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June 10, 1976
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CIA 1pproyed For.~Release 006/02/07: CIA-RDP77M00144R001100210009-1
Journal -- Office of Legislative Counsel Page Z
Thursday - 1.0 June. 1976
Delivered a letter to Tom Laughlin, on Senator Floyd I-Iaskell's (D. , Colo.. )
staff, and an identical letter to Ellen Miller, on the Senate Government
Operations Committee staff, on an amendment to the FEA Extension .Act,
introduced by Senator Haskell.
Dropped off a letter at the House International Relations Committee office STAT
for Representative Lee Hamilton (D. , Ind. ), Chairman of the Committee's
Special Subcommittee on Investigations.
8. (Unclassified - WPB) LEGISLATION Bob Carlstrom, OMB, called
and dictated several changes to our views letter on S. 495, the Watergate
Reorganization and Reform Act of 1975, and cleared our report as revised-
9. (Unclassified - WPB) LEGISLATION Called Ann.Stone, OMB,
who I learned was handling the two deputies legislation, and told her that
we were interested in expediting its coordination within the Executive branch.
so it can be submitted to the Congress as soon as possible. She said that,
she would find out more about what OMB intended to (3o with it in the Executive
branch and get back to me tomorrow. I made it clear to her that this was
very important legislation for the intelligence community and that it was
legislation which further implemented the President's recent Executive
Order 11905.
copy of a note on "Comparisons of Soviet and U. S. Defense Activity" front.
Noel E. Firth, Acting Director, Strategic Research, to Frank 1v1. Slati.nshPlc,
Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Cornrnittee.
U. (Internal Use Only - LLM) LIAISON Called Brian Conboy,
in the office of Senator Jacob Javits (R. , N. Y. ), concerning the
I I case. He was understanding of our position and it vas
agreed that we would provide a stlg;estcd reply to
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144RO01100210009-1
NEW YQ prdVddEdr Release 20t '/Q7 : P t71VCp044R00't~4PQ?"009-1
imtax Bureau
ata to U. S. Agencies
WASHINGTONJune 9- helto tax administration cannot
vret"df -Government agencies
o collect personal information
about individuals from Internal
Revenue Service data should be
restricted and defined by law, a
Federal commission said in, a
report released today.
The panel the Privacy Protec-
tion Study Commission, urged
that the use of tax information
be restricted to the: purpose for
which it was given by the indi-
ldual-the efficient collection
of revenue by the Government.
Any other use of the data,
- the commission said, puts tax-
payers at a 'disadvantage, be-
cause they are compelled, under
"threat of serious punishment,"
to furnish personal information
in their tax returns that may be
used by the Government in
aces having nothing to do with
the income tax.
Calling the condifentiality of
tax returns an "essential ele.
merit in preserving the effect-
iveness of the tax system," the
commission said that the wide-
spread use of tax information
"for purposes wholly unrelated
help but diminish the taxpay'
er's disposition to cooperate
with the I.R.S. voluntarily."
The commission recommend-
ed that tax information be
given only to those agencies
authorized by law to receive
it, and that they receive only
such information as they need
for their purposes.
Without such authorization?
the commission said, no "indi-
vidually identifiable data"
should be released by the I.R.S.
without the "prior written con-
sent of the individual to whom
it pertains."
The commission further rec-
ommended that recipients of
tax information be prohibited
by law from "redisclosing" it.
The report is a result of an
eight-month study by the
commission, which is charged
by the Privacy Act of 1974
with reporting to the President
and Congress on whether the
I.R.S. should disclose personal
information on taxpayers to
other Government agencies.
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144RO01100210009-1
,4p.p.rvgc Fo,r..ReI e?006/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144R001100210009-1
Journal. -- Office of Le ; Counsel Page 4
Wednesday -- 9 June ..9`i 6
16. (Internal Use Only - WPB) LEGISLATION Talked [:o Francis
Rosenberger, Chief Counsel, Senate Judiciary Committee, concerning the
Committee's timetable in considering S. 495. He told me that it was
possible the Committee would not have time to consider it before its 11 June
deadline, and urged me to provide. him with Agency comments inforrrlally,
because whatever consideration the Committee might t the bill, would be
at very short notice. Subsequently, I sent up informal con--) menl:s and a.
proposed amendment to Rosenberger, J. C. Argetsinger, and Tom Hart,
on the staff of the Committee. Bob Carlstrorri, OMB said he would have no
objection to such an in:Eorinal approach.
17. (Unclassified - WPB) LEGISLATION Talked to George Gilbert,
OMB, about the Administration's position on S. 1439, the Export Reorganization
r Act. I raised the Agency's concern over the protection of intelligence
sources and -methods in the various reports required under the proposed
legislation. I also discussed this matter with George Murphy, Executive
Director, Joint Atomic Energy Committee, and Bill Ashworth, on the staff
of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
18. (Unclassified - RLB) LEGISLA.TION Spoke with Ms. Ellen
I Miller, Senate Government Operations Committee staff, and Mr. Tom
Laughlin, on the staff of Senator Floyd K. Haskell (D. , Colo. ), regarding
an amendment by Senator Haskell to the Federal Energy Administration
Extension Act, which would establish an Office of Energy Information and
Analysis. Since Senator Ilaskell's amendment is essentially the same as
an earlier bill introduced by Senator Gaylord A. Nelson (D. , 'is. )--to
which the CIA had submitted a views letter---I informed the staffers it
would be appreciated if they would.consider our position as outlined in
that letter in order that our views be taken into account when Senator
Haskell's amendment is debated on the floor when the FE.A bill. comes up.
19. (Unclassified - RJK) LIAISON Called Roy Werner, on the
staff of Senator John Glenn (D. , Ohio), in connection with his earlier
request on certain expenditures of OPEC countries. I told him the
paper we had worked up with what I thought were exactly the f_ir,ures
he wanted :.could be put in the mail for hirn today. I-To appreciated our
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP77M00144RO01100210009-1