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Approved For R Presidential Management Intern Stuart E. Eizenstat, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs and Policy, fields questions from PMIs during an evening speaker series address sponsored by NIPA. OPM Director Alan K. Campbell introduced Eizenstat. Intergovernmental Slots Coming This Summer "When we began to design the PMI Program, the executive directors of the public interest groups advised us that public managers need to be trained not just in a Federal perspective but in an intergovernmental context," says Andrew Boesel, Chief, PMI Program. "The new PMI intergovernmental assignments, while optional, are part of the Program and should be viewed as an attractive opportunity for PMIs, their agencies, and state and local governments," he says. 1978 PMIs can expect the first 25 to 50 of the 150 intergovernmental 2 to 4 month positions to be identified by July 10, with some beginning as early as mid-July. 0PM awarded the $118,000 contract in March to the National League of Cities (NLC), with sub- contracts to the International City Management Association and the Council of State Community Affairs Agencies. Interested PMIs will need to consult with their supervisors and agency coordinators on arrange- ments. Federal agencies will negotiate costs with the intergovernmental agency, which will also be encouraged to assist PMIs in temporary housing and travel, if necessary. NLC's Susan Clark (202-293-7858) says she wel- comes ideas from PMIs on assignments. NLC will aim primarily for executive agencies (states, cities, counties, councils of government, mu- nicipal leagues, etc.), both singly and collab- oratively, such as a few small cities banding together. Lynn Strakosch of the PMIP office will monitor the project. Continued on pa e 2 CIA-RDP83-00156RC*00040098-4 Newsletter New PMIs Aboard, Program Grows to 500 Selected in March, the 1979 group of 254 Presidential Management Interns, with 48 alter- nates, represent a diversity similar to the 1978 group of PMIs. Finalists 1978 1979 Females _ 46% 44% Minority 20% 16% Colleges 114 120 While fewer minorities and women were selected as finalists, fewer were also nominated. Approximately 41 Federal agencies have been in- terviewing the new PMIs for at least 330 possi- ble positions, located in Washington and the ten standard Federal regions. Some 48 1978 PMIs have been assisting the new PMIs through the New Intern Counseling Project, organized by Marilyn Henry. A writing sample and a revised individual in- terview with a problem situation focus were added to the screening process. Some 130 regional screening panels in 40 sites, consist- ing of 350 federal, state and local officials, reviewed 800 nominees from 220 graduate pro- grams. As the PMI Program enters its second year, the full complement of 500 PMIs will be "on board." The 1978 PMIs are currently work- ing for 36 Federal departments and agencies in Washington, D.C., and in 40 cities throughout the nation. Welcome New Interns! On behalf of the 1978 group of Presidential Management Interns, the PMI Newsletter staff welcomes you to the Federal govern- ment. So, you want to make a contribution to the efficient and effective operation of the Federal government? So do we. Unlike ourselves though, you now have a resource of veteran PMIs with a year's experience who might be willing to talk about those experiences and provide some helpful ideas. Talk to them. Another source of information and self-ex- pression is this newsletter. It's the only newsletter for both current and new PMIs. We are constantly soliciting greater parti- cipation from interns. If you'd like to meet other PMIs, write articles, draw, type, take photos and/or do graphic layout, you might enjoy working on the newsletter. Contact us at Presidential Management Intern Newsletter, P.O. Box 2933, Washing- ton, DC, 20013. Good luck in your intern- ship. THE NEWSLETTER STAFF Approved For Release 2006/01/01 : CM-M1383-00156RUM300040098-21 flease And NowoavMR From Our Sponsor by Andrew Boesel OPMI Director 02/01: QMQPQQ .QQ03M4M8e:4is choice-- It seems hard to believe that it is time again to be planning an orientation session for the newest group of Presidential Management In- terns. A lot has happened during the past year since that muggy Monday in July with no public transportation when we began the first orienta- tion. While much has happened, some things re- main the same. Individuals want to know if the Program will remain in existence, are curious and anxious about promotional opportunities, and are becom- ing more comfortable with the often frustrating and dynamic nature of the Federal bureaucracy. The internship experience must be viewed as a constantly changing, evolving, and improving experience. It may be the "emperor's new clothes syndrome," but we are very pleased with the reports we get back ftom the agencies on the performance of interns. The fact that agencies are willing to use their increasingly scarce job slots for Presidential Management Interns indicates that something seems to be going right. Sure there are going to be periods of frustration and anx- iety. If there weren't such periods, we would all be a little worried. All of us involved in the Program continue to be enthusiastic about the Program and your performance. An important element in our administration of the Presidential Management Intern Program has been a commitment to evaluation. Working with our Personnel Research and Development Center, we have made changes in the regional screening process and'will continue to refine this proc- ess. Soon we will be embarking upon a study to compare PMIs with other new Federal employees who have graduate degrees and who were hired at roughly the same grade level as you. We will be looking at such factors as promotion rates, retention patterns, and level of responsibili- ty. As part of this study we will be surveying you, our comparison group members, supervisors, mentors, coordinators, and other key officials. NIPA has been doing some evaluative work in looking at cluster groups and the modules. We will be working with NIPA in analyzing these findings and making improvements. Finally, we also hope to get involved in a study to look at the relevance of graduate education in public management to entry level management jobs in the public sector, especially in Federal de- partments and agencies. your choice tlWet involved in any number of interesting discussion sessions, to attend a film festival on management and leadership, and to act out some critical management situations. PMIP staff will be at all the briefings and would suggest that you use the briefings to talk individually with staff on specific ques- tions you have about the Program. New cluster leaders and resource persons are being selected for the series of cluster meet- ings beginning in the fall. In a few cases we have had leaders and resource persons who have had to relinquish these positions due to job demands. The utility of the career development modules, as well as other aspects of the career development component are being carefully re- viewed to determine areas needing improvement and to find out which topics and practices worked best. Having gone through a management internship program myself and now trying to manage this Program, my general conclusion is that an in- ternship is only as productive as-what you put into it. If you are going to sit back and wait for "exciting" things to happen, you will have a long wait. If, on the other hand, you are willing to take some initiative, make contacts beyond your own office or agency, establish working relationships outside other PMIs, then, in all likelihood, the internship is going to look a lot different. For those in the first group, you have another year to make something happen. For the new interns, you are beginning a two year work experience which you will not have the opportunity to repeat in you carder. All I can say is make the most of it. Intergovernmental Slots Continued.... The positions, both general management and in specialized subject, will attempt a balance be- tween a developmental and "product-oriented" experience. NLC has assembled a Practitioners Council, con- sisting of persons with previous internship program experience, to advise them. NLC will evaluate the effectiveness of the ex- perience, which will be useful in planning sim- ilar opportunities for the 1979 group of PMIs. It is also developing handbooks and guides for the intergovernmental agencies and has widely publicized the search for positions. u jr ORthis z I believe this year's orientation will give in- terns more opportunities to meet in smaller ~P groups, to exchange ideas and opinions, and to 77 learn more about the Program's goals and expec- tations. Most important, there will be an op- portunity for new interns to meet those hired -Or ?..... ' last year. The end of the year briefings at Marriottsville ~ ~ ndo, y should be fun, exciting, interesting, and chal- lenging. At least that's the way they have been planned. somAp1aro e?6FC aReleas 2QOSJO2o-1 ship, ethics and values, and personal develop- 2006/02/01 CIA-F &M X9.$;4 Nlf '160 ...Consider me Alternatives In the "Pathfinders" interview in this issue, OPM Director Alan K. Campbell provided a policy clarification on job transfer of internship from one agency to another. Briefly stated it says that intern transfer is ultimately subject to the approval of the employing agency. If you are a PMI who's been considering the possibility of transferring., then Campbell's statement might seem like a door closing, espe- cially if you think your agency would not be receptive to the idea. But, here's another way of looking at this is- sue. A "crisis mentality" could blind you to other considerations. Transfer should be the last resort only used when your job situation becomes legitimately untenable and other alter- native avenues within your agency have been ex- hausted. Management, has said, "Management improvement comes about because people do want to achieve. Responsible leadership asks them to achieve and provides the conditions to permit change, crea- tivity, and innovation." If transfer is your only real alternative, then OPMI still stands willing to review the situa- tion on a case-by-case basis. I've also found that other PMIs can provide some advice and support. There are several clients served in the Program among them are the PMI, graduate schools, and the agencies, but you soon find out that you are not equal in terms of obligations and ob- jectives. In the end it will be your job per- formance and your own ingenuity that will lead to survival and prosperity in government. First order actions should include discussion of the situation with your immediate supervisor followed by meetings with your mentor and agen- cy PMI Coordinator, if needed. If the issue involves a poor supervisor, then you can expect that it won't be easy. Sometimes, though, basic communication reveals that misunderstandings were really miscommunications. OPMI Chief Andrew Boesel and his staff regard their office as an advocate for the Program, and are willing to bring interns and agency representatives together, even in joint confer- ence, to seek a solution. If you feel your work is not challenging, it lacks the variety that you perceived the PMI Program intended, or you're prevented from ro- tation, then you might find that your agency has an internal organizational solution that would be beneficial to both of you. For in- stance, there may be a particular division that needs a short term management analysis per- formed or a program badly in need of evaluation of some phase of service delivery. Your Indi- vidual Development Plan (IDP) provides a recog- nized vehicle for establishing a series of ex- periences and contributions you can make. A lack of creative use of the IDP by PMIs and their agencies might be haunting them now. The possibility of short term details to other agencies, such as OMB, could provide a meaning- ful experience, especially if that agency is engaged in related and complementary functions. These could be functions related on a broad management perspective or from a program spe- cific aspect. There's a lot of potential in this avenue, but it's not that simple to facil- itate, especially if you don't try it. The options mentioned here are not abstract concepts; they are being done everyday by your fellow PMIs. A quick look at other features in this newsletter attest to the flexibility you have. ASPA/PMI Activities Deemed Successful "We were highly pleased with how well it all came off. ASPA knew the PMIs were there and everyone seemed to appreciate and enjoy the ex- perience," says Robert Maslyn, describing the "PMI Rendezvous" at the April American Society for Public Administration National Conference, in Baltimore. A PMI panel discussed the wide variances in the experience of the Program across the agencies, with a lively audience. The panel, convened by Maslyn, consisted of PMIs Janice Pope, James McMullen and Elizabeth LaPointe, plus Wayne Maresch, an Agriculture Department PMI supervi- sor, Dr. Robert Graham, an HEW PMI Mentor, and Lynn Strakosch, OPMI staff member. Outgoing ASPA President Dwight Ink saluted the PMI Program at the opening session. Incoming ASPA President Ray Remy and OPM Director Alan Campbell joined other officials as PMIs and their guests jammed the PMI Reception. A PMI Contact Center attracted PMIs from the regions and DC as well as many of the 1979 PMIs. PMIs Penny Jacobs and Maslyn received the fi- nancial support of the National Institute of Public Affairs, The American University, Uni- versity of Colorado, and University of Southern California in arranging PMI activities at the conference. Newsbriefs... The Civil Service Journal will be replaced in August with a new OPM quarterly, MANAGEMENT, targeted to members of the Senior Executive Service, Executive Level Presidential appoint- ees and GS 13 to 15 managers under merit pay systems. The primary OFFICIAL INFORMATION on the PMI Program can be found in the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM), Chapter 362, incorporated from FPM Letter 362-1, July 19, 1978; some additions will be issued soon. The April 24 Federal Register contains regulations on PMI CONVERSION Norman Beckman, Assistant Director,Intergovern- to career or career-conditional status, at the mental Personnel Programs, Office of Personnel d Approved For Release 2006/02/01: C~iX-F~bP8_3 6B%KV60300040098-4 3 Approvea a ease IA-RDP83-00 P by Melba Meador, Lynne Ehrlich, PMIs Alan K. Campbell has served as Director of the Office of Personnel Management since it was created on January 1, 1979. He was formerly Chairman of the Civil Service Commission from May 5, 1977, until December 31, 1978, when the Agency was abolished. He has also served as Dean of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs an the University of Texas at Austin and as Dean of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University. Additionally, Campbell has been a professor or visiting lecturer at Howard University, at Hofstra University, and at the Maxwell School. Previous experience also includes service in various posts in New York State government, as a consultant to the Federal government, and as Chairman of the State Demo- cratic Platform Committee in New York. MEADOR: We would like to begin this interview by ex- pressing apprecia- tion for the signif- icant role you had in developing the Presidential Manage- ment Intern Program. Naturally, PMIs think of that as one of your most worthwhile achieve- ments. But as you look back over your career, what is the one thing that you would most like to be remembered for? CAMPBELL: There is no one thing, but I would certainly put the establishment of the Presi- dential Management Intern Program very high on my list. Obviously, its significance will be known only in the long run, and will be based largely on the performance of the interns and the proportion of them who remain in the Feder- al government. If it works as I expect it will, Presidential Management Interns are the future top managers in the Federal government. On the basis of what I know about the interns and the reports that I've received about them from the agencies, I am convinced they will make a major contribution to the effectiveness of the Feder- al government. MEADOR: Now that the major groundwork is laid for the Civil Service Reform Act, what other Carter policy initiative excites you the most? CAMPBELL: On the administrative side, most im- portant is implementation of the Civil Service Reform Act, and, within that, the establishment of an evaluation system which can measure whether the reforms make a difference. On the R00030004009& 4 EHRLICH: What originally motivated you to go into public service, and what stands out in your memory regarding your first government job? CAMPBELL: I always have problems answering questions like that because I think that one's choice of career and activity is a complex com- bination of interest, chance, and opportunity. For me, it is very difficult to isolate a par- ticular event or activity that accounts for it. EHRLICH: Any particular memory of your first job, a person or a situation, that made you want to continue in public service? CAMPBELL: No, I don't think so. I think that probably the circumstances which originally created my great interest in the public sector was growing up during the Great Depression. The Depression impacted my family very severely because, in our case, it was combined with the drought in the Midwest. I was convinced that Government ought to do something about that. MEADOR: You have changed occupations a numbe_ of times and the richness of your career back- ground - as a teacher, dean, author, consultant and government worker - would certainly serve you well to head OPM. As you know, the Presidential Management Intern Program is in- tended to keep the PMIs in a government career. Will PMIs be able to have a rich and varied career such as yours without leaving government service. CAMPBELL: First, I think that one has to look very carefully at the data which demonstrates occupational changes. If you examine that data closely, it frequently shows not occupational changes, but doing related things in different environments. For example, I would argue that I have followed the same profession throughout my career. Although I have worked in different places, with different emphases, my fundamental interest has always been in public policy anal- ysis. I have followed that interest while in academia, in government, and as a researcher and writer. I think it is quite possible for PMIs to have very rich and varied careers within Government. I would suggest that they move, not only from agency to agency, but from one type program to another. In fact, I would argue that PMIs will become effective managers only if they have that kind of varied career. legislative side, the new Presidential initia- It will also be possible within the context of tive will be reforming the Federal compensation a Federal career for PMIs to have experiences system, and I'm convinced that such reform is outside of government, whether on mobility vital. Pay reform will serve the interest of assignments or simply leaving for a few years Federal employees well, even though I know it to go to academic institutions, state and local will be very difficult to convince them of governments, or private sector activities. The that. Without reform, the principle of compara- bility Continued on page 5 will -pled For Release 2006/02/01 : CIA-RDP83-00156R000300040098-4 possibility 9Aplfl-bVG F I!c ee2O/42!OA1 there, even though one is fundamentally changing professions in the pro ss. There is one other aspect which I think is im- portant for a satisfying career, and I have had many discussions with students about this. It is important to have a career base. Even though you might go back and forth between different sectors and activities, there is a need for a home. I have always considered my home to be the university, and still do. EHRLICH: Some PMIs have concerns that they are not getting all that they should out of the PMI Program. Realistically, what should a PMI ex- pect of the two year internship? CAMPBELL: First, I'd argue that what a PMI gets out of the experience depends very heavily on the initiative of the PMI. In fact, one of the tests of how well selected the PMIs were is the degree to which they exercise initiative and accomplish for themselves the variety of ex- periences they want. It is my hope that PMIs will get many kinds of experiences both on their jobs and in the training programs that go with them. At the end of their internships, they should have a real understanding of the public sector. They should also have a sophistication about the bureaucratic process and its relationship to the external political world within which it exists. That, of course, is in addition to the occupational and managerial skills which they will acquire. "...many long-time career bureaucrats under- stand little about the political process." It is amazing to me that many long-time career bureaucrats understand little about the politi- cal process. In fact, many act as if it is al- most immoral to be aware of it. MEADOR: Do you think that is because of the Hatch Act? CAMPBELL: No. It is, in part, a result of ideology. We in the academic world have some responsibility for this because of the heavy emphasis placed on the supposed line between political policymakers and career administra- tors. It is a line which has no empirical base, but which is assumed. Out of that arose the feeling on the part of career people that they should not involve themselves in the political process, not even to understand it sufficiently enough to be effective in that environment. I think this is a serious mistake. MEADOR: In a recent cluster group session, you said that there are career development plans being made for the PMIs after the two year Pro- gram is concluded. Will you tell us what speci- fic details you have on those Plans? CAMPBELL: With the creation of the Senior Ex- ecutive Service, there is a need for improved and increased executive development opportuni- ties. It is necessary that those in the career service who are heading for the SES have expe- riences which will provide them with both con- tinuous improvement in their managerial skills and with significant educational and practical experiences. Additionally, they need to be aware of the nature of the poltical environment in which they work. b~3~ % ne kind of executive developmen ogram. e are are now iden- tifying the kinds o ompetencies and skills that people in the SES will need. The next step will be to identify the kinds of activities and institutions which can provide those compe- tencies and skills. We will begin by working with Grade 15's, but intend to expand the program to involve persons at early stages in their careers, perhaps at Grades 9 or 11. MEADOR: But then at this time you don't have any formal kind of program planned for PMIs when they are 12's and 13's? The plan that you are implementing will take a few years to fil- ter down to the 12's and 13's? CAMPBELL: I hope by one year from now we will be able to extend the program to cover those grade levels. EHRLICH:In a cluster group session, you stated that the Program should have a considerable a- mount of flexibility. Do you think this flexi- bility should extend to the switching of agen- cies or departments if a PMI is, for some reason, unhappy with the department that he or she chose? CAMPBELL: That is not an easy question to an- swer. The answer depends, at least in part, on the motivation of the person involved. It's obvious that when you're dealing with 250 as- signments, some are not going to work out and should be changed. On the other hand, if there is unhappiness on the part of PMIs who think they're being made to work too hard or who have difficult interpersonal relationships, then they should learn to live with those situations because at various points in their career, they will have to live with them. It is difficult to generalize, but my own view is that PMIs who are dissatisfied ought to have an opportunity within their agencies to bring their problems to the attention of their first level supervisors. In the end, however, it should be a decision of the agencies as to whether or not the transfers are permitted, as opposed to independent decisions by the PMIs. MEADOR: Is there anything else that you would like to add before we conclude this interview? CAMPBELL: I would like to say that the future of the PMI Program will become increasingly de- "...thee future of the PMI Program will become in- creasingly dependent upon the support it receives from PMI alumni." pendent upon the support it receives from PMI alumni. I think those of us who feel very strongly about the Program, and who were invol- ved in getting it started, see ourselves as having a four or five-year obligation to keep it alive, and to tend to it as well as we can. The lasting value of the Program, however, de- pends upon the PMIs themselves. It is my hope that PMIs will continue to maintain contact with each other after they leave their intern- ships, and that they will continuously examine the Program and make suggestions for changing it. I hope that PMIs develop a concern for the con- tinued effectiveness of the Program, and that they maintain contacts with the schools from which they came. They should feed back to their I believe that in a few years a large number of schools those experiences which they believe PMIs will become active candidates for member- have relevance to education for public manage- ship in the Senior Executive Service. They, ment careers. Approved For Release 2006/02/01 : CIA-RDP83-00156R000300040098-4 5 Approved F Release 2006/02/ Clusters Report ? by Penny Jacobs, PMI ? ? The D.C. Clusters are all taking a similar ap- proach to the way their sessions are conducted. Modules are being used as a guide for suggested topics of discussion, rather than following the prepared work plan and exercises. The general format consists of outside speakers followed by a question and answer period. JOE GALINDO reports that CLUSTER 1 actively participates in organizing and moderating the sessions. Some planning group members also present the topics. The Cluster invites four speakers to a session; each speaks about 45 minutes, then answers questions. Speakers have included Howard Messner, Director, Management Improvement and Evaluation Division, OMB, on Reorganization, and Elmer Staats, Comptroller General, who spoke about the Political/Career Executive Interface and also the PMIP. CLUSTER 2 had a special unplanned session, ac- cording to BARRY COGAN, when the cluster met with OP11 Director Alan Campbell and Dr. Abraham Friedman, Civil Service Commissioner of Israel. Friedman talked about the differences between the Israeli and the American civil service sys- tems, while Campbell talked about and received feedback on the PMIP. The Cluster also had Jule Sugarman and Gilds Jacobs speak on the politics of getting the Civil Service Reform Act passed. For their Intergovernmental Relations session, the Cluster did a case study of the CETA pro- gram. Representatives from both Federal and local governments spoke on the Federal/local interface as it relates to CETA. CLUSTER GROUP 3 liaison, SUSAN MUELLER, says that PMIs are also involved in the planning of their sessions. They generally begin with an hour talk by the resource or cluster leader on the topic for that day followed by one or two speakers and exercises that invite full group participation. Jule Sugarman spoke on Civil Service Re-form, for the Reorganization Module. The Cluster selected Conflict Management and Action Research for one of their sessions and Larry Kirkhart, a USC Professor, did a negotia- tion exercise. VIC HARRIS reports that CLUSTER 4, in doing a session on Economics for Public Managers, heard from Joseph Pechman of The Brookings Institu- tion, followed by representatives from the Council of Economic Advisors, Congressional Budget Office, and the private sector. In an- other session, Jule Sugarman spoke on Federal- City relationships in human resources programs. David Walker, Asst. Director, Advisory Commis- sion on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR), also spoke during this session on Intergover- nmental Management. RETA LEWIS reports CLUSTER 5 has come up with some topics that are not in the modules. Their cluster leader presented a half day session on "The Office of the Future" which is a computer- ized approach to communication and office man- agement. This concept will be tried shortly as a pilot pro jeirove`''po??6fe&se$o$/0/t'1 "tU~iR"2ntPh P ! 0P 4 $-4urfel, Dept Press Secrets W the President, spoke during the session on Public Affairs. Early in the year, the Cluster heard Ted Lutz, then Director of Metro, speak on Intergovernmental Affairs. Following the philosophy of using the case study approach to supplement the theoretical orientation of the modules, the PMIs focused on the Watergate Era in their discussion of the Ethics Module. CHUCK STAIGER relayed that CLUSTER 6 had both Alan Campbell and Elmer Staats attend their session on Program Evaluation. The PMIs did an exercise in which they were role playing staff members in OMB and OPM and had to defend the PMIP budget before Congress. They then pre- sented the results of their exercise to Campbell. There was also an opportunity to have a discussion with him about the Program. Staats was there to speak on GAO's role in program evaluation. OPM Director Alan K. Campbell and Dr. Abraham Friedman (pointing), Civil Service Commissioner of Israel, address Cluster Group 2. CHARLES KIEFFER wrote that experience has prov- en CLUSTER GROUP 7 to have different back- grounds, skills , and interests. To blend these varied elements into a constructive cluster, they have volunteered in groups of 3 to work with the resource leader in developing cluster sessions. In this way, PMI input is cultivated while using the resource leader truly as a re- source. A recent session was on Stresses in the Intergovernmental Management System. A keynote speaker, Dr. David Walker, ACIR, a panel, and group exercise proved to be a successful for- mat. Particular interest has been expressed in the use of the group exercise to generate dis- cussion among PMIs. MARGE DeBLAAY reported that Jule Sugarman spokE. again on personnel at a recent meeting of CLUS- TER 8. The PMIs in this cluster group are also involved in working with the resource leader to plan the program. They compile a list of read- ings for the topic and select speakers to lec- ture and field questions. Howard Messner also attended this cluster group meeting and spoke about the working relationship between Congress and the Executive Agencies during the session on Congress' Oversight Function. He was joined by a staff person from Rep. Levitas'(D-Ca.) Office who talked about the legislative veto bill Levitas is sponsoring. S. Dillon Ripley, Smithsonian Institution Secretary, will address P11Is as part of the NIPA SPEAKER series on September 12. PMI On The Street by Melba Meador, Lynne Ehrlich, PMIs The roving reporters for this issue caught up with one regional PMI at the ASPA National Con- ference in Baltimore in April; the other PMI was interviewed in Washington, D.C. Both were asked: What advice would you give new PMIs? rotations flexible. Wou are having a bad ex- perience with a particular rotation, don't be afraid to change. Also, choose a good mentor, and provide that person with a lot of input. That way you get the benefit of that person's expertise. Hilary Stephenson University of Tennessee Management Analyst General Accounting Office Phildelphia, PA. Joseph Galindo set that any position is what you make of it. University of Southern California It has been my experience that the best jobs Acting Manager, Hispanic Employment stem from those which are developed by the Program, U.S. Department of Labor individual interacting with those surrounding Washington, D.C. Z ~ him. Service Delivery, Assessed by HEW PMIs by Libby Kelley, PM1 At the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, PMIs are participating in an exciting and unique top management strategy to get rap- id feedback on how HEW programs function on the service level. The strategy is to send multidisciplinary teams of HEW staff around the country to ask people how they perceive specific HEW services. HEW Secretary Califano initiated Service De- livery Assessments (SDAs) in 1978 to keep him directly informed of urgent problems and is- sues. The SDAs are aimed at aiding managers in maintaining effective and efficient control over the more than 380 programs which comprise the HEW budget, estimated at $183 billion for FY 1979. Undersecretary Hale Champion likes SDAs be- cause they are fast and relatively cheap. The average project cost is less than $40,000. In- itial SDAs have been experimental in design. They do not replace monitoring and evaluation functions which can take three years to com- plete. Their value is in being qualitative, measuring the subjective impact of programs on people and providing a direct link between the people and the Secretary. The benefit of SDAs to top management is as an early warning device to improve policy and programmatic decision making. Their benefit to PMIs is in the organizational training and di- rect client exposure they obtain. All HEW PMIs will serve on one SDA team as an integral part of their internship, spending 2-6 weeks on the project. The first year work plan lists over 10 proj- ects proposed by the Secretary and Undersecre- tary. Included are Maternal and Child Health, Community Mental Health, Social Services to the Public, 504 regulations for the physically disabled, Health Maintenance Organizations, and Heads tart. mendations are discussed and acted upon. For example, a family planning study resulted in program increases in the area of teenage preg- nancy. Thirty-five PMIs will be participating in this effort. Five who have already completed an as- sessment had these reactions. Steve Deal said, "I'm very high on the idea, not only for PMIs but for anyone holding staff level positions." Steve was assigned for 2 weeks to study Social Security Services to the public in New York State. Bill Gillen, assigned to the same study, inter- viewed in small towns, VA hospitals, and on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming. Bill said,"SDAs are useful to PMIs and I would like to do another one. I liked the teamwork ap- proach and the contact with clients and staff." Bonnie Fisher traveled through California to evaluate community mental health centers in ur- ban and rural counties. Bonnie enjoyed her participation: The exposure to different lev- els of government was useful. I recommend that others should have the experience of working out of a regional office." Charles Kieffer spent 3 weeks in Utah evalu- ating a demonstration work-for-benefits pro- gram for Aid to Families with Dependent Child- ren recipients. The study found the program was not effective, and it is now being discon- tinued. Charles interviewed State office per- sonnel, who "were very happy to have someone to whom they could vent their frustrations." Edna Rhoden spent six weeks on the Boarding Home Assessment and was able to participate in all major stages of the study. She felt staff- ing for the SDA team was critical to success since "you have to step out of the bureaucrat- ic role and deal with people on their level." She detected some hostility toward her as a representative of HEW. Some people asked, "Is this just another study or are you going to do something?" Clearly, the question goes beyond evaluating a learning experience for HEW employees. For PMIs, participation on an SDA can show how top management gets information on the quality of service to clients. The more important ques- and with theAg,~, MMed" a elase P19061dr17d1 : C~~r ~~1b1 68000300040098-4 NN 7 Elections/Appointments: Connecticut Governor Ella Grasso has named MAUREEN HARRIS to the Governor's Task Force on School Health Services Subcommittee on Dental Health Services, to assess programs offered to school children through legislation... .CINDY MILLER has been named to the National Committee on Women in Public Administration .... PENNY JACOBS has been named to the ASPA Policy Issues Committee.... JOSEPH GALINDO has been selected Acting Manager for the Labor Department's Hispanic Employment Program... ELLEN CLOVER was elected secretary of the DC/ASPA Women's Committee while ROBERT MASLYN won a seat on the Chapter Council and has been selected coordinator for the Young Professionals Forum... On Rotations: Those PMIs who thought they'd see their name here because they're doing a rota- tion at the Office of Management & Budget, for- get it--there's too many of you doing it... On Travel: RETA LEWIS went to Puerto Rico to coordinate the Drug Enforcement Administration work with the House Select Committee on Narcot- ics regarding narcotics traffic in Puerto Rico. In Transition: While we're not sure where some PMIs are who've left the Program, we do know that MARILYN HENRY joined the (Washington, DC) Mayor's Infant Mortality Committee and ALAN FRIEDMAN became a foreign coprrespondent for the London Financial Times... On The Hill: JONATHAN WEISS can be found with the Senate Antitrust, Monopoly and Business Rights Subcommittee staff...MIKE JACKSON's with Sen. Alan Cranston's office and ANNA GOTTLIEB's assisted Senator Ted Kennedy's Judiciary Com- mittee. At The Conferences: RICK WEHMHOEFER presented a paper on voter preferences at the March Western Political Science Association meeting; he's also teaching a quantitative analysis course at the University of Colorado... SUE VAN GELDER, CHUCK STEIGER, JAMES RYAN, PHIL GODWIN, Mark your calendar now for a July 15 PMI ORIEN- TATION RECEPTION for both 1978 and 1979 PMIs, 5-7 pm, at the Franklin Room of the State Department in Washington, DC. ASPA has spearheaded publication of a "WOMEN IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT DIRECTORY;" details from Sally Gutiereez, 311 S. Spring Street, Suite 450, Los Angeles 90013. CONFERENCE ON ALTERNATIVE STATE AND LOCAL PUBLIC POLICIES will hold its Fifth Annual Con- ference, August 3-5, 1979, Philadelphia, Pa. C RPP?~" 0`GR~G"MY'Dl9NAH 4 and BRIAN ESTES joined GAO regional management in March for an intergovernmental relations ses- sion...SEAN O'KEEFE, SAM BOONE, PAULA ALFORD, PHIL GODWIN, SUE VAN GELDER, and HAZEL WILSON spoke with National Academy of Public Admini- stration members on public service education at their May meeting.... in January, another PMIP discussion occurred with the National Associa- tion of Schools of Public Affairs and Admini- stration's Joe Robertson (Exec. Dir.), Jim Kitchen (Pres.), Bob Biller (USC Dean) and PMIs KEN SALA, KAREN REED, RETA LEWIS, BLAINE AIKEN, JULIE MAYNE, HELEN ROTHMAN, SAM BOONE, LINDA SAMUELSON, MARK KERRIGAN, LEE SOLSBURY, SUSAN MUELLER, and ROLAND GILBERT....STEVE ROBERTS, TYRONE MINOR and SANDRA WEISMAN served as pan- elists for the NIPA/PMI session in February with Arizona Gov. Bruce Babbitt and Vermont Gov. Richard Snelling... Potpourri: The National Committee for Women in Public Administration videotaped SUSAN MUELLER and other women as part of a special project on how women administrators look at power; contact Ruth Ann Barrett (212-355-4380, Assn. of Junior Leagues, 825 Third Ave. NY 10022) for details.. JUSTINE FINCH, EDIE HARDING, PEGGY CATRON and MELBA MEADOR assisted in rating the 1979 PHI nominees' writing samples... You can send items for PMIs On The Move (and other news) to P.O. Box 2933, Washington, DC 20013 or call Bob Maslyn 202-245-8901 (w)... OPM Research Studies on PMI Program Available The 1978 PMI Program has drawn into the Federal government many PMIs who would not have other- wise looked for a Federal job, who view them- selves as highly mobile, and who see network- building with other PMIs and with federal man- agers as influencing their career advancement. Such conclusions can be found in three OPM re- search reports, which can be acquired through the Personnel Research and Development Center, OPM, 1900 E St., Washington, DC 20045,: "The 1978 PMIP: Descriptive Data on Applicants and Selectees," PRR 79-2; "The 1978 PMIP: Ratings and Attitudes of Panelists," PRR 79-3; "The 1978 PMIP: Job Analysis, Conclusions and Recom- mendations," PRR 79-4. CONGRESSIONAL CLEARINGHOUSE ON THE FUTURE (CCF) furnishes Congress and its membership with in- formation on the future through seminars, re- ports, reference services and personal contact. Non-members can subscribe to an informative newsletter and attend programs on art, values and perspectives, information/communication, global resources, learning, habitats, science and technology, biomedicine, lifestyles, and cosmic consciousness. For information contact CCF, 3546 House Annex #2, Wahington, DC, 20515, or call (202) 225-3153. For details write to: 1901 Q Street, N.W., GPO 943-830 Washington, A provedaFbr(RdPea T?6/02/01 : CIA-RDP83-00156R000300040098-4