational operation and manage- ment. Civil Service Commission EXECUTIVE SEMINAR Dates: 8 - 10 September 1965 IN RECRUITMENT Designed to give managers in Grades GS-13 and Approved For Release 2002/01/ 29 E, IA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 22 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONL Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA- RDP 8-06370A000100010024-9 WORKSHOP ON above an understanding of the planning, conduct, and control and evaluation of recruiting campaigns. Cost: $75.00. Dates: 8-10 September 1965; 2-4 February 1966 NEGOTIATING Open to persons assigned management responsi- AND IMPLEMENTING bility for negotiating agreements, for giving advice AGREEMENTS and assistance to those who negotiate agreements, or for training others who will negotiate agree- ments under the program of employee-management cooperation in the Federal service: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Cost: $75.00. Dates: 9-10 September 1965; 22-23 November 1965; 24-25 February 1966; 1-2 June 1966 FOR OPERATING Covers the line-manager's financial responsibili- EXECU TIVES ties and the financial aspects of total management. For Grades GS-14 and above. EXECUTIVE SEMINAR Cost: $60.00. Dates: 9-10 September 1965; 14-15 February 1966 IN OPERATIONS Provides an opportunity to obtain information, de- RESEARCH velop ideas, and exchange views on the effective management use of operations research. For Grades GS 15 and above. Cost: $75.00. Dates: 13-17 September 1965; 2-6 May 1966 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING Designed to provide knowledge of the management ORIENTATION uses and potential of ADP systems. Emphasis is on management implications of the computer. Lack of familiarity with computer technology will not handicap participants. For Grades GS 9 and above. Cost: $50. 00. Approved For Release 20QRJ01 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 23 SECRET YY Approved For ReI ase EWW P- ilk-~$-06370A000100010024-9 AUTOMATIC DATA Dates: 22 September - 10 November 1965 PROCESSING SYSTEMS An eight-week program made up of a total of ANALYSIS SEMINAR eight sessions; begins with a half-day session which is followed by seven full-day (Wednesday) sessions at weekly intervals. Covers informa- tion on systems design, its implementation, inte- gration, control, and evaluation. For Grades GS 9 and above. Cost: $150. 00. (This seminar is preceded by the one-week ADP Orientation which provides an overview of uses and potentialities of ADP. The Orientation is op- tional; it is not a prerequisite to the Systems Anal- ysis Seminar.) INTRODUCTION TO PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Dates: 13-17 September 1965; 13-17 December 1965; 7- 11 March 1966; 20-24 June 1966 For those entering the field of personnel manage- ment. Identifies skills needed in conducting an ef- fective personnel program and relates them to cur- rent research findings in the behavioral sciences. For Grades GS 5 through GS 9. Cost: $55.00. PERSONNEL Four 6-hour sessions scheduled one month apart, MANAGEMENT-IDEAS beginning 15 September 1965. Covers some of the AND AUTHORS new ideas and developments affecting the broad field of personnel. At each session an outstanding author will discuss his book and its significance in matters of Federal management. A "guest critic" will give his views on the book. For Grades GS 13 and above. Cost: $75.00. PUBLIC PROBLEMS Dates: 20-24 September 1965; 1-5 November 1965; AND FEDERAL 6- 10 December 1965; 24-28 January 1966; PROGRAMS 4-8 April 1966; 23-27 May 1966 A series of separate sessions to improve decision- making in the Federal Government. Provides a general review of certain political, social, and Approved For Release 2002R4&REfIA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 24 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For RelCw& t $-R J 8-06370A000100010024-9 BASIC CONCEPTS IN GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING IN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT economic forces affecting the nation and of funda- mental, long-range factors entering into the plan- ning and conduct of public programs. The Novem- ber and April sessions will emphasize Federal- State operations and relations, the December and May sessions will focus on economic analysis and executive decisions, and the September and Janu- ary sessions will focus on civil rights. For Grades GS 14 and above. Cost: $150.00. Dates: 20-24 September 1965; 7-11 March 1966. Covers the organization and operations of the Federal Government. For Grades GS 5 through GS 9. Cost: $50. 00. Dates: 27-28 September 1965; 10-11 February 1966 Provides an overview of the uses and potential of ADP as well as specific information relating to applications of ADP in financial activities. For Grades GS 12 through GS 15. Cost: $75.00. EXECUTIVE SEMINAR Dates: 30 September - 1 October 1965; IN AUTOMATIC 17-18 February 1966 DATA PROCESSING For executives who have broad responsibility for functions which are or soon may be automated. For Grades GS 15 and above. Cost: $75.00. BASIC STAFFING Dates: 4-8 October 1965; 25-29 April 1966 AND PLACEMENT Provides an overview of the policies and practices within the Federal Government as they relate to staffing and placement. For Grades GS 5 through GS 9. Cost: $125.00. Approved For Release 2000,12QT CIA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INTER AL USE ONLY 25 SECRET Approved For Relea&, 2WI16M4 A"R 8y06370A000100010024-9 OPERATIONS RESEARCH ORIENTATION Dates: 18-22 October 1965 Provides a general overview of the management uses and potentialities of operations research. Emphasis will be placed upon adjustment in man- agement concepts, responsibilities and organiza- tional structure which may be necessary to derive maximum value from operations research. For Grades GS 9 and above. Cost: $50.00. INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING IN TECHNICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS INSTITUTE FOR EXECUTIVES IN SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMS: SCIENCE AND GOVERNMENT POLICY TRAINING INSTITUTE Dates: 25-26 October 1965; 24-25 February 1966 Provides an overview of the uses and potential of ADP, and specific information relating to applica- tion of ADP in technical libraries. For Grades GS 9 and above. Cost: $75. 00. Dates: 25-29 October 1965; 7- 11 February 1966 Examines concepts and issues pertaining to the organization and administration of research and engineering activities of the Federal Government. Participation is limited to scientists, engineers and science administrators, GS 15 and above. Cost: $150,00. Dates: 18-21 October 1965 FOR RECRUITERS Designed to help Federal recruiters sharpen their skills. Stresses recruiting methods and techniques. No GS Grade limitation. SOURCE DATA Cost: $75.00. Dates: 16-17 September 1965, 19-20 October 1965 AUTOMATION Covers economies in paperwork from use of new, ORIENTATION mechanized techniques. Intended to acquaint of- ficials with principles and possibilities of ADP, and to provide guidance on how to identify a data processing possibility. For senior officials with Approved For Release 20021,11129 CIA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 26 CIA INTR`.L USE ONLY SECRET Approved For ReI6 iWt '' W-46*F 06370A000100010024-9 SOURCE DATA AUTOMATION WORKSHOP CRITICAL ISSUES AND DECISIONS FOR FEDERAL EXECUTIVES MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR EXECUTIVES IN SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING ORGANIZATIONS STATISTICAL METHODS FOR FEDERAL EXECUTIVES General Services Administration (Contd) responsibilities in the paperwork area. Cost: $40. 00. Dates: 20-24 September 1965; 25-29 October 1965; 15- 19 November 1965 Designed to show how paperwork can be mechani- zed. For senior operating officials who are in charge of large paperwork operations. No cost. Special Programs of the Graduate School, USDA Attention Training Officers: Please note nomina- tion deadlines of External Training Branch, Reg- istrar Staff. Dates: 2 November - 16 December 1965; 29 March - 12 May 1966 A series of seminars held twice weekly. For ca- reer executives, GS 14 and above. Cost: $235. 00. Nomination deadline: One month in advance. Dates: 9-10 November 1965, 23 February - 4 March 1966, 24-25 May 1966 A program of in-town sessions and an out-of-town workshop on special management problems. Con- ducted in three phases. For Grades GS- 13 and above. Cost: $475.00. Nomination deadline: Six weeks in advance. Dates: 12 October - 23 November 1965; 8 March - 14 April 1966 (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.). A series of twelve seminars for the non-statisti- cian who uses statistical results in planning and problem-solving. For executives, GS 13 and above. Cost: $100.00. Nomination deadline: Six weeks in advance. Approved For Release 20029 ZCIA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 27 SECRET Approved For Releas~Ol4eIA--WD@J6370A000100010024-9 ADP FOR FEDERAL EXECUTIVES Special Programs of the Graduate School, USDA (Contd) Dates: 18 October - 29 November 1965 (Mon & Wed 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.) 15 February - 31 March 1966 (Tues & Thurs 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.) A series of thirteen seminars to give executives an over-all perspective of ADP and an introduc- tion to its principles. For Grades GS 13 and above. Cost: $140.00. Nomination deadline: Six weeks in advance. SCIENCE Dates: 17-21 January 1966 INFORMATION A seminar for scientists and engineers to acquaint AND COMMUNICATIONS them with modern information services. Nominees should be working scientists and engineers and their supervisors, GS 13 and above. Cost: $135.00. Nomination deadline: 1 December. FEDERAL CONTRACT Dates: 1-5 November 1965; 28 February - NEGOTIATION 4 March 1966; 2-6 May 1966 INSTITUTE For contract officers in the Federal Government, GS 9 and above. Designed to expand their knowl- edge of contract negotiations. Cost: $90. 00. Nomination deadline: Six weeks in advance. READING Dates: 16 November 1965 - 3 February 1966 IMPROVEMENT (Tuesdays and Thursdays for 1 1/2 hours) PROGRAM A 30-hour course to improve reading efficiency of an individual with average or above-average reading ability. Cost: $52. 00. Nomination deadline: One month in advance. FSI AREA The Foreign Service Institute is offering specially COURSES tailored area courses now for groups of 12 persons or more upon request. These courses may vary in length and treatment depending upon what is desired. Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 SECRET 28 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For FR&aW1 tf12~~FCI9AP78-06370A000100010024-9 PERSONNEL Dates: 22 September - 1 October 1965; MANAGEMENT 27 October - 5 November 1965; FOR EXECUTIVES 1-10 December 1965; 19-28 January 1966; 2- 11 March 1966 Conducted by the Department of the Army at Buzzards Point (formerly at the Harry Diamond Laboratory). For supervisory personnel in Grade GS 13 and above. The purpose of the course is to stimulate executives to manage human resources more ef- fectively and provide an opportunity for them to develop a sharper sense of direction and improved skills. Nomination deadline: One month in advance. SECRETARIAL Dates: 13-17 September 1965; 11-15 October 1965 PRACTICES Conducted by GSA in five one-half day sessions. The purpose of the course is to assist Federal agencies to make more effective use of executive time by expanding the knowledge and skills of Government secretaries and administrative as- sistants. Cost: $40.00 EVENING COLLEGE A selection of graduate and undergraduate courses OF THE JOHNS and a complete program leading to the degree of HOPKINS UNIV., Master of Science in Engineering (with a major HOWARD COUNTY, MD. in electrical engineering) is offered at The Evening College of The Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, in Howard County. Classes begin at 4: 30 p. m. 25X1 A If you wish details on the courses offered call Registrar Staff, extension You may a so request a brochure describing the courses by writing The Education and Training Office, The Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910. 25X1A Approved For Release 20 P29T CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 29 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For R 'sW+1TOffi fY 78-06370A000100010024-9 CONFERENCES FOR CORPORATION EXECUTIVES The School for Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D. C. has announced the forthcoming conferences for the 1965-66 academic year: Great Britain Today A B C in Latin America --Argentina, Brazil, and Chile France and Germany, and American Investment in Europe Australia and the United States Prospects and Problems in Africa --south of the Sahara 4 Oct 1965 2-3 Dec 65 20-21 Jan 66 4 Mar 66 Cost: $50 per day or $75 for a two-day conference. Customs may not be as wise as laws, but they are always more popular. --Disraeli There is a deep meaning in all old customs. --Schiller The greater the kindness of my host, the great- er my anxiety not to impose on it. --Voltaire Manners must adorn knowledge and smooth its way through the world. - Lord Chesterfield Approved For Release 2003/Q1`./ j,CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 30 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET CNI Approved For Relea e 611 U1 ': &k-RDF78-06370A000100010024-9 AGENCY'S TRAINING SELECTION BOARD COURSES AND PROGRAMS ADVANCED INTELLIGENCE COURSE 7 Sept - 10 Dec 65* Defense Intelligence School 28 Feb - 3 Jun 66 For senior officers, GS 14 and above, with at least ten years of Agency experience. The objective of the course is to prepare senior military officers and key Department of Defense civilian personnel for important command, staff, and policy- making positions in the national, unified staff, and military de- partmental intelligence structure. ADVANCED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 12 Sept - 10 Dec 65* Harvard 13 Feb - 13 May 66 For senior officers, GS 15 and above. The aim of the course is to make the manager a more effective executive. Topics in- clude business policy, administrative practices, business and world society, cost and financial administration, marketing ad- ministration, and problems in labor relations. ARMY INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COURSE 7-25 Sept 65* Ft. Belvoir 3-22 Oct 65 31 Oct - 20 Nov 65 28 Nov 17 Dec 65 9-28 Jan 66 6-26 Feb 66 6-25 Mar 66 1-20 May 66 5-24 Jun 66 For middle-level officers, GS 11 and above. Covers techniques, practices, and fundamentals of Army installation management. CAREER EDUCATION AWARDS Sept 65 - June 66* (National Institute of Public Affairs) Approved For Release 20021&PItfIA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 31 SECRET Approved For Releai 2bzf//4/'i.R8Y06370A000100010024-9 For young career officers, ages 28-35 years, Grades GS 12 through GS 14 with five to ten years of civilian government serv- ice. Each award is an academic year of graduate-level study at Harvard, Chicago, Indiana, Princeton or at Virginia. Study is not to be on detailed techniques in any one field, but it is to be on principles and policy for better understanding of social, economic, and political problems confronting govern- ment administrators. CONFERENCES FOR FEDERAL SCIENCE 17-22 Oct 65* EXECUTIVES 16-21 Jan 66 Brookings 6- 11 Mar 66 For scientists, engineers, and administrators of scientific and technical activities, GS 15 or above. Aim is to assist senior career executives in meeting their leadership responsibilities; emphasis is on scientific and related programs in Federal Gov- ernment. Conducted at Williamsburg, Virginia. CONFERENCE FOR GENERAL ADMINISTRA- 31 Oct - 12 Nov 65* TORS 23 Jan - 4 Feb 66 Brookings 17-29 Apr 66 For senior career executives, GS 15 and above. To assist them in meeting leadership responsibilities. Provides an opportunity for study and discussion of major issues of public policy. Con- ducted at Williamsburg, Virginia. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM FOR FEDERAL Sept 65 - Jun 66* OFFICIALS AT MIDCAREER Princeton For senior officers in the Government, GS 14 and above, 30 to 45 years of age. Designed to improve the public service and to further the careers of able employees by enabling them to supple- ment their knowledge of the social sciences and humanities. EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Kings Point, N. Y. (Conducted by CSC) Effects of Technological Development 27 Sept - 8 Oct 65 Approved For Release 2002/g (?G, ,c)A-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 32 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY XTESREi~CARE TTuiSS NNTT'' Approved For Release 20i02/01/29 CIA 8P78-06370A000100010024-9 Skills and Goals of Management 11-22 Oct 65 Intergovernmental Programs and Problems 25 Oct 5 Nov 65 Administration of National Security Policy 29 Nov 10 Dec 65 International Affairs and Federal Operations 28 Feb - 11 Mar 66 The National Economy and the Federal Executive 18-29 Apr 66 Skills and Goals of Management 2- 13 May 66 Effects of Technological Development 16-27 May 66 Federal Program Management 13-24 June 66 For senior officers, Grade GS 14 and above. The program is planned as an integrated curriculum which can be taken through a series of related short courses over a period of years and which will provide an understanding of significant, continuing Government responsibilities that are valuable to a career execu- tive in any agency or function. Seminar titles for which the Agency has slots are listed above. EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP INSITUTE 27 Sept - 1 Oct 65 Civil Service Commission 18-22 Apr 66 For senior executives, GS 16 and above, who have had experi- ence in the management of Federal programs and whose duties involve them in interagency relationships. Covers basic frame- work of the U. S. Government, human motivation and values, means of influencing performance, and the personal responsi- bility of career officials for the success of the Government's departments and agencies. EXECUTIVE PROGRAM IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Columbia 12 Sept - 23 Oct 65* For senior executives, Grade GS 15 and above. The course is designed to deepen the executive's understanding of the interre- lationships and internal operations of his organization and the national and international economic forces which affect business; to strengthen his grasp of planning and decision-making; and to develop his administrative ability. Approved For Release 2002/Q1fed,jgA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 33 SECRET Approved For Releas~IhR/MhtfA IR-Vb '(Y6370A000100010024-9 NATIONAL INTERDEPARTMENTAL SEMINAR 13 Sept - 8 Oct 65 Foreign Service Institute 25 Oct - 19 Nov 65 17 Jan- 11 Feb66 14 Mar - 8 Apr 66 2-27 May 66 For senior officials of the Government who are concerned with countries designated "critical" and other areas of the world where there is active or incipient insurgency. Agency candidates must be in Grades GS 14 or above (an operations officer in Grade GS 13 may be accepted under certain circumstances). Includes study of developing nations, current insurgency, U. S. resources in countering insurgency, development of internal defense plans, and the functions of the U.S. country-team. MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT Z5th Program 14-15 Sept 65* PROGRAM FOR FEDERAL 13-22 Oct 65 EXECUTIVES 6-7 Jan 66 U. S. Department of Agriculture 26th Program 28-29 Oct 65 IZ-21 Jan 66 24-25 Mar 66 For officials and specialist newly assigned to positions of execu- tive responsibility in Grade GS 14 or above and who have had little formal training in current philosophies, principles and practices of management. The program is conducted in three phases: a two-day orientation in Washington, a nine-day work- shop in Williamsburg, and a two.day follow-up in Washington. MANAGEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND 13- 17 Sept 65 ENGINEERING ORGANIZATIONS 13- 17 Dec 65 Civil Service Commission 21-25 Mar 66 For Federal science and engineering executives, Grades GS 11 - 14. Covers nature and scope of management responsibility and suggests ways the technically trained executive may more effec- tively perform as a manager and administrator. MIDDLE MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE 25-29 Oct 65 Civil Service Commission 17-21 Jan 66 11- 15 Apr 66 Approved For Release 2002/01 FQ-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 34 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For R1' iff X214/2 PEIR-AbF 78-06370A000100010024-9 For middle-level managers, GS 11 through GS 14. Treats the manager's need to have a broad perspective and to be current on new developments affecting management. Technological and social developments are examined in the light of their effects on the structure of government and methods of operation. If you want to be accessible to office callers, yet chary of your time, here are some tips for speeding up visits: Keep a desk memo, and schedule all ap- pointments consecutively. This not only organizes your day more efficiently, but has the psychological effect of speeding up visits when visitors see other waiting. Schedule a long talker's visit just before a conference or other important event to give yourself a valid reason for terminat- ing the interview. Periodically review the record of visits on your desk memo to see if certain kinds of visits take too much time and should be cut down. When possible, take notes while the caller is talking so he knows you are getting his story, and then steer him politely on to another person in the firm to handle the de- tails. Drop in briefly to see that all is well and to assure the visitor that he is getting your personal attention. Approved For Release 20Qgl&AkR92: CIA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 35 Approved For Release Z62'9T/W&-R6170A000100010024-9 FALL SESSION SCHEDULES OF WASHINGTON-AREA UNIVERSITIES 8 & 9 Sept: Registration for returning full-time students and new full-time transfer students. 9 Sept: Registration for returning part-time students and new part-time transfer students. 10 Sept: Registration for returning part-time students and new part-time transfer students. 11 & 13 Sept: Registration, general. 20 & 21 Sept: Registration for undergraduate students. 22 Sept: Undergraduate classes begin. 22-24 Sept: Registration for graduate students. 25 Sept: Registration for part-time students in graduate school. 27 Sept: Graduate classes begin. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADUATE SCHOOL 11-18 Sept: Registration. 20 Sept: Classes begin. D. C. TEACHERS COLLEGE 8 Sept: Registration for incoming freshmen. 9- 10 Sept: Registration, general. 13 Sept: Classes begin.- Approved For Release 2002/01I RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 36 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Relea&S&i&iT Ii?F ' aIA l N 06370A000100010024-9 DUNBARTON COLLEGE 8, 14, 15 Sept: Registration. 16 Sept: Classes begin. GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY 16- 18 Sept: Registration. 20 Sept: Classes begin. 20 Sept: Registration, sophomores and juniors. 21 Sept: Registration, seniors and graduate students. 22 Sept: Registration, freshmen, graduate students, and any others who have not registered. 23 Sept: Classes begin. 14- 15 Sept: Registration. 16 Sept: Classes begin. MONTGOMERY JUNIOR COLLEGE 16 Sept: Registration for returning students. 17 Sept: Registration for new students admitted in good standing. 18 Sept: Registration for new students admitted on probation. Approved For Release 2002j1 lA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 37 SECRET Approved For Releas~I06/#''~'l/-bR M-370A000100010024-9 13-17 Sept: Registration. 20 Sept: Classes begin. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, NORTHERN VIRGINIA CENTER 30 Aug - 17 Sept: Registration. 20 Sept: Classes begin. SCHOOL OF ADVANCED INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 20 Sept: Registration. 21-27 Sept; Orientation lectures and registration conferences. 28 Sept: Class sessions begin. Approved For Release 2002/01/2~998R: CIA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 38 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 Directory of Training Officers 25X1A 25X1 A SENIOR DDI 2E-52 TRAINING DDP 3C-29 C) OFFICERS DDS&T 6E-68 > DDS 7D- 10 z H z H txj Cn TRAINING DCI hl ~ Zn OFFICERS O/DCI zo > O/IG rr H Inspection Staff 7D-49 rr H c Audit Staff 1201 Key C En m m General Counsel 7D-07 tl O Cable Sec 1A-53 0 O/ BP AM DDI 6E-08 z O/DDI 2E-52 CGS 7F-35 OCR 2E-61 ORR 4F-29 4F-29 ONE 7E-47 OCI 6G-29 6G-29 2400 Alcott Hall Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-06370A000100010024-9 Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 25X1A Contact Service 902 Key 1004 Ke 5X1.. DDS Administration 7D- 10 Communications GD- 09 GD-09 Finance 1211 Key Logistics Medical 1326 Qtrs I 1326 Qtrs I ID-4044 Personnel 5E-56 5E-56 4E-71 4E-71 Training 839, 1000 Glebe DDS&T Cy OCS GD-0404 to OEL, ORD, & FMSAC 6E-68 06A 6B-40 0 061 6F-24 z r 04 6F-24 Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 Office of Training Directory 25X1 A 25X1A n Director of Training Rm 819, 1000 Glebe Deputy Director of Training Rm 819, 1000 Glebe z H Special Assistant to the t1 tij DTR & Secretary, TSB Rm 811, 1000 Glebe Executive Officer Rm 830, 1000 Glebe r~ Cy SCHOOLS Intelligence School Language Training School Rm. 711, 1000 Glebe 2107 Arl Towers ti f I C 0 on orma n ourse Operations School School of International Rm 609, 1000 Glebe z Communism Rm 736, 1000 Glebe STAFFS Career Training Program Rm 743, 1000 Glebe Midcareer & Senior Officers Courses Rm. 510, 1000 Glebe Plans and Policy Rm 807, 1000 Glebe Registrar Rm 839, 1000 Glebe Deputy Registrar Rm 839, 1000 Glebe Admissions and Information Rm 832, 1000 Glebe External Training Rm 835, 1000 Glebe Approved For Release 2002/01/29 : CIA-RDP78-0637OA000100010024-9 Approved For Release 2QV /( { LR@fjZ710-06370A000100010024-9 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2A21-8-06370A0001 00010024-9