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Approved For Rele 2005/09/29 :CIA-RDP80B01495R000500020//~~ 01 3& CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE June 20, By Mr. BELLMON: S. 2043. A bill to amend the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development ACt. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and For- es try. By Mr, HARTKE: 1;. 2044. A bill to extend until September 30, 975, the suspension of duty on certain dye- ing and tanning products and to include log- wood among such products. Referred to the Cmnmittce on Finance. By Mr. PERCY: S. 2045. An original bill to require that future appointments to the offices of Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Manage- nient and Budget, and of certain other offi- cers in the Executive Office of the President, le subject to confirmation by the Senatve. Placed on the calendar. y STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED 13ILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS By Mr. RIBICOFF (for himself, Mr. IIARTKE, Mr. CHURCH, Mr. MONDALE, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. PASTORE, Mr. HUMPRREY, Mr. NELSON, and Mr. FELL) : S. 2025. A bill to amend title II of the Social Security Act and the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to establish 1974 (rather than 1975) as the first year in which adjustments in benefits, wage base, and earnings limitation, can be made on account of increases in the cost of living. Referred to the Committee on Finance. SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS ESCALATION Mr. RIBICOFF. Mr. President, today I am introducing legislation to assure all social security beneficiaries of an in- crease in retirement benefits as of Janu- nary 1, 1974. Under present law social security benefits are not scheduled to in- crease until January 1, 1975. Tn the past few years Congress has :>ubstantialiy raised the social security miefit levels. But the cost of living has nullified much of these increases. Prop- crty taxes have jumped by nearly 39 liercent in the last 4 years, nearly twice fhe overall increase in the Consumer Price Index. And the impact has been especially severe for the aged because nearly 70 percent own their own homes. Public transportation costs have risen uy over 33 percent during this same period. Here again, senior citizens are hard hit since many must rely on pub- lie transit instead of private automobile.- Food prices have gone up by at least 34 percent in the 4-year period. This is tragic for the elderly who spend 27 per- cent of their income for food as compared to 17 percent of all Americans. And medical care costs=a significant 'cost factor to the aged-have increased 36 percent. And all of these price increases have been escalating even more rapidly in the last few months. It would be one thing if social security benefits were at an adequate level. But they are not. Social security benefits for millions of older Americans-even with the 20-percent increase enacted last year-still fall below the Government's own poverty benchmark. Average annual payments for retired workers amounted to $1,944 in 1972, nearly $40 below the poverty threshold for single aged per- sons. For widows, average benefits were more than $320 under the impoverished standard. It is unconscionable for us to let prices skyrocket out of sight while millions of older Americans are denied an increase in social security benefits. The legislation I am proposing would change the effective date of the so-called cost-of-living escalator in the social security law from January 1, 1975 to January 1, 1974. This escalator provides that .when the Consumer Price Index goes up by at least 3 percent in any year, social security benefits will be raised to keep pace with the inflation. In view of the 7-percent inflation to date this year I hope that Congress will take speedy action on this proposal. By Mr. HUMPHREY (for himself I~ and Mr. AIKEN) : S. 2026. A bill to amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, and for other purposes. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, MUTUAL DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION ACT OF 1973 MR. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I have been distressed to observe the de- cline in U.S. support for the development of the low-income countries. Part of the reason for our poor performance stems from a disagreement over how aid should be administered. Many people have expressed a strong preference for multilateral aid over bi- lateral aid. I share that view. But some of the things America has to offer others are best carried in a bi- lateral form. For example, the great tra- dition and experience of rural cooper- atives ought to be brought to the atten- tion of the developing countries, and this is not likely to happen except through a bilateral program. The same is true of our private voluntary programs and our great universities and land grant col- leges which have so much to offer the world. And, in any event, it would not do to cut off bilateral aid until multilateral efforts are ready to take over the job. The world can ill afford to let its total support for the poor and the powerless of the earth decline. And that is exactly what will happen If American bilateral aid and its support of multilateral aid continues to lag. In the negotiations for the replenish- ment of the funds of the International Development Association, the soft loan window of the World Bank, I am un- happy to learn that it is America that is dragging its feet. I know that we have serious problems at home. Nobody is more mindful than I of the ills that beset us or more anxious to heal them. Yet, with all our problems, we are a very privileged people. Even our determined attacks on our problems reveal our basic strength. It Is not like America, even under great stress, to forget other people in much greater need. This is not J. keeping with the splendid traditions of this great Nation. Americans are generous people. They are citizens of the world as well as citi- zens of the United States. Since they are not directly represented on any of the in- ternational bodies as individuals, it is up to their Government to represent tlhcin in their keenly felt role as -World citizens. I believe that we are failing to represent our citizens in that role when we permit this richest of all the world's nations to become the laggard in the world's devel- opment effort. We can do much better. Not only for humanitarian reasons. But the peace and political stability we seek can only come about when the poor are brought into the development process. It was with a sense of genuine reas- surance, therefore, that Ilearned of the vigorous new initiative of a bipartisan majority of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on American foreign eco- nomic aid legislation. Nowhere have I seen a more apt summary of that impor- tant initiative than in an editorial last Thursday, June 7, in the Minneapolis Tribune from which I would like to quote one paragraph: One has to be impressed as much by the ingenuity as the substance of a foreign ail proposal offered last week by a bipartisan majority of the House Foreign Affairs Com- mittee. Consider this unlikely combination of elements: The bill should appeal to development idealists. It offers new mai'nets to profit-minded American exporters. It ills the potential of increasing U.S. employ- ment. It would not increase taxes, and it ns politically shrewd in other ways as well. Mr. President, I believe so strongly tha we are in need of such new departures in foreign aid that I am today, on behalf of Senator AIKEN and myself, introduc- ing a bill identical to the House com- mittee version to amend the forc'g ii aid legislation. In joining with me in this effort. my good friend and distinguished colleague, GEORGE AIKEN, brings to this effort a deep sense of commitment to the principle that American aid should reach those most in need. In past years, I worked closely with Senator AIKEN in the development oL legislation dealing with forei un economic assistance. During our joint efforts. I was always impressed wiLlh Senator AlKrN's knowledge of the ingredients needed to make the development pro,,css become more effective. His cosponsorship of the Mutual Development and Cooper- ation Act of 1973 is symbolic of continu- ing bipartisan efforts to make American assistance responsive to the real needs of the world's poor. I believe this bill will do much to get America back on a true course in our relations with the developing; countries. For too long U.S. foreign policy has been preoccupied with great power re- lationships. If a nation has a nuclear capability, or if it belong to the central trading establishment of the world, we have a place for it. But our policy today has little room Approved For Release 2005/09/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000500020014-3 Approved For Rele 2005/09/29: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000500020014-3 w;te N~, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE S 'f-T7" V/ for those nations where most of human- ago India imported 10 million tons of terms. Other exporting countries un- ity lives. I submit that such a policy is grain following a monsoon failure tom derstand this and are supporting their not only bad morality, it is bad security, avoid widespread famine. During the en- exporters by offering steadily increasing bad economics, and bad diplomacy as suing years, she was able to accumulate financing on attractive terms with low- weil. The world is shrinking and econ- nearly 10 million tons of grain reserves interest rates, long maturities and gen- ourics and societies are growing more from the expanded production made pos- Brous grace periods. interdependent. We have got to make sible by the green revolution in which This bill would remedy this ,,itu:ition this world work, and it will not work for American aid programs, public and pri- by setting up a new Export Development the most fortunate unless it works rea- vate, played such an important role. Credit Fund with authority to make sonably well for the forgotten majority. Thus, when the Bangladesh crisis credit available to pay for U.S. exports We have no choice but to meet this arose, India was the principal food do- to the lowest-income countries on terms challenge. We cannot forget the world's nor, providing nearly 2 million tons of that are competitive. It would be able majority which is powerless today, but food. Even with this unprecedented gen- to finance about $1 billion per year at in- can vitally affect our future and our erosity, India has come very close to terest rates of perhaps 3 percent. children's future tomorrow. Our foreign surviving this year's drought, one of the The difference between such low rates 7 policy will not be whole, nor will it be wgrst in a?century, by using its food re- andidhe pprofund to borrow percent it viable until it is a policy which takes ac- serves. wou cost the money count of the developing nations and I A third story is about population. A from the U.S. public, would be paid for works to make the bounties of the earth decade ago, populations were exploding out of receipts on old aid loans which available to them as well as to ourselves. throughout the poor lands and nobody are now largely used for relending by The bill we are introducing today is was doing anything about it, and govern- AID. by no means all idealism, though it is ments did not even dare to speak of it These receipts, which are increasing idealistic. It is practical and tough- very openly. Today, although the prob- in volume each year, make it possible to minded, and it serves the highest na- 1em is far from solved, it is out in the establish such a Fund with borrowing tional interest- our interest in making open and governments-almost all of authority similar to the Export-Import this world more livable for all of us and them-have population stabilization as Bank, on a fiscally sound basis, and our children. an official or semiofficial goal, and they without charge to the U.S. budget. The First, this bill recognizes a veritable are mounting campaigns to solve popu- Fund would only finance exports which Intellectual revolt among scholars of de- lation problems. That is real progress in actually helped with development, velopment who are turning against the one short decade on such a basic and thereby enabling these countries to de- long-held view that growth alone is the sensitive problem. velop the ability to repay and to become answer that will trickle benefits down to These three success stories not only better customers for our future exports. the poorest majority. These scholars, refute some of the recent allegations by There would be no luxury items or mil- and now this bill, start from the proposi- ill-informed authors to the effect that itary goods. And the Fund's clients tion that the poorest majority must we do not know how to help in the de- would be the least developed countries share in the work of building a nation velopment process; they also illustrate where U.S. exports are lagging. and must share more equitably in the - the worth of the problem-solving ap- Mr. President, the bill we are intro- fruits of development at the outset- proach to development. That is the ap- ducing today is social statesmanship in not at some future date after, growth proach where we concentrate enough the highest form, where two very im- targets have been met. Greater equity resources over enough time on an acute portant U.S. goals can be served simul- and greater participation, instead of human problem affecting the poorest taneously. I refer to the goal of help- taking a toll on growth, supports and majority to get some results. That is the ing the development of the lowest-in- reinforces it. first very basic reform built into this come countries and the goal of helping Years ago, the Congress took an initia- bill. This new approach to foreign aid U.S. exports, both immediately and in tive in passing title IX of the Foreign As- will enable the little guy to be reached- building markets for the future. As sistance Act, which expressed an earlier millions of lower income families will be many as 80,000 U.S. jobs may be created version of these views. The evidence of affected. once the Export Development Credit scholarly study and of experience now The second reform Introduced by this Fund gets into operation. Thus, Anier- bears out the wisdom of that congres- bill, grows out of an interesting piece of lea's role in helping our less fortunate sional view, and today it reappears in research done by our House colleagues. world neighbors need not be at the ex- more mature and tangible form in this That reseach shows that the United pense of those in need at home. Father, bill. It is more tangible because this bill States is doing very well in increasing it can help them to gel; jobs, which we specifics the fields of endeavor which will its exports to the developing countries will agree is the most basic way to help most directly benefit the poorest major- as a whole. In fact, these countries have them solve their problems. lty and commits money to each of those become very important customers, im- There is a third purpose served by the sectors. And each field is responsive to a porting about as much as the Common bill we introduce today. It recognizes deeply rooted human problem that per- Market-including the United King- that America's responsibilities with re- .neates the societies of the low-income dom-plus Japan. spect to the developing countries reach countries. The three fields of emphasis It is a critical and growing market far beyond our aid programs. U.S. pol- are first, food, nutrition, and rural de- whose importance is not often appre- icies on trade, investment, science poI- velopment, second, population planning ciated However, the House committee icy, oceans, debt relief and other sub- and health, third, education and human looked deeper and found that in the jects may affect very profoundly the resource development. poorest countries-those with per capita destinies of poor countries. increasingly, the AID program has GNP of $200 per year or less-U.S. ex- Yet now, tthes hose p policies are made system- given sustained attention over a period ports are not doing well at all. of time to a problem in one of these three Not only are we losing our share of this atically informing ourselves of how they fields. And there are some stirring sue- market to other exporters, we are losing will affect our interests in development. cess stories to tell as a result. in absolute dollar volume of sales. Amer- This bill institutionalizes a coordinating One story is about malaria. Twenty ican exports to these markets are de- procedure that would insure that the years ago, well over 10 million people in pendent on U.S. Government financing, development factor was always consid- South Asia alone were afflicted with the mostly AID and Public Law 480. The erect. That factor may not predominate. disease. More than 1 million died each Export-Import Bank and private loans but at least it has to be heard. year. Today the disease is under control. are not very large. This is not surpris- In order to do this, the bill sets up a Another success story is about cereal ing, since these countries cannot afford Development Coordinating Committee production in South Asia. Seven years to import except on easily repayable and makes as its chairman, the head of Approved For Release 2005/09/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000500020014-3 Approved For Relea 2005/09/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R00Q 0020014-3 S 11570 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE June 20, 197:" the Mutual Development and Coopera- tion Agency-the proposed successor to the AID, which is the agency most sensi- tively attuned to the subject of develop- ment. Mr. President, I believe this bill is a great improvement on present legislation. it will focus bilateral aid on the most pressing human problems. it will put the great U.S. industrial machinery and agriculture at the service of development while protecting U.S.. exports and U.S. jobs. And it will weave into the fabric of our Government poli- cies some common threads of develop- ment. It will put America back onto. qt. course in world affairs in which we can ain lift our heads and be proud. And ag- in my view, it will justly deserve and receive the support of the people of America and the Congress. Mr. 'President, I ask unanimous cony sent that the full text of the bill along with a section-by-section analysis be printed at this point in the RECORD. There being na objection, the bill and analysis were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: S. 2026 13e it enacted by the Senate and !louse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That this Act may be cited as the "Mutual Development and Cooperation Act of 1973." (b) Strike out "Agency for, International Development" each place it appears in such Act and insert in lieu thereof in each such place "Mutual Development and Cooperation Agericy". POLICY; DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE AUTHORIZA- TIONS SEC. 3. Chapter 1 of part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended as fol- lows: (a) In the chapter heading, Immediately after "CHAPTER 1-POLICY" insert "; DEVEL- OPMENT ASSISTANCE AUTHORIZATIONS". (b) In section 102, relating to statement of policy, insert "(a)" immediately after "STATEMENT OF POLICY.-", and at the end thereof add the following: "(h) The Congress further finds and de- clares that, with the help of United States economic assistance, progress has been made in creating a base for the peaceful advance of the less developed countries. At the same time, the conditions which shaped the United States foreign assistance program in the past have changed. While the United States must continue to seek increased co- operation and mutually beneficial relations with other nations, our relations with the less developed countries must be revised to relicct the new realities. In restructuring our relationships with these countries, the Presi- dent should place appropriate emphasis on the following criteria: "(1) Bilateral development aid should concentrate increasingly on sharing Amer- ican technical expertise, farm commodities, and industrial goods to meet critical de velopment problems, and less on large-scale capital transfers, which when made should be in association with contributions from other industrialized countries working to- gether in a multilateral framework, "(2) Future United States bilateral sup- port for development should focus on critical problems in those functional sectors which affect the lives of the majority of the people in the developing countries: food production, rural development and nutrition; population planning and health; education, public ad- ministration, and human resource develop- ment. "(3) United States cooperation in develop- ment should be carried out to the maximum extent possible through the private sec- tor, particularly those institutions which already have tics In the developing areas, such as educational institutions, coopera- tives, credit unions, and voluntary agencies. "(4) Development planning must be the responsibility of each sovereign country. United States assistance should be ad- ministered in a collaborative style to sup- port the development goals chosen by each country receiving assistance. "(5) United States bilateral development assistance should give the highest priority to undertakings submitted by host govern- ments which directly improve the lives of the poorest majority of people and their capacity to participate in the development of their countries. "(6) United States development assistance should continue to be available through bilateral channels until it is clear that multi- lateral channels exist which can do the job with no loss of development momentum. "(7) Under the policy guidance of the Secretary of State, the Mutual Develop- ment and Cooperation Agency should have the responsibility for coordinating all United States development-related activities. The Administrator of the Agency should ad- vise the President on all United States actions affecting the development of the less- developed countries, and should keep the Congress informed on the major aspects of United States interests in the progress of those countries." (c) At the end thereof, add the following new sections: "SEC. 103. FOOD AND NUTRITION. In order to prevent starvation, hunger, and malnu- trition, and to provide basic services to the people living in rural areas and enhance their capacity for self-help, the President is authorized to furnish assistance, on such terms and conditions as he may determine, for agriculture, rural development, and nutrition. There is authorized to be appro- priated to the President for the purposes of this section, in addition to funds otherwise available fpi' such purposes, $300,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1974 and 1975, which amounts are authorized to remain available until expended. "SEC. 104. POPULATION PLANNING AND HEALTH.-In order to increase the opportuni- ties and motivation for family planning, to reduce the rate of population growth, to prevent and combat disease, and to help pro- vide health services for the great majority, the President is authorized to furnish assist- ance on such terms and conditions as he may determine, for population planning and health. There is authorized to be appropriated to the President for the purposes of this section, in addition to the funds otherwise available for such purposes, $150,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1974 and 1975, which amounts are authorized to remain available until expended. "SEC. 105. F?DUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT. -In order to reduce Illiteracy, to extend basic education and to increase manpower training In skills related to de- velopment, the President is authorized to furnish assistance on such terms and condi- tions as he may determine, for education, public administration and human resource development. There is authorized to be appropriated to the President for the pur- poses of this section, in addition to funds otherwise available for such purposes, $115,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1974 and 1975, which amounts are authorized to remain available until expended. "SEC. 106. SELECTED DEVELOPMENT Paon- LEMs.-The President is authorized to fur- nish assistance on such terms and conditions as he may determine, to help solve economic and social development problems in fields such as transportation and power, industry, urban development and export development. There is authorized to be appropriated to the President for the purposes of this section, In addition to funds otherwise available for such purposes, $93,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1974 and 1975, which amounts are authorized to remain available until expended. "SEC. 107. SELECTED COUNTRIES AND ORGA- NIZATIONS.-The President is authorized to furnish assistance on such terms and condi- tions as he may determine, in support of the general economy of receipieut countries or for development programs conducted by private or international organizations. There is authorized to be appropriated to the Presi- dent for the purposes of this section, in addi- tion to funds otherwise available for such purposes, $60,000,000 for each of the fiscal years' 1974 and 1975, which amounts are authorized to remain available until expended. 'SEC. 108. APPLICATION OF EXISTING PROVI- sions.-Assistance under this chapter shall be furnished in accordance with the pro- visions of title I, II, VI, or X of chapter 2 of this part, and nothing in this chapter shall be construed to make inapplicable the restrictions, criteria, authorities, or other provisions of this or any other Act In accord- ance with which assistance furnished under this chapter would otherwise have been provided. "SEC. 109. TRANSFER of FUNDS.- Notwith-standing the preceding section, whenever the President determines it to be necessary for the purposes of this chapter, not to exceed 15 per centum of the funds made available for any provision of this chapter may be trans- ferred to, and consolidated with, the funds made available for any other provision of this chapter, and may be used for any of the pur- poses for which such funds may be used, ex- cept that the total in the provision for the benefit of which the transfer is made shall not be increased by more than 25 per centum of the amount of funds made available for such provision.". DEVELOPMENT LOAN FUND SEC. 4. Section 203 of chapter 2 of part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 is amended as follows: (a) Strike out "the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended," and insert in lieu thereof "predecessor foreign assistance legislation". (b) Strike out "for the fiscal year 1970, for the fiscal year 1971, for the fiscal year 1972, and for the fiscal year 1973" and insert In lieu thereof "for the fiscal years 1974 and 1975 for use for the purposes of chapter 1 of this part and part V of this Act and". ADMINISTRATIVE POSI'iTONS SEC. 5. Chapter 2 of part III of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, relating to adminis- trative provisions, is amended as follows: (a) In section 638, relating to Peace Corps assistance, insert before the period at the end thereof "; or under part V of this Act". (b) At the end thereof, add the following new section: "SEC. 640B. COORDINATION.-(a) The Presi- dent shall establish a system for coordination of United States policies and programs which Approved For Release 2005/09/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000500020014-3 Approved For Relea - 2005/09/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000500020014-3 'hole 20, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE affect United States interests in the develop- ment of low-income countries. To that end, the President shall establish a Development Coordination Committee which shall advise hihn with respect to coordination of United States' policies and programs affecting the development of the developing countries. in- cluding programs of bilateral and multiiat- eral development assistance. The Committee shall include the Administrator, Mutual De- velopment and Cooperation Agency, Chair- man; the Under Secretary for Economic Af- fairs, Department of State; the Assistant Secretary for International Organization Af- fairs, Department of State; the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, Depart- ment of the Treasury; the Assistant Secre- tary for International Affairs and Commodity Programs, Department of Agriculture; the Assistant Secretary for Domestic and Inter- national Business, Department of Commerce; the President, Export-Import Bank of the United States; the President, Overseas Pri- vate Investment Corporation; the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations, Ex- ecutive Office of the President; and the Ex- ecutive Director, Council on International Economic Policy. "(h) The President shall prescribe appro- priate procedures to assure coordination among representatives of the United States Government in each country, under the di- rection of the Chief of the United States Diplomatic Mission. "(c) Programs authorized by this Act shall be undertaken with the foreign policy guid- ance of the Secretary of State. . "(d) The Chairman of the Development Coordination Committee shall report annu- ally to the President and the Congress on United States actions affecting the develop- ment of the low income countries.". 'UNITED STATES EXPORT DEVELOPMENT CREDIT FUND Sec. 6. The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 Is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new part: "PART V "SEc. 801. GENERAL AuTIIORITY,-(a) In the Interest of increasing United States exports to the lowest income countries, thereby con- tributing to high levels of employment and income in the United States and to the establishment and maintenance of long- range, growing export markets, while pro- moting development of such countries, tlhe' President shall establish a fund, to be known as the 'United States Export Development Credit Fund', to be used by the President to carry out the authority contained in this part. "(b) The President is authorized to pro- vide extensions of credit and to refinance United States exporter credits, for the pur- pose of facilitating the sale of United States goods and services to the lowest income countries which advance their development. The provisions of section 201(d) of this Act shall apply to extensions of credit under this part. The authority contained in this part snail be used to extend credit in connection with the sale of goods and services which are of developmental character, with due regard for the objectives stated in section 102(b) of this Act. "! ) The receipts and disbursements of the lie discharge of its functions shall -,d for purposes of the budget of the ,1 States Government in the same ..::'.Ilion as the receipts and disbursements of tike Export-Import Bank of the United States ender section 2(a) (2) of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, as amended. "SEC. 802. FINANCING.-(a) As may here- after be provided in annual appropriation Acts, the President is authorized to borrow from whatever source he deems appropriate, during the period from the enactment of this part through December 31, 1977, and to issue and sell Such obligations as he de- termines necessary to carry out the pur- poses of this part: Provided, That the aggre- gate amount of such obligations outstanding at any one time shall not exceed one-fourth of the amount specified in section 7 of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, as amended. The dates of issuance, the maximum rates of interest, and other terms and conditions of the obligations issued under this subsec- tion will be determined by the Secretary of tte Treasury with the approval of the Presi- dent. Obligations issued under the author- ity of this section shall be obligations of the Government of the United States. of America, and the full faith and credit of.thc United States of'America is hereby pledged to the full payment of principal and interest thereon. For the purpose of any purchase of the obligations issued under this part, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to use as a public debt transaction the proceeds from the sale of any securities issued under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as now or hereafter in force, and purposes for which securities may be issued under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as now or hereafter in force, are extended to include any purchases of the obligations issued under this part. The Secretary of the Treasury may, at any time, sell any of the obligations acquired by him under this section. All redemptions, pur- chases, and sales by the Secretary of such obligations shall be treated as public debt transactions of the United States. "(b) Except as otherwise provided in sec- tion 806, the amounts borrowed under sub- section (a) of this section shall be paid into the Fund and used to carry out the purposes of this part. Any difference between the in- terest to be repair: on export credits made under this part and the interest paid by the Fund on obligations incurred under sub- section (a) of this section shall be paid into the Fund out of receipts specified in sec- tion 203 of this Act. "(a) Receipts from loans made pursuant to this part are authorized to be made avail- able for the purposes of this part. Such receipts and other funds made available for the purposes of this part shall remain avail- able until expended. "SEC. 803. LENDING CEILING AND TERMINA- TION.-(a) The United States Export De- velopment Credit Fund shall not have out- standing at any one time loans in an ag- gregate amount in excess of one-fourth of the amount specified in section 7 of the Ex- port-Import Bank Act of 1945, as amended. "(b) The United States Export Develop- ment Credit Fund shall continue to exercise Its functions in connection with and in fur- therance of its objectives and purposes until the close' of business on December 31, 1977, but the provisions of this section shall not be construed as preventing the Fund from acquiring obligations prior to such date which mature subsequent to such date or from assuming prior to such date liabil- ity as acceptor of obligations which mature subsequent to such date or from issuing either prior or subsequent to such date, for purchase by the Secretary df the Treasury or any other purchasers, its obligations which mature subsequent to such date or from continuing as an agency of the United States and exercising any of its functions subsequent to such date for purposes of orderly liquidation, including the adminis- stration of its assets and the collection of any obligations held by the Fund. "SEC. 804. REPORTS TO TIIE CONGREss.-The President shall transmit to the Congress semi-annually a complete and detailed report of the operations of the United States Export Development Credit Fund. The report shall be as of the close of business on June 30 and December 31 of each year. "SlI c. 805. ADMINISTRATION. OF FUND.-The President shall establish a committee to ad- vise him on the exercise of the functions conferred upon him by this part. The com- mittee shall include the Secretary of Conh- merce, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of State, the President of the Ex- port-Import Bank and the Administrator of the Mutual Development and Coopera- tion Agency. "SEO. 806. PROVISION FOR LossEs.-Ten per centum of the amount authorized to be borrowed under subsection 802(a) shall be reserved and may be used to cover any losses incurred on loans extended under this part. Receipts specified in section 203 of this Act may also be paid into the Fund for the purpose of compensating the Fund for any such losses. "SEC. 807. EXPORT-IMPORT BANK POwVERS: - Nothing in this part shall he construed as a limitation on the powers of the Export-Im- port Bank of the United States. "SEC. 808. PsomsiarrION OF LOANS FOR DE- FENSE ARTICLES OR SERVICES.-The authority contained in this part shall not be used to extend credit in connection with the sale of defense articles or defense services. This pro- vision may not be waived pursuant to sec- tion 614 of this Act or pursuant to any other provision of this or any other Act. "SEC. 809. DEFINITIONS.-As used in this part- "(a) 'Lowest income countries' means the poorer developing countries, with particular, but not exclusive, reference to countries in which, according to the latest available United Nations statistics, national product per capita is less than $200 a year.". REFERENCES TO EXISTING ACT AND ADMINISTERING AGENCY SEC. 7. All references to the Foreign As- sistance Act of 1961, as amended, and to the Agency for International Development shall be deemed to be references also to the Mutual Development and Cooperation Act of 1973 and to the Mutual Development and Cooperation Agency, respectively. All refer- ences in the Mutual Development and Co- operation Act of 1973 to "this Act" or to any provisions thereof shall be deemed to be references also to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, or to the appro- priate provisions thereof, and references to "the agency primarily responsible for ad- ministering part I" shall be deemed refer- ences also to the Agency for International Development. All references to the Mutual Development and Cooperation Act of 1973 and to the Mutual Development and Coopera- tion Agency shall, where appropriate, be deemed references also to the Foreign As- sistance Act of 1961, as amended, and to the Agency for International Development, re- spectively. SECTION-BY-SECTION ANALYSIS OF TILE AIU- TUAL DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION ACT or 1973 1. INTRODUCTION The Mutual Development and Cooperation Act of 1973, (the "bill") amends the foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (the Approved For Release 2005/09/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000500020014-3 Approved For ReIeW 2005/09/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000Z0020014-3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE June 20, 1973 "Act,") by making certain changes in pro- visions relating to development assistance and by adding a separate authority for a fluid to finance increased U.S. exports to the lowest income countries. It does not purport to deal in a comprehensive way with all the programs authorized by the Act. IT. PROVISIONS OF THE 13ILL Section 2. Mutual Development and Coopera- tion Act (a) This subsection changes the title of the basic legislation authorizing the U.S. bilateral foreign economic and military as- sistance programs from "The Foreign As- si:,tance Act of 1961" to "The Mutual Devel- opment and Cooperation Act of 1973". (b) This subsection changes the name of the agency responsible for administering U.S. bilateral foreign economic assistance programs from the "Agency for Internatioli- al Development" to the "Mutual Develop- ment and Cooperation Agency". Section 3. Policy; Development Assistance Authorizations (a) This subsection changes the name of chapter 1 of the Act to reflect the fact that the bill adds authorizations for various cate- gories of development assistance to the ex- isting provisions of the chapter, which relate to policy. (b) This subsection calls for the restruc- turing of U.S. relationships with developing countries, in the light of progress made and changed conditions, to reflect the new real- ities, with emphasis on several criteria: (1) increased concentration of bilateral assistance programs on sharing American technical expertise, farm commodities, and Industrial goods to meet critical development problems, and less concentration on large- scale capital transfers, which when made should be in a multilateral framework; (2) focus on problems in agriculture and rural development, education, health, fam- ily planning, and other areas affecting the lives of the majority of the people In the developing countries; (3) maximum use of the private sector, especially institutions with ties in develop- ing areas, such as educational institutions, cooperatives, credit unions, and voluntary agencies; (4) collaborative style of administering U.S. bilateral development assistance pro- grains to support recipient countries' own development goals; (5) highest priority for programs which directly improve the lives of the poorest peo- ple and their capacity to participate in de- velopment; (6) availability of bilateral development assistance until multilateral agencies can carry on with no loss of development mo- roentum; (7) responsibility on the Administrator of the Mutual Development and Coopera- tion Agency, under the Secretary of State's policy guidance, for coordinating (though not controlling) all U.S. activities relating to overseas development, advising the Presi- dent on all U.S. actions affecting develop- ment, and informing the Congress on U.S. interests in development progress. (c) This subsection adds seven new sec- tions (sections 103-109) to chapter I of the Act, which together constitute a completely new system of authorizing the appropria- tion of funds for bilateral development as- sistance. Whereas previous authorizations have provided funds for Development Loans, Technical Cooperation and Development Grants, Alliance for Progress, and Programs Relating to Population Growth, the bill au- thorizes funds in five categories divided The bill provides authorizations for the five categories for the fiscal years 1974 and 1975 in a total amount essentially the same as that proposed by the Executive Branch, but with somewhat different distribution among the five categories. Activities falling into more than one category may be fund- ed from one or more categories, as ap- propriate. Funds are to be used in accord- ance with existing provisions of law, but the bill provides for somewhat greater trans- ferability of funds among the five categories than is now permitted among present fund- Ing categories in the Act. The seven now sections are the following: Section 103, which authorizes the appro- priation of $300 million for each of the fiscal years 1974 and 1975 for agriculture, rural development, and nutrition. Section 104, which authorizes the appro- priation of $150 million for each of the fiscal years 1974 and 1975 for population planning and health. Section 105, which authorizes the appro- priation of $115 million for each of the fiscal years 1974 and 1975 for education, public administration, and human resource devel- opment. Section 106, which authorizes the appro- priation of $93 million for each of the fiscal years 1974 and 1975 to help solve economic and social development problems in fields such as transportation and power, industry, and urban development. Section 107, which authorizes the appro- priation of $60 million for each of the fiscal years 1974 and 1975 to support the general economy of selected countries, primarily through program lending, or to contribute to certain development programs conducted by private organizations such as the Inter- national Executive Service Corps (IESC), the Asia Foundation, cooperatives, credit unions, and voluntary agencies, or by international organizations such as the Organization of American States (OAS). Section 108, which requires assistance au- thorized under this chapter to be furnished in accordance with the provisions of law ap- plicable to one of the categories of assistance 'now in the Act (Development Loans, Tech- nical Cooperation and Development Grants, Alliance for Progress, or Programs Relating to Population Growth), and which assures that the restrictions, criteria, authorities, and other provisions of law which would have applied to the provision of this assistance, if the funding categories had not been re- structured, are not rendered inapplicable as a result of the restructuring. Section 109, which provides for limited transferability of funds among the five new categories of assistance, permitting up to 15 per cent of the funds made available for any of the five categories to be transferred to any of the other four, provided that the category to which the funds are transferred is not thereby increased by more than 25 per cent (leaving transfers between any of the five new categories and any other funds appropriated under the Act to be governed by an existing provision, Section 610 of the Act) . Section 4. Development Loan Fund (a) This subsection amends the existing loan receipt reuse authority of Section 203 of the Act to include dollar receipts from loans made under all predecessor foreign as- sistance legislation. (b) This subsection extends the loan re- ceipt reuse authority to fiscal years 1974 and 1975 and authorizes reuse for the restruc- tured categories of development assistance contained in the bill as well as for specified the same footing as the Export-Import Bank, the Peace Corps,' and the Mutual Educa- tional and Cultural Exchange program, by exempting the Fund from prohibitions on assistance to any country contained in the Act.' (b) This subsection adds it new section 640B to the Act, requiring the President to establish a system for coordinating U.S. poli- cies and programs affecting U.S. interests In overseas development and, to that end, to establish a Development Coordination Com- mittee to advise the President, chaired by the Administrator of the Mutual Develop- ment and Cooperation Agency, with mem- bers drawn from various interested Execu- tive Branch agencies; requiring coordina- tion abroad under the direction of the Chief of the U.S. Diplomatic Mission; asserting the Secretary of State's foreign policy guid- ance of programs authorized by the Act; and requiring the Chairman of the Develop- ment Coordination Committee (the Admin- istrator of the Mutual Development and Co- operation Agency) to report annually to the President and the Congress on U.S. ac- tions affecting development. Section 6. United States export development credit fund This section adds a new part to the Act (Sections 801-809), creating a fund for the purpose of increasing U.S. exports to the lowest income countries. Section 801 (general authority) establishes the Fund, to be known as the "United States Export Development Credit Fund"; author- izes the President to extend credit or refi- nance U.S. exporter credits, on terms no easier than the minimum terms specified by law for development lending under part I of the Act, to facilitate the sale of U.S. goods and services of a devolpmental character to the lowest income countries; and provides that the Fund shall be treated in the same fashion as the Export-Import Bank for pur- poses of exclusion from budget totals and exemption from expenditure and outlay lim- itations, including requirements for trans- mission of an annual budget and an annual report to the Congress. Section 802 (financing) authorizes the President, as may be provided in appropria- tion acts, to borrow up to one-fourth (cur- rently $5 billion) of Export-Import Bank loan, guaranty, and insurance authority, dur- ing the period from the enactment of this legislation through December 31, 1977, to be used (except for $500 million of reserves) for the puposes of the Fund. Any difference be- tween the interest the borrowers are to pay to the Fund or export credits extended (at low rates of Interest) and the Interest the Fund pays on the funds it borrows (at higher rates of interest), which constitutes an "in- terest subsidy", must be paid into the Fund from dollar receipts from loans made under foreign assistance legislation. Receipts from loans made by the Fund, if not needed to pay interest or repay the principal on the Fund's obligations, may be reused for the purposes of the Fund, and all deobligated funds may be reobligated for the purposes of the Fund. Section 803 (lending ceiling and termina- tion) places a lending ceiling on the principal amount of loans by the Fund outstanding at any one time amounting to one-fourth (cur- rently $5 billion) of the Export-Import Bank loan, guaranty, and insurance ceiling, and authorizes the Fund to operate until Decem- ber 31, 1977. Section 804 (reports to the Congress) re- quires a detailed report on the operations of the Fund to be transmitted to the Congress semi-annually. pr.... :u..y .w~v.u...S - -- - -....,. ate- Development Credit Fund created by the of Fund) Food and Nutrition, ? Population Section 805 (administration ) re- Planning andApOro"ldf~ff Re1fse '0m 9 ~,~~ ~ P% 4P5R0(9A ffM20 ' e t to establish cr adesoof man Resource De lopment, Selected Devel. Rd e z c s st ng of the Secretaries of opment Problems, and Selected Countries (a) This subsection. puts the United Commerce, Treasury, and State; the Presi- and Organizations. . States Export Development Credit Fund on dent of the Export-Import Bank; and the Approved For Release 2005/09/29 :CIA-RDP80B01495R000500020014-3 '1W , June 20, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE S 1 573 Adininistrator of. the Mutual Developmentand Cooperation Agency. Section 806 (provision for losses) reserves 10 per cent ($500 million) of the Fund's bor-rowing authority to cover losses and pro-. vides that receipts from loans made underforeign assistance legislation may also be used for that purpose. Any amounts bor- rowed from the reserve would eventually to be repaid, and foreign assistance re- , could be used for that purpose. Losses may include loans written off or payments suspended or deferred, or the interest pay- ments required to service funds borrowed inthe amount of the loans written or or pay- ments suspended or deferred, Section 807 (Export-Import Bank powers). provides that this part does not limit the powers of the Export-Import Bank. Section 809 (definitions) defines "lowest income countries" as the poorer developing countries with special reference to coun- tries where national product per capita is tinder $200 a year. Section 7. References to Existing Act and Administering Agency This section assures that the change of title of the Act to "Mutual Development and Cooperation Act of 1973" and of the name of the administering agency to "Mu-- teal Development and Cooperation Agency" will not affect existing or future references to either. May 30, 1973. Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. 'President, the Development and Cooperation of 1973 has received widespread bi- partisan support which I would like to bring to the attention of my colleagues. During the testimony on this legislation in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, several witnesses with considerable ex- perience in the problems of development made statements in support of this new approach to foreign aid. I ask unanimous consent that state- ments by Mr. Orville Freeman, Mr.James P. Grant, Mr. Douglas Dillon, andMr. David Rockefeller, along with two articles in the Christian Science Monitor and one editorial in the New York Times printed at this point in the RECORD. There being no objection, the material ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:STATEMENT OF ORVILLE L. FREEMAN'S Mr. Chairman and Members of the Com- mittee: First I would like to congratulate Committee for the proposals under dis- cussion today. In my opinion, they represent kind of bold new approach to foreignassistance necessary both for the develop- meat of the world's less developed nations, and ultimately for the benefit of all na- tions, rich and poor. PROPOSED EXPORT DEVELOPMENT CREDIT FUND evidence indicates that the "United States is rapidly losing ground to developed nations in the supplying of to the world's poorest nations-thosewith per capita Incomes below $200. In many cases the reason for our lagging position Is our inability to produce the needed goods at competitive prices, but our failure to offer the goods on terms commensurate the ability of the poorest nations to pay. While the Export-Import Bank, which provides credit on only slightly concession- ary terms, has provided powerful encourage- meat for American exports to those nations with incomes above $200, it has had little impact on sales to the lowest income lra- Lions. By contrast, Europe and Japan have their level of conces- continually increased sionary financing for the poorer countries. As to compete effectively for this growing market, , which includes about 60 percent of the world's s people. wish to express my emphatic Therefore I support for the proposed Export Develop- Credit Fund. This Fund, if estab- meat lished permit the poor countries. mean tens of thousands of new This would jf~bs for American workers. Al the same time the goods and machinery we can supply serve as a catalyst for sustained eco- `could in many poor nations. nomic growth This in the poor nations can be viewed as a worthy goal in itself. However, a genera- eco- tion of experience also indicates that can nomic progress in developing nations to a future rapid growth in exports lead from the more advanced nations. The eco- nomic mic development which today's financed can help promote, then, can provide exports escalating future benefits both for the poor for the United States. countries and with Public Our 18 years of experience Law 480, the legislation which enabled us farm products to low income coun- to export on concessional terms, is instructive in tries considering this s legislation. That legislation had two important objectives: countries, helping them buy time with which to modernize their own agricultural economies. A large number of these countries have been remarkably suc- cessful for food aid over the past six or eight years. An important by-product of PL 480 was of dollar markets for U.S. the development farm exports as various developing countries acquired a capability for commercial irn- ports. Fortunately for our balance of pay- meats, U.S. commercial exports of farm products are soaring, climbing from tinder to an estimated $11 bil- $5 billion in 1965 lion in n the fiscal year ending this month. Law 480 exports meanwhile have de- Public hled from $1.32 billion to about $1 bil- clined lion. Countries which became accustomed to us- log U.S. farm products when they were avail- coilcessional terms continued to able under use them as they switched to commercial purchases. U.S. exporters also facilitate continu- ing purchases of U.S. .S. farm products. , what is being proposed in this In effect a program to develop conces legislation is sional markets for U.S. where we are losing out to other industrial exporters. . Those countries where are below $200 contain a majority of incomes 's people. Someday they will con- the world's a large and lucrative market for our stitute exports, , as do a number of the richer devel- ay. If we can establish oping countries today. ourselves as suppliers during the early stages , then we will have of economic development to remain as suppliers in an opportunity the e future when markets will be far more than they are today. lucrative we are to ensure the participation of If American merican producers in the future growth of countries, we must act now the developing to build the healthy trading relationships that are needed. Business experience indi- ing which would be provided by the pr,~posed Export Development Credit Fund would be an Important stop in the right direction. Furthermore, if American firms achieve a stronger position as suppliers of developing country markets, then as these markets grow we can expect to see added opportuni- ties for American investments in many na- tions. Once countries are using a given piece of imported equipment extensively, whether it be a machine tool or a computer, they often become interested in having it pro- duced domestically once the market becomes sufficiently large. Not surprisingly, invest- ment frequently follows exports. Recent studies of U.S. corporations with holdings abroad show that significant num- bers of jobs at home in the United States, as well as a sizable level of exports, are gen- erated through the need to supply the fac- tories abroad with necessary inputs. Estab- lishment of a position as a supplier of goods is often the prerequisite of successful in- vestment in a foreign country, however. Thus without the kind of impetus to Amer- ican exports to developing nations which the Export Development Credit Fund could pro- vide, our potential future role in many na- tions may be foreclosed by the actions of other developed nations, which are current- ly building profitable economic relationships in these nations with greater care and fore- thought than we are. Finally on this subject, I would like to point out the proposed Fund's potential in improving our long-term balance of trade position. Many feel that our growing trade deficits constitute the greatest single threat to the welfare of the United States today. I do not think we would be wise to pass up to opportunity this proposed Fund provides to bolster our future trading position among such a large number of countries. Our mutual interest in agricultural develop- 7nent At this point I would like to turn to an additional aspect of the new foreign assist- ance proposals-the focus on solving cer- tain key problems with a particular effort to reach the poorest sectors of the popula- tion within developing countries. For many reasons, I think that the new emphasis is highly desirable. Since I have a special In- terest in the development of agriculture and the world food situation, I will first make some observations on these crucial subjects. This year, while acting to meet the threat of famine in parts of Africa and India, those concerned with the global food situation have seen world reserve stocks of essential grains sink to their lowest level in more than two decades. The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Dr. A. H. Boerma, has noted that the world is currently just one bad harvest away from widespread famine and critical shortages of foodstuffs. Fortunately, the outlook for this season's crops is good In many crucial areas of the world and, out- side of portions of sub-Salia.ran Africa, star- vation may be largely avoided. But while keeping our fingers crossed dur- ing the coming year, we need to look forward to the next decade and beyond. In my opin- ion, the world food outlook is not a bright one. It seems very likely that global food reserves will not soon be rebuilt to the rather consistently high levels of the 1950's and 1960's. The capacity of food donor countries, including the United States, to aid those which are having difficulty meeting their own food needs will be severely diminished. Such a new situation is likely because global de- mand for many important food commodities may rise considerably faster than our ability to expand supplies in the coming years. are those of thew o }~~q~s zQ~( 1~n Z p ces in our own super- msarily represent thou of dB itsi~ness In et ina witSAln~ c~ilctltibtai'CepF~rlYlade many Americans tional Corporation, or others of its Directors, ducer familiarity with the particular needs aware for the first time of tile inexorable oliicers, or staff. of the buying country. The soft-term finane- logic of supply and demand. The new.,, media "r" Approved For ReleW 2005/09/29 CIA-RDP80BO1495R0005W00020014-3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE June L10, 1 0737 h ve correctly pointed to several factors, in- c:iuding poor harvests in Asia and the Soviet Union, the disappearance of the anchoveta oft the coast of Peru, and bad weather in the iiaiLed States, as contributing to the current ,;iiort supply of important food commodities. 11; is my feeling, however, that these short- tcrm factors may be diverting our attention from some more fundamental Monger term trends which are altering the dimensions of the world food situation. Throughout human history, population growth has accounted for nearly all the grow- ing demands which were made on the earth's rood-producing capacity. During the seven- ties rapid population growth continues to generate demand for more food, but in ad- dition we are now witnessing the emergenSls of rising affluence as a major new claimant on world food resources: Historically there was only one important source of growth in world demand for food, but now there are two. At the global level, population growth is still the dominant source of growth in de- Iuand for food. Expanding at nearly 2 per- cent per year, it will double in a little more than a generation. Merely maintaining cur- rent per capita consumption levels will there- fore require a doubling of food output over the next generation. Population growth is slowing in most rich countries and in a few poor countries, but throughout most of the world it continues to be very rapid. The world currently divides into essentially two groups of countries in demographic terms: the rich countries, which have low rates of population growth, and the poor countries, most of which have rapid rates of population growth. Fully four-fifths of the annual increment in world population of an estimated 70 million occurs in the poor countries. Some of the relatively small poor countries add more to the world's annual population gain than the larger rich ones. Mexico, for example, now contributes more to world pop- ulation growth than does the United States. 't'ile Philippines adds more people each year than does Japan. Brazil adds 2.6 million addi- tional people in a year while the Soviet Union adds only 2.4 million. The effect of rising affluence on the world demand for food is perhaps best understood by examining its effect on grain requirements., Grain consumed directly provides 52 percent of man's food energy supply. Consumed indi- rectly in the form of livestock products, it provides a sizeable share of the remainder. in resource terms, grains occupy more than '70 percent of the World's crop area. in the poor countries the annual availa- bility of grain per person averages about 400 pounds per year. With only this much grain available, nearly all must be consumed di- coctly to meet minimum energy needs. Lit- tle can be spared for conversion into animal protein. Throughout the world, per capita grain requirements rise with incomes. The amount of grain consumed directly rises with income until per capita income approaches $500 per year, whereupon it begins to decline, eventu- ally leveling off at about 150 pounds. How- ever, total grain consumed, directly and ludirectly, continues to rise rapidly as per capita income climbs. As yet no nation ap- pears to have reached a level of affluence where its per capital grain requirements have stopped rising. Within the United States and Canada, per capita grain utilization is currently ap- proaching one ton per year. Of this total, only about 150 pounds is consumed directly in the form of bread, pastries, and break- lest cereals. The remainder is consumed in- directly in the form of meat, gmilk and eggs. 'Che i,nrt an ~averludi Fldr'Cti' dt'iLrr "W live times those of the average Indian, jNiigerian or Colombian. There is now a northern tier of industrial est of the United States to aid the develop- countries-be;;inning with Ireland and Brit- ment of agriculture in the developing world. ain in the West and Including Scandinavia, SMALLER FAMILIES THROUGH SOCIAL PROGRESS Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union and Japan-.-which are more or less where the United States was in terms of its economic advancement and dietary habits in 1940. As incomes continue to rise in this group of countries containing some two- thirds of a billion people, a sizable share of the additional income is being converted into demand for livestock products, partic- ularly beef. These countries (many of them densely populated, such as the Western European countries and Japan, or suffering from a scarcity of fresh water, as is the Soviet Union), lack the capacity to satisfy the growth in demand for livestock products entirely from indigenous resources. The result is growing imports of livestock products, or of feedgrains and soybeans with which to expand indigenous livestock production. From both continuing population growth and spreading affluence, then, we can expect pressures on the world's food resources to continue increasing rapidly. I believe that it will be very difficult to adequately meet these rising pressures within the world's present pattern of food production. Interna- tional stocks of important grains are likely to remain at a dangerously low level. Perhaps two thirds of the roughly 50 million acres of cropland in the United States which were idled under farm programs through much of the sixties, and which in a very real sense have served as the world's food safety valve, are likely to be brought back into near- permanent production. If this situation comes about, developing countries will have nowhere to turn for food aid when bad weather, insects or a disease outbreak sharply diminish or even destroy a year's crop, or if population growth greatly outstrips indig- enous producing capacities. Global food scarcity may force us to tighten our belts but in the poor countries it may require forfeiture of life itself. This unpleasant possibility underscores the need for promoting agricultural development in the developing countries with a special urgency. I support very strongly the inclu- sion of explicit attention to the problem of food production in the current legislative proposals. The world's greatest reservoir of unexploited food potential is in the develop- ing countries. nice yields per acre in India and Nigeria are only one-third those of Japan. and corn yields In Thailand and Brazil are less than one-third those of the United States. In these countries and many others, dramatic increases in food supply are pos- sible if farmers are given the necessary eco- nomic incentives, agricultural inputs, and technical know-how. The United States has proven its ability to play a valuable role in aiding agricultural development abroad, and we should take even fuller advantage of our expertise in this domain. If the food producing capacities of many important developing countries do not in- crease substantially within the next decade, there are likely to be many unfortunate con- sequences for the United States. A growing worldwide increase in demand relative to supply will tend to drive food prices upward, not only in international markets, but at home as well. If we should try to isolate our- solves from world scarcity, the situation could arise where famine and misery take a growing toll in many poor countries while we in the United Stater consume a disproportionately large share of the world's food production- clearly an unpalatable alternative. A policy of isolation on the food front might also se- riously jeopardize many crucial foreign sup- piles of non-food resources, including energy Another important factor in the world food situation is of course population growth. Slowing rapid population growth will serve the development interests of the poor coun- tries, and will also serve the interests of the world community by helping to reduce the ultimate number of claimants on the world's finite resources, both food and non-food. In this context, the focus in the proposed law on reaching the poorest sectors within de- veloping countries, and the complementary emphasis on rural development, represent a sophisticated and necessary comprehensive approach to the urgent need for slowing pop- ulation growth. History has shown that birth rates do not usually decline voluntarily in the absence of a minimal level of social amenidies, includ- ing literacy, an assured food supply, a re- duced infant mortality rate, and at least rudimentary health services. By placing an Increased emphasis on meeting these basic needs, particularly in the rural areas-where the majority of the world's people live-the United States can simultaneously help the world's forgotten majority attain a more de- cent life and stem the rapid population growth which threatens the well-being of everyone. At the same time, rural agricultural development will help reduce the massive employment and rural-urban migration prob- lems confronting many poor countries. In the past some have suggested that there Is a conflict between the goals of rapid eco- nomic growth and the widespread distribu- tion of the benefits of growth among the population. Recent evidence from several na- tions, however, has proven that this is not necessarily the case. Several Asian countries have combined rapid economic growth with greatly Improved income distribution, and have also experienced considerably reduced unemployment and falling birth rates, which have been brought down further with the introduction of effective, national family planning programs. Looking specifically at agriculture, evidence from various parts of the developing world indicates that intensively farmed small hold- ings are generally considerably more pro- ductive on a per acre basis than larger hold- ings. Thus the goal of widespread, employ- ment-creating agricultural development goes hand in hand with the need to significantly expand food production in the developing countries and to increase the motivation for smaller families. POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF TIIE NEW "PROBLEM SOLVING" APPROACII I would like to end my testimony by corn- menting on an aspect of the proposal which struck me-the notion of "problem solving" in specific fields which Is substituted for overall country programming and the more general idea of resource transfers of the past. I think the change in approach Is a good one. It helps focus more attention on the critical areas which could improve the welfare of the majority of mankind, rather than on GNP totals alone which, while important, have failed to reflect adequately the needs of the poor, in many developing countries. Furthermore, I know from pier^.onal experi- ence that a major international effort in a particular problem area can have dramatical- ly beneficial consequences. During the mid- 1960's, when I was serving as Secretary of Agriculture, widespread famine in the near future in major parts of Asia was seen as P. real possibility. For many it appeared to be a certainty. A concerted effort by many in both the developed and the less developed nations, however, resulted in the rapid development {ir_?a=t W J4} "off/} ~~ iigh-yielding varieties of ~g~ fit ciblt `O lick has become known as world, our own standard of living would suf- the Green Revolution. While the Green Revo- fer. Clearly, therefore, it is in the self-inter- lution has obviously not been true final an. Approved For Relee 2005/09/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1495ROOQ0020014-3 June 20, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE swcr to the world's food problems, it has nomic and social progress to maintain their met in seeking to answer the question: enabled several Asian nations to achieve pre- political viability. "Where next with development assistance?" viously undreamed of levels of grain produc- "Mutual Development and Cooperation" The global community now knows from the Lion. It has been an essential means of buy- may be a headline writer's nightmare, but it experience of the 1960s how to achieve in- ing time with which to slow population is a good shorthand way of describing a re- creases in national product when it has the itrowth and further develop agricultural po- lationship In which the U.S. perceives a di- will to devote international and national teatial. it is an impressive example of man's rect self-interest in the success of the de- resources to the task. However, to continue ability to confront successfully a problem of velopment efforts of the low-income coun- to measure development by GNP increases seemingly super-human proportions, tries. It is also a more suitable clharacteriza- alone is to forget that, after all, the goal is Such dramatic breakthroughs may not tion of it style of administering development human progress. Development must now be occur in all of the problem areas specified in assistance which looks to the developing seen as encompassing the minimum human Lho proposed legislation. Nevertheless, the country to take the lead in setting its own needs of man for food, health and educa- focusing of energies and purpose on these key goals and planning development activities. tion, and for a job which can give him both issues holds the promise of greater progress REDIRECTION OF BILATERAL DEVELOPMENT the means to acquire these basic needs as than the less concentrated approach of the ASSISTANCE well as the psychological sense of participat- The Committee members have taken a very ing usefully in the world around hint. Last past has yielded. February in New Delhi, a wise and perceptive in;lportan? and constructive step in increas- Thai set forth the aspirations of Asian man - STATEMENT OF DJAMES 1. EVELOPMENT COUNCIL, G CILPRESIDENT, ing and sharpening the focus of the now OVP;RSEA5 DEVVELOP, BEFORE as seen through his " cycle from the womb ram diminished bilateral assistance pro- to the the grave. . His "Ode of a Developing Coun TIIE HOUSE FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, gram on acute problem areas, and in emplh- JUNE 12, 1973 sizing especially the importance of assisting try Man" (Annex A) is a most expressive description of the meaning of development. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Com- developing countries in programs and proj- dways of achieving this ity We need develop e concept of ways of achie ag sacs mittee: I appreciate the invitation to testify - ects which will benefit the poorest major We need to before this Committee. The proposals made of the people in these countries and which broadened did the global community in - - in c- by a bipartisan majority of the Commit- will enable them to participate more effec- celerating as ing growth the global c mm the past a tee for increasing the effectiveness of U.S. tively in the development process. years. assistance to developing countries and to The circumstances surrounding bilateral Fortuuatel experience in a number of establish a new credit facility for expanding development assistance have changed dra- y, ep past 10 years off our exports to the one billion people who matically In the past 10 years. In the early poor countries during x evidence that as ef- Africa, in the lowest income countries of Asia, 1960s, not only was bilateral development aid fors some atel encouraging Africa, and Latin America are possibly the larger both in absolute amounts and in pur- fective combination of domestic as well as most far-reaching and important of any chasing power, but it also was a much larger international policies can simultaneously broadly supported Congressional initiative in proportion of the total foreign exchange create new jobs, increase access to health and this field since the launching of the Marshall available to low-income countries. Now, how- educational services, improve nutrition, re- Plan 25 years ago. I will address separately ever, the developing countries (excluding duce income disparities, and check popula- each of the four major proposals in the bill, major oil exporters) have more than doubled tion growth. The possibility is best illu:+trated their earnings from exports of goods and serv- in East Asia, by countries with very different NEW NAME AND TITLE ices, to over $50 billion annually in 1972. At political and economic systems; namely, the Changing the title of the legislation to the the same time the private investment and aid experience of post-1960 China on one side Mutual Development Cooperation Act and flows from other developed countries have - of the ideological barrier, and the experience the name of the administering agency to the increased from approximately $4 billion to of South Korea, Taiwan, and the city-states Mutual Development and Cooperation over $11 billion, and multilateral financial of Hong Kong and Singapore on the other. Agency would make them reflect more accu- institutions have assumed a much greater Contrary to a common assumption of the rately the true nature of the relationship now role in transferring? resources. Thus the di- 1950s and 1960s, the development record of emerging between the United States and the minished amount now available for bilateral these countries indicates that policies that developing countries. As detailed in the Over- development aid-some $1 billion-has a enhance social equity need not deter overall seas Development Council's recent publica- much diminished role both in transferring economic growth-and that many such poli- Lion The United - States and the Developing resources generally and in financing major cies can even speed it tip. Thus, in the small- World: Agenda for Action (February 1973), capital projects. er East Asian countries just mentioned, international politics and power relation- Over the same 10 years, the global develop- growth rates over the past decade have aver- ehips are changing, with security concerns ment effort has had remarkable success in aged an impressive 10 per cent annually. But giving way to economic issues among na- increasing the rate of growth in national in addition, the income, health, and educa- tions. This change will require the United product. During the 1960s, the developing tion of the bottom half of the population has States and other rich nations to pay greater countries average a 5.5 percent increase in improved greatly, the disparity between the attention to the needs and desires of many GNP-a rate of growth unequalled by the income controlled by the upper and bottom developing countries than ever before---for rich countries at a comparable stage of their 20 per cent of the population has been re- reasons of morality, self-interest, and the de- development. A number of developing coun- duced, birth rates have dropped sharply, and velopment of effective international insti- tries have experienced very substantial ece- the dependence of these countries on foreign tutions, which we in the United States in nomic growth, attaining GNP growth rates of aid has either ended, or, as in South Korea, partclular require. 10 per cent or even higher. Some low-income has been greatly reduced. All of these coun- Development can he a mutually beneficial agricultural societies have been transformed tries have found a way to increase the ability process both for the low-income countries into industrializing; economies in amazingly of the average worker to participate effec- in need of outside resources and for the out- short periods, and others are following suit. tively in the development process, thereby side countries supplying those resources. Exports of manufactured goods have shown helping both the individual and his society. This is increasingly true as the world grows dynamism; for the developing countries as a This has required not only favoring; use of more interdpendent and as all countries rely whole, they have been increasing rapidly and plentiful labor over scarce capital-intensive more on international cooperative efforts to now account for 23 per cent of their total equipment, but also providing the incentives solve their problems'-and to achieve their world exports. and merclianisms to encourage savings, es- national goals. For example, improving the Yet unemployment levels in many develop- tablishing or supporting institutions to give small far U.S. balance of payments and increasing do- lug countries are still increasing, some even farmers and entrepreneurs ready ae mestic employment are two goals that do- exceeding those of our own Great Depres- cess to capital and technology, and ensuring the availability bend on reform of the international trade sion; the income gap between the poorest of rudimentary but meau- 1 ingful educational and health services for and monetary systems; in both instances, co- half of the population and those well-off is virtually all. Through such policies, these operation by developing countries will im- actually widening; the bottom two-thirds of countries have made social justice a major prove the prospects for success. The ability, the population still have no meaningful ac- ally of growth. The acceleration of growth and willingness, of developing countries to cess to health facilities; a majority of the through full employment should not sur- cooperate in these areas is likely to be greater rural population are illiterate; and urban prise us, as it not only means that more if they are making progress toward achieving settlements are mushrooming because of people have a stake in society, but that their national development goals and we are massive rural migration. In many areas, these national output is increased by putting idle assisting in the process. Similarly, our grow- problems become less manageable every day labor resources to work, and that scarce big need for relatively assured access to their because population growth continues unre- capital and foreign exchange are used more faw materials frequently requires both im- strained. Finally, If the debt burden that has efficiently. Elsewhere, countries as different provcments in their Infrastructure to per- built up in a number of major, very low-in- as Israel, Ceylon, and Yugoslavia have dealt mit physical access and their continued eco- come countries continues to accuuntlate, it effectively with some of the problems dis- will become insupportable. This situation has cussed here? led some people to throw up their hands in *The views expr it LIAPt e ltne a c~es11W~D~jW~jjrr,~SS~~ o $$~Ci~yp~ef~` i,liose o of the witn ~S'rrxheFll~i'l~t1bO1lidk"1 fi0 ROOAcearailv2~t&t3general discussion of represent those of the Overseas Development state that development is aggravating global these new policies Is in Development Rccon- Council, or others of its Directors, officers, or environmental and population problems. sidered, by Edgar Owens and Robert Shaw. staff, These are the real. Issues which must be D.C. Health (1972). Approved For Relea2005/09/29 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000500020014-3 x ~7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE June -'0, 'There also is important Ilew evidence that this Committee's Initiative to address this Japan and the recently enlarged European it an increasing number of poor countries, range of problems in the rural sector of Community (including the U.K.). These ex- birtli rates have dropped sharply despite China, when it authorized the Sino-Ameri- ports have been growing at about 10 per cent relatively low per capita income, and despite can Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruc- a year over the, past few years. Yet several laic lack or relative newness of family plan- tion (with its unique collaborative style of 3 facts become apparent if one examines the ring programs. The common factor in these Chinese and 2 American Commissioners), and statistics on U.S. exports to those develop- eunntries of Latin America and Asia is that required earmarking of a certain proportion ing countries with the very lowest annual tlie majority of the population has shared of the funds for its use. I acted as the Com- income-below $200 per capita-and as one in the economic and social benefits of signif- mission's Executive Secretary for its first year reviews the background analysis and de- ieant national progress to a far greater do- on the mainland, and again later, briefly, in scriptive material released at the press con- t;ree than in most poor countries-or in most Taiwan. That early Congressional initiative Terence on this bill: Western countries during their comparable contributed greatly to the subsequent unique First, total U.S. exports to the lowest ls'riod of development (see Annex B). This combination of accelerated growth and great. income category of developing countries are evidence demosistates that appropriate poll- ly increased social justice in rural Taiwan, not expanding, but actually decreasing. With ties for making health, education, and jobs and I hope we will witness the establish- over 60 per cent of the population of the more broadly available to lower income ment of similar joint groups in other coun- poor countries, this category now takes only p;roups in poor countries contribute signif- tries to which considerable discretionary au- 10 per cent of our exports to developing icantly` toward the motivation for smalleyr. thority can be delegated. countries. families that is the prerequisite of a major COORDINATION - Second, other rich countries are expanding reduction in birth rates. It is becoming in- their ex orts to these lowest income coun- creasingly clear that if the developing coon- The current bill recognizes that the ac- p tries are to escape the threat posed by rapid tions taken by the United States in such tries along with expanding their aid to these population growth within an acceptable time fields as import policies, export promotion, countries. frame, more families must acquire the moti- international monetary policy, environmental Third, American exports to these countries vation to limit births, not only be provided protection, and a regime for the oceans may are heavily dependent on U.S. Government ii- with be more important to some developing coun- nancing, which is not increasin ?;. improved means to do so. Fourth, very little of the financing the 1970s, development planners need tries than our actions o aid. rightly pro- Y 6 for the to give far more attention that heretofore vides that whenever the United States forma- lowest income countries, approximately $100 fates policies on such subjects, the decision- million in 1972, comes from the Export-Im- to the effect of alternative development making process should also take into account port Bank-most comes from A.I.D. and PL strategies on birth rates. Equally important, the effects on the important U.S. interests 480, which are decreasing. This contrasts the population crisis must be dealt with in in advancing the progress of low-income sharply with the financing pattern for our the broader context of the development countries, rapidly growing exports to the much less crisis-with more emphasis on the possible A mechanism for assuring efficient use of populous, more advanced developing coun- ways of treating the basic "disease" of all major tools affecting the U.S. interest in tries for which the slightly concessional Ex- poverty, thereby creating the needed motiva- development is not in operation today de- Im terns are suitable, and where its loans tinn for smaller families. Combining policies spite the fact that President Nixon publicly and medium-term guarantees have increased Chic give special attention to improving the recognized in 1971 the need for better co- to over $2.5 billion in 1972. well-being of the poor majority of the popu- ordination, with particular reference to the Many U.S. exporters believe that a major laaion and policies that provide large-scale, different U.S. entities involved in the aid factor behind our poor performance in these well-executed family planning programs process through bilateral, international, and markets is the shortage of financing avail- should make it possible to stabilize popula- multilateral mechanisms. A.I.D., the U.S. able on sufficiently concessional terms. Hence Lion in developing countries much faster than agency with the greatest expertise in the de- the idea of a Fund to make credits available reliance on either approach alone. velopment process, Is not even a member of to these markets at more attractive terms it Is no accident that most of the non- the President's Council on International Eco- appears sound. Nevertheless, a number of socialist "development successes" have taken nomic Policy or of the National Advisory questions about the proposed Fund need to place in societies with broad access to varying Council chaired by the Treasury. be answered. cnulbinations of trade, investment, and aid. The need for better coordination was - 1. Where is the line between caLfort credits Dior is it an accident that the major innova- identified by Edwin Martin, Chairman of and development loans? There is no easy lions introduced through development co- the Development Assistance Committee of answer to this question, other than the in- operation have resulted primarily from U.S. the Organization for Economic Cooperation tention of the lender. It Is clear, however, assistance programs-private and public- and Development, In his most recent report. that large-scale export promotion to the low- which explicitly concentrated on particular Ambassador Martin points out that in many est income countries requires a substantial functional areas. These innovations include q tiie programs such as comprehensive rural . agency countries, the development assistance concessional avalla component, which not pres- development in Korea and, in particular, agency that is most knowledgeable about de- ently ntly available for American exporters. Taiwan; the "Green Revolution:" the ax_ velopment matters is not represented in such There is a modest subsidy component in traordinary spread of public health measures policy decisions-and often is not even di- Export-Import loans, which are usually at as exemplified by malaria eradication; and rectly involved in all aid decisions. He called a Late lower than that at which lox-Im Bank the acecptance of the need for large-scale upon governments to correct this anomaly, borrows on the market, with the interest family planning programs. The coordination proposals in this bill differential being made up from other in- should meet this need to increase the effec- come available to Ex-Im Batik, There ob- Time bilateral development aid requested by tiveness of U.S. policy decisions and ex- the Administration and supported by the pendituies in this important field. proposed bill is a relative drop in tile.- bucket typical is a large concessional element in the IDA loan, and a still large but some- when contrasted with the total needs of the EXPORT D' viLOPMENT CREDIT FUND what smaller element in A.I.D.'s concessional developing countries (excluding major oil ex- The bill establishes an Export Develop- loans, which are on harder tools-' porters) for more than $70 billion of foreign ment Credit Fund to make credits available In the United States, Ex-Im Bank loans to exchange. However, if bilateral assistance is for financing U.S. exports having a develop- developing countries have increasingly begun looked at as a weapon to be targeted pri- mental value to countries in the lowest in- to resemble development finance as the Bank iuarily on the critical specific problems of come brackets. The Fund could mean a has extended repayment periods and followed development (and. particularly on helping major breakthrough for American exports flexible rules. For instance, direct loans by the poor majority to participate more ef- to a potentially major market and should Ex-Im Bank in FY 1970 for conventional festively in the development process), this also prove useful to the lowest income coun- electrical equipment had maturities ranging amount can be of great significance. Press- tries. Quite apart from our long neglect of from 5f/a years to 16, with a median of about dent Nixon in his May 3 report on the State China, the United States in recent years has 10. At the same time, A.I.D. development fl- of the World, and A.I.D. in its Congressional increasingly neglected the future market nancing has begun increasingly to incorpo- presentation have both recognized the need potential of the poorest billion people liv- rate elements from export credits, e.g. to for such a greater focus. The proposal now ing elsewhere in the developing world. The shift from untied to tied procurement, from before the Committee will ensure that this Fund can help to correct this neglect by pro- largely grants to mostly loans, and from shift takes place more rapidly, and more ex- viding financing which is competitive with highly concesslonal loans to credits on in- tensively than otherwise might be the case. that of other industrial nations and which creasingly hard terms. Other industrial coun- I might add that my personal involvement also increases funds for financing our ex- tries-such as Canada, Germany, .japan, and with these hard-core development problems ports-thereby creating markets for the im- France-promote exports to lowest income began some 25 years ago as the result of mediate future and for follow-on orders, as countries by blending a "cocktail" for in- well as helping build stronger economies that dividual transactions, u&ing their public aid can develop into better customers for U.S. funds in combination with commercial term See Smaller Families Through Social and goods over the long run. funds so as to bring about modifications in Economic Progress, by William Rich, Mono- U.S. exports to less develo ed count the terms,,an q Qnditions of commercial graph No. 7, O)&y~G @' DP s1R1 a 0@/12%lie0l l 6Wdh( r1.0OO5OO0a~Q1d1 3 N p to reduce the rate of (1973). nearly the same: as our combined exports to interest. Approved For ReIe 2005/09/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000500020014-3 June 20, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE. A recent study 3 examining the Interact ion between development finance and export credits notes: "Unlike other donor countries, the U.S. government has sought to maintain a fairly rigid line between its foreign aid program and the activities of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. The line is based less on a clear distinction between what the two agencies actually do than on their stated motivations. What Eximbank does is labeled export credit, because the mission of that agency is to promote exports, despite the fact that Eximbank has been making long-term direct loans to developing countries (among others) for a longer time than any other de- velopment finance or national export credit agency. What USAID and the World Bank do is called development finance, or foreign aid, because here the motivation is to be bankers of the poor. Yet the loans of these agencies Nuance exports too, and, as far as the World Bank Is concerned, often on terms comparable to those of the national export credit agencies." It is clear from the text of the proposal that the Export Development Credit Fund is designed to increase U.S. exports that have a developmental character to the populous lowest-income countries. In addition, these credits should help to strengthen the econ- omies of these countries, thus bringing a bet- ter life to their people, increasing their ability to meet these future obligations, and assisting them to become increasingly bet- ter markets for U.S. industry. 2. Would the availability of credit on softer terms actually increase U.S. exports? Or might it merely displace existing financing? Nobody can be certain what will happen In this inexact science, but the bulk of the credit used from this Fund should result in additional exports. We do know that the vast bulk of financing for the market represented by countries with annual per capita GNPs under $200 now comes from PL 480 and A.I,D. loans and grants. Since the Fund is not in- tended for financing exports of agricultural surpluses, there should be no effect on PL 480. Since A.I.D. loans and grants will be made available on terms generally better than those of the Fund, and since most of the developing countries need more rather than less concesslonal terms, A.I.D. financing should not be displaced unless the U.S. Gov- ernment chooses-as a matter of deliberate policy-to withdraw them and substitute Fund credits. It is possible that the $116 million loaned in the most recent year by the Export-Import Bank would be displaced by the Fund, but if so, it would again be a mat- ter of deliberate U.S. governmental decision. Given the heavy debt burden sonic of the poorest countries carry, it might be good if the softer terms of the Fund were substituted for the harder terms of the Export-Import Bank; in any case, a small amount of exports is involved. There is no way of knowing whether the rather small amount of private financing (about $250 million) might be dis- placed by Fund credits. To the extent this financing covers sales from parent companies to subordinates, it probably would not be affected. Likewise, exports financed by private equity capital probably would not be affected. My own guess is that the residue of private loan financing that might be displaced by the Fund would he very small indeed. Is the poor performance of U.S. exports to these markets relative to others due to un- competitive financing-or to other causes? Clearly the overvaluation of the dollar until recently was a contributory factor, but it S' 11 577 must be remembered' that this factor did not export promotion. Insofar as bilateral aid to prevent our exports to the more advanced de- be administered by MDCA is concerned, that veloping countries from rising rapidly. An- is already largely tied and this does nothing other factor has been that the tied aid of to tie it further. other countries to these lowest-income coup- 6. Since developing countries are already tries has been rising while ours has been saddled with a heavy debt burden, Will lend- failing. Although we do not have comprehen- ing'them more increase theft problems? Of sive statistics, there is a great deal of mate- course, compared with a grant, any loan is rlal in the form of known cases of bids lost hard. As a supporter of development, I hope because of lack of competitive financing. U.S. that an increasing flow of grant funds will exporters with whom I have talked in recent be. made available. But it is not reasonable weeks believe that the lack of suitable financ- to suppose that all low-income country im- ing is a very important factor in the situa- ports could be financed with grants. Some tion. Many of them point out that exports must be paid for with cash (the hardest are often lost because Americans do not form of import), and some with commercial bother to bid-believing that they cannot loans and investments. The Fund would add win because of inadequately competitive a new dimension between grants and com- financing. mercial credits. Assuming the imports it fi- Whatever the history and causes of our nances are of the developmental character poor export performance to this category of required in the bill and are used productive- bountries, I think there are two reasons to ly, they should Improve the ability of the expect that more attractive financing would importing country to manage its debt bur- help. First, if a line of credit were extended den. by the Fund to the government of country A In this connection, the question has been for a particular purpose, such as imports of raised whether these loans will ever be re- electrical equipment or heavy construction paid. Our experience with the developing equipment, that government would have an countries is that they do repay their loans. incentive to make sure that American ex- Occasionally they get into financial trouble porters were given a fair opportunity to com- and have to ask for debt relief. But they do pete for business. Otherwise, country A would not normally default on loans. Since the fail to make use of a valuable resource, and Fund will be extending credit on terms that in due course the line of credit would be the borrowers can more easily afford to pay, withdrawn. Second, and much more critical, and for goods and services which strengthen once it became known that there was a sub- the borrowers' economies, there should be stantial line of credit available to country A fewer problems of need for debt relief than for imports from the United States, there would be the case if these credits were not would be an incentive for U.S. exporters to available or if they were only available on pay more attention to that market. If this harder terms. were to happen, some dramatic changes prob- 7. Will Fund-financed exports help de- ably would take place. U.S. exporters might velopment? This is a critical question, since be encouraged to send representatives to not all imports do help development. The importing countries or to arrange, where war- proposed bill sensibly provides that the Fund ranted, for a local resident representative to may only be used to finance goods that do insure that they are notified of tenders to advance development. Stating that policy bid, to secure copies of specifications for may be as far as the law should go, but in them, and to represent their interests in administering the Fund, care would be re- general. These basic preliminary steps can be quired to prevent low-utility exports from very important in increasing U.S. exports on being financed. I believe that the Fund commercial terms to a particular market on should have a flexible commodity eligibility a long-run basis. test, designed to make certain that its ex- Now that there has been a substantial de- ports-support development in the importing valuation of the dollar, and that U.S. price country. Beyond that, there may be good indices are trending upward at a slower pace reason for the Fund to verify that the im- than those of our competitors, there is every, port and investment policies of the import- reason to expect that American goods will ing country are such that Fund-financed ex- be able to compete on price and quality for ports to that country have a reasonable pros- these markets. This is precisely the right pect of being constructively used. Such tests time for U.S. Government action to make should not lessen the Fund's usefulness as sure that U.S. exports can compete on fi- a promoter of U.S. exports, since the range nancing terms as well. of U.S. goods and services helpful to develop- I hope that the Fund would be admin- ment is very broad and can range from istered in such a way as to correct more than capital goals to individual raw materials, fer- the deficiency in U.S. financial competitive- tilizer, and food. ness. It should also aim to help provide U.S. In order to take these development con- business with timely information and en- siderations Into account, the Fund should couragement to seek sales in these markets, have some expertise in the development busi- and it should analyze other obstacles to U.S. ness. In that connection, the Advisory Com- exports and make appropriate recommenda- mittee established by the proposed bill tions as to how they can be removed. should prove valuable, for wherever the 3. Will this create U.S. jobs? The Export- President might locate the Fund adminis- Import Bank has done some calculations tratively, the Committee would ensure that which show that each additional $12,500 of the extensive development experience ac- exports creates one U.S. job. At that rate, cumulated by the U.S. Government was if the Fund were to stimulate $1 billion of brought to bear on its decisions. The PL exports each year, some 80,000 additional jobs 480 Inter-agency Committee has proven ex- would be created. tremely valuable for this purpose with 4. Is this an unwarranted subsidy of U.S. respect to agricultural commodities. business? It need not be, if properly admin- Despite the need for assessment of the clo- istered. One object is to make U.S. exports velopmental impact of the U.S. goods and competitive in financing terms. But they services financed, the Fund should remist the must still meet the competition from Europe temptation to try to tell the importing coun- and Japan on price and quality. And there try how to run its, internal affairs. For de- is plenty of competition. In addition, It might veloping countries increasingly are evolving prove useful for the Fund to provide a price ways of protecting themselves from wasteful test prohibiting any exported under Fund and harmful investment decisions. In any "The Bankers of the Rich and the Bank- financing from charging more for his exports case, the functions of the Fund could be nrs of the Poor: The Role of Export Credit than for his domestic sales. jeopardized by overly zealous application of in Development Finance," by Nathaniel Mc- 5. Is this moving in the direction of tying . rigid development criteria. 7iitterlck and B. Jer oFp,*W o. "aI egN gwzng fl!Q}{~ou/CfdIRO M01 -5Wm'95R7 o n of Anaerips ships? ceDevelopment C ounc onogra n az is neit er a d nor in su e Mai y use of merican ships for cer- (1072). st1tution of existing aid, but Is financing for tain commodities and certain desthrations Approved For Renea 2005/09/29: CIA-RDP80BO1495R0Q ,p0020014-3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE June 20, 197"", array make U.S. exports sharply more expen- r;ivo than they would otherwise be. To pre- vent our exports from thus becoming uncom- pei;itive, I propose that the bill be amended to permit the Fund to use aid receipts to pay for the difference between the cost of U.S. :drips and other cheaper ships, whenever that dilcerence is a serious problem. 0. Which countries should be eligible? The bill provides that lowest-income countries with less than $200 per capita annual GNP to be the main recipients of Fund credits, are, but avoids making per capita GNP a rigid test of eligibility. Although per capita GNP is the best measure we have of poverty, it is not a perfect measure. Nor does it measure precisely the relative ability of countries to borrow on commercial terms or to serviAe debt. Finally, it does not measure accurately the countries where U.S. exports are having particular difficulty. For those reasons, the record on the legislation should make clear the Congressional intent that the Fund be administered flexibly to take account of all relevant factors, including ability to pay, poverty, and the need for a subsidy to sup- port U.S. exports. CONCLUSION Finally, Mr. Chairman, I would like to ex- press my support for this work of the major- ity of the members of your Committee. Their labors have produced a bill which is a vast improvement in substance over present legis- lation-and which warrants, and I believe will attract, the support of important seg- ments of the U.S. public. In my view, their initiative is, in the words of Congressman Zablocki in introducing this bill on May 30, .. in the best tradition of Congressional lawmaking. It embodies a bipartisan consen- sus on how future foreign aid programs should be structured." ANNEX A: ODE OF A DEVELOPING COUNTRY MAN (As told by an Asian humanist to James Grant) While in my mother's womb, I want her to have good nutrition and access to maternal and child welfare care. I don't want to have as many brothers and sisters as my parents had before me, and I do not want any mother to have a child too soon after me. I want good nutrition for my mother and for me in my first two to three years when my capacity for future mental and physical development is determined. I want to be able to go to school, together with my sister, and to learn a usable trade, and to have the school Impartsocial values to me. When I leave school I want a job, a mean- ingful one in which I can feel the satisfac- tion of makin ; a contribution. I want to enjoy good health; for this to be possible I need access to low-cost, readily available drugs and medical services, and I expect my government to provide free pre- ventive health services. I want to live in a law and order society, without molestation. I want my country to relate effectively and equitably to the outside world so that.I can have access to the intellectual and technical knowledge of all mankind, as well as to cap- ital from overseas. - I would like my country to get a fair price for the products that I and my fellow citizens create. As a farmer, I would like to have my own plot of land, with a system which gives me easy access to credit, to new agricultural technology, and to markets, and a fair price for my produce. As a worker, I would want to have some share, some sense of participation, in the factory in which I work. As a human being, I would like inexpensive newspapers and paperback books, plus access to radio and TV. I need some leisure time for myself, and to enjoy my family, and want access to some green parks, and to the arts, and my cultural heritage. I would like to have the security of coop- erative mechanisms in which I join with others to do things which we cannot do alone. I want clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. I need the opportunity to participate in the society around me, and to be able to help shape the decisions of the economic and social as well as the political institutions that so affect my life. 1. want my wife to have equal opportunity with me, and I want both of us to have access to the knowledge and means of family planning. In my old age, it would be nice to have some form of social security to which I have contributed, but best of all would be to have my children able and desirous of providing for me. These are the fundamentals of life, and what development should seek to achieve for all. . ANNEX B FERTILITY LEVELS AND SOCIAL INDICATORS FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, 1970 Crude birth rate (birth/thousand) Per capita Percent Life Infant mortality Extent of family planning programs 1970 1960 GNP literacy Death rate expectancy (1,000 birth:) percent ent i na A - ------------- - 21 23.0 1 1, 068 91 8 67 5G 20.6 -- ------------------ lg ------------------ Barbados ------------------------------- 21 30.0 523(1969) 92 28 465 42 __----------- ----------------------- Si ore - - - 2 22 6 35.6 960 75 5 63 621 664.0 ncap - - ------------------------------------------------- as Unn ------ - ----- - - 22 24.0 833 91 9 69 54 2 1.9 e - - - - y-------------------------------------- idad-Toba o T i 23 40.0 890 89 6 66 31 2 19. 6 g r n ------------------- T i ` 3 27 6 37.1 373 85 3 5 68 318 756.0 a ------- wan ---------------------------------------------- Chi le------------------------------------------------------- 28 29 35.0 32 0 854 280 84 94 9 7 61 69 9,2 841 211.3 n.a. Cuba---------------------------------------------------------- 229 . 6 35 1 169 75 8 62 S0 -------------- Sri Lanka----------------------------------------??--------- ea th K S - ---- a 29 . 6 39. 3 258 71 810 58 00 7 30.0 ou or --- ------------------------------------------- C sta Rica -------------- --- 33 48.0 539 84 7 65 P) 217.4 o - ------------------------------------ ica h -------------- - 36 42.0 630 82 87 65 32 23.3 nia - ---------------------------------------- 13razil ---------------------- 9 37 40.0 394 67 99 64 9.1 4 21.1 ---------------- (. ------- 37 42.9 9 330 80 7 61 3 -------------- nyana_-_--_-------------------------------------------- iApt-----------------------------------------------_-------- 3 37 6 44.2 296 28 26 317 3 16 53 50 3120 317'3 813.0 113.2 India_-------------------------------------------------------- 3 10 63 875 0 613 Malaysia------------------------------------------------------- T k ------------------ 3 38 3 39 6 41.1 641.0 355 257 43 46 3 13 54 3119 . 185.0 ur ey -------------------------- l u V ------------------ 41 46.0 1 931 76 7 67 46 26.2 enez e a ------ ----------------------------- M i ----------------- 942 45.0 670 76 99 61 56 2 1.0 7 ex co --------------------------------------- il d il --------------- 3 42 644.2 174 68 3 9 56 G8 18.7 ia an - --------------------------------------- C l bi --------------- 42-44 46.0 320 73 10 60 ' 76 34.1 2 o om a---------------------------------------- P ------------------ ' 9 43 41.0 246 74 9 10 IS 67 2.3 -------------- araguay----------------------- P - ---------------------- 9 43 46.0 446 61 9 12 54 62 2.2 - eru ------------------------------- ' l i t ----------------- 343 551.3 150 16 16 51 132 ---___------- a s ( an------------------------------------- i --------- 44 44.0 203 40 19 50 lu8 NA liol vie----------------------------------------------- I d ---------- - - 44 47.0 2G7 68 11 52 ):a 21.8 7 cha --------- -------- or------------------------- ------- hili i 3 44 s 46.6 266 72 3 10 55 3 18 8. 1 pp P oes------------------------??---- -_------- ----------------- ador 1:1 S l - 9 41, 50.0 294 1 49 910 58 63 3 210.5 v, a v - ---------------------------------- I d ia ------------------- 3 45 6 46.6 105 _ 43 3 18 48 1.15 .8 1, n ones ---------------------------------- blic i i R 9 42 49.0 356 65 9 14 58 77 6. 8 7 ------------ ------------------------ can epu Dom n ------- 3 49 6 50.1 211 14 ,a 16 51 3 1%,9 4.0 Morocco------------------------------------------------ 49-51 49.0 267 45 17 49 136 25.9 Konduras------- -------------------------------------- -?----- Kenya--------- ----------------------------------- ------------ 3 51 647.0 141 20-25 3 17 48 3 115 11 2. 2 I Income distribution in Argentina is better, and in Venezuela worse, than the average for Latin Sources: AID Economic Data Book, Latin America, Oct. 5, 1972. Selected Economic Data for America; in Venezuela the poorer half of the population receives a smaller proportion of total the Less Developed Countries, AID, June 1972. Population Pro?rain Assistance, AID, December income than any other country of the region. ECLA, Income Distribution in Latin America (U.N. 1971, p. 210. 1972 World Population Data Sheet, Population Relerence Bureau, Inc., Population Publication Sales No. E. 71. 11. G. 2), pp. 41-61. table 19. Statistical Yearbook 1971, United Nations, p. 76. Data on percentages of accumulated 2 Accumulated acceptors as a percentage of women of fertile age, acceptors are from Benjamin Viel, M.D., "Family Planning in Latin America: The Past, Preent, 1971 data. and Future Role of IPFF," n.d., p. 8, prepared for the International Planned Parenthood; Fedora- Average of male and female life expectancies, 1951-69. Von, Western Hemisphere Region, Inc. United Nat ohs Population Division, Working Paper No. 36, 6 Average 196065 data. "Estimates of Crude Birth Rates, C.rude Death Rates, and Expectations of Life at Birth, Regions 6 Acceptors as a percentage of married women, 15-44 yrs, in 1972. and Countries, 1950-65," February 1971. Agency for International Development, "Population 7 floors as a percentage of married women, 15- 44 yrs, in 1972, Program Assistance, Aid to Developing Countries by the United States, Other Nations, and Inter- 1968 data. national and Private Agencies," forthcoming (1972) issue. Dorothy Nortman, "Population and oputation/Family Planning, Population a~ ayff 1n : CIA-Rr~ jpg Oo(~ ~n - 1970 estimate.Al~rovpd Fpr Rene e ? p5/09/29 Acceptors as a p rcnlage o marne women, s, m ,p~yQrip 11 Users as a percentage of married women, 15 44 yrs, in 19711 - Approved For Rele 2005/09/29 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000500020014-3 June 20, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE lion, THOMAS It. MORGAN, chairman, house Foreign Affairs Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, Washing- ton. D.C. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I regret that I am not able to appear before your Committee to testify in person on the encouraging initia- tive taken by a majority of the mombers to improve the effectiveness of U.S. support for lie development of low-income countries. Nevertheless, I do wish to associate myself with this endeavor and give it my strong endorsement. I welcome the emphasis on the human problems of the poorest majority of people living in the developing countries. From my association with the Rockefeller Foundation and the Pearson Commission I can attest to the value of U.S. support for efforts to fight disease, malnutrition, overpopulation and ignorance. These are the most pervasive problems of the developing countries, and lime Congressmen wisely emphasize their de- sire to direct U.S. programs at them. I also support the effort to assure that the U.S. Government consider the total impact of all its decisions that affect the developing countries. The economic and political power of this country is so great that many of our actions in trade, monetary and investment policies, or our proposals for the regime of the seas or in the international environment rio have an important effect on the develop- iing countries. Given our interest in sup- porting their development, it is well to de- velop a better procedure for taking into ac- count the totality of those effects. Finally, I strongly favor the imaginative proposal to create the Export Development Credit Fund. The United States is falling behind other industrialized countries in ex- ports to the lowest income countries and steps should be taken immediately to remedy this decline. I personally believe that many U.S. exporters can improve their perform- ance in this market. Clearly other countries believe that the poor countries have a mar- ket well worth pursuing and have developed their policies accordingly. We should do like- wise. I find particularly appropriate the proposal for financing the interest differential between what is borrowed and what is loaned from repayments on old aid loans. That innova- tion makes it perfectly feasible. to finance these export credits from public debt au- thority. I recall that in 1957 the Administra- tion submitted to the Congress a proposal for public debt authority to finance the De- velopment Loan Fund. It was passed by the .,Senate and the House Foreign Affairs Com- mittee but failed on the floor of the House. The weakness with that proposal was that annual appropriations would have been re- quired in increasing amounts to cover the differences between the interest the DLF paid and what it charged its borrowers. Now, however, with receipts from previous DLF and other loans coming in, there will be ample funds to meet the costs and make the Fund financially viable without recourse to annual appropriations of new funds. Since we use borrowing authority and investment iconic to finance exports to Europe, Japan and the more developed low-income coun- tries such as Brazil and Taiwan at slightly subsidized rates, it only makes sense to use a similar authority to finance exports to the poorer countries as well, but at more conces- rional rates. Otherwise, U.S. exports to those areas will continue to decline. As a consc- quenco, the welfare of American workers also S i579 However, any such objections are met by members of the House Foreign Affairs Com- the injunction in the proposal that these mittee are to be commented for their crea- credits be used for goods and services of a tivity and foresight in proposing a Inecha- developnmental character so that over the nism which can simultaneously contribute to extended period of repayment the credits will our need for significantly increased exports more than increase the ability of recipients and to help accelerate the development of to meet these obligation. Properly adminis- the lowest income countries. tered, there is no reason the Fund cannot I also applaud the Committee's der.irc to improve American exports and at the same have an improved system of coordination for time significantly p.omote the development United States policies and programs which of the low-income countries. affect our interests in the development of the In closing, I would like to say how im- low income countries. This need for improved pressed I am with this farsighted Initiative coordination has been noted in the past and which reflects the realities of the future still remains largely unmet. This principle rather than the outworn dogmas of the past. Is a commendable one at a time when we Sincerely, must consider the totality of U.S. actions DOUGLAS DILLON. affecting the developing countries. Sincerely, Iron. THOMAS E. MORGAN, Chairman, House Foreign Affairs Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, Washing- ton,, D.C. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: When I learned of the initiative by a bipartisan majority of your Committee on the foreign aid bill, I was most encouraged and wanted to testify in person. Regrettably, previous commitments prevent that. But I believe this letter will record my vigorous support, pa -ticularly of two features of the proposal. First, I believe that it is important that the now reduced American bilateral development aid program concentrate on priority areas in which we have, or can develop, a special ex- pertise, and particularly on those problems so basic to the broad modernization of the developing countries, including food produc- tion, rural development, education, health, and family planninSuch programs should help a larger proportion of the people in these countries participate more effectively in the development process. The Committee's ap- proach commendably gives sharp priority to these fields and actually authorizes funds ac- cording to those categories. Second, I applaud the proposed Export De- velopment Credit Fund. U.S. exports to the lowest income countries with a population of apparently one billion people are doing poor- ly, in part because these countries, lack for- eign exchange but also because financing on terms that meet our competition is not avail- able. On price and quality I think our ex- ports would do well now and better in the future, provided financing is available on favorable terms. The proposal to finance this Fund with The new House proposal agrees with the borrowing authority would have been more Nixon administration's foreign assistance debatable ten years ago. However, there now bill, now before Congress, that $1 billion is available from repayments and interest on to bilateral economic existing aid loans a growing stream of funds should beginning atral July 1. that can be used to cover the difference be- aid l ld This fiscal iscal allocated l billion is 1974, from military tween the interest the Fund must pay on its the White House. Also as- borrowings and the lower rate of interest it sistance separate is the proposed is administration's pheratio to request e. for will receive on its credits. If that differ- $600 million for reconstruction work in once had had to to be e met from annual appropria- Asia. tions I would have doubts; but given the Southeast Sponsors hea of the House measure, headed availability of receipts from earlier loans, I believe public debt authority is a sound pro- by Clement J. Zablocki (D) of Wisconsin, cedure. do not seek changes in military aid or the It is interesting to note that this same use Southeast Asia funds, but would channel of borrowing authority and payments on the $1 billion of economic help into proj- earlier aid loans was recommended by the eats for the very poor. Peterson Task Force in 1970. In much the These are defined as "food, rural develop same manner the Itxport-Import Bank sub- ment, and nutrition; population growth and sidizes interest on its loans from Its invest- health; and education and human resources meat income. development." I am concerned, however, that the defint- "Projects," says a statement by the House tion of "lowest income countries" not be so sponsors, "would be selected which most interpreted as to e?clude the poorest coun- directly benefit the poorest majority of the tries in Latin America. I am particularly people in these countries. . . . anxious that countries such as Bolivia, Para- "We are learning," the statement adds, deprived of American goods and services they gray, Haiti, and Honduras be eligible at this "that if the poorest majority can participate can fruitfully use to advance their develop- time for credits on concesslonal terms since in development by having productive work meat. they have difficulty meeting with normal and access to basic education, health care, 'life Committee may find some who will. commercial terms. and adequate diets, then increased economic object to the propoApprQlbeetfc otsRe4easai2DD Y W2 cn miRRP8OBO1495 {? 032dt11jt--Yce can go band in creating the Fund would increase the already trument for American exports to become I heavy debt burden of the poorest countries, competitive In this: neglected market, The Experience shows that spurts of economic [From the Christian Science Monitor, June 3, 19731 REDIRECTING FOREIGN AID TO POOREST Oi THE Pools (By Harry B. Ellis) WASHINGTON.-Getting United States for- eign aid down to the poorest people in the poorest countries is the thrust of a sweeping new proposal by key congressmen. Growth rates of developing nations often are impressive, the sponsors point out. But generally, within those same countries, the income gap between rich and poor steadily widens. The existing structure of U.S. foreign aid, experts agree, does little to help millions of Asians, Africans, and Latin Americans mired in the deepest poverty. A proposal by a majority of the House Foreign Affairs Committee would revamp United States bilateral foreign aid by zero- ing in on the root problems-nutrition, health, education, population control, rural development-linked with poverty. Their bill, introduced as amendments to the Foreign Assistance Act, would not cost American taxpayers more money, but it would redirect the flow of U.S. aid. IN LINE WITH NIXON The bipartisan sponsors, numbering at least 26 of the committee's 40 members, stress that their recommendations are in line with President Nixon's own suggestion, voiced in his "state of the world" message of May 3, that aid should move in this direc- Approved For ReIe : 2005/09129 : CIA-RDP80B01495R00Q Q0020014-3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE Jute 0, 1973 l;rowth in developing lands, spurred by in- standard Exinlbank terns. "In many cases," jections of foreign aid, often enrich a rela- states the House committee panel, "lack of tively small class of people, but do not financing on competitive terms, rather than "trickle down" to the very poor, price or quality, explains the U.S. inability 'the way that social and economic power to compete for this market." ie shared in many Asian, African, and Latin Meanwhile, exports by Japan, Canada, West American countries, experts concur, pre- Germany, Britain, and some other Western vents newly developed wealth from being lands to developing countries grow faster shared fairly between the urban elite and than those of the U.S., again partly because the rural poor. of financing. PROJECTS AIMED AT POOR Other nations, notes the House study, often make it easy for Countless millions of the latter, in the poor countries to borrow S. McNamara, president of money. Trade flows in the wake of this bor- words the of World Bank, Robert "lie beyond the reach of ., traditional market forces and present public "This market of about 1 billion people (low income countries, excluding Commu- services." nist areas), whose gross national product has How to reach them? Neither the WOrI,Fl- been increasing approximately 5 percent an- Bank, nor the United States Government, nually, Is important at present and promises nor any other donor, can order a power elite to grow more important in the future. in a developing land to change its way of doing business. NEW AGENCY PROPOSED But a beginning can be made, note the "Europe and Japan," continues the House house sponsors, if economic aid is aimed committee report, "apparently believe this specifically at projects directly benefiting and offer vigorous and steadily increasing the poor. government financing programs which help 'Pile problem of equity, or making the develop their markets in these countries. "trickle down" work now is universally re- "If the United States wants to avoid fur- suggest, might be administered by the Ex- port-Import Bank, by the Department of Commerce, or independently. An Inter- agency advisory committee would oversee its operations. PROPOSALS IN TILE HOPPER Separately the comet ittee majority pro- poses to change the name of he existing Foreign Assistance Act to "the Mutual Dc- velopment Act," administered by the Mutual Development and Cooperation Agency. All these proposals now go into the con- gressional hopper, along with President Nixon's request for $1 billion in economic aid, $600 million for reconstruction work in Southeast Asia, and $1.31 billion for military assistance. The last two figures are not affected by the proposals emanating from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which concen- trates on the agreed figure of $1 billion for bilateral economic aid. The committee sponsors want to see that $1 billion redirected to help the poorest Asian, Africans, and Latin Americans, and supplemented by it soft-loan credit agency. garded as a challenge facing every Indus- ther losses and perhaps increase its share [From the New York Times, June 1' d ation or a envy giving aid to in this market, there will have to be in- OVERHAULING AID n g t lla Ize . backward lands, creased government financing on terms that Committees in both houses of Congress Mr. McNamara, sketching the world at the compete." recent weeks to revise dras- end of this century, foresees affluent West- At least 26 of the 40 members of the House have deafly President moved in recent s foreign assistance cru countries enjoying average incomes per Foreign Affairs Committee believe this should ogr P which Chairman ul sista assistance person in the range of $8,000, while some be done through the creation of a new Pre ram, ich Ch Relations Committee has 2.5 billion people in the developing world agency, the 1Jsport Development Credit Fund. dy dismissed as "a relic of the past." may receive less than $200 each, and 80 These congressmen, including Clement J. alreaItdnos dismissed aa $2.9-billion aid request million of these less than $100. Zablocki (D) of Wisconsin and several other is extravagant that the of this quest So there is a double gap-between rich and Midwesterner:;, have introduced a bill to this try's ability pay terms or the either edo of the less- poor nations, and, within the poor lands, be- end. Their measure is offered in the form trydeveloped nations. or in the of th the less- tween the power elite and the rural majority. Of amendments to the Foreign Assistance Act. event that the portion of the over-all aid In all effort to keep the rich-poor nation. In addition to creating the new credit budget allocated to economic assistance- cllasm from widening, the United Nations agency, the amending bill would focus $1 established as a reasonable principle that billion of U.S. economic aid, requested by $ 6esent billion-were a slippage ullin this y funded, it country's orld rich countries should give to poor ones 0.7 President Nixon for fiscal year 1974, on the rep helping the poorest people in the ready low position among donor nations in percent of their gross national product projects aid as a percentage of gross national product. (GNP). poorest lands. One basic trouble with the President's aid Collectively, Mr. McNamara told the an- ABOUT 80,000 NEW JOBS? package is that it remains heavily oriented Waal meeting of the World Bank in Washing- The proposed credit agency would, in the toward military and related assistance, a ton last year, affluent nations are falling far view of its sponsors, "kill several birds with hangover from an era of politics that has be- short of that standard, giving, on average, one stone" by enabling U.S. exporters to come increasingly obsolete with the progress only half of 0.7 percent. compete in the poorest lands and extending of detente, the emergence of multipolar The United States, whose aid as a per- credit that the latter could afford, world and the supposed windup of the Indo- centage of GNP has declined steadily in re-' One result, the sponsors believe, would be china war. Much of the $1.31 billion re- cent years, does even worse. By 1975, at the the creation of "an estimated 80,000 new quested by the President for military assist- present rate, said Mr. McNamara, the U.S. U.S. jobs," through expansion of American ante is of doubtful utility either for the is expected to share only 0.24 percent of its exports. United States or for its proposed recipients. GNP with developing nations. The fund, which would operate at a level Ignoring the President's proposal3, the For- of about $1 billion yearly, would, like the eign Relations Committee has approved a [From the Christian Science Monitor, June Export-Import Bank, be authorized to borrow Fulbright-drafted military authorization bill 12, 19731 from the U.S. Treasury or the public. which would drastically reduce arms aid next EASIER CREDIT TERMS PROPOSED: UNITED STATES This money would be borrowed by the year and would eliminate all military grant EYES EXPORTS TO POOR LANDS fund at market interest rates. The fund then assistance over the next four years. (By Harry B. Ellis) would finance U.S. exports to the poorest Equally sweeping and notably constructive countries on competitive terms, perhaps 30 proposals on the economic side have been WASIIINOToN.-Last year the United States years' maturity at 3 percent interest, with advanced by a 22-member majority of the exported $16.3 billion worth of goods to de- 10 years of grace. House Foreign Affairs Committee. Setting veloping countries, almost as much as the The gap between the fund's soft-term aside for the moment the $600 million ear- U.S. sold to Japan and the enlarged Common loans and its harder term borrowing would marked for Southeast Asia, which raises spe- Market combined. be covered by repayments of past foreign aid cial problems deserving close Congressional Poor countries, in other words, now buy loans now flowing' into the Treasury. scrutiny, the House group has proposed that about as much from the United States as 10 MARKET Recess WIDER the remaining $1 billion in economic assist- o.l the world's richest lands together do. once be redirected to focus on the most American taxpayers would not be shoulder- acute problems of the poorest nations: rural But there is a curious skew to these sales ing an additional burden. U.S. businessmen to the "third world," according to a majority would have access to wider markets and, in growoplnent, food and nutrition, population of members of the House Foreign Affairs the process, new jobs would be created In the growth and health, education and human Committee, who hope to revamp the U.S. resources development. United States. In addition, the Congressmen would es- foreign aid program. Over a period of time, according to the bi- tablish a new $1-billion Export Development Sales of American goods to the "richer" partisan proponents of the measure, aid- Credit Fund for the lowest income countries developing lands, those with per capita an- recipient nations, as their economies grew, which would have the dual purpose of aiding noel incomes above $200, indeed are growing. would tend to increase their purchases of development and stimulating United States llut exports to the poorest countries, those American industrial goods. exports to nations accounting for one-third with incomes below $200, are shrinking. The sponsors point to Taiwan as an exam- of the world's population. A major reason is financing. The more pie. In 1960, they note, U.S. exports to that Although these and other new House pro- affluent developing countries, like Mexico, island nation totaled $100 million, 90 per- posals mark a sharp departure from past aid Brazil, Korea, and Taiwan, can afford to bor- yy~ i n C t,~IU~1ctices and the Administration's program, row money t9 Drov f9pl Re4eaei 2 /1111 7ieMtE1 S~h@ tc~~}1 7 ~ Q effect, a i,llou?httlll elab- the Export-Impbr Bank. million worth of goods to Taiwan, very little oration on recommendations made by it 11ANM TERMS TOO STEEP? of which was financed by U.S. credits on Presidential task force three years ago and move in a direction Mr'. Nixon himself advo- The poorest lands, including India, Pakis concessional terms, _ . __,. .._... -- ~..-..-..,..~ ...,...^,e,. r.... a sa.. -1-7 1:11. to lnaf lY1n t.a l" fi, r. Approved For Rele .e 2005/09/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R0Q4500020014-3 1 June .?0, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD SENATE S 11581 If United states foreign aid is to serve rights; it will open the way for a veteran (1) by amending the last sentence of sec- lJnited States interests and the cause of to take his case to court. tion ) by striking out the pound at peace in the "radically different world" which Mr. President, I believe that this bill, the end d the) and inserting in lieu thereof was noted in that Presidential message, Its the following: "; but any such decision is purposes and structure should be radically if enacted, will go a long way to redress subject to judicial review as provided for in revised along the imaginative lines that the the legitimate grievances of the young section 4010 of this title."; two Congressional committees have begun to men who have served this country in its (2) by amending section 4004(b) by : trik- chart. Armed Forces. ing out "When" and inserting the following: Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- "Subject to an appeal under section 4010 of 11 h I.y Mr. MONDALE : S. 2027. A bill to amend title 38 of the United States Code to make more equita- ble the procedures for determining eligibility for benefits under the law ad- ministered by the Veterans' Administra- tion, and for other purposes. Referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. JUDICIAL REVIEW FOR VETERANS Mr. MONDALE. Mr. President, I am introducing today legislation which would allow veterans judicial review over their disputes with the Veterans' Administra- tion, and would raise to $100 the maxi- i!"11111 wo i1 VE4f+}'it11 (1341 Pay till ?}Glpl?'l y ic,r the representation of a vatdr ,1 dlajiri, An identical bill is being introduced in the Rouse of Representatives by -Con- gressmen EDWARD I. 1,1,ocir, Democrat of New York and LES ASPIN, Democrat of Wisconsin. Under current law, all differences of opinion on veterans' claims are deter- mined administratively. No appeals out- side the Veterans' Administration are possible. .This legislation is necessary to extend the right of judicial review, which every- one else enjoys, to veterans. Under the present system, the Veterans' Adminis- tration is both a party to a dispute and the judge. It is difficult for the veteran, therefore, to obtain an impartial review of his claims. Mr. President, this bill also seeks to improve the existing situation with re- gard to representation by counsel of the veteran. Present law provides that an attorney may charge a veteran no more than $10 for legal services. This provi- sion, purported to safeguard a veteran, in effect denied him the services of coun- en , sent that this bill be printed at this point this itle, w in the RECORD. (3) by striking out paragraphs (3), (4), and There being no objection, the bill was o of section 4005(d) and inserting the fol- lowing: ordered to be printed in the RECORD, "(3) Copies of the 'statement of the case' as follows: 'prescribed in paragraph (1) of this subsec- g. 2027 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re'presen tatives of the Usrited States of America in Congress assembled, That section 101(2) of title 38, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: "(2) The term `veteran' means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or re- le,ised therefrom other than by a discharge imposed by a court-martial." e` e.c! 2: (4) @liYleb ipt@r T of g111pt?1' 1 ag ttitie 315, tf.:ited ots 69 C06a6 is ianar,paei by inserting immediately after section 3005 the following new section: "I 3006. Treatment of claims "(a) The Administrator shall provide to any claimant for any benefit raider law ad- ministered by the Veterans' Administrator a list of such documentary information and other evidence whieli the claimant will likely need to support his claim. "(b) If at any time after any claim is made for any benefit, any officer or employee of the -Veterans' Administration obtains from any military department or agency any military record, including health records, for the pur- poses of determining eligibility for such benefit, the Veterans' Administration shall immediately nail a copy of that record to the claimant or his representative. "(c) In the administration of the provi- sions of this title relating to benefits, any claimant shall be presumed to be entitled to the benefit claimed. Such presumption must be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence' to the contrary." (b) The analysis of such subchapter I is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "fi 3006. Treatment of claims." sel. This bill, therefore, would permit a SEc. 3. Section 3404 of title 38, United veteran to pay an attorney up to $100 for States Code, is amended- legal services rendered and, if the mat- (1) by amending subsection (a) thereof to ter was the subject of an appeal decided read as follows: In favor of the veteran, the bill further "(a) The Administrator shall recognize any individual admitted to practice law before provides that the Veterans' Administra- the highest court in any State or the District Lion would be obliged to pay the attor- of Columbia to act as an agent or attorney in ncy representing the veteran a reason- the preparation, presentation, or prosecution able fee for services rendered as well as of any claim under laws administered by the reimbursing the veteran the $100 first Veterans' Administration." ; (2) by striking out "section" in subsection d b h d tion will be submitted to the Board of Vet- erans' Appeals, to the claimant, and lo his representative, if there is one. Submission of the statement of the case by an employee of the Veterans' Administration to the Board of Veterans' Appeals shall initiate review by the Board of Veterans' Appeals. The claimant will be afforded a period of 60 days from the date the statement of the case is mailed to provide to the Board of Veterans' Appeals such supplemental information with respect to Ills case as he deems apprepl'i tie N,c)tid- log speauin ,tiils? ari0n8 of orfaf e,f 1504. to lhw. Such 60-day period may be extended for a reasonable period on request for good cause shown. "(4) After the 60-day period, or longer pe- riod if such 60-day period is extended, has expired, and regardless whether or not sup- plemental information has been submitted to the Board of Veterans' Appeals by the claimant, the Board of Veterans' Appeals shall review the case and will base its deci- sion on the entire record."; (4) by amending section 4005A(b) to read as follows: "(b) Upon the filing of a notice of dis- agreement, the Board of Veterans' Appeals and all parties in interest will be furnished with a statement of the case in the same manner as is prescribed in section 400b. Fur- nishing of the statement of the case to the Board of Veterans' Appeals shall constitute notice of appeal by the party in interest who filed notice of disagreement. The party in interest who filed a notice if disagreement will be allowed thirty days from the date of mailing of such statement of the case to provide to the Board of Veterans' Appeals such supplemental information as he deems appropriate. Extension of time may be granted for good cause shown but with con- sideration to the interests of the other parties involved. The substance of the supplemen- tal information will be communicated to the other party or parties in Interest and a period of thirty days will be allowed for filing a brief or argument in answer thereto. Such notice shall be forwarded to the last known address of record of the parties concerned, and such action shall constitute suilicient evidence of notice." (5) by adding at the end thereof the fol- lowing new section: 1 vancey M. a Admittedly, lawyers should be pre- (b) thereof and inserting in lieu thereof "? 4010. Judicial review chapter"; and "(a) Any claimant who disagrees with the stand par dof his a veteran of a exacting 3) by amending subsection (c) thereof to taIltial part of hiS benefits by exacting ( decision of the Board of Veterans' Appeals read as follows: with respect to his appeal may at any time an exorbitant fee, but the $10 ceiling ef- ?(c) The Administrator shall determine before the sixtieth day after the date on fectively denies a veteran the assistance and pay reasonable, fees to agents or attor- which the claimant has received notification of counsel, and quite possibly, therefore, neys recognized under this chapter in allow- in writing of such decision file a petition benefits. ed claims for monetary benefits under laws with the United States court of appeals for I was outraged to learn that VA I`eguia- administered by the Veterans' Administra- the District of Columbia circuit or the cir- tions prevent an attorney for a veteran Lion. Such reasonable fees shall not exceed cuit wherein such claimant resides for a ju- from contacting a Member of Congress $100 with respect to any one claim except dicial review of such decision. A copy of the for assistance -in handling a veteran's that in any case In which a claimant for petition shall he forthwith transmitted by claim. The penalty for seeking such con- monetary benefits prevails upon an appeal the clerk of the Court to the Board. The to the Board of Veterans' Appeals or upon Board thereupon shall file in the court the gressional assistance is that the attorney review pursuant to section 4010 of this title, record of the proceedings on which the Board can be investigated regarding his compe- the Administrator shall pay all reasonable based its decision, as provided in section 2112 teney to represent a claimant and he for- fees." of title 28. feits his right to a fee. My bilMU Id~ ISQSE ~~qq r o t I c a ant applies to the court correct this violati W%'J440 tl~a t@tk"Ai reidd B~ 6B'O 4~54W6Atal~k iU "el3itional evidence and