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December 2, 2005
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Publication Date: 
September 30, 1974
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~ ~ SAP 1974 - Approved For Release 2006/01/03 :CIA-RDP88-01314F~000300170030-2 ~hrestion: "Under what International law do Ive have a right to attempt to de- stabilize the constitutr""orally elected gow ernment ofanothercountry?" Answer: "!am notgoing to pass judg- ment on whether it is permitred or au- thorized under international law. It is a recognized fact that historicelly as well as presently, such actions are taken in the best interest of the countries in vol ved. " Shat blunt President Gerald ford at his press conference last week was either remarkably careless or remarkably candid. It left the troubling impression, which the Administration afterward did nothing to dispel, that the U-S. feels free to subvert another gov- ernment whenever it suits American policy. In an era of detente wich the So- viet Urtionand improving relations with China, Ford's words seemed to repre- sent an anachrotustic, cold-war view of natianat security reminiscent of the 1950x. Complained Democratic Senator Frank Church of Idaho with c~nsider- able hyperbole: '?{It s1 tantamount to saying that we respect no law save the law of the jungle." The question on "destabil'v_in~" for- eigrt governments followed Ford's con- - firmation that the Ttiixon- Admnistra- .tian had 4uth~~.rized tha Central Intelligence ~loency t~ wave an S8 mil- lion campaign in 1970-73 to aid oppo- nents of Chilean President Salvador Allende's htarcist government Lsee box page 21). Until Iast ~~?cek, members of bath the. Mixon and Fard Administra- tions had flatly decried that the U.S. had been involved in undermininv Allende's regime. They continuw to insist that the C1A -was not resgcansible f7r the 1973 coup that left tlller.Je dead. and a re- pressive right-wing junta in his place: Congressmen were otltraed by the ne~.vs that they had once aoa,iti been 1-nis- led by the Executive Branch. 141are im- ~partant, disclosure of the Chile opera- tton helped focus and intensify the debate in Congress and the nation aver the CtA: IIas thengenay gone too farm recent years? Should it be barred from interfer7nb in other countries' domestic affairs? ZVhere it has erred, was the CtA out of control or was the White House at fault for misJir~~ting anal misusin,; the agency? Should it kie morn tightly su- penised, and. if so, by whom? In ad- dition, the controversy spotlighted the fundamental dilemma posed by an-open, dc:macrakic saci:;[y wing covert activi[}' ---tha "dirty tricks" or "black" side of in- tellia~ence br~anil-aticins-as an?instru- ment of foreign policy. CEtiTRAt INTELLiGEhICE AGENCY 61RECTOR Y11Lt1AM E. COtBY "T/~ere's nothing wrvny with accvuntalziltty." Ati the center aF the storm was `ViI- liam Egan Colby, S4, the CTA's director -for the past year. Shrewd and capable, Colby has sought from the day he took office as duector to channel more of the C1A's efforts into the gathering, evalu- ation-and analysis of information and less into covert actio;7s--the "operation- al''side afthe inteliauence business. Says he: `'The CtA's cloak-and-dagger days ha~~e ended." Certain Actions. Butob.'iausly,not quite. It was Colby who oversaav the last months of-the CtA activity in Chile as the agency's deputy director for oper- ations in 1973, though this ope.ratian ap- parently ended shonly after he became director. But it. was also Colby who dis- closed details of the coven action to a ctesed hearing of the House Armed Ser- vices Subconuriittee~ cin Inte{ligenca last' April 2. A sum~?Tlary of his testimony was Ieaked to the press. two weeks ago. By the time Fard met with the press, Colby's revelations were more than a week old: the President had. been briefed.. by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and doubtless was ready to :Field report- ers' questiaas. -Said Ford: "Clur Govera- ment, like other governments, dcrs ta'~ce certain actions in E;!.e intelligence field to help implement foreign policy and protect national security. I am informed. reliably that Communist nations spend vastly more money than w~, do for the same kind of ptrrpases." Since sa much had already Faked out. Ford perhaps had no choice but to mate an admission.. But his statement seemed to set no or few Iimi~s on clan- Approved For Release 2006/01/03 :CIA-RDP8.8-013148000300170030-2 c and i?:tx =.