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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1952
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CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved Fo4FNI # . - COUNTRY Al.strta SUBJECT '.oviet Military Activity in the Eisenstadt Area PLACE ACQUIRED DATE Cr INFO, 599q20006 6 CD NO. DATE DISTR. NO O;" PAGES 5 NO.OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO RFPOPT 1W) THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION One Soviet company underwent daily close combat training between 21 and 26 July 1952 in the area north Of the ammunition depot between Isenstadt and Sch{ttzen am Gebirge r. I levery day between 21 and 26 ULA.Ly g to ergar en via St Georgen. Small arms fire was heard from the Tiergarten area. A forest fire broke out on. 23 July The Tiergarten area is surrounded by a stone wall; et sentry is posted at the Osliper gate? a: A military. rail transport left the Eisenstadt railroad station in the direction of Neus iedi on 29 July. The train was made up of seven closed freight cars carryin,- ~,iilitaryy personnel with bordeaux-- red service colors. one oassen -:er eqr f c,r nfi'f (Iero, v .,,,a ,,~v ral .lit ears loaded with 13 trucks and two antitank Tun Lincln ,uns were mounted -ireie of the trucks25X1 A column of 15 trucks drove through Eisenstadt toward the railroad .~vritin on the ni-rht of 22 ,4urust., Each truck pulled an ,antitank ;a.n . The rya 1 of l the t 25X1 Ti Wy J- U11 x aza . a ,craft m hi . ac ne in was mounted on the latter,. The civilian te.lephonee line b .weer Eisenstadt and Neusiedl was cut off by the Uoviets on ).9 Au,rust rd traff-te had not been re- sumed on 28 August 7t, One t7-2 plane coming from the direction of Neusiedi and flying in the direction of ~;iener- eustadt, passes over Eisenstadt daily at 0530 hours and returns at 073 h ours CLASSIFICATION FFCRET ~? STAiE invv NSRB I !~~ C?!R ARRiY * AIR F,1 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14500120006-6 Approved For Release 2006/0?1 RDP82-004578014500120006-6~ 8., A Soviet feright train was unloaded at the Eisenstadt railroad station on the moriing of 26 Augusta The. following details were established: a;, Four self-propelled guns with six bogie wheels, idler and drive sprocket, antennas, and barrels without' muzzle brakes; one officer standing in the commanderls 25X1 turret wore hordeaux-red service colors,, be Four heavy mortars drawn by trucks; one of the trucks had c.. Four antitank guns drawn by Studebaker trucks, three of These trucks carried soldiers wearing bordeaux-red service colors, d,, Several trucks, among them 25X1 25X1 ZIS, towing a field kitchen bearing the the driver, wore Bordeaux-red service colors Ford The gymnasium of the Eisenstadt high school is presently being converted into a military bakery. The heavily damaged Kattne?r and Rheinland housing :;ro ects which are not used but =guarded by the Soviets, are under repair; the costs have to be paid from Austrian public funds. Construction is being done by the A. Porr Baugesellschaft, a USIA enterprise, i0., Gonerally, only soldiers of a young age class are seen in Eisen- stadt. A local gendarme on requesting the personal documents of a Soviet enlisted man, learned that subject was born in 1933, 25X1 11 I were noted in Eisenstadt between July and August: truck carrying five civilian passengers truck arriving from the direct-on of Schfitzen am Geb .rge with 30 enlisted men wearing black-red service colors truck arriving from the direotlon of Schltzen am Gebirge with 30 enlisted men wearing black-red service colors .1 IA t_; l.lT Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14500120006-6 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14500120006-6 .SECRET 3 motorcycle with side car jeep parked in front of the Soviet Komendaturs truck truck truck drawing an antitank gun; the driver wore Bordeaux-red service colors; sedan jeep, driver with bordeaux-red service colors sedan truck belonging to the driving school truck, driver with borddaux-red service colors, truck, driver with bordeaux-red service colors U.S. type truck belonging to the driving school F truck, driver with black-red service colors truck belonging to the wore black-red service insignia truck be long; ing to the wore black-red service insignia truck belonging to the wore black-red service truck; the. driver wore truck; the driver wore driving school; the driver colors and motor transport driving school; the driver colors and motor transport driving school; the driver colors bordeaux red service colors bordeaux-tired service colors truck, driver with black-red service colors jeep, driver with black-red service colors sedan ZIS truck driving in the direction of Vienna; the driver wore bordeaux-gyred service colors truck with airforce driver and ten officer passengers a truck converted into a bus: one officer passenger wearing black-red service colors Ford truck 3 struck belonging to the driving school; driver ith black-red service colors Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14500120006-6 Approved For. Release 2006/08//ppgg~ CIA-RDP82-00457R014500120006-6 SFCRFT ZIS trucks driver with bordeaux-red service colors Y Studebaker truck belonging to the driving school 3-axled truck, U,..S- type; the driver wore black red service colors jeep ZIS truck T 7,IS truck, empty jeep, driver with bordeaux red service colors T ZIS truck, parked at Landhaus truck, driver with bordeaux-red service colors Studebaker truck, driver with bordeaux-'red service colors Studebaker truck, driver with service colors Studebaker truck!, driver with bordeaux-red service colors Ford truck, driver with bordeaux-red service colors Studebaker truck, driver with bordeauxc-red service colors Studebaker truck jeep, driver with bordeaux-red service colors truck carrying enlisted men, driver with bordeaux-red service colors jeep, driver with bordeaux-red service colors- truck belonging to the driving school tank truck jeep, driver with black-red service colors jeep truck,, driver with bordeaux-red service colors Russian-type truck, driver with bordeaux-red service colors Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14500120006-6 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014500120006-6 SECRET edly heardn Wf,~a;.- 2 may possibly be- long to a radio station 102 miles north of Stinkenbrunn,9 a village loo,ated five miles west of Eisenstadt. was previously report- jeep seen n osterneuburg on 4 April 1952 and in Vienna on 15 July 1952 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14500120006-6