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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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C+r,s, n, R~fr r-, 9Srf~1..C s r~,g~~r~ 1 C__ -, ~1 pr? a For Keiease ZUUb/UZizr-:-cru HUF Z$Z-UU4cr COUNTRY_ _ 1 _ ,,..--,.....L.-.~--.w-., .-----.~-_-..._ -~ .:e on n /n fir, t -~ JVV1.N~ TOPIC 34 n.- i Ax aZ~!c d ~, i,1 s+ L't1,s ua'1 vut t rxu1zra a :r:ctif u EVALUATION,J 25X1 25X1 DATE OF CONTENT...___L DATE OBTAINED 25X1 REFERENCES- in ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE:) PAGES 25X1 25X1 _.DATE PREPARED Q n._ kP- ,n-+.:.._~.~.. __,. REMARKS 25X1 Fuerstenberr, 0 Eberswaido 0 Wittenberg 0 25X1 x20 2 G barrels Thale Frankfurt Oder I I 25X1 x2O 2 B canvc,s _ngersdor f x21 L. F field. kitchens Coenigsbrueck x22 2 B rroc:~:err Cluedlinburg CLASSIFICATION 25X1 ~_ - . F= AC E O STAINED During the period from 1 to 31 August 1952, Soviet supply traffic at the Frankfurt/Oder marshaling yard was observed 25X1 during 8-hour observation periods every day. As the 8-hour periods of observation partly overlay each other, the report lists the shipments observed by and marks all the shipments 25X1 which were also observed by an "x". The 25X1 shipments observed by tir is were not mentioned 25M by were aactccl in para -rap Ga an 3. Note: These shipments marked by the letter x are rated F?.2. Bboxcar G - gondola car F flatcar T tank car F/S - flatcar with sideracks R - refrigerator car 1 Date in Number Load August of Cars 1952 military^ goods r)IM-MTATq ()-TV Di, icher .onsignee Frankfurt Oder E1tent-rabe, r Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15800400002-5 Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15800400002-5 Date in Au .st 1952 FC??.hT/CEi?:t'I'QL - U.S., i;.. - . ;' i :- 0-III Y - 2 - Lumber Load Of Cars 6F x23 x24 2 B ' litany goods 29 3B 1B 0 i:patcher Consignee Lichtonberg; Frankf :.irt/Gder einingen Jueterbog _i.debe .il I ~ n rt/Oder .Li.eherose 2 P. ration suprl ies 0 9 3B it 14 5 B tt 3 1 B military P nods 0 5 1 3 rt tt X10 tt n x11 4B tt n x26 513 et n x27 el I'S Tt tt x29 1 B ration supr.,].ies 4 1B x21 5 B x22 4 13 5 213 J ,.w F 1 --1 0 it I? Tt It If If II x19 1 it moat x21, 1 B r Lion supplies x23 10 1 It 9 3B ti x12 2 13 Tt SE CRET/CL`'ITI.u.:L - ~.i; (F i"- yi-S OILY II it F uerstenb* rg t uerftenbc-r;r Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15800400002-5 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Nx1 :'TX;F.; f ^+ I4 GZ U.S. 0?'rT01,1I,:5 ONLY ~3 Date in Number Load. p?ast of Cars 13x'2 x26 x29 X18 x26 X13 3F 3g 0 To 25X1 Dispatcher _ Consignee ration supplies 0 x3() x21 x26 x20 29 x29 x31 x 4 x13 2 B 4B 3 13 3 T F ank Cher Fuer?stenberg H noodles fish neat fish flour ire.fetabl_e oil Use it's meat e.Ttr tyr bar-reis ff Loebau Leinzir U Riesa !''iittenberge ::ur en , :'Es lbers tadt Frank .t girt lueler l ]uensdorf Str.-.rusheru Ct zraiislerg I 0 ff ,.uensdorf Frank 1,r, t/Uder II II gasoline .,illitar r cood.a 0 I Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15800400002-5 "F/Gia~I1.:~, U.. . 6rTT-` GI L' ONLY 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15800400002-5 Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R015800400002-5 r~;~CPas /COU.-R' L U.S.. 61TICILLS C NI,Y _ 1. Date in Number Load I,,up'ust of Cars 25X1 1952 . _. ._. Tza . onsif;nee 25X1 x23. w._.__? gasoline Frankfu.t t/Qde-r 0 II militaxy goods Frankfurt/oder 1I Alter,./ abolz 0 25X1 25X1 Fuerstenwalde Flamm nelsi:ring 0 25X1 25X1 6 F 9 heavy artillery pieces 0 25X1 25X1 x 7 6 Ii' military goods Rostock (2) X2.4 25 75/3116 75/3139 95/3121 x12 31 G. Frankfurt/ Gder 0 x5 11 Dresden-Noustadt 25X1 x28 1 D Fur (r,,s taedt 25X1 ~ x3.3 3 13 Dolma/Sachsen 0 25X1 asi 2 :U a trausberg Jueterbog I I 25X1 x3 313 St borg 0 ~ 7 2 B Ft'ankf urt/ >>tr:lasberg 25X1 0 0 25X1 7 l1 Fuerstentrai de 0 x25 1 F'/S e0?> u 1:1 gain Strausberg x18 2 B cod- fiver oil Dresden-Nouctadt Fuerstenwalde 0 S ;:31'i?/C4,?`?TI? :L - U.':,, OF-ICI LS O'TLY Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15800400002-5 Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15800400002-5 SECFLT/C01117.90L U.S, OFFICIALS OflY 5 Date in Number Load August of Cars 1952 3B military goods n x12 20 B x13 1 r. Is x18 2B 27 1 F x25 2 B truck C 8-73-00 2 AA (pins milit::v"y goods From y54 patcher L erataalde rtlt Luedersd.orf Brest Litovsk Frankfurt/Qder Gruenhainichen . Cherinitz Brest Litovsk 25X1 Consignee . 25X1 0 25X1 25X1 25X1 Altengrabow Fuerstenwalde 25X1 Fuersteriwalde 0 x25 I F 30 9 F x 2 1 T x3 5T xll C T 37,/51'750 x4 lB x16 1 B x 16 1 B x17 1 ~3 x18 1 B x19 25 B 1 T-31. tank 6 L.A P?.q,.ns trucks E 1-22-50 through E l-22-56 kerosene It gasoline military goods clothing 0 II SECRET/COI GL - U.S, CFrI_C tt1s3 ONLY Jue terbog II I:erneuchen Cottbus ,bu,arbach woollen material -6bersbach n clothing Forst tt t til as , erdau Bernau item 16 goods Bernau Rosengw ten Approved For Release 2006/02/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15800400002-5 ?'erneuc hen (3) 0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 (IL) Approved For Release 2006/02/27 CIA-RDP82-00457R015800400002-5 i,T/COt?ITr i - U.S. Ci^I+'ICIPji G?/LX C-3 2. Date in Number Load Frain To 25X1 August of Cars ~ ~ 25X1 1952 ....~.~.____ r a. er Consignee 2 7 T kerosene '37/51540 13 1 T gasoline 37/51749 21 5 T U 29 29 T 37/51758 29 9T 37/51759 37/51760 H It 4 5 P kerosene 37/51X.2 21 6 T gasoline 37/51755 37/.51756 13 6 B 2 B 2 B 22 1 B 1 B 1 F/S 1B 23 lB lea 2 F/S 113 16 5 B 28 133 28 1 B item l?a goods ( air force equipment ) Strausberg I military goods a tra berg item 14 goods (air force equipment) 0 Sohwepnitz (6) Col. F-,enanoshkin ~isenspalterel Nicolayev 0 '