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Approved For Releas 003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80B01676R00010001130035-1 INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON INTERNAL SECURITY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20530 ICIS-Adm/1004 MAR 12 1964 M RANDLTM TO HEADS OF DEPAR11ffiNTS AND AGII ICIa9: 7 I thought that you would be interested in receiving a copy of amemorandum from the Attorney General to the Chairman of the Interdepartmental Coamaittee of Internal Security, dated March 5, 1964, which revised the ICIS Charter pursuant to the Attorney General's authority under National Security Action memorandum 161 dated June 9, 1962. A copy of the ICIS Charter, as revised, is also enclosed for your information. } John F. Doherty DOJ REVIEW COMPLETED Chairman, Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security Enclosures Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130035-1 Approved For Relea 2QQ3/12/19 CIA-RDP306Q 6RQ00 01130035-1 O DUM FM,. John F. Doherty, Chairman 7eaterdeps t ental Committee on Internal Security SUBJECT: Continuation of the Interdepartmental Committee on internal Security Pursuant to the authority vested in the Attorney General by National Security Action Memorandum 161, dated June 9, 1962 from the President, and in view of the proposed rescission by the National Security Council of its tocu nt 5425/1, I hereby direct that the Interdepartmmental Committee on Maternal Security shall continue in operation with the present erganiza' tional structures and terms of reference. The ICIS Charter is hereby saaanded as follows: The first paragraph is sc ended to read : '1Pursuant to the ptovi- O ion of National Security Action Memorandum 161, dated June 9, 1.962 ?roei the President, the Attorney General hereby authorizes .:mod directs that the Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security (ICIS) effect the coordination of all phases of the internal security field except as pertains to the following lunc ions which are assigned to the Interr:lepartnental Intelli- ge,aca Conference (JIC): the co-ordination of the investigation of all domestic espionage; counterespionage, sabotage, and cubvflraion_ and other related intelligence matters affecting aterneRL rccurity. The TCIS shall be guided by the terms of this charter.' 2. iar;a,~raph A(4) is deleted. Para ranh 5(8) is amended by striking out the words "National boecuri.ty Council" and substituting therefor the words "Attorney Gen z as l `:. Pam graph C(i) is wended by striking out the words "and the representative of the Hatiot al Security Council". Paragraph C(4) is ?as eled by striking out the words "National Security Council" and substituting therefor the words "Attorney General. Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130035-1 General Approved For Relea, 2003/12/19: CIA-RDP80BO1676R0004130035-1 (4) The ICIS shall take the necessary steps to procure resolution of any conflicts of jurisdiction that may arise in the field of internal security for which the 1CIS is responsible, and it shall determine by what agency or department necessary action will be handled. (5) The ICIS shall study and make recommendations with reference to legislation, executive orders, and regulations needed to achieve the objectives of the ICIS. (6) The ICIS shall promote appropriate exchange and coordination of information, as well as action, among the several agencies and departments of the government. (7) The ICIS shall incorporate under it, or absorb the functions of.. existing interdepartmental committees which may be operating in its field of responsibility. (8) The ICIS shall establish guidance in all matters under its jurisdiction and shall perform such other functions in its field as may be necessary or as may be assigned to it by the Attorney General. (1) The ICIS shall establish such ad hoc and working comrittees as may be necessary for the purpose of discharging its responsibilities. (2) The ICIS shall initiate and co-ordinate necessary studies, projects, and surveys relating to its responsibilities. It shall request, receive, and correlate suggestions or actual studies, projects, and surveys from nornmember agencies in the field of responsibility assigned to the ICIS. (3) The ICIS shall maintain co-ordination with the IIC through the Chairman of the ICIS. Whenever appropriate, the ICIS will hold joint meetings or establish joint subcommittees with the IIC. (4) TE}e ICES shall submit to the Attorney General those problems which require consideration or action by the Attorney General and those problems which cannot be resolved and worked out through co-operative consideration and action. Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130035-1 ~ Approved For Relea 2003/12/19: CIA-RDP80B01676R00 390319/4 eo' 111 C TU OP TS$ oot~tat o91t n~ s -M-PAncOt ~..~ Pursuant to the provisions of National Security Action lismoraedi 161, dated June 9, 1962 from the President, the Attorney General hereby authorizes and directs that the Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security (ICIS) effect the co-ordination of all phases of the internal security field except as pertains to the follsving functions which are assigned to the Interdepartmsnt Intelligence Conference (IIC); the coordination of the investigation of all domestic espionage; counter- espionage, sabotage, and subversion, and other related intalliymce scatters affecting internal security. The ICU shall be guided by the terms of this charter. (1) The ICIS shall be composed of representatives from the Depart- ments of State, Treasury, Defense and justice. (2) The Chairman shall be designated by the President from the membership of the Committee after consultation with the Attorney Qemeral. An executive secretary shall also be selected by the ICIS, and he shall be responsible for maintaining the necessary records. An adequate secre- tariat staff composed of representatives of all -1 11r departments shall be provided. (3) The ICIS, through its Chairman, shall invite nonmember agency representatives as ad hoc as~crbera of the ICIS when matters involving the responsibilities of such nnonmembers are under consideration. B. POWUS AND MtSPONSIBILITIES (1) The ICIS, in its field, or in collaboration with the IIC, shall take the necessary action to insure the establishment and maintenance of the highest practicable state of internal security, including the making of necessary plans and preparations for adequate internal security in the event of a war-related emergency. (2) The ICIS shall make appropriate studies and take necessary action to insure that cognplete coverage is maintained by all appropriate departments and agencies in those matters under its jurisdiction. (3) The ICIS shall take the necessary action to insure that there is no duplication of effort by governmental departments and agencies in those matters under its 4urisdiction. Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100130035-1 pproved For Release 200 / Rp gpT 76R000100130035-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM No. TO: ROOM NO. Deputy Director (Plans) Deputy Director (Intelligence) Deputy Director (Science & Technology) Deputy Director (Support) omptroler Inspector General General Counsel ist nt Di a for for National Estimates LBK: drm Distribution: Addressees as noted above ER via O/DCI, O/DDCI 1 - ExDir This memorandum contains information for the addressees. Ad- dressees may give this memorandum additional circulation within their components as required. All copies should be destroyed, not filed, upon completion of circulation. A master file will be kept in the Executive Director's Office and will be available upon request. CIA IN-ILRNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R0001001 Po downgrading and a~dessirco' (CLASSIFICATION) O/DCI O DDCI ACTION APPROVAL COMMENT CONCURRENCE FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER -Ex_Qcutive Director UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL FORM NO. 7'7 Use previous editions UNCLASSIFIED I I CONFIDENTIAL I I 'r-g-nf-11 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP 16 Ma 001001 0035-1