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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 21, 2006
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Publication Date: 
October 23, 1952
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Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300610005-5 CLASSIFICATION ST,CR' T SI,Ctr3IiY IWORI; TIoii CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY . REPORT NO. ANFOP W 71ON REPORT OD NO. ?,,0LINTRY East German 25X1C Rei.chabahn Wotea ZIM 80CGGQ.u.` .-.ONTA3L:S LSFOFit1S 1OC3 A9i:d'GIItIOTH2 MATiOCiAt. DEF2CiM, 7x WE LS 1IT I 0TATES tITg4S TIE I UASIL1 oil TIM ESPIONAC1 ACT SO J.0. C. I{2 AIID #2. AV ASE672D. ITS Tt2R.tt.g?I39t"Sli OS Tt3Q 1'A=VSEA4iOR Or ITS CCS t t-S tD Art ?AIJUED TO AM O1:dAUTLiOSI SO P wal'i IS PR()_ 25X1A DATE GIST R. 23 October :195 ;'cif).. OF PAGES I O.:W ENCIS.. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1X is b :?,; all larger Reichsoahn .~.. 310sloe Micas, subdivision c.7'fices rrr,e ards. :ard stations, will provide for a political dire 't,o r within t i i .t -! hl y., for . This position is to include t.ho duties of vo t re ! s.; d 3 Drip toyee. at the East Berlin -Licht.enh-rte station, one of in .Ue : 3 in, totals 760, Of these. .t.4 are members of the S U) ug to He German-Soviet Friendship Society., ALI officials and employees of the Reichsbahn blab n. Office are being bwtgsn to circulate early in July and is rernr.ted now termbe.. ie 1952, Ell 1-f.eichsbahn installations were c):?dcrecJ. to rQt.orrt., OR= .- al i employees whc were not members of the DW3 Le c :;s ,iihn .n sta1 ? .Uons, except roundhouses, hi_cta voltage cower =a - ons - d s gn:al. lain ,ena.race sections, have been asked to have a. staff ..,cent wo'tien employees as soon as possible:. KKK & cn ! V -s Or!s (1 ej chsbah idi.rel