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Approve For Release 2006/01/10 :.CIA-RDP78- 18A000400050025-7 s ~u T T Security Information 35 August 1957 MEli3RANWM FORS C airman, CIA Career Service Board FROrS s Executive Secretary, CIA Career Service Board SUBJECT s Report of progress in Activating the Career Sege Prows for the Period 13 June 195'2 tbaroug#s 15 Auglsst 1.952 to Organisation of Office Career Service -Hoards. .~..1.. Of Career Service Boards with responsibilities as specified in CIA Notice 1have been organized in 24 Offices and major components of the Agency, of these have already begun to functio3lo it is expected that the entire organization will be completed during August and the machinery not in motion for the carrying out of the Career Service Program, +C, _^_ I01 W CM r-M . i In %a ate ca ad ~ a R e s Ck ca ca Office of Current Intelligence. nip rrfe?~nee.m..~~l The CCI Career Service Board was organized on 19 June (0C1 Rego 70J) and consists of Mesarso Sheldon (ex officio), The Boarc12.5X1 A9A has held two meetings to dam addition to Its assigned responsibilities the OM Career Service Board will reviews and recommend to the Assistant Director, plans for 1) special training courses within OCI, 2) nominees for courses outside OCI, 3) planned progression within OCI for the career development of key individuals, 4) long range planning to include rotation and training assignments outside OCI, 5) reassignment and advancement involving more than one OCS Division or Staff, and 6) all OCI promotions into grade GS-12 and above. Continuing functional responsibility for various aspects of the Career Service Program has been assigned to individual Board members, o roller's Offi.oso The ComptroYler's Career Service Board was organized on 16 July and consists of Messrs, Saunders (ex officio, 25X1A9A chairman), The Board has held one mee eo Security Information Approved For Release 2006/01/10: Cl1 P; Ti> ,000400050025-7 Approvedr Release 2006/01/10 : CIA-RDP78-08A000400050025-7 `CONFIDENTIAL avow Security Iafoarmatia 25X1A9A 25X1A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A oa Office of 000M nications. 2 he 000 Career Service Board wee organised on 21 jar O00 Ordw 2652) and congilLsts or! and alternates. jjI Service Board tills 1) Insure six modus lead-ti m er aan of headquarters-oversaw rowan 2) control length of totes of defy in headquarters and ! J) review AMWMO promotion of all tcatioets personnel, Into grab {36?.]3 and below, using criteria involving age and e~spaarlesice, and aui'v+ v of individual qualificat3.oelso d. Office of Research and Reports. The ORR Career Service Board was organized on 24 July Notice ors. Amory (ex officio ), and three rotating moftern who at present are Messrs. and Wa The Board mot again on 35 A,t t p co Office of National 39etimatee. The ONE Career Service Board we organized on 30 July (Q/gg Notice No. 68) and consists of Messrs. Kent (ex officio), f e Office of Collection and Dissemination. The OCID Carew Service Board was organized on 31 July (Memo from the AD and OCD Reg. No. M-20-1) and consists of tiaras. Andrews (ex officio), and and rotaxing members who meet with the Board on the basis of primary interest and function, The Board has held one meeting to date and has effected several intra- and extra-Office rotation details. Criteria adopted for the guidance of rotation plans are two years service for extrs Office rotation, none for intra'Offioe rotation. go Personnel Offioe. 25X1A The Personnel Office Career Service Board was organized on 1 August (PDH 35-52) and consists of General (ex officio) CONFIDENTIAL Security Information Approved For Release 2006/01/10 : CIA RDP78-04718A000400050025-7 Approd For Release 2006/01/10: CIA-RDP74718A000400050025-7 'CONFIDENTIAL Security Difamtun 25X1A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A and Mesarao Malooa (Ghailma)s he Office of Operations. service Board was awed an 6 Augast ez officio), p 8arviaes Office. TM General services Cam Service was organized an 11 A es officio, Ta CWLrmin additton. to ibilities speci er Boarda in CIA iotic~ the General Services Board wi11 "vim and recommend to the Chiefs General Services, Conning 1 special training within and outside of General Serviceag 2 planned progression for the career cUev+elnent of ker- individuals, 3) P2wudxg of rotation and training assign- manta 4) reassiga~nt involving more than. one i~ivisian in tN~ral services, and 5) all promotioce into grade OS-12 and above* Office of Traio The OTIt Career Service Board vas organised on 13 AIWAIt 25X1A9A em officio In )s 25X1A9A 25X1A9A Approved For Release 2006/01/1At8AG00400050025-7 a i tion to office Boards by CIA Notice _ the 07 Board w.11 review and 25X1 A recommend final action regarding 1) ~e1 EvaluatLoa Beporta, 2) appointments, asaignmeas transfers wand motes, and resignations, 3) extra?Agenc1 training 4) rotation assignments between the Office of Training and other Offioese ko OftYce of Technical SarVices The O'TS der service d was organized on l4 Amt rs? (em officio, Chairman), In addition to respo Board will be gned normal as co erred with 1) special training, 2) ident3 fi cati+mo and develops nt of potential eaoecutives, 3) a of an Invant cry of special skills and abilities, and 4) rotation, reassiammt and ad o COfijk'I IAI& Approvedr Release 2006/01/10 : CIA-RDP78-08A000400050025-7 Jd.L Security 3 ormatica 25X1A9A to Zaepeation and Security Office. .The IWO deer Service Board is is process of being owed and consists of Yamme ez officio) 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A L Oft`iae_ of S4 e~att3fia lhtolli o The 051 Career Service =BWd is is course of organized and consists of Messrs, and end one rotating ou Chle mho present 25X1A 25X1A bo Evaluations officers have been designated is each office and Mjor component of the Agency eaith responaiW.lity for handling ad intrative activities In connection with the. program9 Co The training of supervisors in headquarters is under way under the auspices of the Mmagement Training Division., Office of Tra3ningo A brochure' *You Personnel aa1ue-tion Repot*' b been developed for distribution with each Personnel suction Report Fora, This will acquaint an members of the Agency with their responsibilities in pr'apariug Personnel Lva]a*ticn Reports, Actual preparation of first reports will begin in October 19520 do Policy guides and instructions to field personnel are being prepared and will be published and distributed to field installations through appropriate channels, an CIA Notices in covert offices during the week of 1l8 Augusto 20 Personnel Evaluation Program, so The Personnel Evalstian Program wee installed an I Auawt 1952 big the simultaneous publication of CIA Regulation d no cal Office, An ad hoc Medtaal Career Service Board is being established, 0o It is expected that Career Service Boards will be organized CONFID1;14 .1 Security Information Approved For Release 2006/01/10 : CIA-RQP. Approve~l'F'or Release 2006/01/10: CIA-RDP78- 18A000400050025-7 CONI IDENTIAL Security Inforiaatioa 25X1A9A Prafesdonal Selection Panel. ae The fanosdft individuals have been nominated to es v' as mesbers of the Profeasiaioal Selection Prod. 1 fiber (Ov Offioes) Member (overt Offices) Member Copt Offices) Ymber c.rt Offices) Member swort Offices) ;ernate) Advisory represeaatative (Security) *tthear Baird Advisory representative (Training) 25X1A9A Oeo; g e Ep Meloon alternate) Advisory representative (Personnel.) bo It is recommended that the CIA Career Service Board add to the Panel an advisory representative from the Medical Staff. 00 (1) The intent of Tab E of the CIA Career Service program requires a definition of "professional position" based on the longterm career significance of a position in the field of intelligence as well as on the nature of its specific duties. The definition should enable the identification of those positions which because of the kind or level of intelligence information or experience they offer, provide opportunity for individual develop- ment which will be of long-term valve in fields of special interest to the Agency, Therefore, CIA professional pasitiooe are defined ass "those positions which offer direct opportunity for career service by developing an individss understanding or skill in the use of inter gence.tedhniques, thereby preparing bin for progressively more responsible specialized or ea+ecutive assigments in the Agency." (2) For the purpose of implementing the program contained in Tab E of CIA Notice No d by the above definition, the foUowing~watified as professional Positions: (a) Positions grade OS-9 and above. (b) Positions grade 07 or hitter in the following occupational groups or series: Approved For Release 2006/0'6jRiq1~000400050025-7 asd 25X1A ApprO ed For Release 2006/01/10 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000400050025-7 'CONFIDENTIAL w security Infaa *ation Information and DMi tort al ssrl*s OB-MO Trans]at * Series W OO33 interpreter series $- as-mw 3 Security Adsi atratiola Sari.. Social Science and telligenOS W-mm peel Adlini8tratim G" 00-0200 Office Services and Om m2%1 3W Admiaad.atrative Group 0 ~ B ological Sciences Group O&' OZ Accounting and Fiscal Group iO0 maaosl' Dental and Health Scianceee and 0s?0700 Group GS.06W MmAnemmll* Group Levi Group 00-09M Fine and Applied Art Group 05 4000 Business and Industry Group (184.300 Physical sciences Gm V OS -23W Library and Archives Group statistics and Mathematics Group 05 Education and Training Group G 470 General Investigating Series Munn aneous nvestigation and 0548 ,1899 Inspection Series 00 S'uppb Group (c) Those ungraded and CPC positions the equivalent of grade os4 or higher, requiring highly skilled work associated irblmately with intelligere operations (d) Those additional positions which may be designated as professional positions by the. Classification and Wage Division of the Personnel Office upon consultation with representatives of the Professional Selection Panel and the office wherein such positions are established. d0 responsibilities for iulementatiom of specific aspects of the program for "The Selection and Training of Trainees for Ptrofessiomsl Positions" (Tab E of the Career Service Program) have been assocated as follows: Security Information Approved For Release 2006/01/1 Q :, QIA-.R TP -fl4718A000400050025-7 Aped For Release 2006/01/10 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000400050025-7 ASS SU~~9 T ~~~ 0 Boom Secui pnformStion (1) The Office of Training is responsible for developing the CIA Ia elligemce School to provide broad intensive training in basic inte3,l3genae background information for all new personnel recrcvited for professional positions &ee Recommndations ae be and Co in TO E)0 It will a]ao be responsible for briefing coneultaat- c ontacts (See Teem nendat i h e & le In Tab Z)* (2) the procuremmt f(w the recruitment of personnel for is ~spona~ble professional positions including the program to recruit students through cc sultent eta in colleges and universities (See omsn+ ndations eo fo and J. in Tab E)0 (3) The Ifl petition and Security Office is responsible for c9~et~ em special security measuc to be takon in preventing anb eive infi.ltratian thro+ the trainee system (See R COiiSEndation is in Tab E)o () The Personnel office will develop a program for testing candidates for professional. positions and wills, through the Career pervelopms'* SbQff s provide a seoret* riat to the professional Selection Panel (See Recommendations d. la and mo in TO E)a 1b IDnesutiye torsre ao An .Emoutive lnventaiy has been extablished and is being = CIL dstalneCa Career Sin the custoMr of the ZwcaUv's ervice Hoard an an "Eyes 00318 basis Soot the i ventasy indXudes all Agency personnelr grades (?' and above? and such other persons as the CIA Carer Service Boa rd from time to time. At pr? this IrnenOr7 f al.]. 25X1 cc psr.onnhs vftwn the Scope of the Carew Soriii rogramo bo The Sawativo Seca Lary bas wed on behalf of the Hoard to revs i the Prsoanel FRaluatioa ReparU on each individual. nal d in the Swr4blve Thventto&y and will deielcp additional Soea to Zr-cilitata use of the Thventory as a reeoares for f2132n6 kV Agency positions. avow 7 .e . CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/01/10 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000400050025-7 Approved' or Release 2006/01/10 : CIA-RDP78- e718A000400050025-7 Secairl.t r Information 5o HQspitalizationand We Inswanee_ ao The Hospitalization Insurance Plan as previously proposed is found to be unworkable for eeeurity and cover reasons Ro ier, a firm basis for further negotiation with Group Hoepitaliaation, Inc4 hags been developed. The basis factoree5X1 A to which OHI has tentatively agreed, arcs bo Althor* the Aoepitalization Inenssme Plan is fairly weU deflerd, the problem of life iasoranae for mesbere of CIA in beop~lg ixoz ea.ingly coi 3.ex. At least am of the large serial 3msmeaaae o panf es refuses to write life inemrance for aw pseo s 4WIWed by CXI- without being provided int is ihiah oamaat be divulged for seocsrity reasons. SS Oddition, the iuaaranee requiremeel's of CIA pereomel as LCON~IDENTIAL 8eamd ty Thforma~ticn ma00 Approved For Release 2006/01/10 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000400050025-7 Approve" "'For Release 2006/01/10 : CIA-RDP78-047 8A000400050025-7 Secuit7 formation a group have not been cuff ioiet 11 amlysed and defnedo The ge Lariat of the CTA Cteer Service Board is pr-- pwifl recoamaendat?esus concerning the adviaabi]ity of obtain; the fullotime services of a competent imuraric>e and acctuarial expert who could study the iarawance prcb lea a peculiar, to the CIA., maintain necessary actuarial data,, and assist the Agency in solving its insurance problemso 25X1A9A Executive Secretu7s, CIA Care Service Boar da 25X1A Cli/Ps88rle Distributions mmbers of the CTS. Career Service Boar. Chaimm of the Office Carew Service Boards OJfl . 1 MAIL Security Tasformation Approved For Release 2006/01/10 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000400050025-7