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Document Release Date: 
September 20, 2006
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Publication Date: 
January 8, 1970
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Approved For Release 2006/09/21 : CIA-RDP75B00159R000200120072-8 Q Approved For Release 2006/09/21 : CIA-RDP75B00159R000200120072-8 Approved For Release 200 / 1 75B00159R 00200120072-8 F Copy of 8 January 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR: Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Attorney General Deputy Secretary of Defense Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Director of Central Intelligence IDEALIST/TACKLE China Mainland Offshore Mission Constraint 1. You will recall that the following question was raised during the 20 December 1969 303 Committee meeting: "How much, degradation would occur to the IDEALIST/TACKLE mission product if the current 303 Committee route constraint for these missions was changed from 20 NM. offshore from the China mainland to 20 NM from the China mainland offshore islands? " 2. My staff has applied the IDEALIST/ TACKLE mission planning parameters to this question and has determined that the mission photo- graphy would be significantly degraded in that a 37 to 52 per cent target coverage reduction can be anticipated due to the increased camera to target distances. In addition, the mission product will also be degraded by an unpredictable amount due to the increased oblique angle of the photography and the resultant lack of penetration of the normally encountered haze conditions along the China coast. The movement of the flight path further offshore would in many instances place the aircraft 40 - 60 NM from the mainland TOP SECRET GROUP 1: EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING. AND DECLASSIFICATION ? Approved For Release 2006/Q91S~,,75B0015 00200120072-8 25x1 Page 2 4. It is recommended that the, current 303 Committee IDEALIST/TACKLE mission route constraint - "remain 20 NM offshore from the China mainland" not be changed. Director, CIA Reconnaissance Pr grams TOP SECRET GROUP 1: EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION Annrnvad Fnr Ralaaca 2flfiA/flgl7l ? r.IA-RnP7.,Rlf11r,QRflfVl9flfll9flfl79-R Approved For Release 2001 75B0015 000200120072-8 F -1 Page SIGNATURE RECOMMENDED: irec or o pecia c vi ies Date Approval for Release to the 303 Committee: Director, Central Intelligence TOP SECRET 9 JAN 1970 GROUP 1: EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION 25X1 25X1 25X1 ,1 ' 51300159R000200120072-8 Approved For Release 200 ~RET 25X1 Page 4 Distribution: 1 - Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs 2 - Attorney General 3 - Deputy Secretary of Defense 4 - Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs 5 - Director of Central Intelligence 6 - Executive Secretary, 303 Committee 7 - Director, National Reconnaissance Office 8 - Deputy Director of, Central Intelligence 9 Director, CIA Reconnaissance Programs 10 - Deputy Director for Intelligence 11 - Special Group Officer, DDS&T (General Ross) 12 Special Group Of 13 - DCI/NIPS/China 14 Chairman, COM 15 Deputy for Operations, OSA 16 SAS/O/OSA 17 IDEA/O/OSA 18 INTEL/O/OSA 19 RB/OSA TOP SECRET GROUP I: EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION 25X1 25X1 AnnrnvPrl Fnr RPIPase 2O06109!21 - CIA-RIDP75R001 59R000 001 2007 -