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June 21, 1962
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Release 2003/05/29(:? - 801676R000100100032-7
DATE 2 :'az T
f1~ul, Ar Yj1lri
D stribution:
1 - to each addressee
1 - DDCI \
1 - Exec. Dir.
This memorandum contains information for the addressees. Ad-
dressees may give this memorandum additional circulation within
their components as required. All copies should be destroyed not
filed, upon completion of circulation. A master file will be kept in
the Executive Director's Office and will be available upon request.
State Dept. review completed
Approved For Release 0 211/05y//29-: CIA-RDP80B016
6R0G PIO010Q
Excluded from automat c
downZrading and
declosAi'Irg'; 3?~
Attached herewith is the Agency
for International Development
response to NSAN 131.
' ,r E ST Y FILE
(. )
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
A. A. L D. eamuwam for Lk uc
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Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
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Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
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Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
x ar . ' 4 p"*a n1 Aa w Y x:~a t3 a r" at
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10 A.
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cc: Mr. laa It v, A
r.Cof a., DAqa ~g l
Mr. -r. A/ A
Regional Administrator*
Mr. Chtnery, PRC$
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
-Approved r~Release 2003/05/29: CIA-RDP80B 1( 67%R 00100100032-7
Office Of The Administrator
Attached herewith is the Agency
for International Development
response to NSAM 131.
Dennis Brennan PRCS
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
Approved~Fo eJe T.Rease 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BQ 7 00100100032-7
A. I. D. Counter-Insurgency Training
A. A. I. D. courses for Agency personnel include:
1) Six-Week Orientation Program for A. I. D. Personnel
Going Overseas (NSAM 131 /]a and ld)
A. I. D. has now doubled the length of its former program to
include two weeks of special Area Study and two days emphasis on
the scope of the Communist threat. The two-day program is given
to all personnel and includes class hours in: Communist Theory,
Communist Threat in Developing Countries, Soviet Economic
Potential, Communist Global Propaganda, Unconventional Warfare,
and 'Communism and Free Labor. The two-week Area Study is given
to personnel according to their area of overseas assignment and
includes class hours in: History of the Region, Influence of External
Cultures, Economic Problems, U. S. Policy, Communist Propaganda,
Problems of Military Defense, Interests of Former Colonial Powers
(where appropriate), Communist Objectives and Tactics, Regional
Security, and Politics and Policy Problems of the Area.
The six-week course is given to all personnel and the Agency
believes the program meets the broad background needs for overseas
assignment at all levels. 279 persons have already gone through the
c ourse, Approximately 700 will go through each year. A. I. D.
intends to coordinate with FSI to determine where the program can be
drawn in more direct counter-insurgency terms.
2) The Institute for International Development
School of'Advanced International Studies
The Johns Hopkins University
(NSAM 131 / lb)
This is a twenty-one week course given to middle-grade
personnel from overseas missions or in prospect of going overseas.
In general terms the course relates the work of the assistance program
to U. S. foreign policy objectives, provides an understanding of the
contribution the various activity sectors make toward economic
development, and emphasizes the effect on economic development of
social, cultural, and political conditions. Included among the course
:titles are: Marxism, Economic Development, Soviet Economic
Assistance, Political Ideologies, Use of Military in Economic Develop-
ment, Imperialism, The Enduof Empires, Nationalism, Ethnocentrism,
Colonialism, Non-Economic Factors in Economic Development,
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
.C Q P` Y Approver For Je ease 200 /& AA RW- #&B 7i&00100100032-7
Political Structure in Underdeveloped Areas, Change Under Guidance,
Change and Political Institutions, Social Mobility in Underdeveloped
Areas, and Geographic and Cultural Mobility in Underdeveloped Areas.
The tenor of the course is to better fit the middle-career
officer to meet the increased and more complex responsibilities
which he will encounter in his future assignments. It is given twice
a year and the ~nu:mber of members entering each session has averaged
just over twenty. Eight sessions have been conducted with 165 persons
graduated and now assigned overseas. The program is currently
under re-evaluation to determine whether it should be continued or
comparable training supplied through other sources; and should it be
:continued, how to re-orient certain of its phases to provide more
direct emphasis on counter-insurgency training.
3) African Area Studies Program
Boston University
(NSAM 131/la)
This course has been designed for professional-grade personnel
going to Africa. The aim of the program has been to provide an under-
standing of the social, political, and economic environment of Africa
and the inter-relationships of the different fields of U. S. endeavor in
that continent. The course has been given for the past three years
approximately four times a year and has graduated 132 personnel.
This course is under study to decide whether or not or in what form
it should be continued. An African course in whatever form will
include appropriate emphasis on counter-insurgency training.
4) Senior Officers Training
(NSAM 131/ lc)
A.I. D. is participating in the development of the national
modernization and counter-insurgency school. It has also assisted
in the development of the current inter-agency five-week course on
the Problems of Development and Internal Defense. A. I. D. has
nominated personnel to the faculty and twelve officers to attend the
initial course. The majority of these are senior officers awaiting
field assignments to areas where there is already a threat of
insurgency. It is anticipated that all senior officers going to the
field will receive this course; and in the case of newly incoming
people, this will be in.addition to or phased with the continuing six-
week orientation course given to all A. I. D. personnel.
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
Approved For RJ a@V2003/05/29: CIA-RDP80BO1676W 0.10D100032-7
5) Program For Training Public Safety Advisors
International Association of Chiefs of Police
(NSAM 131 / lb)
Under contract with A. I. D. the International Association of
Chiefs of Police has provided training for Public Safety Advisors on
assignment to go overseas. This training has included courses in:
Program Planning and Public Safety Operations, Role of the Public
Safety Technical Advisor, Leadership, Public Safety Participant
Training, Comparative Study of Police Systems, and Police and
Judicial Systems of the Host Country. The course, although of only
two weeks duration, supplements the regular six-week orientation
course all incoming personnel. In the nature of their work
the Public Safety Advisors clearly are actively concerned. with
counter-insurgency criteria in countries where this threat exists.
The limitations imposed by the existing training facility have not
made it possible to re-orient the course itself and Public Safety
personnel have received their major agency training in the general
six-week orientation course. However, the present contract with
the International Association of Police Chiefs will not be continued
in its present form. Either the training facility will be entirely
replaced or counter-insurgency training needs will be properly met
within the existing source.
6) Other Pertinent Training
(NSAM 131/ lb and 1c)
A. I. D. has taken advantage of special training facilities
provided by other U. S. Government agencies. These include the
Mid-Career Officers Course and the Communist Strategy Course at
FSI to which A. I. D. has regularly sent personnel and which now may
be put to more use in meeting Agency counter-insurgency training
needs. Two officers just completed the counter-insurgency program
planning course given by the Central Intelligence Agency and one
officer is assigned to the CI course at the National War College.
Selected courses in Communist Development and Economic Develop-
ment are carried out by the Agency through contact with the
Universities of California and Pittsburgh respectively. In addition,
A. I. D. is providing lectures at the U. S. Army War College, the
National War College, C.I.A. and the Foreign Service Institute.
------ ._-y, .4arv0L.AVCLL1V11, immigration ana C..ustoms
Guerrilla Operations (Ft. Bragg and Okinawa), Riot C ntrole Police
Security, Communications--Maintenance and Management, Security
of Oil Fields, Railroad Security, and Training Administration?
Methods and Techniques.
The police participant training programs are currently under
review to determine where counter-insurgency training can be further
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7
Approved For Fa003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R0Z010100032-7
enlarged. These programs already provide a broad source of
counter-insurgency type training, and specialization in these fields
by incoming trainees is normal practice where their own country
circumstances demonstrate the need.
Clearances: MMTank, PRCS (draft)
RWCrawley, A/PA
cc: Mr. Hamilton, A
Mr. Coffin, DA
Mr. Maynard, A/PA
Regional Administrators
Mr. Chenery, PRCS
D J B rennan, PRCS (6/14/62)
Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100032-7