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Approved For Release 2006/12/19: ?CIA-RD' a88-01.315R00030 _ 4GI - f P a F 19 WASHINGTON POST By Bill Richards and John Jacobs Washington Post Stott Writers The Central Intelligence Agency se- Specifically, they noted the experi? An October, 1975, report on involve cretly spent nearly 53,900 in 1956 on ment dealt with "the effect-on-blood ment in LSD testing by the Alcohol,, dog research at the University of Maryland to develop a drug to allevi- ate human hypertension, according to documents released to the school yes- terday by the agency. . Dr. John Krantz, a former head of the university's pharmacology depart- ment who got the money, said he was never told the funds came from the tires, the documents said. The frog niirustration, which includes I dill, mentary records released to. the uni- said knowledge of the source of funds versity give no indication of what use was limited to senior' staff me-embers at the intelligence agency made of the the Addiction Research Center and, information. "was probably discussed with the Maryland is the first institution NIMH scientific directors." among those which were part of MK- The report said that Dr. IiarrisIs-; ULTRA to receive documents from bell, then director of the center, was CIA. A research colleague at the' the CIA. 'A university spokesman said approached by Sidney Gottlieb, the school suggested he apply for the , CIA man in charge of MK-ULTRA, funds, Krantz said, and- he received yesterday that he was told by CIA of- the money from the Geschikter Fund ficials that the dog experiment was who told him that his. research with. 4' t ? - 1 i t t t for Medical Research, a frequent co-. vert conduit for money used in the CIA's mind control experiments dur- ing the 1950s and 1960s known as Pro- ject MK-ULTRA. "I took a. dim view of the whole Geschikter operation then," said Krantz, who, is retired, "and I take an even dimmer view now." Krantz, who lives .near . Baltimore, said he met with Charles F. Geschik ter, founder of the fund, during dis- cussions on.the project and found him "a superficial scientist... Geschikter ran a cancer research program at Georgetown University and also ad- ministered the land with money from private philanthropic sources and from the CIA. Geschikter has 'been unavailable fort' comrrient 'since information about MK- . ULTRA was made" ,public- by the CIA earlier this month ''The documents on the hypertension experim ent-were `turned over to Uni- versity: of',Maryland .officials yester- day. The.,school was one of about 80 notified in the past week -by the CIA that they'were part of 1VIK-ULTRA ei- ther with or without their knowledge: The hypertension - experiment at Maryland was, among "special studies embracing :-pharmacological testing and evaluation of drugs of interest to TSD '[the CIA's technical services division],""'according to the docu o na long the only part of the program con- : LSD was importan ducted there ests." The report goes on to say' that Several other schools, including "without specifying a precise interest Georgetown, George Washington and on the part of the CIA, Mr. Gottlieb Harvard, have said they . were also stated that the CIA would . provide part of the program and have re-. quested additional information from money to continuethese;studies. Documents Obtained by The Wash- ington Post reveal that senior direc- tors of the National Institute of Men- tal Health "probably" knew that the CIA funneled money to the institute) to administer LSD' and other drugs' to federal prisoners at Lexington, Ky.. It has been reported that drug ad- dicts at the Addiction Research en-1 ter in Lexington were given drugs as rewardsfor taking part in CIA experi- ments. The CIA supplied $300,000 through the Office of Naval Research between 1954 and 1962 to pay for the experiments. `.:.. ;,a ?,'i, Approved For Release 2006/12/19: CIA-RDP8"8-01`315R000300020005-5-