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June 4, 1974
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1-Vv we .-o1-.U ae ac ieasG t uii , a 1L1 aevetoo ^'?2rL Oi. '.lt the aots
ti Ll Leed3 to be O glr i. ? COrgn~sa C 7ic.e arn*_- v)o~t rc!:-;lv!:a7
4n, C:?.;y and "tee, because
rnent :; goha t to Clo about it"?
V"ith ref ren_ce to the Rhode Island
si-~u LC;On, S=r tried to -o down and see
the Preeiden for a long time and we
could r_ot do We were told the day
before the ord - came out cutting our
rre i^_o :v triekl to find out from Mr.
Kissinger, I tried \o find out from Mel-
vin Laird. I tried ` fund out from Ad-
miral Zumwalt. I t d to Ind, out front
the President. None o them told us what
was going to happens o Rhode Island.
We never knew of it of 'if the axe came
-do;Yn and chopped o our economic
head. I say that is disgra efui. I repeat,
we are not over the agony yye~t. --
-Mr. President, I am veryV-menable to
sta ted. I realize this is not th complete
;answer. I realize it may not s rive the
conference. But surely the Sena ought
to express its sentiment.
It is not going to affect my ate a
grebe deal. It may affect one o two
plants. Perhaps- we can reconvert t em
without Federal help. But the time
come when we have to think about these
fact, get up on the floor and propose to
extend u^_employment compensation,
and have a silly retraining-for-jobs pro-
are trained. This is something that h^4
to be done in advance. /
I :;Quid hope such a proposal wo ld
receive serious consideration. I.can say
this as one who has depended o the
Pentagon and the Defense Department.
I am one who has not alway3 greed
with the Senator from South alcota
(Mr. McGovzarr) with referent to some
of the cuts he wanted to ma' e in de-
fense. I have been on the side 0 the Sen-
ator from Mississippi (,Vrr. S'`.t.'V`iSs) and
the Senator fro zt South C,~rolina (Mr.
Ta,^ *c ra) more than, I lave been on
the side of the Senator :Er mn South Da-
kota, but this proposal .t to be given
serious consideration, a am going to
Mr. S 1,=N IS, 711. President, I yield
myself 1 munute. I appreciate vemuch the problem
Rhode Island
'had/at a. time when I was
not at e. I rea about it in-the news-
papers, and it had my interest, and I
remember the/ vigor with which the
Senator fro;_i,LRhode island and his col-
league oooostd It. They did everything
anyone coiut1 do to try to alleviate that
ei tuntion. s'l'ut with all deference to my
friends, I fo not believe such an amend-
z.^.ent o'~ his bill is a solution to the
problem. ! I think, legislative-wise, I.
hind 'r-, h?t.ter to take the route tha ^ll
alcarna4l .5, i. it _'ias 11:3rn:LCx`/?5 C?'/c e
?.a ' f .. C?3r,
? cGOa~-n
know that if the au'thoitzatio2,I cocimiit--
teas do not meet those tim
cur -work is going to 4e o'1is' ed aside.
Do enicl
The PRES1D2,1-G O:ST C; .. The time
of the Senator has expire"'/
M . S L "NIS. I yield 6,yself 1 addi-
Bea ett
Be tsaa
And the approoriatigns will be made
whether there is;horizaticn or not,
Burdic c
about it.
I think we do re
sure my colleagu
So let us keg gib what it is to h-e,
with--an auth ?ation bill for military
hardware an manpower for the ea-
suing year.
Mr. Presi ' at, I yield the floor. I will
yield -an, e any Senator wishes.
Otherwise am willing to yield back the
T' le I
ator fr^yfn Mississippi has 12 minutes re-
main!. The Senator from South
DakoS has 5 minutes remaining.
b TH'CJR MOND. i4Ir. President, so
far we are concerned on this side, we
ar2'willing to yield back our time if the
Senator from South Dakota is so willing.
/ Mr. 1cGOV'^ :-ZV. Mr. President, under
,Bose Z:ircumstances, I am willing to
(Mr. McGovsv). The yeas and
,v.e been ordered, and the clerk
e roll.
slative clerk called the roll.
that the S
forma (Mr. Tmi ;E7) are
; ZL
S'a :Ord
s. ~evdnzs
Tb::.' Wond
Tower .
kCf. STENNIS. Mfr. President, \m.ove
to /reconsider the vote-, by Sv. the
.M-. TIIC .MOtiD. I move to lay that
otion on the table. t
The motion to lay on the table eves
agreed to.
. :f`Ss .-,J?.C rr No. 1339 ...
Asouazmc) . Under the previous order,
the Senate will now proceed to the con-
sideration of the amendment (No. 1369)
offered by the Senator from Wisconsin
(Mr. Paoxauaz) , which the clerk will
state. .
The assistant legislative clerk read as
followsi .
At the appropriate glace' In the bill in-
sert a new section as follow3: -
Ssc. -. On or before ::(arch I eac'-1, year
the Director of Caarral Intelligence -shall
submit an unclassLeeci w-i, :en report to the
Congress dliclosing be totaL 3amou t of
funds request-ad in the budget, t anscairtecL
to the Congress pursuant to secttoa 001 of
the Budget and Ascounttng Act of 1.921 (Ct
U.S-C. 11), for the national intelligence pro-
rana for the aezt succeeding fscat year.
I also announce that the senator from bill, with 30 minutes on any amendment
Missouri (irir. S nss*_NCrov) is bsent be- in the second degree. _
cause of illness. 11Ir. PRO==Z. 34Ir. President, I ask
Mr. GRI-rT. I announce at the for the yeas and nays.
Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. B, r.uov), The.yeas and nays were ordered-
the Senator from Tennessee (Mr,- ocK,), Mr. PRO. 41 .^. Mr. President, be--
the Senator from lierx York (Mr. J.y ins), fore I yield to the distino fished Senator
the Senator from Oregon (,`sir. FCXI- from Missiesi of which I shall do In a
wooD), and the Senator from De1as .re moment, I would like to call the tt`e_-i-.
{ 4Ir. Roz?) are necessar absent. tion of the Senate, ;chile some Senators
The result was announcedye_tZ 2. are ctlii on the Moor, to the facct the,
n`a.ys 57, as follows: .~.n. t. u.....~ ...nsca L...u:.ent .`..:.c., is a
the Senator from
aWAY), the Senator
tCr 'r_~c* ssoN), the
(Mr. I_e;o=), the
Alabama (Mr. for debate on this amendment shall be
for from Cali- ILnited to 3 hors, to be equally divided
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700030038-5
CCU G E S (~~is11 '. COR D -SE _ATE i?:.,a. 1Jr-
7, 7, is au-
!qp Tgj~as t, ~ !a! !~R +
-C7 v?`o i.e Ii:c"li last ut. ~..... GJce _>a>wyeL..i?.?3 :1:1;/ :.TG~d -
3^d Lt: %_C., In !' I,.Ida La;~rht ._; eu LI'e g:7':. to =13:1 Ci01h theJ idi?a of by ok:? Bare2,*I of the t _
~__?_ _ l.r~,~:....-a N said than he would ks :iin G^ fa,,7ur?3 fcom being dis- aUtho ;Zed alder tb
'i':r8 =') ?) 11; 17.e can. 1 sihil 1t13t read ClCScu,then, in my Plumb!' opi^io +e act of 1;-17.
matter in the he II: yIo11t as ~_bo1!sd the a,?'cy. `1L :',cCoi-c .r to th&O_'hceOF _rer'lera
.e'-we tha rat
1.: t -_ 1 i,ihe^ 1
.....s : ,e Senator orn l1!ssissippL Would be la!,e saying in eL'ect, that we and ii 21~:3et, the .rjr_sr of ds
.; Ts the I-3ht ' _ dated November 17, do nog; lti'w:li; this sec"e:;'^ e.iig-ente aft,- CL -1 u" cr s C tort s of ire c:. Act
he mai ori ry and minor-
Of tta Sa~.:kta Se!act COm-
and C3,1aderltiat Docu-
__. V.- , -e tvisl to ca'.i. Your attent:oa to one :Can sat'.S?g Most an Senator in the fining of these t-inns?ero 9.:$ .L~pOra7efi
o" '.:,e major reco__.meudations which our cloaakroom_ talking to him some about, by Oti13_
1:oTr_ ^: 'aa made with res;r t to the ooer3- this, but I will public-y say that it is a The funds approved for transfer to
t7 n-i o' _e var'o'?s intei!!
=ace ~3ancia3. ~
clean budget and "---y have jlr=t: ~d CIA by O~r3 are limited to amo=n'_-
She it was ae end twat the Saaa,te
s aou'zL ca nrov;ded ,viti tile. ovsr-au sums '''any times over the t~xpeaditure of he notii~.ed to ONM by the chaises of "n-
: or each agency. We believe- that money, L Sz^' e and mouse AODraipriatioos C- n
tan r tan to of this limited !aforamtioa -m-IL Mr_ PROM-11RE lr. Presiden? I mittees The snechic appropriations
be use:-_a to the Senate in maintaining the thank the dist;.nguisred Senator from counts from wtiica the fu-ids writ o?-
nec-S:sar'l support for our intelligence] open- Mississippi. traz5ieiTed are also determined by this
,loco. Mr. P-esideac, how much does the Process. Ooiig ;tioras the :.. fe
;?7a o 3h to reltelsta that tae Commit- United States spend each year on the are- further con.t:oilc*3 by O?.L3 through
a dt~ not recommend the disclosure of 3LI ntelligence budge;;? Except for a small the ap>rortianment process.
Ds :l c ular edtelUgbter . activity or any o-her .a- of rag e T-.^ O-C :^'3rC'{.s, on two t:~..~
:;,uct dataUed ;natters, which coattntid to re- h3. uu, a vSena.a- an... Co< . 3s" e=, men ; ..
rihain, ad properly sat tinder your jitrc5d2C- nobody knows, at least in this country: entire Congress of the United States
flora. Vy amendment would end this ignor conyol the process by.wh:ch the CL. is
ance and allow the Congress to reassert funded-
was ority his leadcon- en its fiscal control over the largest budget Mr. President, I ask unariiouzs conr-
and with he the said it majority
this i'_ n :tiionerni^..g, talked
currently unavailable to public or con- sent that my correspondence with Roy
st.uctio i that that would mean the over- essionel scrutiny. L. Ash, Director of O-NE3 be printed in
a'ai fl_, :re would be- made available Drab- err.--
Iiciy. The r?SpOtie of Senator &ICf:3 ES LriY The requires that on or the a Raco. n. ';here is an r in
before March 1 each year the Director of -A-;i's reply that should be noted. =,y her-
dated 1?io7e''t7er 20, was as iO1lOWS. Central intelligence stall submit an n- the letter rafere to section 55,
DE.t~ Sa~ra_o' I hale your let-er of ,rover
bar 15 classiaded written report to the Con, ens read set. tonSS.
a^d tv t you to is ^ioa that I intend .CIDC'G OF_ _C.~.- .
l DI funds re- The P ~'~ ?rrliht;`?
to cor'?i7, as fully as? passiol4, -with tha r2C- di ~C16siIIg the tOta.l a
o _1_1e: daCioa of the senate Selact Commit- quested in the budget for she national objection, it Is so ordered.
tee on. -ecret and ComSdentia Documant3 to intelligence program for the next sue- (See exhibit 2.)
orovida the Senate with the over-all ;Yams ceed ng. fiscal year, Mr. PROQ.Cl~'', E. as chairman of the
rocuested 'or each of the /3-tot s Intelligence It is as simple as that. Each year t e ~7 . Space, Science, Veteran 3 '3pro-
i's? Director of Central Intelligence acne up prations Subcommittee, 1 be!;a ^e
? T_-. Pre?s;cent, the purpose of the the combined budgets of the iat?il'.gelce ter-ea6ed in whsther or not tnare? were in-
a_'ie_-' -._-nt which I eie.^_ng now IS corn unity and supplies that Leung to tell grace funds in nhv S21 billion budget.
t that the overall fio,ire-for the Congress in an urica'assiaied 01 '-t I checked with O_`,LB and was r-ud than
o Prop -e 1 g n w e Q except for Possible aconorn
iT_ii~O1.iQ~C'? COmII1LLTIl~3_aS a whole; not Ina ora~ar _uld be operating in 7 _c?: tr2: sar-
bro'ten to'nal' but tha overall nacre . dar'ness. For the first time we would tiaras, no funds have been r,s s erne
ould be made available, so that the tae- have hard budgetary facts. Granted, it to the CIA from any of the a-ger!cies faii-
pave-?s of this country would have some would only be one each year, but in,. under the jun.miction of ti_e Y3 LJ'T~.
idea of how r'uch, how many billions of that is enough to tell is the relative size Space: Science, V,?te-'3173 and Ind.doend-
dollars-auad it is billions of dollars-- of that budget. - enc Agencies Subcomrni t ee. T u -,e other
..-2se 7 .f he ran subcorom tee an,? com ' . ee chai'^mc'
are ,o+. g for inreli fiance efforts by our At c~ :'a w ;,s do not , qW ii ,
Go.;=Meat. tionsl ir_teiliigence program budget; is $1 to make he same lnqui es.
liow7. MIr-. Prasident, 171 eld to the Sea-- billion of $10 billion. We do rot know' if ..: s- -'^ zes
,tor from Mississippi- - - - it want up 200 percent; this. year, or went This sleight`, of hind aside, the major
_ .' TI'.:ITfIS. On -M-7 tilIl.?. down 1D percent. 77e simply do no.t''_ow.r q lest:on each of ?15 has to ?.nwe:>i.Ci?o
~'?P t't C. Yes. I yield to rile and the consequence of our irT_^_orance is voting on this v'-er_dment is >`i iSl the
t?iO qld. pubic re ease of t^.!v P-s'r' ga cam )3a:d aG
aen c, from 1TIssissippL - - -
r . S~I thank the Senator. Fist, tae inteliigerce cgmlv+i ity es- it any ay, comp-orlse or, atiara7 se -
I ta.he 2 minutes of my time first to em- capes elective congressional con-tml, curity?" If it, can be sho?. that it '1
p' a5;-2 to Senators present the over- S cold, Con_zr'?ss is 3vsc. matically de- not, then this a:ren d=ent snouU he
wheirni_ng importance of this amend- -ceived as to the size of Ot,(1+3f" cirirr3n passed.
n'e l nn d the far-reachin e elect it budgets. I in-tend to she v that it win not
ave if passed and enacted into How does that come about? promise our security, in any
r.o ~ have >
I. comes about bi-,cause the l ieui- First, let rs apply, a little co==0_1
When we disclose-and I speak as one genes budre-a, particularly the CIA, are sense to the problem of sec,_,-;:;_ `70,u_d
Naha "). - y ,..ate..,, has i _ ad to take care of hidden in , other budgets that ps--ai anyone charge that t ^_e Se a: e .r=ed
t this the le4SlaL:ve arocea;. There ,Service's Co:mittee is enr'n^~:i^.g O`.:r
to of s pi g no writ[ this problem,-
rro ' r-o i i.3 Lltela:gg6"ce money in units bill beso*-e rational secur.
i i3 ty by DL?al_>n3::g-t the toil?".l
i.lr_-i a disclose the
of money scent on this effort, us today amount of the Defense b,-,d.-et? -tTic!.,d
14i cludes the CL?, then we give ' I don't zow howl mucru. Only the anyone claira that the Secretary of De-
c ad:'?~aries all over the world, Ove^a it Corn ?icte ' members know tense and _ n Joint Ch-_a s of SiZt ,a--c
an ! Putt r3, a t 11s irate to that, T?iera are fu:lda in other budgets. ciolatecl s?ru i w.^_en fogy, ? sr r be-
ha" o!!= 1Ctly ti g are. I Iere a-cn d?- It is Eta; e 7OSSibie th at ever. some of the f0_r? Congr"as in open session 'ad "h'
C:I:Ctio-n that can be rnade? from our fig- frl2L"Ch9-_ of these subc0.'`!i ^mi tee3 do not they peak across the co'mtrJ 'and rue the
w'ucli could lead tham along the know that their budgets contain intzul- total amount of the defense cuzdget- irk
T; i rn ^,1rinr. which tvc,ri?;: be gence fu"Ca 1)uoilc? '
...___...> to them to know. The ar_;tlort t7 for thLu sleight of hand Of course not. That would be utterly
_ e are an Open society and, so resides in i, e Cep`.: :l 1ntdi?ge.''ce Act of ?id culou3. The total amount of die bud g-
_. ~ e beeAp i~~7~dnf f' R se92O 1m$_awor Prim gals- i1 1 hdto a7Oeri to bc1ie i8 that we ii3'u a Defense udgeE? V/ Ci O ' the ?_COr
Of the Senate. we Slave ot,e p?,biic =ear-
SOlI YS21"tiGTC Vj Zaid, that in L970 .ToLZt Corn mi wee on National Sacuri,y in
y T tb. a r?o', deal t
he C=..:=. oversight comn^,irtee of the San- Conrgress, that is gor'g 'to 'have general Is, we pu1:sn 300'11`OLLr
acv ar-a c, Services COL:;Lmittee mat su0e?"iisio'i of time CLL., cons,s+ _g of the misiles, about our zubm'a3- es, e:oout our
I IcsG e d raaced na.C come_) 7. . Ti2:s
r_Ce. in 19'11 there were no maeti-igs, ton people o Congress, just as we have i~ Y s g_ e gna a:.3~maG on -o L.'ie
1 iJ' ?Zlet or c8. jrTTi' II.AE does Meet, a National Secfy.it7 CGI =U. does
. ?.^OCi T_ ?W not a~~L a i^y0':` !1 J ~y
what G:cs it accordpsat? it does not I Proposed 1- repeated:y. I n"oaooZvi a a: ,' ,."
"d staff is t ..t a Oi that
-_Cor NO s,a present. Only Joint Cor_ni so On "National, S-curlw!
r r i 1,1?'n a' , once. This would not eyed r?"i?31 row
are present. We isnOr7 that in v_,ch t_e be ens s or f the-Senate an a r tiC1 we proti'de Or Eie CIA.
':'t,i1O'1t 3. stl.ii or a transcript, a hear the House of Representatives ",outd ho We A-11 I am 52Ti^g i?^.t the ?a:{.L^..a-e r is
..: 3L cannot be 'ery useful. n-'- o'. la. .eSoon3ea-. 'y in the field of ent1G1ed to r^O'.4 now Oi 1 to bil-
;/_ie we have -sortie knowledge of national security. 1lQ_.~ T,_ of do-,1_^ _rs he e
~+ con;: mu-,es is taxes
;h .' .,;`S amount is, P;hat:'_er it is YO But my point is, and I tll.i,'1'_i the Sena- O.s for 1L eii1-?^iC? OpZratiUP_?. r;e-?r;:?i_
b~!,cc 37 b:_Lon; or $10 billion, we have tor from Rhode Isla~.d is i,e Then -e can, thzough n;s o =
CC z ere3t or pre Lae on thi. ;tot C e- " " i e e pl b'CIre ^ii Eh e in e_ige re 3-
ti,: ?s, detail ne t0 5o-a ext,, ' ti-r; r
e o- ersig.:v COLI711L'ee, o?Ze figures, the inevitable ollotitLrouga is a spend ar:7 dnd of effort ?n.Cf ir! er?S
cud eat `led to aSS about it, so one debate In this body a` to '-hat it is for, N: concern with
--ou a c- L"_Cline?d to be better iilor Lett- is t still l i r 1r , ery '=d 'ntt.'.^. '- Or MO-.
be, in every Q ^7al and ?i on~y '-s i cent. 'l Vat L; a1' ti- a
.__3 to me we rr-!ll fundon far bet- tabloid. It will 'Cg al over. It -w 1 rot r_r e"dme...',ces. y
is all the amend.^:ert is 1a- se'-'; e the o iolic interest. tiIr. Hu ',I? ?? . I E-ir I u2 piers*and
';? u0. If could gat the S o vet Ur-on and .".Lilly the Sena:.Or'3
a,T-. ka10R ,, Wien the Senator says the Chinese to :"313 to the altar with the P`srpose. I :.^_.s.i l7 o-u2 not opoose
t^'_' is no '-eco'-d keot th .E is true, but rise of L'9, con eec our Sins. I!ve a ours 12~'itirlite >?..i,.:,.OSe. e prCJl?1Sk 7S it
t""'' ii an :bvlOl3 r?N.ion 02 that. Ti'o Site, m and pledge OllISel'i ?S to c'ac? a,-1d sort, of LS? lc~7se sr-tag on. a bait of 7v,ine,
.3 The 7?P_a Wor3 are there. We love, then 11 Pvould let t'_iec. li- ow bite y- 50 to so 63;6, _ a' ?ta U
p .-a 22, ,'I?s? 2' o ..
~., ,.._~. or"oll.'S, i,Ls eni_".:g, a"d we have thing abot` :what 7;?3 .:poi.^.g on. But, ind ..d, we t2l rile v o O.l:{}l_-,
SGIT1teny of ci a items "hat f." .:ri- t`"-2v -,11.1 ?ZO' do i?`,. ] ^.t'??^~.i)T ?'ta.^r~inc '- a.r- :-ar ' =1-s
,-_ a'):.'.'-'-?%'tfi... - I baiie7e in derea-t . NO Seri'or has C'.:.nnar ".ri??..d31. he uroaE Sr?rLt:ir_. arc
ta1T1^.? me, that if Lire 'vor ?d ra tier for "'.TT_^_a' con run no Ot.OS,Sisr.., once s t about ?:! i.i:tt^fi
~,~.2 1.3-re 0oVed' H;tbl as4'2006iOBG r?ClQ'RE)FY75B R0 '00030038-5
-, ??' ' Ir-DN r1T ,~ t C OR S
t`i:.JJ< 1J
p t.
res. A roa~~d R~# of a -4;O 0116P tA4 RDP75EM38OR00A70-00MM-;5x th?
.: lLO'~r:, d:,;ra:`_:.i.~n. -' - =? ._ _, .. ~ _ 'i:, I v=~:^ >ere .,Ir. .5T._ -IS. 7;iUr ?.. :ea, has the certainty to *^ T.: ?r..
a tlli ,S to rally lie that al'8 v rat about a p ooo:lea..i.", ever,'o!Ie is dot.'!-, or e,; ,en C";Zy,I
pna co, . at do not aid a good family if The PAESII ;G O, 2C%?. The pro- doin, ii from time to r,:n2e
D i? S`~i; t3 e oostng:t all. ponents of the amend: er_t haze 72 min- Butt at is not '.v at we are asking Or
1 t:'. _s titers are some things, may e
I ut re nalnia today. Not : t al ti ,
~. All of tha; ce'a3.ta that
p bilc L e called nat..anal sec-LLrlty, Mr. PRO -,Ii-2Z I,Ir. Fresilent, I eta I have c
r n4
e rt I'stZTli.Ih, to,. t- ot'3b. relc/
i,'l :! i:larly when it cones to intell.t- the Senator-fr0m Iowa such tiTMie as he to the ore all i2?tculgence core unity,
a.-- '. t's2c=d:.g: It is a nasty business, may require. witch is certai,-iiy in,oived in the security c and the Senator knows it a d. I know it, Mr. HUGHES. I thank the distia- and freedom of the pe pie of ;, e tree
and, o?: course, it rakes good headlines, gui3neC1 Senator from, z,"v izconsia. World, not Just in our count-_7 bur that of
it ma'-es good stories; it makes good tic- Mr. President, the distinguished Sea- the 13eople of other countries, has no re-
tion; it makes good TV. E'ut there is a ator from 24i- I.nesota has six guests wait- lationship to the risk inv0
jv4d in gi7ing
pOL.,:, I t .ink, where we have to ask our- in? in the dining room. He has assured t e ?1N3tiie of thhis- cokLntry a 91.-mpse of
selves, "Do I dare go this far,,, arid that inc he is not walking out on my di.ser- light in telling them what t e total cost
is all the Senator from M'; nnesota is do- to ticn here today. I assure him that he is involved in the 1n eallig@';Ce activities
ing. is -free to go. T value his friendship and of this country troug:out the word. G~ie
I re_^_ ; do not intend to get so in- integrity beyond anything he could pos- two not know that amount, but we do
volved in bi?a debate, but i feel a very sibly know. lv,iOW it-i3 in the billions o? doll
c eeo ?3biigation.about this, I think that I The debate I have listened to so fair I Listened to the chairman of the Sea-
owe l to this body to at least tell w fiat, seems to car:-y an imolicat,on that this ate Appropriations Coln mjtt, - say did
Z:l?'! c' : "L1'Ience has bee._n, even though I mend_: neat is a threat to the interrall not even Want to root, because he was
tao d4:*,-,,.' respomtb551tY. I only served workings of the CIA ~,intd the irate ligence he mid-it talk 1P, his Some
as `; C'; President, but T happen to be- gathering community of Ame ca around e e and thereby disclose it to someone
t_^:.S.s agency is SO important the world, and thereby a threat to the He made tnai statement on the w,l?or of
that '.v -a Ought to r!la'es sure Within the sCCilri`y of the United States of America. the Senate.
co Lnos o` CO_^_ress that, We :mow what They a" era ;1en, t is t?e.,~ ,-, simple, Mr. Presider.?t,, we are a l i.n- Jost 'or
it ,Ir.
i- a:ld set , o the instriiments pre,id t It -'ould list "ua. c-;! the cell- a'nreau of hg-ht into '17R? May be rot-
an d we Can ifl t,
0s ing or t. e Cots!, amounts of money snent only our greatest source of secr +y, but
Ct one an" ,' ir this body On in i!le iPace a`j'er"g,.
our S.
!, - U , of CPP_30T-i ;7 Ol e3.Cl? Othe_. One j. r y .,.~ rhr,af., 'who, t oos&r-v t:a-' non?i?12G
? O of Me greatest t- -oa.ta to A
T p ?2.i.: ~vr in the Se-'a C i3 nd without ine s,_-cu-t7 that , r e O,
h4 , COLL,I?,r. and'L;Cll1ai7 a COIhry that
r t
r ^s a'h r , a
,. n cur rl..rn. ' to r:3 ~Gzle of
is as much inter?steCl in her `~ '~O'?iezativaucratic o.u u" 2a, control Cilir:. over 5- 't ricer O,
W2 are right or # W OCR
hac e n0 bur ? If
C'??: t de:ense of aget as the Sena- i' kno'v, I' ould liie to i ow i;_3 3.rd how
then-L. 1 .ax_t to see t 1 t t t much he IMOWS, avers an i_'id 7idm e
''"!it.( 301".~ole, a `? , n'ant to tee., ii. The Senator says, t"-us. Yes, We t:'ti5t ai,Or. at he is asked rar e:1Or1 ;1 .'li22d, `4.
lri:_'_: _-L By the Way, -;, is Committee cud and we love. But we tai OW __0 reacJo know what ,~Trom .
?, r Ori S Oe` f
IlSta7--''~' that 77ei'niieP_tv '?z'..^8 dog-r0va41 ' laid
I, C'_l4 It 50 TIlUC:1 that. some of u' the C._L'`&G?ity to dr aW ti @ t _reaz3
he_Tisal es when they no longer ?_,a s O? the
:"-0 r7 e a- s-s going to cut it "eel ai 3inents of this c0'Ln'ry into e'' n-gle-
t eat ils to-, t. 2owlnd;?e o' what :,as hap came, and m^ents
i When the into- or st ;r a
J rdgme _ f' we ha-,re ?Ot t e-d cna:airg down- 1t'
~e nave T?i12Sl,~,d IOr years ?:vth the
t'' v any 1 '1 n, v flat We a.' I "Ii"i not half as concerned, in tOda7'3 problem, of
t 2e CL-1_ We no not 1-^D,
c'-) is L a in 2 body. ro_^:Ci, L -L- Iot,t `.lie Lt~'t1 Ic O Amer- ca pas d we are I'._.?orrl?eo he Or?rs'g' c t
T on e:t:er'.or i~-_2at as I al:l about ;-Cat is 13 done Tarently is not ca- c L OLIr
~i..l;:lt sal tl, a; a`.' hapbanina ='ns^4de this ^ coti__, r, E.+
and what we
e P ;,e ca ti -e ~,_ either nzrhar?c lIc or 1-1te ger ly_
defense b!:..,ht
Ct, ~`-c t i r r r Caih haaoer, -3;de this '-N unless ^e have not had the carL%cl y or s:)onsi-
L'rytliS b1 ~'t more than we are co-n taly open, erity erg ounce bitiw to acr0?v even
-r' I e were Cl 8 budge, , I -Vill just Sal ti?r.
LO the record. Oi? CO?:_I?;'_: _t cat! Ore r7 c'L r:a7e with t,' e i^ 012 it clef er It S':'.13 '- gab or
i ceopte O>_ CIS coutntly. , rlhereby there 'vlroig. or worth was lhaon ~,
~.L td 7. .are r,e are. I be- is sac': I :l? r' c to th world, With `+Cr ', ray
Oi 'ob'i'?`ut.-
o r a : soml place in this the risks we are aLreaLly li -azlg ft I Senators of our i;e h y
3:i `.l!?q!j
he t~io-
'he,--e are a) of most dell- sag, iv is rot too hi-,- a
o pa
t i Titd St r
. se.,rc1jo. iro*1 1' ,o5n He.
C. - nJOlied :t
ire we can DUt V71,at ;s tlhe `ole of t'- CL'' As f a r a s '3, ._.., he called htn:self, a'U;,eral, ',ho
ell We find V,' t tnnrr has I [M '.7, 1 k cw r_otihi"g. r m a me:';ber hates^said, "Let itss show the pt-Iblic every_
I)?a .tad, We can remove i paop'g A ur'ed Ser7ic s Coi^~ ittc and
L the h?, let 113 ve th'~rn all file
_r7^1 ....',5.'. posst..1Ons. CC ._,, .----"- --- ----, . ? L..fOI'%:1 -
i^.is ceente today in sa: ag
h3.v= rrn-`ir_ a .-- FC ~?,o .., .. t,
lPca.t- o as e I -a U nor t
fezl we 7? en Ba a Far / as I ~ , 0':v, t:i er-s is r ll.C hrta^ULll0 1 3Jr o l"r`.Or-
5 L"1 . L
1. -7 .,.,! ar 1, h t it is 'I d t, tl Ote }
C C Ut _. i we,_ .L o Le:?Z of ? ja:` L 2' r o M em_ _r of c?...rt .311 t, T.r t "
G e o Approves o'r Rerea a 09/Oilb7"'CfA--I,% 5 03Mf 0007,0 0O30O3'& '-tv'3 of Lhe~Sen
See-e3.i ,x
t? .. the .~'.ec._:: :`,~ !JG'i l but umci n.- t_~' , and T e e e I Set a to o n 5
;i'Za 3 w"r^. J.L to '_'e*... ?-d i
X-9 D.
64'a a $~
> ;, c x' [SCE` i~`l e~ea 2; i
0 o i.-
Ouwda. Or G;`J_.1 :Oi~ P..:'?ie xi ....: _ .~f .i0n .- -..~C.. , _3. C2L. t' yne:f
a 3 0: ^_i3.;LeS, t h',:+ '-Clca.le Gi t:i3
` I n to call=va t':I .t .;e as2 r_e o r _ n id t se u' to the en-
in _ nay. ors of warheads, y
the 1n C o n g 7 r _ V to seG Up - J ' r h ' t e v e r acZln - - 3aecesz a y;'.inc-
_ - r' -- ' ''
i:e tai:. about, the rin;1?^.ors Of sub*n.a- P07var
mss, . tai scour Lie _ :m7,er5 t?f air =: nct Oi me i,`i1 Cr SC e- SOr j iy: e S r0 mince 0-_'a':o= ; to 1 1o i;
a id all of Li:esc t'a ;s; o.: s0 t at we do not 1 the C:iii0'!- orOvid'-' t'na o?,-?ra anises. The cJ'__~?_`"!`
n _-?}s,- ~t when %-,;a n'''a
'? -~
f._~~-- .. c estroy the Eara1, then how ti,;a DI'anch run ramn?C. . But, Itch:' o"_ tee co li~','ts ?o ena ors
. .onou: h? Sys ern, we p'st a eat deal of trust and T032,
Th threat will come from losing con-
tr'Cl on cam inside. if mair_tai ing that
control requires an ounce of rik, then I
ihi__. we s hind, be prepared to take that
ounce of s'> L at least letting us see
publicly and, the people see publicly
whether we are spending $3 billion, $7
i! ?o> or :,9O bilIon, and how we are
concealing it and hiding it, and if we are
protecting ourselves from the inside as
well as from the ou,t&ida. . -
1 think that ounces of risk., if it e:LSts,
is worth taking, and I tha,an the dis-
tin;uished Senator from Wisconsin for
~,Tr. ~~~fLP.? Mr. President, will
the Senator yield?
. !II G S. T_ yield.
;?r = 11?1 REM. Mdr. President, I re-
spect this good man. the Senator from
lowva, who 13 one of the great men of the
Senate, a great spirit and a great in-
sG_ation to me, and I really regret that
occ sires like this one has to dis-
ee with a friend so dear and precious,
;;ant to say to the Senator that
rile t_~;- argument is moving and I
tai=1 _'ed aith much truth, we can
control any possibility of secrecy or of
coverup by establishing within the in-
?r .tmea`.s Of the Congress the necessary
ac 1 _ :, for t !e supervision of the
-eac gency.
of e havi e e ecutivesessions in this
Congress. We have them in the Foreign
Relations Committee and we have them
in t, e Ai Armed Services Com:-rittee, and
. e do not permit those executive ses-
sions to become public. Maybe that is
3' take. But I. overlong year; of ser'J-
ice are, nave felt that some of these
ions:ors a e necessary. -
Ieel there is a tendency to try to.
make too much secret and too much as
ecu , a. This is why I have proposed that
r-a ha? _ ' a joint commitee on national
,;, rt:y of the House of Representatives
and th nut . We have an ad hoc cO.m-
. _..Vthisym_atter of the inteUU'gence
operations of our Government, and on
th at ad hoc committe serve some of the
-. nest Members of this body. I know
what gocd men they are. 1 am confident
that they are as concerned about the
'.% of this country inside and out-
ide as any Of us. I .find them phiio-
7: ices g the kind of Senators who
would be able to cross-examine an one.
And -.._ e 1 can_ not help but agree with
the Senator from Iowa that one of our
e,at t. -eats is from ,ithhn. particularly
.irons the moral erosion that is taking
_c, in our society, not only now but
c,-ir the yea- I do not underestimate
time t.ear from without.
r : :.=ore, good intelligence permits
:.a r0 ::o a Geiser 100 m cons Of our
secu7lt7 ex -_ndi:ur-_s and
op- not necessarily increasing them
esi ent 11. ow that ti.
iith. it the
i3 a 1. ,cuit tai e to discuss chat because
of the events of recent months, bat I
C10 say to you, _4ir. P_-esident, ti-_t. we
have a man i; that hi-,a ofce, the
President of the United St2.=e3, who has
the prime responsibility for these re-
r,u_recien.,s of intelligence and. national
security and if we do not have the-rig:ht
men there; then it our fault, bec'ause'. we
elected him.
we cam. : establish all kinds of s,sber s,
elections, and campaigr: reform, and. say
that we do a better job, but I happen to -
believe t tat, we should proceed with
treat caution when it comes to this busi-
ne of, really, opec irk up and exposing,
be cause I think of what would be the
ine~ritabie result of our intelligence op-
Mr. President, I regret to have to say
this, because i would like very much
from my own political point of view to
say to the contrary, but from the point of
of my conscience, I speak as did the
Senator front Iowa. Is it not a wonderful
thing In this body that two OF us can be-
lieve so differently and can be as sincere
in our point of view?
I a e3.tly respect the Senator from
lo-,7a, and if his point of view prevails,
I thins it .v ll prevail in large measure,
because of four great respect for him.
',Ir. T J S. I than the distin-
ished Senator from innasota. is am
ready, willing, and 1 hope able to join
him, and 1 hope the chairman of all of
the com nittees, to find out what they
are doing. his ;would be ? the appropriate
moment, the time, and the- day to find
,sub.. Let us na instead of an ad
:IOC oversight or 3 minimum oversight,
tha'4 there is some. sort of bearing and
adequate responsibility on that oversight
and in carrying it out. Although ne do
not have enough time, I agree that an
occasional session here is useful so that,
the youngest and the newest Members
can get available information in relation
to- these acti7ities SO that they- would
k .mow something about tl?hem.. -
again, I say that th.s is no risk com-
pared to the risk of darkness. A little bit
of light at this L omeat might help us
all the y ears to fo11o;a.
Mr.VPRO72.1 ?E. I want to command
the. distinguished Senator from Iowa
!tilt. Ro 3ESi. He has hit the target
e-xacly on chic issue. The greatest. danger
we -face is from within, I agree. We have
seen what has happened to the intelli-
gence community. But I want to tell tha
Senator from lows that I tried to get the
most practical and 1:. sting amendment
.1T. zs:o, GL
a_ T 'anti CoU-c. Their
port recommended this procedure. That
is all. It cer'tainl does n urn go So `Sr roits
b r a a ?ng it dow a,-' to --. at the CIA and
t '-a DLk spend. The leaders concicc ed
that if we get taL, overall ' nforl ation,
-;will be in a bunter posit'_On to dis-
ciiarge our duties and responsibi'.ities to
the people_ _
Mr. President, I riser 2a the rer r_der
of my time and I s ieid t'he floor.
i.Ir. ST TS. ?:_ President, X yield
3 minutes to the Senator from
The (S.1r.1`.IcCL LL ec). -
PR.ESM2T0 O..PCE.? (,rr. ` S-
eL*_.). The San ator from Ar'kensas is
recognised far 3 minutes.
Mr. McCT ?-'.N. Mr. 2Tesiderit, I am
reluctant to speak or, this issue, because,
of the position I cccupy as chairman of
tila Appropria.tior-s Subcommirtee on =a-
tali genre Ope- ations. By reason of that
position as chair- art of that subcomn-.:lit-
tea T ve ti?e dut;r o oversight over 'the
CIEI am reluctant to speak on these mat-
ters because---I d oo not relish nor do I
cherish nor do I take pride in, t h-2 fact-
t 1_i.t I may is e acces to information
teat I cannot share with my colleagues.
I would wish it were 7r.^.:.-Chi. I -':is^ it
w?r? a this' to dc-,to t.o ~f._ .li_c?os
v Iarcp _ e
every bit O: qF ;F r- on that I have ?=n
able to obtain From. '7e to time r e sec
ng the acti' ti'_ of the GLA, what it d:3 es,
its methods of proc.: _ it ion' tot:on,
how it spends its 1 J e -:sd the esiura
that it achieves. I would prefer to do
that. The subcommittees IViho ha-';a t_.P.a
'espor ibility are ad hcc conun:..tcees
the Appropriations Commit ee :n_d t--.
Armed Services Committee c:-bot`l the
Senate and House. We are _ n> = Li-
ties of the Senate, of the Congress, and
so created ?were we are serving as your
agent, as your toCl, to ac ve the super-
vision that is pc'sahate and necess-er. We
are charged with the responsibility ta see
that this work, is earned on, and t j rec-
ommend the proper approprcations
the r -0r.
?2 rnambers on them. Tan are Item t e
Senate are from the pprap a tions
Co :;mittee a: d ii ire .. the
Services Committee, who are pri-,- to this
MI. armation that is ;Y1'.r_h -eld for security
reasons from. the public, The committee
r embers are:
- - - 3Zlip, but r?.4
and hear-,-' in the e h>?,. "'----'.,,a . _, ., ,-......,.
__. _ .
preservim our 1'::r, Y.itV1S:;vl! ~i:. I Sad
the acted lr
to have a security intelligence a + to t' L>
ge_ cY, we national SIcuxity. A sect' tY '`trn t will be from Arkansas that I ;v.;0innn.,rt2t :y
ca:u_;J have it with national publicity euecti-re and can be user,-' and can Set^-e agree that lire Senator is
OIL ^--t it does, now it does it, and how to protect t e welfare of our country. to come and asp for the Sahara's dec sign.
sr-ands hare, or how much it Ihave tomake that choice. on this.
S J l th re. l.rr. PROX II-R i~r,^. President, will As I understand the Scnatoe-t re-
I intrigued by the state2mant of the Senator yield? sponge, at one time he r
t""? Senator from Wisconsin when he ZIr. 1dcCLS N. I wiL will ,.: t Seen t that he
Yield. hu ~. first could release ,.s if the Senate ~-ould
Said. "Let its end this ignorance." I should like to made one other coal- approve; but he' has had second thoughts
All right. 'How much is ignorance? meat.
on it, and now Ile f?eIs 1:1,_,,.,t itr--g?;c not
['S;, L-a tot- I! O1L'lt. 1O'll want t0 I then I can gg,o t1Us far. or tie pat je e 4P_eu re- g,,; Of the cog "r, to dis-
end, th u"t gnorance? 'E,.aat is when you 5 ;years, we have held ?steaslva hearings close this iriOraiat Matioa at the present
i ..arid"to put the easel's nose -under -der te e on these requests for appropriation;. It time.
ter F m`_? t "'he h: ben m than ?..??
i'a '2ou'rig. SP_t is .fa te is -' more e-quat2 :JU_^v el '.i3ivr: ivi2'. ivicl.:LL'liLA.1'tii_ ~.ln Pr ?S"d:`r3t. .,iF;
v;ed7e You say you do not wart to know "with respect to expenditures; I can say the Senator yield?
all t-e detail; on how the -money is spent. that. It has been on the .conservative l r. PROMlM ,. I yield.
7-3 !?, if you get tie ovarali t'y res of $1 side, I may say to the Senator, without Mr. M, IcCLLLLL?_,;_NL We had 21r. Colby
mill:-- or half a billion dollars or $5 bil- any reservation whatever. in and discussed thi3 matter. i as
Iic =, of whatever, then how are you going The PRESIDPiC OFFICER. The Sea- Colby to come down, and I asked the
to t-no;v, Iiow can you et'ahtate, how can ator'a add!L10Aal time 1121 exoued. SeP_atOT?rOri y a couSLI? d the j?i a o
t iga
you or name an intelligent jud,- g- l:Ir. S L- ~iNIS..I yield the Senator 1 from California ?o come in and . :1 i at,er that is too oo additional minu.e. d *2t?rro-
il"i, in, 8:tomMuchiced TQr.viZ too a IcCLELL,,~'V. We n?,,;, the national a e rim and v sit ere h=n2 about' p these
ar > it is be ngs. 'S have dar-a ver?c in'y I
, of j
ce zrse budget. We cut this more per- Ca to '-ob
Y OZ' tt!'1+isel j, except when yell Car ~;et rr to try o f-i answ?r to tr_is pro-
tii C. :J S? centa,-P5ise, 1cm. But I do not know the ans- er. We
t cannot a tno~T. Arid If you -:? uuo?.ie cn'.12 simply be stated Dove either have to co it or n..Oi. do it.
receive t' ese f'g'ires and if you end this to pub:icy r _r PRO=-11-12.
Ci!3C:JS? nee iigi.tres'? DT I ~? tL
S Or
~t i. a n .. .. ..L tns Senator.
3:= i a CO the total amount, next, - 'aI, to some OF.??r Ch, ange, son. e l'L. relCa
ic: __. I should. Ii@ to ~a~e
Ou a. zlt to end the ignorance ?a other CCLtL'^.i:te? to j to p?rf02'.71 these ore ot:ler.S aertlent.
to I ent agencies and how ' it is _F?- CCio-u' I -.^.521 ivy'-1-.!7~ `0 a''Jide by tie '1.e
Senator f_ 13.rS3.aa'>
C.'t '.'t.;;a
+ deca'a- of he senate
d tir-
h h
. .
.e.:. Lt , vtIr 0it IS S_
e.qG. ?at''. PR r ued, as co O% her 9an2.tO r5, ?'1:O.t the Te
want to end the 1~?lO a" t 1,Yr PLe
O c de!'?G, Swill lease of this 1nfOI-;!a.ticL~. the O':er i'
.;t1 i is stem 0r. 1}e xt, you want the Senator end on T'1~ z,i%;e? total i21IOr'na art SS
at ~"c C' 'L:L N. ; y.?id. ~'Jin O b? OL L0
J en c. $'.IOTO.CCL' Of how %h dntel- ItiI _ v?iue to the So '>t no
pro a-ed. There is no e. PROM11RE. I yi=.:ysel min-
1`. c end to S. ."m
l vV v a i a -~ t~ I.ttes, Vi'a' President, to .'i< the distin- " b a-i t7 LS. Thar d02S?lOax rig?-'-nySZ i;8
e Cr,,0C... If y~,"u vQte the r a' :' t all oread. It nla- or r..ay -no be OF 'w-av. th~e Senate taffies the responsibility ^e S?^'3 Or ~rOm L' ai a. a +xues- value to the Soviet Urlon_ '1^sly4 I
It (s .`'J embarrass embarrassment to me or to any thin i it will be of :one. '?here is no way D`:ie- member of this cOn2fi_.ii.tee. 11 tills Or o ~'ber 15, the r0.3JOrl1,y ar_Ci the Soviet Uri.'.on c+ nF -'a
}, 'r n,' Fhn Conte "a" - + mi o'
i-u ,r lenders wrote the a2rtatOr from. +i ,tesNrha -weC:. are
z to do it, Lhat v..w O'ver9di i'3 dT8 i22CiC t28 carat -we $ e
nr-?? aI'Sa .,.gas, askin `that ^e r >eaSe all Over- acing Cvitrin au- 1tellige_nce co_^_.[^i' c'e.
TA 3 ?'adion l S?CLI1Lv Of this coup y a:-' unt'c'iiige:ice `Lrort*atio.., of he amd
r + Sup -Q58 we dy rBaSe the am-ounh we are
a1 o s ;"_e Senate's restJo-,ib'hty. if thd.i spans,a or itoen dististi a
l ; u shed Se uished et The re- Speadmg TC!at r ayLrl?8mu tOi C at?1
spor ?ator frocl
" the S~,n'ate watts to do it TTe: f u ale's are n?ore eeiecti Ter That ma' me
~,:i?Ll _A.r.> Alas, or, 21ove ?Q
r as
l"1 let e Sa] this: By e:'_d"?g the hmva pour r !V i? i7 e_ ' , is follows: 7,e-!aye found methods 'hat are more
igz?omnce that the Sezmtor spec'
e- or g C? 4L2A
i J-mbar I5 and is Oi, v. nt you to know tba;, I ?grand co comand eff~Ciant in gat ter 4 L1i2li ~BII
i t LC ^. ~ c urStl?C 10g'c 11 r to the p0111G ir}lig Se-poS3lb!a.:et5^_ `ha sromLl2ad~.'.ca retyi g on 2 _e-lpower. If -, e mo-ease
Lh'? + ;>ill nCt [.)E -the end of it. It TTT.dl C1 the S'IIaCe Selec; Corr n,:`te- on Sec-c a'- ouris weare S_^ncnth!2o. It 1'*.?y' TM;~2r+^Z rho
go on fr-sm here. and Con deatial Decumaam ro provtde the reierse~ It may not mean that we are
'''morcace" is a harsh word. We have Sen_ata :;11th the over-all "'
k ? r=e- requestad or II a r_g 3 greater i lt2? ii GC@ e "iOrL
O O:~ltlt of many things in Got/- eat: of ttlo Vinous thtetiigeace What na t of neat 12; going "n t0 Z + i ?IlCla3,
t at this does is to c~_lart the Senate
That was the intention of the Senator OE tile- U2lited :States---it a e"t =bretr?bem
fc c nn in area of national securit
Y' -corn Arkansas? is his intan i0n tale same of Cei;~I'45$-'? that t^.?Y : ?.^~ tLL'.... C3-I
we cannot be In o i, el at all times about now, or has he changed m.,, mir!d? get the iriermat ion th VS1l i -
?7 OL.d naT? if
eic'r;y t.L^., that is S01?':g on. We OL'`en L`S- .'1` they feel has a dispr3oo "'glare _2.+"^,.Ount
nor- gear enemies of too much-and the' ;; my inten.ior
they and it would be my Lntention now, to is heir= devoted to tlla ine li eric corm-
I-L 7- a page Of lt. release those lures if it would. not Mur-it --as to whether they ia'1 it is too
If 't timm going to end all their alleged - jeopardize- our national secLtrit,;. I do mucia or too little.
lg':;-ma~, e. you are ?olrg to end natior_al. not it, Mold
%'1^ t0 -,v them. I v cul 1 As the !-'t+
d ~P per Irey''4
S'_'Iater'"%C~ SCO'^C
do we stop? If you do not to g' e the Senator -,e ! n
;i tat ^> 11i-10T. and Senator ~:T.1)r5?nLn OOL^.t2d out, t
a.'_5:_i d Iwo co mitt re es, do Y r,.? r t Fe Bet, t- !s is riot my responsibility. T_ a-q purpose of t'is is to ina.n''In the re0?
D ~_ a0..ia not r e C,, I SvoL d rave no ri-ht essary support or OLu_ 1nt?llig@L!C? QOera-.
lta-i s_!: ~, ertd: Create another cormnit- to come here and spread t ese natters tio.:s. not to tear them doY!'t. Not to
r _s ! :.C you will ive confidence. on the floor o' the Se ,ate wiLCOttt the diminish out e for , but 3,-) .bat, we can,
com -r itbbee; name the 8.'J p'-o v'i r' the rn-n -?, t-t _ ai; is- ce ii, and t.tu So ly n i?....
r) !7 ) 7yv~~3 to ove x ee PPO" 'TT iE, Tie iieru,ioris abso- gently. 1r:.32: 3..';+Z L_:c.Ls
The Iu`el.y '-}>-,
_ ,e . _ !? C One -Noce Point. VIth a1' the d:.'gyn.
_ . 1L would Fe y . g s`
rtes pled nge .,~IS dis-
no b we have 'r,ea:d-and s Caai e !' -
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700030038-5 -
; toc~
vi :;''._.ihed his i z=_-n, n o have yet to b* ie'!n',s by the CIA to out. full 'lill '?r". today i not pce13 ,,. ...4eI
~c o for to the a 4 - corn e by the CL ? I rags _^,o o- d L -~Y
..__.._ con 1a1 ! 4~ase 6LO2/$Z:- CIA-R, RD EJ DOD3t O38 Si. i c'.o .._ an~
zf. or Im O /J_' t _.._ ale 01
[?~~'.~ ; damage :s going to be clone to the
ice l aces of _JMeriCa. How is fits in-
t . a-; o: going io e used against us? I
-4-, e he--d nothing on that score. I have
[1-'i: "t ere:auza~lons as to what M17 ;,t
1:.poan It we were to release infor^l1-
'i nc called for by ties amendment.
Thutt does nos make any sense. Because
w~i grovicie the overall total figure for in-
teb a ice does not mean we are going to
tel aa'itlag about the CIA.
Ly is that if this Limanrment is
vv_ong. e burden of proof certainly is on
those vino would say it is wrong; because
w'!at we are oolr:g is simply providing
the taxpayer what they are entitled to
information on where their money
goes. I cue are not going to disclose this,
the burden of proof certainly should be
on the side of those who say we should
insist on secrecy and not provide dis-
So I say that :hoof has been c g
and I see no examples at all of any dam-
age this could do.
Mn President, I reserve the remainder
o my ,i ..e_ S._ENNIS. 'ldr. President, how
much ism e remains in opposition to the
The -t%SIDL'TG OF ?CEzt. The op-
_Q - ,3 45 rein tes
rem..n..l.,~in .
x 1r. S:1 E; l IS. Mr. President, I yield
rn vueif it) minutes.
The PPSSIiNG Or CEP. The Sen-
ator from :NIisissippi is recognized.
Mr. SrN uIS. Mr. President, I have
said in -thls Chamber before and I repeat
no c:gat i.. is not fun being on this cone.
-.. tee that looks into the moray that
oes ..'o intelligence. I say that alter
years of service or., -the Committee on
ArmedSer-aces and the last 5 years as
c: i.-man of that committee.
Tnls idea of not having had any sur-
vetilance and Congress having failed to
go into ? those statements are just un-
f because they are made on facts
bean told to some Senators that
are not correct.
I do not lika-to go into this matter but
in the forTa ti.? days men like former
Scant or Pn.ssell of. Geo~'gta, former Sen-
ator _.ende; of Louisiana, and former
Senator Smith of Maine were :Members
of this body, and they were some of the
pa:scaa_icias invoired. I have served with
them. as has the Senator from NNomh
Dakota (:,fir. YOUNG), who is still serving.
"Lisa the Senator from Artansas (Mr.
3ICC:-r.LLAiil is here. He already has
Jac:tea. -
It is a mistake to say that the Com-
izt2? on grimed Services in the year
19TH--71 held no meetings on this mat-
ter. Ever item in the CIA bud get in
those years was gone over by members
of the committee and the capable staff
membeers, and. checked in and checked
I re,membe; that in January of 1973
ban a full briefing before the full
committ. e by the CIA, and the budget
ha?i had meetings thij year, in 1974,
'ha", re.., over the budget; and we had
,one into because of the special __i ite
ar_dvbecause we had this e:nraorrr~nary
resco.nsibilicy. _ remember askm Deo-
ucy Secretfry of Defense Packard ~'ihen
he was hero 3 -ears ago to loo:: in'.-l' MIS
Matter from ills viewpoint, an ?d 1,-,e did
Now, we are talking about a good mazy
di. erent groups that are con ^_ected with
the intelligence e;fort. The Senator from
Wisconsin asked for something specific.
To star with, the Soviets kndw almost
ever;; t-Ying about ever; thing we are
doing by merely going to the bookstore
or to the newsstand. They get all of that
laid out before them, almost eveiyything;
and we getnoth!^g. Wo do not km ow any-
tbi:ng much about what they are doing.
That is what makes it necessary for us to
have-such a vast intelligence-gathering
activity which is worldwide. We have to
ca-Ty a greet deal of the load, t'r_e major-
ity of the load for the free world. I an'
talking about the money load. But we do
not have anything to start ;with. The
Soviets have everything, almost.
If they are given this new information
then certain deductions could be made
abouthow much of the budget is going
for Lthese dc:aerent activities and the first
things we know calculations are made
and they come natty close to be,Mg a-
rec t as to ?ow much is spent by the mili-
tary, how much is spent in the civilian
area how much is spent or satellites, and
how much is spent by the CIA itself and
where.- 4ollo^ng a series of deductions
and inferences based o all the informa-
tion they a ready have from us, from t
newspapers, and frcm the newsstands,
they Will be able to make fairly goon, cal-
c ul atio..:s.
Specifically I ~,vish to point out one
matter. Senators rep ember the in dent
of the 1,7-2 having been shot do~Sn, Re-
m ember that landing that was reade..:TTe
later had that gentleman before our
Comsmittee. President Eisen over was
arC.Si.a a
V25a'. 4aa~:t. 3lG solo: .-
I ara to b:arca if any blame is to be
'iha *U-3 venture saved our Treasury
billions, and billions of dollars, in my
judgment, and 1 am familiar witl'i the
facts. If we had not been carrying on
an activity such as that we would have
been totally in the dark r,-ich respect to
what we knew about thee extensive missile
work, the silos that they had, end a great
many, other things that could be named.
There is a specific illustration.
Some i:i.'S_^,t say, "Co on and de",elop
what is happer_iig' now." I cannot do
that; I cannot goon. That is one of the
th in--s that can be brought out. i have
talked to Senators in the clogoom and
largely have satisfied them with ra:spect
to the matters we have talked about,
with respect to-these Programs, and. this
money, and how we ho'.d back the actual
dollar amounts for reasons I have already
given, and other reasons that could be
liven, I know this has teen a good debate
was so certain no ziligle speaker was
speaking for any agency. -
phone call, meeting: or any thing ese.
Those of us who bey in, touch , ith
the problem have a feel_'ng about it. As
the Senator from ..r.:azsas said., we are
nog, speaking for a comm ttee, or a do-
partmenc, - director, an employee, or
anything else. This is a problem concern-
. " our national security that has
jammed its right, to the cuestio.a of na-
tional sur,rival. That is why we stand
here year after 7ear star ding firm on
this position. it ray sound a7clogetie,
but it is not apologetic. It goes as far
as it can to explain LO the merabersiiip
and to the American. people the problem
we are up against, and how this problem
is handled; and, as muc as we can, the,
reason for h3 n t'ng it. that way---at the
same time showing the proper respect
for every. Member oft s body rant' for
the taxpayer who, as .much
as one thin dime to the cause involved.
Now, what about the CL-k itsself. The
Senator from 7i-,co.-sin has c dered ? a
valuable amendment ;pith. respect to the
basic CIA Law, and it has been accepted.
I commend ,-in highly far t _e amend-
ment. We ha di bIT I had. L -.":,c introduced in
my com ittee. V,,-- have not e t had a
chance to have hearings on that till-
There are some of its provisions that I
am delighted to see added as a part of
th s bill. They are relevant and v'i i be
For n any years +', along wt:h ocher
Senators, have gone over ever; singly
major item ire he'CI3 bud et. -
reS _,?,
_ pen::ib ~`-y y eries,
On my to my - le-gnu
they in CL' keep a. clean hot-,se. ley
have had a conservative operation dolar-
rvise and lave accounted =Jr the money
in, a splendid way. That 'cos been crue
without esc.eci.ioa. fare has en no
great. spillage of money or e'at e: r ara-
g:.nces, and not one bit, of scandal or
odor of any `kind.
The PRP.SD G 0=-=;--R. " he Sen-
ator's 10 m nutes have-e_xpirred. --
Mr. i y eld. :TSeli. t1- =ore
minutes. - -
In connection wit .tie expenditure of
that intelligence money. There are other
agencies involved. as a-11
k.ow. ? Ze
military services have already been men-
tioned. 7, ae Defense itself
has a certainmtelligence agienc-y at-
tac:red to it. - -
S..o when I say these ma-tt..e_ x have been
gone over, Imean all of it, but. our Armed
Services Committee is the so-caked par-
ent committee of this direct CIA money:
I am not hers to praise anyone. T_
tell you, `.Ir. President, that r:oneywise
for ;fears and years the CL-'. has been
conservatively- operated and has had a
firm hand and a clean house and a clean
record with reference two the handling of
the ta_c?ayers money.
I hone that in a moment of frus -
tion-anrl I do not blame any Senator
for being frustrated about :-h:s--this s7s-
tem is not overturned here o^_ tlner floor
of the Senate on an amendment
.. .... > .~.: -uu _.. t.. ~_-:.y Won..
.vould, as its practical a-nct. virt';.aiyy
destroy 80 to 90 percent of the _.'ie 7e-
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000700030038-5 -
r U_' prg vf~1yFCor Re~feae~0f@/t2v=DP~{38F00t~30~~=3
T:.. .. ._. .,~',s 1h-l1-J' ]l: ?(w. i+._.. 1?~ l'::LJ L!~'?`:J$2::/ f ~. r...., . :Lf
Ji,`[-::Z ~'i 'Zu ,'. ~L.. a 4` -?
1 C :._{= Li:.. !7,"7CF'ia `.7,''",3 the) ~J~e.I^7p:J '1
Bureau T J C' D 0 ti Brv!g';t 2^d. tj_ld 41.:
~': c r rd n ar :lions, ;;a:; it^,;,- th
tna am ,:r_t sec' i s- It T;. is ,;as 2'- i r.y .i in co=action
: and _'1 ., u 'tn 0 the Cou~._._a_dar -'a C% Of t[
.. xv
_ u .; Pr ,, . ,...ncc. __ `ralea Hbr_as of t:ia vnlt d.
a isora
tools, , blueprint, to zaclor. and appropriation o: hinds. II! n a rni)ar of tail subcainm,raa ^: /B ^Ila
..._~ _ .. -7oLiid
2, r JC our actiViz. es that have ;11- Public revelation Cl irl,ese ?, ..-~.-.,s :' " regard and in :host ta._,
to be 80 vai'.i~3Jie and are alert potential adversaries Lo programs, that' 'r.a,e ut*__ostVconnenca.
)?'~ :^.:3217eS more vain ble, in a needs, aid:7-, it :.1'1e% ~ T`i.a R2e art `a17 .a
JCO['1'J_ .3. Tb_ 3 On is
CO _.
ao I tihe Senate win not only de- interest to offset the value of ap0:OOrlation IOr s:ich pt lO 3, and
Iv: .....i3 ~.:nandmet i71,it, G/i.a all dub CCilecccl or to I1CLltra,'ii 'ina Sil and Bs,7eCt;tt1 the *iiurg Of le ona ar_ COOrnmtt ti to
cie ~ **} to 'i'1 friend, ' e t1.-CeS a.r,_u :i'' Svc . FO t. .o use andt h :,
?re y c,o so by a large met gds used. r
l i ztio arrar_dng the xpeaditu e and
ote- ?_! be glad to be. 1?eueved of my The 1943 CIS. Act permits `.2e alloca- a!! detals coarecr~, ;.rtta the {ta= at rile
'?2.5p':!'_sibiii~i"c`S in this field if the Senate Lion of SLL: s for the CI-'? to carry out ttme it was uiccler consl0_?rat3Oa On the toor.
P1' ne-s IO at opt a new system. 1t3 activities without publicly revealing The answer of the subcOCmittaa Is-ab-
!yield to tee Senator from South Caro- the secret purpose to which such foods solu`e and unaTOidabta rnuitar; nece ity.
INnd aaeatal nattoo.?'al defense.
line,. may be put.
!`Mir. President, how many minutes do _`.[r. President, I ask unanimous con-
We have lest? sect that section 6 of that act be printed T =s approprtation, and its ou-josr.. is }t-
,s-The PRESUENG Or ICER. The at this point in my tined by honored and estaa;!shed preced3nt.
,{ r 7 1 This subco m- 11itt2a, Ynaluding the sa=d Per-
Senator has ,.l) minutes _eit. There being no oo ection, the section coanel with the asceotioa of two members
2.L^. ST7N'-u .S. I yield 12 minutes to the was ordered to be printed in `.he-Pzcoao, tvho have since died, ,vas t he ..sme c n-t-
e^ :car tiro l South Carolina. as follows: tom.. which for something Lss 0 years pr
Mr. "1 ,72-MOND. Mr. President, I rise Sac. 6. in the laterests of the security of vided in the annual appropri3tloa buts a u .
in opposition to the amendment by the tea foreign inteUigence acti74tss of tea which finally totaled more than 72 Wilton.
senior Senator from 4iisconsin. Tune pro- United States and in order further :o imple- for tulle ortgInal atomic bomb. 5sssioa after
posal has the lure of s'.L?iol.ici ty, but con- lent the proviso of section -031d) (3) of session the mone7 was orO ;triad, and uha sub.:
this title that the Director of Cearrai Intel- COmmittee visited Oa!c Ridge whar4 wortz
Se~I uc !CC til3t ruZl deep, and against our 1; ace shall be responsible for protecting progress withou, any ~,fambar of the
tai-. 3 0 l' till' ,)-omise of Llndamental interests.
the It Con public - 1z cit!geace .,our'-es and c1'tCCd3 'r0_2 tta- B0l e vita the eSCaptiOn of the Shea;e-
authorized disclosure, the -Aga=7 shall be Of. the Ho-_-p being aware Of ibis rrema=dotxs
-white r,-, esel tong the essenflal SeCLlrity 0 E ezampted ironi the provisions of section 654 project or the espeadtttirts of the r_oney. sc.
Du; orei: n intelligence capabiLities. In of Tina 5, and till p-oviaioa; of spy other cording to the testimony Of all rnill'a:y ati-.
fact, believe it, would same ooth inter- law :vaic'n requiza the publication or cis- tY oritias that boa, !a eadad the vur and sated
e3 C3 JOOri:j,
cioourL, of the organization, fti nctlons, names, the lives of not less than bill.; a million men
A CO 3 ` u'- t in oed Of sovereign o:"_'ciat titles, salarss, or numters a,' her- who would {id n:.s be a
had to b_ sacridceti. to the
the n
sonnet empoy=d by the 3ganc- Ocidad, conquest o: Japan. Pro one,
e g 3?!J would.
-'as partic Marry important The plane on an espionage msislon a.,SLLre that these congressional r?._,r`'-y'~C.i
`t 0 of vie? of Congress S'_ZCe authorized and supported by i. O_e; pro7:ded? 1 ry
it _ .. _S the secor. "i ). t e two L7rtr~- under an aporoortatton recommended by t.ha S-b'.I ;_e3 re i7 P.`
_3o f ties C;,? t.2? he CIA
or>~I'atan on the cti,iti
cioat relationships between an executive 1-louse Corlnxittee on Apsropr.1,IOO.. and
rho should not be displayed ir- a public aranal
7 o Cori p~:aser! b) Corgess. ~
- ncn oy and tae giesS--lejis- To do so t ocdd defeat. our ~.. "or_af
r1lFhoug;i the `,te nba s of h .riousa h173
-i O 1.^. on ao a Tons _tZrJSi,. ..
n0k 2euara117 been laformAd on .h ubiec
sr tG vl.C 1?i:i ) to tlrlir u0 lIi - n
1 the mt,i!oa w:is one pt cl a { 3rd p3 t o l.i'. YreS 4 1,, 3 s n:)iy 'YL: to arty
t ^ . r Ito Z slat of ac-
t17ities that, -we are ti ing ruo continue to
keep this country informed of for the
benefit of the _aeople who- reside here.
I hope that the Senate will d_ri t this
amendment o ver; heimin gly.
I thank the distinguished Senator far
ST NNIS. President, :C yield 4
'in,utes to --he- Senator from Ss!?.s^irg-
ton. -
Mr. JAC XSOI'1. ^.;L-. President, I 3o Mot
feel that this proposal really meets our
national interest. It is true that 3 for-
eim intelligence S rLice l k t o CLk
must operate more coeiziy in our sd,,cle s
tea^n any other similar service In. any
other democracy it e rcrid L: usloa
at the facts:
Last year the new Director of Central
T..ntel igence Wil iam Colby, y_cd:are{i
before the Senate A_rmed'Servl _ Cot
mitc?e and Rave e-stenstve testimony in.
publie..I 1mow of no other democrat-: .
society in which this would occur.
It has been mentioned here ea.she:y. LL-.
:?resident, that the heal of ;,i~-tt, which
is Pr'tith -I *telli~ nee is hno cult' to
the Prime Minister of Great Priicai .
That is 'ow' close they keep that :.-
forma hon.. _ - .
The functions and resporsibil ties of
the Central Intelligence age icy are fully
prescribe: in statute. I ow of no othe.
dem..ocra.tic societyy i=* T.ri ^,?ch, this nuts been
Finally, toe ^ upr0 prins for. C1.1 a= e
subject to a process which intimately in-
Tioives four Committees of the Congress
who are a rare- of and an prove the de-
tails of its prog-zaams.
The proposal +o-e:ere us Is desired to
contribute to- a more informed public.
But how can the public be rea'dy' in-
top secret. Any Senator can get the rg- forr^ed. unless the detain of CI'E's pr-,~--
ires that we are taliciu, about Cy ask= a ay - -are all. lle out? Yet, if e-0-id
big for them. If we inn:te ti- em piioIic so, I can guarantee that we w?1_ ;.c pro--
P.:ent. - un7 :hate. du:'i ..g,+ t:! Con' ' of I do 'not ~na..nt to n',?, tna the ., a.'ly yn...ilc"'r. rt th.` so_ .5' ^~
f ec..e in "taC reC e^" W e
cc ' 't:,-' ' on c!s nom-.' atton to be :"ec- no-,e ' , . O. . O . Sze '.V'-1 slay no journaiI L :Pere j . e c d r S ec'n- Ce--
wta . ' ieae, Dr. Schl.,singpr did to this very iiI-arir;ed amcn_drnenw. t,,-L-17 :io4 .. vile scC;ety-fo_ -e=els
bu th,a Senator i+ir. S.i''3. M,. rest den b, I yield 3 mentioning ,, at Sweden hots an i.~lteiii-
^a c r_ in pp% a V' dr'Rdf4a464Mt~71 erC `-R6P 7~5 3 80ROQ0` 0'(~1D b0 38-5
I tr ns we are aster, :or rot-ate: Vi ding What Lnace. .?g forour potential
We have had Imposed on us an al. t adversaries to neu:3i .e the- methods
impossible tas'.k of espionage with respect whiC we must ue in order to obtain
to the Sot et Union, while t.ey, nave a_ into 2n L ion au~ closed sccieties.
very easy time of It in tra United Stilts I e p~3adox of the situation is re-
r'O.N^. 1, SS1ONAL. I~U_ 1, 'T
rJ.Kiproro' R~seUOlf6 2/1A7 7P7530038f#04STQbQO($=5 d
- e 221 led ..;_e ?ai a c oerween z ns Lire UC i.i,s, all, nfl
Ct,1S U e.
C^;'^ sOc " r': LL:S`_.F the quite c i" as ~?,ir? -SIR o ' 111.- .. back r?-
`' ?t ' ._et Foreign LSlaage,lce 11, t __ed Out, 15 t0 '10w t ;.,.,, ~? ::
-F A
r~ r -~i-?,e't i{O'13 (10. Or ire a-J 3C~ i ;1;3%c-' 1'reeng+to uc~.,~.:.lie ? (,t a. 135.4)
-. .. ? ter.. o,..,,.......", T +........ ,_ _..___
me 'Mir I am o_lad to yield a rain- public-knowi_ng e r ch..1ng pois'ble, but y On this gsesti_011, the -' eas and nays
u: to '' e Senator _-om Viri rgi^ta. I ti ak there are some tom:.. ;_g3 that i ;oulci have been ordered, and the tier:: ,71i1
L. SCOTT. Mr. P_resi- be ! .ept secret for our own security. Call
J. the roll.
dent, ,rapt to join ;~ ~h my col- I.Tr. ST - NIS. That is a fine state- The assistant legislative Ct Ted
Ica es on the rimed Ser/ices Commit- meat, ~_o r~ C
tee in this amenrement. We are r. PRO ,Z.,'' ,. . ??iI.r. Pre:,.dG__ent file roll.
all ~, since .?r. ROBERT C. BYRD. I announce
._u proud of the open society of ~v,_'?ch we. this is my amendnent, I prefer that the
that e the Senator from California (Mr.
are a part, but there is a time w ell wa opposition make what- ever statements C aNSTwr), the Senator from Arkansas
must keep some of our intelligence se- they want to make. I i tend to speak only (~. . Pi Lsmcnr); the Senator from
and I 'Sq;ouid urge my colleaguu:.e3 in another minute or so, and then I she L _1Mdia_n5, f1;_ir T-7~q?crol tho senator from
the interest of tte country, to defeat this yield bac1c the remainder of my time, Kentucky (Mr. Eusoinsrot ), the Sen-
amendme_n_t. w."lichis 5~i minnutes. ator from Hawaii (Sir._ L^rot ), the
`-.hePRESIDG - O_ F'ICER. 4Vho Mr. STENNIIS_ f fr. President, if the Senator from -Massachusetts (Mr. as-
yields time? Senator will conclude in 1 minute. I will N)y), the Senator from Utah
~L^. President, how Yield back the rest of r t me right Tao v, floss), the Senator from Alabama, (ANC---
c"= ti_ri:e does the opposition have and that will. conclude true debate. - S2.ui.,,i+lY), and the Senator from
remainin ? _ m ght have miiisurderstood Mr..PRO- =E_ M . President, wig fonda .TLY,VtY) are necessarily
tihe C^n all deference to ly colleaggues, I think absent.
T hie PP.c:SrDI 'r O_ CER. jne op- this amendment has been very ba ly mL3- r also an ounce that the Se naor from
position has 9 =nutes. The proponents ate prated. It would not gi~,-e a;way any Mi;sou-i (P.?Ir. Ss s nobly) is absent be-
ha'.e 51. secrets or expose any of the secret work-- cause of illness.
STIll' 4IS. Mr. President; I yield ings of the CIA. Al it ,would do is provide Mr. GRiFF'IN. I an-ounce that the
3 minutes o the Senator from North. one overa.ll figure, of what ou_r i ;telli- - Senator from Okl:alloma (St;. BILL XON)
Daxc`a_ - . . gence operations in total cost. and the Senator from Oregon t`+Ir.
Mr. YO'TNG.:%1r. President, I rise to There lees been not one example dur- Pncl{woon) are necessarily absent.
oppose the amendment. i g the debate of how this iiglare could The result was announced-yeas 3.3,
I see . o objection to every Member of do us any damage; not one. -r.-'ow it would nays 55, as follows:
ate know.,ng exactly how much help the Russians is beyond me. I_ they
the Sen No. 22x 2, g
mo-., t, eJ J ^e-1 fOr intelligence, and San.- liiq'-:ire 2i t t .o -what the ~'Ure r~cazis,. oCl- I ~
ato: s can get tha YEAS- Sv
information tats ii v ously they gel no ars;cer. Fsut ldem-
t' rr. Rep Bkerwa( Eatfleid
1~a,, wart it can at ce r~?-de pabiic ba_s of the Senate ar e xT_oi',`e of islus3la"
..-' Baaser Fatha:vay ` eu,on
t Jl.g'.. iLS O e who l?_C ;gr/ed for resentstirieS, Ori t e basil O. ti' 3 I1aw e, 3a%h Hughes Pell
lava ^?_ars cn this live-member Stub- could in Cure ii t he total is i_ncre'asing or Cam J.vtt3 - - Pror~ire
co-mm tee On nt"'lLgar ce de v "1et2_-T ' er Church __ragn.usoa D.
Approoria- 4 c-e-sro, or ne w,-hat~they S.Iacsa zndoff pla
i10^s 3nG U;`erSight I can mac'? great, 'Clan- t$iL{ it i3 tOO bi? Or too , ,'I2ai1_ I pOl1 t OU t. Cook nIx tales Sch%ve!ker
tar i'' _o_a i" .- to pribkic'ze h'ne n_ .,} Of t}~-~t'i1. rni grit pare tail re t.n0 small E2a'etoa ' rCinnen1 Sta_nrl
mc- ey that can be specs for intelligence Finally, I"r. Pre_sident. tills proposal G=avel Metcalf Steve sOn
--poses. Ear Meczen.oaum Nveicser
is r_ou bused. On sometaing that came Bas:uu. Llondais rv:?lia^ a
Let me ve a good example. During from my hind, by an^ meas.-This is - -
Oriel 3i iT. ''widen t Roosevelt spent bas2d on-the recoL],' endation of 3 bi-
so billion, as nearly as I am. able pat it+2e of Da.-+..?, uoc A,, _ e n r1 Dor DcG
;, 4:, r~san. coma?~~ ~w and A-rn Mccee
n ascertai_-1, to develop the atomic bomb. Republicans, headed by the majority Ba-letu Dominick :Jctnt,?
T =t -as : obaa! -the best Ieace" and the miLor Beall Eastland
keno secrret if leader, who neck Iontops
t .is count,: e erhad-Itt ,v tIl ir _ O:- ended that the release of tins jilt Bznnett I vin Nunn
^+a a gDOd g Bentsen Fan in T' ore
because the. Ge:-rr,.a:s had the iced. information rill be i:seful to the Bible r ' Paar:,nn
o s-^o s, a r ey r :d own wv Senate in ;r_ainta hung re necessary Biaeo coidwater x w -if re '-eveiotii 13 aT. atam C bomb, they Bros, Gr1 a . =o lx
support of our intelligence operations. Brooke Ge;rne7 Sta.^,3u3b
could pr0'oaoly ave developed one be- I just cannot understand .how ib_Tem- Blc~17 Hansen Scr1r ,
,0:-e J3. I I :'e_St?nd Burdick Hems iV1,r,m
only give or sic bens of the Senate could be of a" Br a, ~a?ins"-_
?:Ie tubers o Congress view of that de- little knowledoge o. a Iittlle i _ ormation on Fit..
f n f .,~ ^'y., JL '"U.553 SCe7?.1S
?=o?neent. ? :en V ce President Tr sman the basis of Irih.ol; inquiry could priv- B,^d, _?.oeem C. Hump red Ts: ;
dui not lima 2; until he became Presi- ate1y be r-nada, so we could se Gan_on Jacsson 10-
e WiaZ c*_ie's Johnstone Tow
den *_.. If the bog b had not ror'._ed, Presi- or r_ct these enorn_ 2ous Sums are being eing cotton Long
dent Ro05evelt night have been subject- apan rt wisely CL:r'Gis f .1' Cieilau ? oung
to iy "a >-,~a.., . Now :we do hoc _'mow ,qlletil-
achment for spend?:._g so much er it is $1 billion, $5 billion. S10 billion,
money Withoout being authorized to do- or ,,hat it is. ai'Je do not know whether Bel:non Huddleston
-' ?acknood
-- -
co 'n?n-
l% SIDY He found 00 hro a?1 a.mou-a has bee-' Fairly stable, a,-,.d per- So Mr. Pcox-.Ir_ 's annendment (No.
_('s,?:an i-bnt "n~~??,. Tyn,7 r_ .,!-eut'o_^_ _nfi - }. ?,-, h-,c r?ar1inr -I in -l-' Ta?'?- ,-oar nr 13s9) wa.s rejected.
:tti._C3'1r:o Russia, butt - ere going to move is ve 7
, ftul to 'ginaw. T t s e ems . M,_Y_r. S o fTEN_TIS; ti_T,-. Pres`d,n, t; I ,,
:e , owe
an' as, result the Rust-tans ;;ere to me that a ~~rt t t
?z t ce hlwa o l a*v o reconsider t.+e vots. ny ":;hush the
o remove -1;,crac'k troops from 11;~ v rriuc'Ll is involved a?'Ga. a duty t0 aln? d.'eenty;asrejec`ed.
^,~y .^_r ~._ a??_ rIr. t! Xolirt3 $F'Fof'rRele`' 'ire 2OM/02/87t :?CI V-5B0G38URD@ 3Ofl 8e5t0 lay that
Gcrn:any ma ion. motion on hte table.
"lie motion to lay on e t able was