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9 5- Approved For Release 2002/0`?J-RDP79-00498A0001,.00020025-1 DO NOT RETIRE ~'d' DD, P ? ? Bring forward to current file each year MEYMANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Plans Deputy Director for Support 18 UG 19154 SUBJECT: Administration of Staff and Career Agents under Non-Official Cover 1. This memorandum contains recommendations for. your approval.. These recommendations are contained in Paragraph 6. 25X1A 2. The recommendation contained in this memorandum on mated in discussions at the Support Chiefs' Conference held at on 3 - 5 June 1964. It was suggested at the conference that ani _J 25X1A 25X1A for Staff and Career Agents was feasible and would result in considerable-savings in time and effort on the part of the Agents., field stations, and headquarters. 3. While the use of Staff and Career Agents under non-official cover has increased greatly in the past five years, there is little evidence that our administrative and financial procedures have been modified sufficiently to keep pace with this trend. Most officers who have had experience in operating under non-official cover or supporting Agents under non-official cover are of the opinion that an undue amount of time is required to meet administrative and financial requirements. These officers cite examples involving travel, shipment of household effects, housing, education allowances, transportation and vehicle expenses, and operational entertainment. In some cases this time and effort spent on administrative matters has merely been an irritant. In others, it has resulted in delays in the operational deployment and development of the Agent. 4. Although there have been improvements resulting from simpli- fication of certain administrative procedures and through better briefings of personnel, we believe that an additional step is required to eliminate the majority of the existing problems. Specifically, we believe that the various administrative payments to which the Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100020025-1 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/bgL;ARDP79-00498A00Q100020025-1 +1i.a amrnIn+. M-r the and to gather actual operating c As the mechanism that could be established to determine experience in this area, we would recommend a small worxing conmiiz-cee operating under senior sponsorship. In much the same manner as is now the case with the this group could start' on an individual case basis, and with sufficient actual experience, eventually be in a position to recommend formal policies and procedures covering the subject. 6. It is therefore recommended that: (a) A committee be established representing the Clandestine j Services Staff or Division concerned with a particular case, the Central Cover Staff, SSA-DD/S, the Office of General Counsel, and the Directors of Finance and Personnel. 25X1A and data gained in the course of its operation, this committee propose regulations and permanent organizational machinery for the determination of for. Staff Agent and Career Agent personnel serving overseas. This committee beempowered to establish Ion an individual case basis for Staff Agents and Career ens serving overseas. (c) At the end of one year, on the basis of experience Special Support Assistant/DDS /Nauice o ene QlTii-ector' of Personnel c o U Dat Z C, '.- /Date / Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100020025-1 Approved For Release 2002(MIA-RDP79-00498A000100020025-1 SUBJECT: Administration of Staff and Career Agents Under Non-Official Cover The recommendations contained in Paragraph 6 are approved. ans X Q. "l Assistant Deputy rec Aging Deputy rec o Support Distribution: Orig - SSA-DDS 2 - DD/P 2 - DDS 1 - OGC 1 - D/Pers 1 - D/Fin 1 - SSA-DDS chron Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100020025-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP79-0 A006100020J25?-1" 12 OCT 1064 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Support ATTENTION : Special Support Assistant to the Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT : Administration of Staff and Career Agents under Non-Official Cover REFERENCE : Memo to DD/S, DD/P from SSA/DDS dtd 18 Aug 64, Same Subject 1. The Office of Finance concurs in the establishment of a Committee of the general type and composition outlined in reference. We would like to suggest, however, that the Committeets responsi- bilities be defined in broader terms than that of reviewing and establishing allowances since that is, only one of the possible techniques which may be utilized to improve agent administration. Many of the problems which arise in administering agent contracts are attributable 25X1C to the fact that the terms of the contract are not clear, are not con- sistent with the and not compatible with the prevailing operational and cover conditions, Attached for your general information is a copy of a memo dtd 1 May 64 to the Director of Personnel outlining some of the problems encountered in this connection, and making reference to specific case examples. 2. Considering the proposed composition of the membership of the Committee it would appear appropriate for the Committee to review the facts pertaining to non-official cover assignments of Staff and Contract Agents to insure that the administrative and financial arrangements for handling the agent are compatible with the prevailing cover conditions and25X1C the operational objectives sought; that contracts contain clear and consistent provisions covering each agents s entitlements and arrangements for administering such entitlements in a manner that Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100020025-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 tlA-RDP79-00498A000100020025-1 will avoid compromise of cover; and that the contracts do not place an excessive administrative burden on the agent, but at the same time provide positive reporting of the facts necessary to properly administer the agent=s activities. 25X1A 3. It is also suggested that consideration be given to designating the Office of Personne as Secretary to the Committee with responsibility for obtaining the information necessary for presenting cases to the Committee, as well as incorporating decisions of the Committee into agent contracts. 4. I would be glad to discuss these points with you in further detail if you desire, R. H. FUCHS Director of Finance Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100020025-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RbP79-00498A000100020025-1 A, ,,.23 September 1964 I believe this is a good way to get started on a solution to an old problem. The proposal will be coordinated with General Counsel, Personnel, Finance, and TJD/P before. coming to you for approval. In the process there may be some changes. While we do not ask your approval now we would like to have your blessing to proceed with this kind of paper. \tr Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100020025-1