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Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300600004-7 CLASS IFIOA1;ION SECIE T SECURITY 111FOW110' IN CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT 25X1 CtOUNTRY East Oermax r SUBJECT Raw Mtoria.1 Report for the SAGa Takes Over in Jw 152 by the Ministry for Machine Construction CD NO. 25X1A DATE DISTR. 30 October 1952 NO. OF ENCLS. i (6 a gso) (LISTED BELOW) 25X1 A SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1 REPORT NO. I I 25X1 THIS COCUHT1IT CDN7Ai PIS i NFORL1ATIOH AFFEGT7II.'i THT I4ATI A1. DEFERSE OF TIRE. ORITED STATES. WITHER THE UFAIIIUG OF TITLE IS. SECTIONS 799 AND 794. OF THE U. S. CODE. AS At1E9DED. ITS TRANS13ISSIOR OR REVEL- ATIOPI OP ITS C013TCNTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AR UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHSBITIED 8Y LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS 9028 IS PROHIBITED, J:.Y_ LL4.n. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFOR1IATION b I'kI`1 r T,l Iris' At+. 4' T1^eTf R, ?C)T1+.??'s r n 3 1 mot, of fi 4.'~Y'AS o 7-,3t.E' T%lu~!E`! rpr'ert ?xr'.3 c< = MT'pt.:LerI of raw -materials hf the revr-n `?PC nlantq t, ken over In l . c 4 by the 4`i nist.ry of M 'h1 p Conw truetior. Main /t n4ristrata on I_;:t' I t tx,PY ita.ei.Jf.(- C67-A t!" ctiGTE. T, C ?i.tr.e.. c.~.r, ' ..:xic. ':3 n r d?C;.e-?- .E37'.C ';C:ZKS trd E 3e ror i c t. from I J anrzarv 1952 irna;rh 10 .pare 1r-52, CLASSIFICATION STATE `TI Piny (VSRB IF X: i IX DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300600004-7 1. Foundry pia ir.._ 3. 3p1e^elelse~; pr..,'. .. ', bey s. forcing and sta_,in ,~orl~s 90000 .arm 7iolled Steel 5. 'rofiles,n,J'" a "1? ;' 3 18 iO0,0 Profiles a 13 and other t e ry pr,cfi1a 200,1 7 Standard rails, ittin s (,,ueenth) and other rails Field railroad ls and fat'a 3 ar steep fdr ~.ral asv un to 30 mm, _0> 3ar steel for oral use, over 30 mm. 3aa steel of hi ;i grade steel 61.0 Steel for hallo drills nrmco plate _4, 'late s^ith sr)--c .l An r~_- :la properties Other ;:)late frc Rand steel, rolled 7 7?o11ed steel Leavy o1ate, l and broad flat 5 mm. and over I ..edium plate, b broad fiat stet. Li-,ht plate 0. Li,;4't plate un 'Mate and b:,-rd J1 5Dr-C1 .'i. a"t&~'. iacc ved since '2.cin in the of 1952 2400x0 522 ,5 54600 G,uJin,, b - ) ) L.! :,eel Jreitf.la 'ISt 320 ~.0 filer plate, and 3-7x w, 40.0 3 xn 144 i, o 1 0 r. Approved For Release 2006/08/08 S IA DP82-00457RO14300600004-7 -1- ;;m4luded and/or 1-ulfilled Orders 2400,0 7500 13,0 143.0 503,8 60.7 267;2 4 ,0 i440 V 3F suilr as of 1952 193y II`` . 1i 4 17.0 246,0 16,2 84.4 5.0 275,9 932,2 135x0 2.4 66,5 6,5 189 '-C-Civs,a .:.a'ueriai Used ir:ce 1 anuarv 1 "2 wince 1 Janudr j j 2 Allocations Others Used in Plants Others 564.0 10 oU 1810 '(100 40,0 512w0 2370 621.0 81.0 790 11,0 37,0 37.3 21,0 5.9 ?1; 6 1537 138:3 1217 49.7 fetal,?Mount 858,0 4100 54.0 7725 12008 646.3 83,0 439.9 336,6 157,9 687,7 168,0 621.0 5801 32,8 104.2 0.7 0,5 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300600004-7 80 PO 700 3aO 12359 83,7 104 0 68,i 102,,0 41.18 = 19.9 1010 18.114 67,2 1.3 41,5 - 45,9 1,54 0.6 0 4 O 4 Status as 30 June l952 of 30 June Inventory 1952 Not Usable 3.0 1,71 3?0 18,2 15 25X1A 5~ Dra'n 2),, 3 vuY 1`f ,7 P ,', ,i a 3? w., ir`, 30: 'elded 31. Cold-rolled i.73 3,3-) rin,J 13a ,. s'V 33 Jar band 34? Cold_ ran,:, ar rl.;a 35c :elver stria 36G fin pl;be 37, 7errosili,,o; 39 erro:aan .a,ese 3?, Ferrocrlr V11 u n 40~. Other iron all s) 3efined and el l,:?o ac Ca:. X12. tefin d and e "4i o 4) Fore L1n 4 t3- IX.4- 45,. 3m{zlter a1 ?run :i eau', L lc ; 3.-ass and 4c,-J', 7. -ted brass l+Cn 3ronze rin!1 m, a:l i! 7C 8earin , m; L Approved For Release 2006/08/08 CIA-RDP82-00457R014300600004-7 1,r1) 7 13,i 75,0 10,6 1637 > 1 c 39 197,E 0 74 9 ip)GO,5 19:1 23,O 0.5 48,E 46.2 26,0 4 4.3 1~6 tin .W1d: .t:~nnG 0,3 0~5 e l 1c-t,21 izicwnt 4.2 0,6 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 CIA-RDP82-00457R014300600004-7 9w3 3030 L11:t+ 47,6 04 0,3 0.2 2.4 ,une 1;52 1;`.rnto 25X1A 33 (j 6.3 )> ' 75.0 1 0 481 2 1,573,9 81a7 - - - 12,,6 _ - 16>3 - 0.1 28.9 44,6 10.0 0,3 _ ? _ U6 23, J`';n 3 iatP. T 25a Drawn and dea -drawn , . Jheuthing vl.' t2 find o y 27. .heel tires ar whae1.2snter disks 3, chin-walled SE nless ,,ipe 29, 9a11 bearin je and other seamless DiDe .iota] Items 29 30, .31, 32, 33. 344 35. 36 37 a 330 39 . '..0., 4Lo elded Fgas and Cold-rolled ba 3oring band st Jar band (Kons Co1c1 dr, n bar Silver steel 'Pin plate Ferrosilicon ferromanganese Ferrochromiurn Other iron all efired and el 'iefined and el Pure tin ckeI 3me1ter alujnin 3rass and tomb. led brass 3r onze 3e grin metal 3e..rin!7 metal rater Mai;, p I steel 'venbandj steel 1berstahl and alloys 10 80 '9 trolytic copper trolytic lead ~ isre' ~:a " z m ~ ~ rove tr er, ;s Released for for r4 ~ on to b y ForeiLrn ~aterialn~ Lot ~ ract~oa ku o Licenses Con~r GOadr iiLhsr Uses 3asis of ,Allocations Consigners 8?2 293 0,.1 46:8 0,4 0,3 4,2 /0.,6 Vo4 '29,7 17,;1 31,6 03 Approved For Release 2006108/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300600004-7 0~,8 0,4 0.3 0.3 60:.0 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300600004-7 60.0 18 1 461:2 26,:0 0, 3 3.0 54. 5.4 4>2 0, ,5 0 < _ = m 0-1 0::3 3r_.kaoein of uthar u. tvr a. . y~v Transferred Sold to to other lllL Consignees 28,9 C,i G :. 7 25X1A Approved For Release 2 8ffi108 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300600004-7 the ~Y?1 in. W . ta41" '.ya2 1 nuar 5L :7o1CI8~,lt;? y, ..1? 30~ ~ :6 e> a 53~ tolled brass products 61,5 61 . 19,2 57 1 54c. ?o11cd oronze products ~. m , ,E 0n5 55) .tolled ai inum and. a1u. allot,- products r,arr o l 56. lolled lead produet,x , 2 .5 57, i:ercurv , ::ota1 ro'.nt a.n 25X1A Maus:- _ June 1952 ox 3U J :; nventor,y 1952 Usable 23,;2 1:.4 55,6 3,0' .. 05 0-4 C~1 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300600004-7 olce.r'. u :' ;v Rolled capper :,roducts Rolle z"uia ?i'iduc ,S 54, bronzy products 550 ;tolled al r:inu . aria aIijpa.nut, alloy ;product6 566, Rolled lead prcaducts 57,- a.?ercury SECRET Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300600004-7 -n J A ate r a:l for Investment? Released for aor 25X1A ,~v ci~n~n :Orea,kdow of 'Other yat.orial deceived From Internal Deliveries iteserves on the by Foreign Basis of Allocations Consigners .1.a. 1-1 erial Construction and Licenses Consumer Goods Other Use 36 Or..akdown of Other h'ateri.al Used Tran$ferre~~ Sold to to other DHZ Consi.anees 0,7 1 0,,7 Jag Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300600004-7