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Document Release Date: 
December 12, 2006
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Publication Date: 
October 3, 1973
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Approved For Release 2006/12/12 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000400130028-8 eNNN N1, I ii JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 3 October 1973 2. (Confidential - GLC) Accompanied the Director to a meeting with Chairman Thomas Morgan, House Foreign Affairs Committee, to discuss with him the best way of keeping the Committee briefed on world developments. The Chairman said it was his intention to have the Director provide intelligence briefings only to the full Committee, but he suggested in view of the intense interest in the situation in Chile, the Director make an exception in this instance and provide Representative Dante Fascell's Subcommittee on Inter- American Affairs with an intelligence briefing on that country. With respect to a request from Representative Clement Zablocki for a briefing on the Sino/Soviet situation, the Chairman said he would talk to Zablocki to see if this one couldn't be held off until a briefing of the full Committee can be scheduled. A;quorum call interrupted the meeting but the Chairman did say that he would ."take care of us" regarding the amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act restricting assistance to foreign police organizations. We will follow up on all these items with the Committee staff. Approved For Release 200 Y/1I 1 is t,fA- L '4t' 0380R000400130028-8 Approved For Release 2006/12/12 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000400130028-8 C N FID IIAL Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 3 October 1973 desire to review the transcript himself. Page 2 3. (Confidential - GLC) Returned to, Jack Ticer- Sonat rmed Services Committee staff, the transcript of efore the Committee on 21 May 1973. I told Ticer to pass this on to Jim Woolsey, General Counsel of the Committee, with Jack Maury's message that we saw no reason to delete any of that testimony for security reasons but emphasized that the testimony should also be cleared with NSA. Ticer mentioned he thought the particular interest in this testimony stemmed from 25X1 4. (Unclassified - GLC) Picked up some material from Jack Norpel, 5. (Confidential - GLC) Howard Osborn, Director of Security, called to say that Deputy Secretary of State Kenneth Rush and Marvin Gentile were seeing Senators Russell Long and Wallace Bennett this afternoon regarding the polygraph examination which was given to Gentile and Osborn have agreed that if they are pressed regarding the polygraph they will indicate that it was conducted by an Agency operator on an Agency machine, both of which were on loan to the Department. (According to Osborn this fact has already been made public.) I agreed with Osborn that Rush and Gentile had no other choice. STATOTHR 6. (Unclassified - GLC) Dave Dorsen, Ervin Subcommittee staff, called to inquire about -employment possibilities for a member of their staff. I told him I would check with our Personnel people on the possibilities here and be back in touch with him. 7. (Unclassified - GLC) I happened to see Cecil Presson, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee staff, on the Hill and I mentioned the difficulties we were having in getting our copies of the0 testimony. Later in the day, Presson called to say GPO had called them today on this matter because as it develops GPO sent our copies to the Subcommittee along with the Subcommittee's distribution. Arrangements were made for GPO to pick up our copies and deliver them to us tomorrow. {nn{,~~ SZ F 5i~; t t` Approved For Release 200f2/12 1 ~114,F RDP75B00380R000400130028-8 CRC, 8/5/2003