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Contacts: 0 Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80-00941A0b0M00500 -2 SECRET Ins : 0 Outs : 2 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 1 June 1977 1. LIAISON Bob Sutter, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, called and requested a wall chart of the defense ministry of the People's Republic of China. After checking with Joan, Congressional Support Staff, I called Sutter and said I would send him the chart. 2. LIAISON Cindy Moore, in the office of Representative Dan Glickman (D., Kans.), called wanting to know when the tours of the Agency would be starting. After checking with I called Ms. Moore back and told her that nothing firm had been established yet, that hopefully everything would be resolved by July and that we would put their name on our list and be back in touch. 3. LIAISON Pat Atkinson, in the office of Representative Joseph L. Fisher (D., Va.), called wanting to know when the tours of the Agency would be starting. I told her that nothing firm had been established yet, that hopefully everything would be resolved by July and we would put their name on our list and be back in touch. 4. LIAISON Richard Fiesta, in the office of Representative Austin Murphy (D., Pa.), called wanting to know when the tours of the Agency would be starting. I told him that nothing firm had been established yet, that hopefully everything would be resolved by July and we would put their name on our list and be back in touch. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES Sent via courier to Patty Jackson, Senate Republican Policy and Conference Committee staff, a copy of the Dire ctory_taf_Soviet Officials, Volume I: National Organizations, per her earlier request. Apprnv d For RPIPas 2005/1 cL1P8O-OO94lAOI 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80-00941A000300050024-2 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 1 June 1977 6. BRIEFING At the request of Bill Hogan, Counsel, House Armed Services Subcommittee on Intelligence and Military Application of Nuclear EnergyF- Fall of the Office of Program and Budget Development, Intelligence Community Staff, briefed Hogan in his office on the intelligence programs listed in the Director?s letter to Chairman Melvin Price (D., Ill.) which the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has recommended be cut. Tom Hahn, Committee staff member, sat in for part of the meeting. The briefers explained the impact of the proposed cuts and stressed those programs which would be most critically affected. Hogan will discuss this with Chairman Price. He felt personally that, as a matter of principle, the House Armed Services Committee should hold to its position that the programs not be cut. However, the final decision will undoubtedly be strongly influenced by Chairman John C. Stennis (D., Miss.), Senate Armed. Services Committee, who will chair the conference. Hogan will discuss this with the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee and hopes a suitable compromise can be reached before the matter goes to conference. Hogan read the classified report of the Senate Select Committee and could see no justification for the proposed cuts. (See Memorandum for the Record. ) SECRET 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80-00941A000300050024-2 Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80-00941A000300050024-2 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 1 June 1977 8. LIAISON Ted Ralston, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, called to say his wife worked for Common Cause and was interested in arranging for a CIA orientation briefing for a group of approximately 30 Common Cause summer interns, similar to the one presented to the Brigham Young University students on 27 May. I told Ralston this would have to be arranged through Mr. Hetu, Office of Public Affairs. 25X1 10. LIAISON I talked with Atidrey Hatry, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, several times regarding the Director's appearance before the Committee on Soviet SIGINT activities in the U. S. However, no firm time was agreed to. 11. LIAISON Chris Walker, in the office of Representative Leo Ryan (D. , Calif. ), called stating that a constituent had questions as to whether recent CIA energy reports were factual. I told Ms. Walker I would send her a copy of each of the two reports recently released and assured her that the reports were based on the best intelligence available. She felt she would be able to handle the constituent's inquiry based on this information. 12. I LIAISON Barbara Allem, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, called requesting a list of staff members who have been cleared for compartmented access and those whose clearances are in process. She was subsequently provided with the names requested. She also stated that Norvill Jones, Staff Director, felt that the clearances of former staffers Pat Holt, Elly Vogtmann, Art Kuhl and Don Henderson, could be cancelled. 13. LIAISON Al Ziwicki, in the office of Representative Clarence Long (D. , Md. ), called requesting details on Project OUTREACH with respect to Agency tours. I told him I would have someone call him back. I I subsequently called Mr. Ziwicki back and gave him the information available at this time. w, lxdease 2005/11 /2S:M 180-00941 A000300050024-2 Approved For Releas SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Wednesday - 1 June 1977 14? LIAISON Sherry, in the office of Representative Les AuCoin (D. , Oreg. ), called requesting details of Project OUTREACH with respect to tours and suggested perhaps that we might like to hold a reception for staff personnel in members' offices who will be scheduling tours in order that they become familiar with the people they will be dealing with at CIA. 15. LIAISON At the request of Rosemary Ripley, office of Senator Daniel P. Moynihan (D., N. Y. ), sent a copy of Agency publication entitled, The International Energy Situation: Outlook to 1985. 25X1 Acting Legislative Counsel cc: DDCI Ex. Sec. DDI DDA DDS&T Mr. Lapham Mr. Hetu SA/DO/O IC Staff Comptroller NIO SECRET Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80-00941A000300050024-2 Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDF69*1A W0300050024-2 Calls ; ;5 Outs : 0 Ins : 0 ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 1 June 1977 1. (Unclassified - LJK) LIAISON Called Charles Snodgrass, House Appropriations Committee staff, to discuss the FY 78 appropriation. Snodgrass noted that Chairman George H. Mahon (D. , Texas) stated at a press conference on 26 May that $179 million had been cut from the intelligence request and $212 million from the IRA account. Snodgrass would not supply additional details but stated that the formal report would be issued on or about 15 June. STAT 3. (Unclassified - RJK) LIAISON Called Dr. Nixon, Veterinary Services, Department of Agriculture, and told him, in response to his earlier request, that we found no evidence to support the allegations raised in a 20 March Newsday article indicating that an American intelligence agent paid a Canadian agricultural technician $5, 000 to infect Cuban turkeys with a fatal disease. Dr. Nixon appreciated our response. 4. (Internal Use Only - RJK) LIAISON Spoke with George Krumbhaar, Minority Counsel, Joint Economic Committee, concerning processing of his request for compartmented clearances. I told him to expedite matters, he should contact who works with in DIA. I told Krumbhaar that I could not guarantee his request would be approved in time for the Agency briefing of the Committee on 23 June but that I would request DIA to move it along as quickly as possible. I later talked tol who said that STAT STAT ad gone to the Hill to get with Krumbhaar and pick up the paperwork. STAT cc: O/DDCI Acting Legislative Counsel DDI DDA DDS&T SA/DO/O IC Staff NIO Compt Mr. La ham Mr. Hetu Approved 005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80-00 41A000300050024-2 STAT