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THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NAT IONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793. AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSONIS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. Approved For Release 2006/08./03: CIA-RDP82-00457R0160004g0006-F CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY .SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY China 25X1 SUBJECT Econamic; Informat on, East Ch.: and. Cant a1 and. South. Chh.a DATE DISTR. 26 January 1953 NO. OF PAGES ,4 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CLASS IF I CATION SECRET/CONTROL U0Sa CF`FICIA ONLY TATE ~ NAVY NSRB NAVY RB ARMY Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16 11 ogs-a/ / k3 LIP 25X1 25X1 25X1 0 Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16000400006-8 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 2, On 18 September commodity prices in Amoy were as follows s Cloth, per foot Black cloth, per foot Blue cloth, per foot Szechwan per foot Kerosene, per catty (retail) Peanut oily per catty (retail) On 30 August the following currency rates in Huian (118-48, 25-03) Hsien s a, Black market currency exchange Gold., one-tenth of a taeI. Chinese silver dollar United States dollar b. Commdities s White rice, per catty Potatoes, per catty Pork, per catty Black cloth, per foot Szechwan silks, per foot, Utility clo?th.,, per foot Peanut oils, per catty J1V 5 c,000 to 6,000 4,000 5,000 to 69000 5,000 to 6,000 7,000 69000 and commodity prices were in effect 108,000 10 , 500 219000 Ji11P 19250 500 69000 5,000 6,000 39000 39000 4s, In August there was an ammunition dump at the base of Yuehfengshan (1547/1496/ 1472) outside the East Gate of Foochow, In late August there were gasolin, dumps at the following places near the West Gate: Hsilin (6007/2651 Temple, Chekiang Natives" Community Center and Hsiche an. (6007/4407) Temple, Because of the large amount of gasoline stored near the West Gates, residents of the area were being evacuated during air raid alerts, In early- September there was a small commercial gasoline dump in Kueici"i (119?229 26_02), 5, In early September merchant and, trader licenses could be obtained in Foochow from the Combined Chambers of Commerce and. Small Industry- at 171 Shaxighang (0006/2635) Rood, Nantgai (119_18, 26-04), Before the licenses were issued, they were sub- mitted to the Combined Chambers of Cornrnerce and Small Industry in the Foochow Mun- icipal Government Building on Kuhsi (7349/6007) Road for approval, The r?equire- ments for the licenses, which were valid for one years were that two reputable stores mast act as guarantors and the goods to be sold or traded must be listed. SECR-tET/CONTR.OL m U.S,, OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16000400006-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16000400006-8 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 6, rid-September there were three customs warehouses in. an open area .Ln.own as Haikaancheeng (3189/7070/8220) at the Foochow Customs Wharf, at Fanch,uanpRu. (3131/5307/3184), NantRai (119-18, 26--04), On 18 September there were 5,000 bags of flour. in one of these warehouses, 3,000 bags of cement in another, and 300 drums of diesel oil in the third, The customs men at the wharf were wearing yel- low uniforms with circular badges one and a half inches in diameter bearing the characters for Chung Kuo Jen Min Hai Kuan (0022/0945/0086/3046/3159/7070), 7, In early July a highway was being constructed in Haimen (121-25, 25_43) from TachiaochRang (1129/6525/1034) to Chungshan (0022/1472) Road, A highway connect- ing Chinch.Ring (121_34, 28_32) and Tayentou.3 was also being constructed, 8. In late July the Communists were widening roads and building wharves in Haimen. A meteorological observatory had been set up there, 9. In late August members of the Cheng Fan (2973/0646), a Chinese Communist move- ment in Haimen, were arresting black market dealers in gold and sellers of poison,4 10. On 17 September the people on the northern bank of the Chiaochiang (121_22, 2a) were suffering from hunger as a result of recent floods. 11, in September Chinese Comminist authorities in Shanghai were pushing the "More Production and Higher Capacity" movement, Industry was called on to surpass production records, and one man was expected to do the work of two, Working hours were increased from eight to ten. Paper commendations were given for increased production, but no additional wages, 12, Because of the long working hours, stomach trouble and tuberculosis prevailed on the mainland in September and early October. Shanghai hospitals had many patients with these ailments, The drug Remifon was effective in curing tuberculosis, 2 (1 Shanghai, however, the Communists had exhausted the stock of Remifon in early Octo- ber and had not issued papers for its import, The official price of Remifon was J M P 400,000 but it sold for I M P 900, ,000 on the black market, F_ 1 13, in September a Chinese Cormnuriist land reform program was underway in the Shanghai area, Under this program large landowners were liquidated, middle-class land-, owners were left untouched, and poor farmers were allotted five mou regardless' of the size of their families. Although 1951 harvests had been good in the Shang- hai area, poor farmers were eating corn and wheat without rice because the Chinese Communists had adopted the Japanese policy of storing large amounts of rice for military use, 14, In early October the HAI HSING (3159/5281)6 was carrying rice and beans to Dail and Vladivostok from Shanghai and returning to Shanghai with charcoal, 15, In mid-October 500 technicians and employees from the East China Spinning Admin- istration of Shanghai, the Telecommunications Office of Shanghai, and the Elec- trical Engineering Factory of Shanghai were transferred to the Northwest. In early November 300 medical men from the KKmgchi (0361/3444). TRungte (0651/1795), Kuangtz Ru (1684/1964) and Jenehi (0088/3/..4*) Hospitals of Shanghai and 600 dis- charged employees from the general administration of government and private com- bined banks of Shanghai were also transferred to the Northwest,7 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S,, OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16000400006-8 Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16000400006-8 SECRET/CONTROL, - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1 6. Fifteen monthg were spent in the construction of an under round d g ep , ; at W aitsao9 four miles southeast of Hengyang (112-359 26-56) on the east side of the Canton-Hankow Rai.1:we r0 The depot was built to store military equip- ment9 and 1,000 civilian laborers worked on it. In early September 19529 trains loaded with military equipment and amamunition went to the depot on at least ten consecutive nights, l0 Comment, NOW Hai POang Street is not listed in Macao directories, the Tai Feng Company is at a. scone Paco de Arcos 9 and LAO Wei-chic is manager, 2. Comment. In late July the only Chinese Communist gasoline warehouse cien was in a cave near a stream on the south side f Kushan (11932 26-02)9 25X1 25X1 30 Comment, Tayentou is at approximate3y 121-37,, 28-18. In t s late June the section of o d b a e and Chinchning had been repaired9 4. Cozy .ent0 This is probably a reference to the anti-opium movement. 50 omjmnenat,, Quantities for these prices were not given, 6b ~Lemmento 25X1 registry was cancelled for scrapping0 In September-19529 however9cshe was reported in Shanghai and Dairen, Pa 0 Comment, I I 25X1 Sha h b k g a, an rz 6 .arewe par y for 79000 union members who were to go to the Northwest0 On 3 October the first group of 2.,000 left Shanghai for Sinkiang, 8, Co cn 0 ATpproximate]y 112.399 26520 SECRET/CONTROL .- U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO16000400006-8