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-4`ApproNied For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
Pc-vise-d Draft
Sc-xtr.rib,r 30, 1944
APtqfM- Pr=0-
Parrese. %n the formulation rind excution of for1gn
policy it is essential that informatim be t,inoel from
thoroughly dewl,olod, sources, be yst .tiez11y crid effi-
ciently organized and distributd,
analyzed,nd Inco t911 in re7ortfs r ur,. by the
geographical and functional offices of t,h Deartmont.
7bese activities oust to a certain ext t b 7srfored
by the geographical and functional offices and divisions.
H never from the standpoint of the D,oartment as 1
whole, the -conduct of these -activities s lely by 7,eogr4
cal and functional divisions does not :Yr videt (a) an
opportunity to conduct analyses of large masses of infor-
mation which could be made aVailable (b) & aace in vhich
analysis can he conducted from an over-all Dep,Ertmental
point of views (c) a_ central location to which r:,olicy
makers may turn for the accumulated sizt and ki:iowledee-
on subjects Which cut across thc fields of the
several divisions; (d) a locus for coordufAton ni h
other agencies, an. (e) adequate su2c:rvision of these
resenrch activities becallse of pre vr* of (vc tinig
and rolicy re :orsibilities.
only, for the use 01 DCl/HS. The
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released to National Archives ?1`
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The twroblems in internstioml affirs whtch confront
the United 3ttes ore of such conplexity :r1c1 morjtizde that
the Department ofntete must equi its0.1! to handle
systematically with despatch volumlnouti; f1m. of
informatin that must su.2port intelligent solution of
these problems. Therefore, the reserch f6.ellttis of
the Departrient are heinr extrided under central ejircctIon.
Provision of such centml facilities will au)plemcnt, not
8up7Innt, the high level resaarch of the veophical and
functional offices and divisions.
"Int.PaligfTIcelt is used. in this Oreer -:',nerically to
refer to the entire process. of acquiring and cormlzAing
facts u-Idn which :.)olicy decisions cun h bch It
include the collection of detailed-. or spdt information,
and the correlation, ana1ys1s4 review and prscr,tatin
of facts in summary reports.
. "Informationv, as u..ed in this. Order, mfcrs to
informational material prior to itp evaluation and
1. Crctjn of the f ofeirn
There is hrby created an. Office of Foreign, Iutelligence
which shall function under the general dirction of the
Under Secrctary.
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Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
Within the scope of functions. more specificlly
describ,A below* the Office- of Foreign Intelligence
shall be rsponsible- for plmnning a coordinated foreign
intel7igence researeh program for the Dcylrtm.t and
providing a vervice for the collection, eviauatior?
nnalysis and distemination of such foreign intellience
as is essential to the Department's opemtions.
2. at f t) The Office of
Foreign Intelligence Shall consist of the -following:
f. The Intolli=r,ence
Planning ?Vtaff? under the immediate direction of ,:,he
Director* shall have responsibility for determininc: the
foreign intelligence requirementa of the Departmelit and
the means for.moting -these requirements, and. for
4tA-s iricoUcis for tht. control ?
and guidance of the Office. This shall be done in close.
and continuous collaboration with the geogra7hicill and
functional offices and diviSions. This includes such
activities as:
(1) determination of foreign intellience require-
ment, in collaboration with other offices of
the ,1-eprtmont and other governmcntal agencies.
This determination will include requirements
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Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
to be ,met on on ,Amediate and "as receivedv
basis, on. a -periodic and sum=ry basis,. and
on a general background or lorz term basis;
(2)development of a standardized texminology cmd
classification of types of intelligence, with
due consider&tton of inter-agency aspects;
(3) preparation and mainte once pfa t,v,nuni- of
stmding needs for foreign-informfAion for
the guidance of the missions and other
intelligence gathering agencies;
(4) coordination (in conjunction with. the Office
of Foreign Service) of instructions to the
missions relating to intelligence reortinc;
and a6v1sing -, to availability of desired
'-Anformstion throughother$004404--
(5) dAerminntion of.the specific kinds of tnfor-
MgtiOn WhtCh RTC to be dt tributed immediately
in the form 'las received, and designation of
the individuals to receive such information.,
(6) determination of the scope, coverae and. form'
of periodic and background reports to be
issued by the Office;
(7) conduct of studies of research aetivttts in
the Department md proparetion of recoupenda-
tiors for coordination of these cctivities.
(b) De lutY
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Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
(b) The Dwputy Director, under
the immediate direction of the Director, shall have, ?
responsibility for Iroviding for the collection,
evPlurAion, Lnclysis and dissemination of foreiEn
intelligence in accordance with the plans develo2ed
by the int0.1igonce Planning Staff. All activities
of the Office, rith the exception of those delegattd
to the Intelligence Planning Staff, are under the
su ervision- of the Deputy. Director.
(c) Assistant D4I09ter., 7Itlipar01, na Ap4lYsss
The Assistant Directoro'Research and Analysis, Shall
be ros',onsihlc for coordinating the research and analysis.
activities of the Office into a program serving the
requirements of the Department and: other agencies of
the governmrnt a dete1iinind Wdiretivcs of the
tntelligence Piunning Staff. The :Assistant Director,
Research and Analysis, shall provide the Office
the technical competence necessary to direct its rearch
and analysis activities. More specifically, the AsiF,tant
Director, Reserch: an4 Analysis, shall:
(1) direct tile .activities of .the Divisions of
Political eSEUUCh Economic Resarch?
Geographic Pesezkrch, Foetal arid Cuituval
Research, Special. and, Technical Rearch,
and the Division. of intelligence Records.
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' Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
(2) sr.rve ns adviser to the Intcli W04. Planaing
(3) provide for the grading,of information in service reports used solely by the
Office, and for contributory gradini; of
ronorts dietributd for use by divisions
and. agencies outside the Office;
consult with the research and analysts units
of other departments hnd agencies in order to
secure the maximum utilization by 1.the Depart-
ment of their resources;
initiate instructions relating to the coordination
of intelligence activities generally in the missions,
in. conjunction with the Office- of Foreiol C,ervice
and other inters (A-offices and divisions and,O:aler
The Division of Political
Research, under the immediate direction of the Lssistant Directors
Research and. Analysis, shall be responsible for conducting
analysiE and research of political information in order to ,
serve the rmiremonts of the Department in this fields .ands
when appropriate, those of other agencies of the Governments in
accordance' with directives of the Intelligence Planning Stuffs.
The exact subjects in *this field which will be covered
shall bf determined by the Intelligente 'Planning ttuff in
conjunction vith the geographical and functional offices,
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Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
Exemlles of the types of subjects which might be covered
ares political parties, personalities, governmental
organization, agreements, treaties, alliances, governmental
policies,,governmental operations, political trends, poli-
tical history, public opinions, internationa_ movements and
institutions, and ideological tendencies.
The activities of the Division include:
(1) accumulation, evaluation, collation, and
analysis of information received;
(2) preparation and dissemination of evaluated
background reDorts? regular ?eriodic reimrts,
special reports including summary tables,
Charts, maps, or other forms;
(3) preperetion and distribution of periodic
indite' of reoOrts and ther material
available in the Division's subject field;
(4) initiation of instructions to the missions
relating to the development and reporting of
intelligence Which is within the jurisdiction
of the Division.
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(5) participation in the Editorial and 3pecial
Studies Committee described hereafter;
(6) consultation with other research and analysis
units of the Department and of other govern
merit agencies in order to secure the maximum
utilization by the Division of other resources
of research and analysis.
(e) o sj,c s Division of
Economic Research, under the immediate direction of the
Assistant Director, Researdh and Analysis shall have
responsibilities and activities comparable in its field
to those described above for the DiVielOU of Political
The exact subjects. which will be Wowed will be
determined by the Intelligence Planning Staff in conm.
junction with the geographical and functional offices.
Examples of types of subjects which might be covered
are* industrial and agricultural developments, resources,
potentials, tax systems, national budget policies, raw
materials, production, consumption, foreign holdings,
exports, imports, and traffic.
(f) Division
of Oeograhic Research, under the i mediate direction
f the Assistant Director Research and Analysis Shall
have .
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have responsibilities and activities comparable in its
field to those described above for the Division of
Political Research.
The exact subjects which will be covered will be
determined by the Intelligence Planning Staff in con-
junction with the geographical nd functional offices.
Examples of tyles of subjects which might be covered are:
principal features of foreign areas,. including terrain,
topograT1hy, location and names of places or other physi-
cal features, climate, geology, frontiers boundaries,
apDroaches? industrial and other concentrations and
locations, -*ovulation statistics, and geopolitical
(g) D
The Division of Social and Cultural Resear
immediate direction of the Assistant Director, fiesearch
and Analysis, shall have responsibilities and a
ties comparable in its field to those described above
for the Division of Political Research.
The exact subjects which will be covered will be
determined by the Intelligence Planning Staff in on-
/unction with the geographical and functional ofttces.
er the
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Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
Examples of of types of subjects which might be covered
are: social forces national and ethnological
Characteristics, immigration and emigration, minority
and foreign groups, law enforcement, living and health
standards, government social security programs, na-
tionnl customs, newciapapers and periodicals, and
relations with foreign groups in the United States.
ivson f e1:1 e e
The Division of Special and Technical Research, under
the immediate direction of the Assistant Director,
Research and Analysis, shall have the responsibilities
and activities comparable in its field to those
described above for the Division of Political Research.
The exact subjects Whieh will be covered will be
determined by the Intelligence Planning Staff in con-
junction with the geographical and functional offices.
Examples of types of subjects which might be covered
are: communications facilities, military and naval
potentials,,aviation, including reserves, capaclAy
types routes, pertinent international agreements, and
other special and technical matters.
The Division
of Intelligence Records under the immediate direction
of the Assistant Director, Research and Analysis
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shall be responsible for maintaining the intelligence
files, records and library for the division functioning
under the Assistant Director, Research and Analysis. -
The division of resoensibility between the Library of
the Department and the Library of the Division shall
be in accordance with the plans developed by the
Intelligence Planning Staff. The division of resl)on i
bility between the files of the Division of Communications
and Records and those of the Office of Foreign Intelli-
gence shall be worked out in similar manner.
a de 1
The Bditorial end Special Studies CoirnIttee shall consist
of representatives from the appropriate geographical and
functional divisions and from the research divisions of
the Office. The Assistant Director, Research and Analysis
Shall serve as chairman and the representatives will vary
according to the subject matter under consideration. The
Committee shall determine what special studies Shall be
made by the research group end shall review editorially
and approve the content of all re?arts prior to their
issuance in order to adjust difference of points of
view on the subject under consideration..
(k) The Division
of Foreign Information under the imediate direction of
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the Deputy Director, shall be res3onsible, in accordance
with directives lamed by the Intelligence 21anning
Staff, for tbe collection, distribution and ,-esentation
of intelligence. The Division shall c')nsist of the
following three Branches:
aisor n h. The Collection
and Liaison Branch shall be resonsible for:
(a) canvassing of all sources of information
within and outside the Department of State
and ascertaining the extent of the availabie. ,
lity and accessibility of needed information;
(b) preparation and maintenance of a catalog
of information outside the Office, such
catalog to be patterned after the standard
terminology and classifications developed
by the Intelligence Planning Staff;
(c) preparation of plans, for thesoproval of
the Intelligence Planning Staff, concern
the way in which information outside the
Office can best be utilised or made available'
When needed;
(d) maintenance of all liaisons of the Office
which are necessary for the collection of
(e) collection
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(e) collection of needed information in verbatim
or raw form from secial and other sources;
(f) prescribing security requirements for the
handling throughout the Department of material
received from other agencies and conduct of
ins7ections to insure their arlicat1cn.
(2) Ueeeivin Br The Receiving
and Distribution Branch sh 11 be responsible for:
(a) receiving directly from DC R for initial dis.
tribution all communications from the minions
of an,. intelligence nature. At defined more
specifically in the plans of the Intelligence
Planning Staff DCR will make no further ini-
tial distribution of such material.
(b) receiving all information from other sources,
directly from ,the source or through liaison
officers of the Collection and Liaison Branch
in accordance witharrangements made by that
Branch; -
(c) immediate reproduction and distribution in the
form was received" of such spot information as
is specified in the.. plans of the Intelligence
Planning Staff. This distribution shall be
through a courier service operating under the
control of the Branch.
(d) distribution
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(d) distribution of all other material to the
appropriate research divisions of the Office;
(e) issuance periodically for use in the Department
and in the Foreign Service of digests or accession
lists of information received,
(3) Cartography and Graphics Drench. The Cartography
and Graphics Branch shell be responsible for:
(a) advising Divisions of the Office as to the
be best available method of presentation of
information in the fields of cartography*
drafting* photography* reproduction* and
the graphic arts in general; and develop-
ment of a catalog of services in these
fields which are available;
RH ' ( b ) - providing , suoit ,oartograpbi o drafting and
related services as may be determined
essential to the operation of the Office
and not readily available elsewhere.
(1) Division of Fors4nY.roperty Controls. The
Division of Foreign Property Controls (placed temporarily
in the Office of Foreign Intelligence)* under the imme-
diate direction of the Deputy Director* shall have so
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s- Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
far as the Department of State is concerned responsi-
bility for the initiation and coordination of policy.
and action in all matters pertaining to (a) the admini-
stration of the Proclaimed List of Certain Blocked
Nationals and related lists; (b) the administration
of Executive Order No. 8389, as amended, issued under
Sec. 5 (b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act and relating
to the regulation of transactions in foreign exchange
and foreign...owned property (excepting with respect to
Liberated Areas), and the application of the recom-
mendations of the Inter...American Conference on Systems
of Economic and Financial Control, excepting matters
relating to the replaeement or reorganization of Axis
3. 2419.OELIEE.12....._mDeartmo.;1ded. Departmental
Order 1218 of January 15, 1944 is hereby,amendel
(a) The Division of World Trade Intelligence,
Office of Wartime Eoonomic Affairs, is hereby abolished
and its personnel, files and equipment are transferred
to the Division of Foreign Property Controls, and other
Divisions of the Office, as may be determined by the
Office of Foreign Intelligence.
(b) The Division of Territorial Studies, Office
of Special Political Affairs, is hereby abolished and
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Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
its personnel, files and equipment ale transferred to
the Division of Intelligence Records, and other Divi?
sions of the Office as may be determined.
(o) The 4vision of Geography and Cartography is
hereby abolished and its personnel, files and equipment
are transferred to the Division of Geographic Research
and the Cartography and Graphics Branch and other sub-
divisions of the Office as may be determined.
(d) The name of the Division of Research and
Publications is hereby changed to the Division of
(e) The name of the international Information
Division is changed to
m T40 vo1Umes and other material of the Depart.* .
montls Library relating to information and Intelligence
shall be transferred to the Division of Intelligence
Records as may be determined,
(g) The responsibility for the initial distribution
of communications of an intelligence nature, and liaison
with other departments and agencies with respect to ? ,
intelligence reporting, shall be transferred from the
Division of Communications and Records to the Office
of Foreign Intelligence.
4. Routing
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Approved Far Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
4, Routing Symbols, The routing symbols for the
Office of Foreign Intelligence shall bel Office of
Foreign Intelligence, OFI; the Division of Political
Research, POL; the Division of Economic Research, ECNI
Division of Geographic Research, GE; Division of Social
and Cultural Research, SCR; Division of Special and
Technical Research, STR; the Division of Foreign Infor-
mation, FOI; and the Division of Foreign Property
Controls, FPC..
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s cx3s 12, (t File 1)
CIA Need for,
Stz,6 Ltz-41. (4. ,..-14,4f
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 :,CTA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
n.Septe,icer 30, 19_/.4
Depar mntal Order
iraion cy,: an Office of Foreign Intelligence 20 3
Purpose: In inormulation and ey,:ecution of foreign policy - essential
that inrormation be
1. obtained from thocoughly develOiDed sources
2. -ystematically and eificiently orFanized an-1 distributed
3 co lated and analyzed
incorporated in r:eports for use 13-; 7eogra,prlical and
'.'1.31-rtional offices of Depa,tment.
Conduct of above activities solely by geographical ani functioaal d.iv: cions
fails to provide
a. an opportunity to conduct analyses of large masses of
information which could. be Made available
b. place in which analysis can be conducted from o
Departmental point of view
c. central location to which policy makers may turn for
accumulated data and knowledge on subjects which
cut across fields of work of se-er..ral divisions
d. locus for coordination with other a2:encies
e. ade4uate superITihion of these research activities
because of operating and policy responsibilities
"Intelligence used in this order generically to refer to entire process
of acquiring and correlating facts upon which policy decisions can be based.
Includes collection of detailed or spot information and.correlation,
analysis, review and presentation offacts in summary reports.
"Information" refers to informational material prior to
valuation and
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Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
1. Craation of Office of Foreign Intelligence
function under general direcLion of Under Secretary
shall be responsible for
1. planning a coordinated foreign intelligence and research
program for Department, and
2. providing service for collection, evaluation, analysis,
dissem'nation of such foreign inLelligence as is essential
to Departm.ntis opera ion.
2. Organization of the Office
a. Tntellence Planning Staff
O. Deputy. Director
c. Assistant Director, Research Analysis
d. Division of Political Research .
. Division of Economic Research
f. Division of Geographic Research
g. Division of Social & Cultural Research
h. Division of '"pecial -3c Technical Research
i. Division .of Intelligence Records
j. Editorial and Special Studies Committee
k. Division of Foreign Information
1. Division of Foreign property controls
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP83-01034R000200090007-4
SECRET (When Filled In)
AREA OR COUNTRYIS) Ass rovedzPowRele
ase 2006/02/0170.NCIA
4 Li) I I
IDENTIFICATION OF DOCUMENT (author, form, addressee, title it length)
Departmental Order, Subject; Creation of an Office of
Foreign Intelligence, 19 pp.; (Revised Draft)
30 Sept '44
CLASS.:r1.0 class
?Item 7
This Departmental Order explains the purpose for creating an Office
of Foreign. Intelligence and defines the duties hnd organization of each
division within the office. (Notes in file indicate State Dept, author-
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FORM 2523 06B21:EIC PlItYlOU5