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Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A0003000400'~~ cutve Registry DD/A 76-1200 10 March 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence FROM John F. Blake Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT Legal and Proper Activities 1. The Inspector General wrote you on 2 March suggesting that you issue an Employee Bulletin in your name establishing the general requirement for all employees to report to you any questionable activities that come to their attention. You approved this recom- mendation. 2. The Inspector General asked that I prepare such a notice for your signature. It is attached, and has the concurrence of the Inspector General and the General Counsel. STATINTL John F. Blake Distribution: Orig - DCI w/Orig Att 1 - DDCI w/Cy Att 1 - IG w/Cy Att 1 - GC w/Cy Att 1 - ER w/Cy Att Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000300040017-6 Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000300040017-6 DO/A 76-1201 A "( M I'C?t ALL CIA As Director of Central Intelligence. I am d+ter tI Intelligence A,.,ft adherenct to its legislative charter, Executive Orders, and appropriate a Directives. Only by such adherence b t and letter of VIM law, can the A ei cy con' to serve the people of the tnite4 States Toy properly carrying out Its rnissiou to contribute to the _ational r it y A CIA eguir tion requires that any erpioyee wlbo b , current, or props. d CIA activities strued to be illegal, improper, + uesti n- CIA's le izlative charter, or who eii v eiyed instructions that i, my way proper, questionable, or outside CTA*s or, i :for the Director or inspector ly ployce to comply with, t..- You may report ai#y. Information ref ctl7 to or to the Inspector reneral at any ' f - `' A-1-4 Geor a hush Distribution: Original - All CIA Taployees I IG I - General Counsel I - I)CI I - FR I. - DCr I I TJD/A Subject I - DD/A Chrono I JFi3 Ciirono A:J B2a ;.e .der: (10 March 1976) Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000300040017-6 Approv STATINTL STATINTL 3 O R WIL IF 1 n loftff? oose YfFftW C A OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS I Mr. McMahon 2 Mr. Blake 3 4 10 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE i u RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE -_:RE L Meow-_or-DGL...fr_II.G._dtd..,.2Mas 76 . Remarks: In para. 9 of Ref memo, the IG suggest to the DCI that it would be appropriate and desirable for Mr. Bush to restate on his own behalf the general requirement for all em to ees to report questionable activities has prepared the attached Memo 0? Employees in that regard. Does or all CIA this look ok to you? FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE ii EO-DDA 7D-24 x653 3/10/7 I T U$4;eASS1F1ED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET m* 70. 237 Use previous editions 040017-6 Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000300040017-6 Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000300040017-6 As Director of 2ntral Intellig that the Central Ip elligence Agene in strict adhereryZe to its legisl applicable laws. Only by such and letter of the law can the people of the United States mission to contribute to t A CIA regulation knowledge of past, cur, might be construed t legislative charte received instruct improper,, or out the Director or e, I am determined conduct its activities ive charter, other herence both to the spirit gency continue to serve the properly carrying out its national security. uires that any employee who has ent, or proposed CIA activities that be illegal, improper,=or outside CIA's or who believes that he or she has that in any way appear illegal, ide CIA's legislative charter, inform Inspector General immediately. #,; ' I expec each employee to comply with the regulation. ?ou may rep rt any information relating to these matters directly me or to the Inspector General at any time. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 George Bush Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000300040017-6 ^ . CONFIDENTIAL ^ SECRET R7A"498A000300040017-6 RECEIVED FORWARDED OFFICER'S INITIALS `25XI a;1AR W'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column offer each comment.) Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000300040017-6 Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A 003060406m',? v p.?rn`\ 1-3-70 STATINTL MEMORANDUM FOR: Director FROM : Inspector General SUBJECT : Are. CIA Employees Reporting Fully to the DCI? 1. This memorandum is in response to your request for background information concerning the question raised at the 27 February breakfast with Senator Bellm.on's group. The question was how you would know if CIA is reporting to you the things you should know. This . reviews the. origin of the present reporting requirements, how they first became known publicly, . and. where things now stand. There- is..& recommendation for your?,considerati.on: in. paragraph 9. 2. On 9 May'.-.1.973 DCI Schlesinger issued instructions- to alL,..employees that: they report any activities that appeared to them as-being outside the Agency's legislative charter. On the same date he appeared in open session before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Intelligence, where he described activities, which-was reported in the press at the time as well as on a. recurring basis thereafter. 3. DCI Colby was asked a number of times if he was sure that he knew what was going on in the Agency. His reply took various forms, usually referring to the instructions to employees that they report' any questionable activities--that there be "no surprises".--and his confidence that he knew those things he should know. He also referred to instructions issued by him in August 1973 setting new limits on Agency activity. Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000300040017-6 r?y rn .yrT ? ~.7'1 { nA pnr ;+'a^+ tl F gyp. r. dye. Approved F f ,eteaSE 0q 04 5 C~~=RD 7 -00498A000300040017-6 4. In addition to the above, DCI Colby raised the matter a number of times at our morning meetings, reiterating to his Deputies the need to keep in mind the requirement for reporting. The Employee Conduct Handbook.. required annual reading for all employees---was. changed to include. the following statement: "Any CIA. employee who believes that he has received. instructions which in any way appear inconsistent with the CIA legislative charter will. inform the Director of. Central Intelligence immediately. " The continued p.ubl.i_city. .given past Agency activities and this report questionable activities has heightened employee.: sensitivity to?.the question. There is reason for confidence in the belief that past inhibitions for reporting such activities have been overcome. .5. In addition to the clear responsibility of employees to report questionable activities, the Agencyis internal review mechanism has- been reinforced to detect improprieties when they exist. The Inspector General's staff is in the final phase of increasing .from five to twenty inspectors, and a program of reviewing all Agency activities for possible improprieties or illegality is underway. 6. As the.question about knowledge can be expected again it might be-useful.-to, review some of the incidents that have iven- rise to it. The 9 May 1973 instructions by DCI Schlesinger him with technical support in the summer of 1971. Although the profile had been approved by -DCI Helms, its relationship to that which became known as "Watergate" was not recognized until May 1973. STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000300040017-6 Approved Fo~eleas2.1Qa'~~1/Q5 {/CIA~DQ9-00498A000300040017-6 STATINTL had no connection with any CIA assignment. This incident, however, led to the resignation of the Director of Security. -Finally, the Senate Select Committee inquiry into allegations of assassination plotting revealedrthat.DCI McCone--a Director from outside the Agency--had not been. told of the plotting against Castro. It doubt- less is one or more of these incidents that prompts the continuing questions about the possible lack of complete reporting to the DCI. 8. Present, policy appears to be well known and. understood, that Agency employees are to report any questionable activities known to them, either to the. DCI or the IG. Requirements for OGC. review of new activities, and the augmented inspection capability, reinforce the likelihood that activities not recognized and reported by employees will be reviewed at their inception or detected in the regular program o . inspections. The Audit Staff's program audits should also assist in this regard. 9. We believe that it is appropriate and desirable that you restate on your own behalf the general requirement for all employees?-to report to you any questionable activities that come to their attention, taking the form of a notice to all employees. STATINTL Donald F. Chamberlain Inspector General r Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000300040017-6