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Document Release Date:
December 7, 2006
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Publication Date:
September 22, 1970
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Approved For Release 200 / /07& CjIjA-RQP75-00399R000100190046-7
q F
2 2 SEP.1970
MEMORANDUM FOR: DD/S Reports Inventory Project Officers
SUBJECT Reports Inventory: Estimating Costs of
Computer Produced Reports
REFERENCE . Instructions for Completing Form 142,
Reports Inventory
1. Because of further and more detailed information received
from the Office of Computer Services and SIPS, a more precise method
of determining the costs of preparing DD/S reports in OCS has been
2. Instructions for completion of Item 12B (see page 5 .
of the Guideline) are no longer applicable and should be disregarded.
Please use the following guidelines for item 12B of the Reports
Inventory Form 142.
A. To determine Office 6f Computer Services costs
for your computer produced reports apply the
following factors:
Single Copy Reports: $.05 per page.
Example: a report consisting of 100
pages produced in one copy only.-- cost
(2) Multiple Copy Reports: $.03 per page.
Example: a 100 page report produced in
10 copies -- cost $30.00 (100 x 10 x .03).
In addition to costs calculated in 2A above you
should identify and report on other costs involved
in the preparation and handling of these reports
An your own functional offices. The two major
areas of these costs are:
(1) Office in-put to OCS, that is the coding
and key punching you do for OCS.
Approved For Release 2006/12/07: CIA-RDP7JtQQa0.%WQ1 0190046-7
Approved For Release 2006/12/07: CIA-RDP75-00399R000100190046-7
(2) Additional man-hours spent in the DD/S
functional offices in manipulating or
manually summarizing computer produced
3. By applying these new guidelines we hope to come up with
fairly accurate estimates on the costs of individual computer pro- 25x1
duced reports. Such individual costing will be of considerable
significance as we move into phase two of the reports management
program which calls for identifying savings goals for reports to be
eliminated or consolidated. For additional explanations and guidance
on costin computer produced reports please contac
extension Room 710 Magazine Building.
Deputy Chief
Support Services Staff
t Ott
Approved For Release 20QQZ12/.QZ,'; GI ?p~' 5 ? ~ d~0 190046-7