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25X1 Approved For Release 2005/12/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001900030011-3 Approved For Release 200 28 June 1974 ;DGi! MI.: ~, . ?. Ci.,'I'n,1 Jr.. Of of the US :.~ :.? i .' ~ ion ' ?.C7 the ? ... t 10 i'... ..i.;] -3 4: are forwi-irding the c:r.Lilizer o:;ports ~.~7 ~.? .% c: r _.` .,~ w ~ ? ~}ur r'1!1 :3. ~_X^vZt:3 in the .` i, b`..'i ~1..i.~ d~.?~.~ ~'[.. k.a.k L:.C. ~i~1 ' 1l b .. 3.1.x. ;ir than Tokyo h a +:LcG:?:.s.I:lr :r`~il~:. ~.~' ... ?i7 er.''. :~_.::.?. e:j ?hic.1 rely he heavily on for 11hilinn-47,-33, InClonesia and cecIA"t .: .ac%~ If Li-tore in any ire on ~ this or related 25X1 L-1 0 25X1; At t 25X 25X :-`Approvv-e FUrF 1 -'IN5t1` tl-*-:-efir-RDP85TJ G875R0019000300 ? 9+i4't3~t4i91.4L'a.,.t~tfiir,G'f~'?`s~? f.',thr.9d'ri:;~t1Vn3fu(dts~4~,~i,?;.S~r%:vir~l.+,al'r l~C~~i:?;d~i~~^Grt;~uHad14..'~tr5io:'d;~~+SKr.r.'u*.tti[&'e3sir~:Y.:6'I+aeS-da~8'+3i'iWSiGs': ----------- - Approved For Release Japan: Decline in Fertilizer Exports Threatens LDC Supplies Introduction 1. Shortages and- sharply rising prices of fertilizer, especially nitrogen, are- causing concern about their impact on world food production. Fertilizer supplies already tight before the energy crisis because of the rapid growth in demand. Since nitrogen fertilizer production depends on petroleum derivatives, the oil crisis aggravated the supply problem. Natural gas or petroleum products the primary raw material used in nearly 90" o .-orld' nitrogen fertilizer production. Developing countric:-~, ::hick rely heavily on imports, are,faring worst from tho scarcity and high price of fertilizer. Asian LDCs in particular, which consume about one-fifth of the world's nitrogen fertilizer, will be even more hard pressed in the coming year. J~t.pan play: a strategic role in the world fertilizer balance i:,:: the leading nitrogen fertilizer exporter (see Table 1).!=/ In FY 1972, Japan accounted for ,nearly 20% e.:portJ about. 4 s of world potash fertilizer imports. The bulk of J.;j :u 's phosphate fertilizer production is consumed doriesticc:liv and all of its potash fertilizot ?5 ! ted. --1 -*7 Japan acc,)unts for only 1 to 2% of world phosphate fertilizer Approved For Release 2 - 001900030011-3 Leading Total World Exports Japan Us Netherlands Belgium Italy Canada West Germany Romania Poland Norway All Others All tonnage- data in this report are. given in terms of nitrogen (N) content. Table 1 World Exporters of Nitrogen Fertilizer 1971/72 1/ Metric Tons (N) % of Total 6,954,420 100 1,274,400 18.3 935,000 13.4 651,822 9.4 482,463 6.9 442,214 6.4 437,900 369r693 5.,3 348,800 .5.0 319,931 4.6 303,100 1,389,097 June 1972, or FY 1972. 2/ Approved For Release 290s117/Ia ? (IA-RfPRSTnfR75R001900030011-3 of world exports and its share probably increased in FY 1973. Urea makes up about 75% of Japanese exports while ammonium sulphate and ammonium chloride account for the remainder. Japan, which exports about two-thirds of its output, is particularly important to the developing countries in Asia. Indonesia and the. Philippines rely on Japan for 90% of their imports and 60% of their consumption. Together with India and with China, the largest buyer, they take almost 90% of Japan's nitrogen fertilizer exports. Export Shortfall 3. Japan's exports of nitrogen fertilizer fell 13%, or 220,000 tons in FY 1974 and a further drop in 1975 is cer :aiii (see Table 2). 'Production is expected to remain stagaa;-:1 in the upcoming year while domestic demand will continue to increase. Indeed, Tokyo is predicting a 15%-20% decli.-r, in e::port-s, and exporters are cutting back new commitm !nts by as much as 25%. We believe Tokyo is over- stating the extent of the decline to assure that domestic needs are covered. Nonetheless, a 10%, or 150,000 ton drop in 1974-75 seems probable. 4. Product-ion fell by about 2043 in 1973-74 for a number of roas.Ons. A series of explosions at petrochemical plants ind :,-~ i.c?rnts at- urea factories was one factor. The oil cris,i.s c..-:used sca:~;~ production losses by reducing naphtha Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP85T00875R001900030011-3 Table 2 Japan: Supply of Nitrogen Fertilizer (1,000 MT Nitrogen (N)) Production Ending Consumption Expo. Stocks 1969-70 2,131 879 1,236 684 70-71 2,105 866 1,410 513 71-72 2,125 880 1,274 484 72-73 2,454 970 1,680 288 73-74* 2,400 1,020 1,460 208? 74-75* 2,400 1,090 1,310 208 supplies, the largest feedstock in Japanese urea production. Although the fertilizer industry was exempt from Tokyo's energy conservation program, supplies of raw material inputs for fertilizer, especially ammonium sulphate, were reduced because of oil-related production bottlenecks in other industries. 5. The industry is operating near full capacity and production is not expected to increase in the upcoming fertilizer year. Prior to 1973 the industry had substantial over capacity, especially in urea. As a result, investment has dropped off sharply -- at least by 20% in 1974 -- and is going mainly into maj.or repairs and pollution control equipment. Thus, despite strong domestic and foreign demand, no expansion of capacity is undenwway. In the case of nc,v cape i.tty probably could not be brought on stream for about three years. Increasing ammonium sulphate production will be difficult because of'a sharp slowdown in the synthetic fiber industry which provides the caprolactam needed to produce ammonium sulphate. 6. Domestic consumption of nitrogen fertilizer, which changed very little during the late 1960s, began increasing fairly sharply in FY 1973 and is expected to continue Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP85T00875R001900030011-3 growing at a rapid pace for the next few years. Initially, Tokyo was predicting a 7% increase in consumption in FY 1975, but recently boosted the estimate to 9%. The rapid growth in consumption reflects Tokyo's effort to increase domestic crop yields in order to redace reliance on imported foodstuffs. Although fertilizer use is not subsidized directly, farmers receive a substantial price support for fertilizer intensive crops such as rice, grain and soybeans. In addition to rising home consumption Tokyo is planning a substantial increase in stocks during the coming year. Industry spokesmen on the other hand, have argued current stocks of about 200,000 tons could be reduced somewhat without jeopardizing market stability at hand.. Assuming no change in stocks and a 7% increase in consumption, fertilizer supplies available for 1975 will amount to almost 1.3 million tons, a 10% reduction from current levels. Export Policy and Practices 7. In Japan, domestic concerns outweigh all. others in allocating fertilizer supplies, and the government intervenes in the market to ensure that domestic- requirements. are met first. Each of the two major interest groups -- farmers end fertilizer manufacturers -- is .represented by a government ministry. The Ministry of Agriculture assures that farmers ppro r e ase - - get sufficient supplies- at the lowest possible price, and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) looks after the interests of the fertilizer manufacturers. 8. When supplies are plentiful, 14ITI administers production restraints to avoid price cutting competition. In 1971 and 1972, for example, MITI used administrative guidance to limit production of ammonium sulphate to halt the steady decline in prices. When supplies are.tight, the Ministry of Agriculture and MITI together determine the amount needed for the domestic market and MITI monitors exports to be sure domestic demand is met. The monitoring effort is relatively easy since the industry is dominated by only about a dozen firms. 9. Currently, in the face of uncertain production and strong foreign demand, MITI is keeping a tight rein on exporters. When nitrogen production began to slip late last year because of shortages of oil-based feedstocks, MITI urged exporters to doll out ship,nents piecemeal until the situation clarified. Although the production slowdown was short-lived, exports have continued to run behind schedule. 10. MITI is urging exporters to be conservative in making contracts for the coming year. As a result, contracts are being negotiated much later and for shorter periods and smaller amounts than usual. Japan normally sells most of 25X' Approved For Release its fertilizer on annual contracts, but in view of the volatility of prices and uncertainty of supply MITI is insisting that exporters make commitments for no more than six months and include a provision for renegotiation of prices. In past years, contract talks began.by February and the bulk of. exports had been committed by the end of May. This year, talks with major customers began in late May and in many cases are not yet concluded. 11. Japan apparently intends to be as equitable as possible in supplying its. traditional customers. China, by far the largest buyer, has been notified of a 15-2010 cut in shipments in the coming year. Contracts recently signed with India and Indonesia for 69,000 tons?of urea each during the last half of 1974 represent a cut of 25% from the corresponding period a year ago. Some-countries which purchase small amounts on a spot basis may be unable to buy any Japanese fertilizer this year, but Tokyo apparently is looking out for the interests of countries such as Sri Lanka and South Vietnam, to which it provides economic aid. 12. On strictly economic grounds, the Japanese would prefer to cut shipments to China by a greater margin than some others. Because they bulk so large as buyers, the J..1~,I n,~c ,E I1 mesa = - r ck mod; , ?.~ ?~a~ Z' Chinese have managed to bargain for lower prices than other customers. In 1973, for, example, the Chinese paid $66 per ton of urea compared with a $80 average for other importers. Last January the Chinese agreed to pay $130 per ton for urea delivered during Jan-Jun 1974, while other Asian countries agreed to pay $140. Despite the price differential Tokyo is avoiding disproportionate cuts in shipments to China because it values growing political and economic ties with Peking. Tokyo is especially concerned about jeopardizing seemingly good chances for obtaining greatly increased oil supplies from China by the end of the decade. 13. The Japanese would like to establish-uniform export prices in the new fertilizer year, but are not hopeful in view of China's intrasignece. The Indians have agreed to pay $215 a ton for urea (product we ght) during July- December 1974. The Chinese, have thus far refused'to accept that price and talks have bee--,I temporarily, suspended. According to Tokyo, $215 a ton for urea is still about $35 below the price other large exporters are getting. Implications 14. Even without a shortfall in Japanese exports t world supplies of nitrogen fertilizer will be tight in 1974/75. A decline in Japan's exports will, of course, 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01900030011-3 b7kLLllltiir-l~l Approved For, Release 2005/12/14 : CIA-RDP85T00875R001900030011-3 aggravate the situation and could cause serious problems for certain Asian countries. Those hardest hit probably would be Indonesia and the Philippines (see Table 3). Roth countries anticipate?a substantial rise in import requirements in FY 1975 and were counting on Japan to cover the bulk of it. Unless other suppliers make up the difference the drop in Japanese exports would result in about a 20% shortfall in planned imports for Indonesia and about 30% for the Philippines. 15'. India is much less reliant on imports for its nitrogen fertilizer and Japan provides only about 10% of Indian consumption. The Je"anese, however, do account for 30% of India's imports. Since India was apparently counting on Japan for the same shag` in 1.974/75, they would suffer about a loo shortfall in imports. China probably will be hurt little by a decline in Japanese exports because domestic production is increasing rapidly. 16. The Japanese foresee a surplus in the world nitrogen fertilizer market by the late 1970s. MITI, for ,. example, estimates that China will be self-sufficient by 1978/79. Manufacturers, thus, are not likely to expand production without official guarantees of stable demand. The high degree of pollution caused by the chemical'fertilizer industry, the uncertainty of raw material supplies, and other industrial demand for naphtha -- the basic feedstock Approxed_For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP85T00875R001900030011-3 Japan's Share of Selected Countries' Imports and Consumption of Nitrogen Fertilizer 1972-73 Imports Consumption China 72 30 India 29 11 Indonesia 51 42 Philippines NA 75 Percent 1973-74 Imports Consumption 64 21 30 11 92 5a '88 61 Approved For Release 2005/12/14': CIA-RDP85T00875R001900030011-3 for fertilizer in Japan -- also serve to discourage expansion of nitrogen fertilizer production. CIA/OER