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Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300510005-6 FEB 1952 b1-4AA SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Higher Marit-111'~e Educational Ixnstitutions 25X1 25X1A DATE DISTR. 21 Oct o 1952 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO. REPORT NO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 795 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- 2 IATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 0 25X1X 25X1 L. A :t schools prepay: mg rRornnne' f.o,,r the Ministry of the Merchant Fleet C.~a r e 25X1 s,uhc da.nate to the Ctd.e.~ Dire.tor~ate of Educational Institutions (GU'J2) The three tr, ~,gher? institution > prepariing persons on. m,he university le rel Th M hd Ft A ( aseeran,eecademyAkadem !ya Morsko Io F of The Mar'irike Er,.gin:eering Institute in Odessa, 25X1 Three higher navigation schools in Leningrad Odessa9 and Vladivostoko The Merchant Fleet A:':adewy Thi - academy is located in. Leningrad, Vasiievskiy Ostr ov9 21st Liniya, in the same building as the Higher Navigational School. The Academy was established in 1949 to provide advanced education for higher employees of the MMFO The main reason was that a large number of distinguished Party .members, without the necessary training and experience, had been appointed to leading positions in,MMF organizations. The ac_nadei y has two departments, (fake:, t ti) as follows- a. Administration and Management (Ektiploatatsionnyy)Awhich gives advanced training t,o h .gh adrrtxnistrat,i.ve personnel of steamship companies and, ports >o Marine Erxg_ neeri^.g (Sud.o lekhanilrcheskiy), which provides training for high adnr.inisirative personnel of MI+ ' shipyards and ship repair yards. NSRB FBI THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300510005-6 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300510005-6. SECRET/SECURITY IN ORNATION -2- 25X1 A Students enrolled in either of these departments are officers of the MMF with college education; and practical experience.. They must'have.. served at. least five years in leading positions with organizations and agencies of the Mme', such as directors of steamship col anieis, ' directors of shipyards and'repair yards The age limit is 0 years and the annual contingent of students is 120. The selection,of candidates is,made on the.basis of the annual quota, determined by the Committee for Higher Education, USSR Council of Ministers,, This quota is sent to TUZ which prepares breakdowns. (limity) for all the lavks (chief directorates) which loses such high personnel in their fie ,agencies, The lavks in turn prepare the breakdown for all steamship companies, yards, and ports which are subordinate to them, The field agencies select the indivi uals.who are.to attend the academy and forward the lists to their respeotive... lavke. The lists-of prospective students., subject to the approval o hi lavks, are forwarded to they". of Pere?el, pn . (Glavnoye Upravleniye Kadrov), where a second., though foraasi, check is made. In practice the approval given by the lavks where all the 25X1 candidates are personnally well known, is final aal-t lough officially, the ultimate decision lies with the 'sinister of the Merchant Fleet. The academie year begins in October and the course lasts two years'. (b) Students of both departments are taught the' following 070 eats `._ together: theory of Marxism-Leninism and dialectical 'materialism; political economy; budgeting-and cost-accounting (Khozrasehet) with special emphasis on the financial activities'. of the F' organizations; rules for technical exploitation of vessels.,- (0) Only the students in. the administration faculty are. tight the. following: organization of,maritime transports (organisatsiy& Morakikh Transportov); organization of work in ports,; planning of maritime transports, (d) The special subjects for students in the marine sngineering faculty are: organization of ship', repair (Organizatsiya 8ndoreeRonta).; planning of ship repair 25X1 (e) Ione, 'of the. tion of Maritime Transports". f) After completing their course, the, students took a final esamination, were given diplomas, and. assigned to now positions, Al a rule, graduates of this academy were not sent back to their previous' organizations, g) While they were at the academrq,students retained their full salaries -and 'ranks. Room, board, and books were provided b the '. (For a time students had been given an 'll wanae,of 300 rubles per month but this was abolished in 1949.,Q) i~ieer,`Ravigati4n Schools . There are a total of three higher navigation schools in.Leningrad; Vladivostok,and Odessa. the Leningrad school ishlocated.on Yasi1 6 evskiy Ostrov, 21st Linty,. Th essa school s on'Meol~ikova Ulitsa, close to the.iarine Engineering Institute. AMMO Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300510005-6 y , - , a rganiza- Approved For Release 2006/08/08: CIA-RDP8 457R01430 SECRET ECURITY IHFORMA ION _3- 25X1A 25X?T. the Odessa Higher Navigation School and the Information on it, dating back to 1945, would also apply to the two others which are organized and operated on the same pattern.. Theme. higher navigation schools were created in 1944 when the existing maritime technical institutions (Morskiye Tekhnikumy) were reorganized. The annual enrollment in each school is about 200 students. 8. In 1945 the head of the Odessa school was Kravchuk (fnu), Engineer Director General, NF, Third Class. His deputy, the director for education, was Euryzhkin (fnu), an army engineer with the rank of 25X1 major. the names of any other personnel. The school had the following raculties: (a) Navigation (Sudovoditel'skiy) (b) Marine Mechanics (Sudo-nekhanicheokiy) (c) Electrical engineering (Elektro-mekhanicheskiy) 25X1 ( d) Radio engineering (Radio-tekhnicheskiy) (e) Ship repair (Sudo-remontnyy) In all the faculties the course lasted five to five and a half years, normally divided into 10 semesters. For the first four years the students in the mechanical and the.ship repair faculties `took the same courses. In the last year they had separate courses. (b) The entrance requirements were 10 years of education and a clean political record. Priority was given to children of ,sailors and employees of the Merchant Fleet. The age limit was 23 years and the candidates had to undergo a very strict physical examination; they had to take a general education examination and in addition to this there was always a competitive examination to eliminate the numerous candidates which the school could not accept. Appli- .cants who had completed 10 years. of education with excellent results (bearers of gold medals) were exempted from the general examination and were accepted within the limits of the competi- tive examination on a priority basis. (c) Accepted candidates, called "kandidat-kirsant", were sent, immediately after enrollment, for one year practical training wehips. This naval 'apprent:.aeship was compulsory and co t d in working as sailors, stokers,and in other low positions 25X1 II. At the end of this stage, students were sent bas to 25X1 ?school..for their theoretical-instruction. (d) The academic year was divided in the following way: there were two instruction periods, .from September to December and from February to May, each followed by an examination period of two is 'four weeks.* Each summer there was a compulsory practical training period which lasted two months. During this time students of the navigation faculty were sent on a cruise while the students of the other faculties, except radio-engineering, toot their practical. training in the school's workshops (uchebno-~proizvods- tvennyye masterskiye). where the radio-engineering students underwent practlowl Training! This schedule was followed, without much variation, by the students in navigation,,. 25X1 electro-engineering and radio engineering faculties. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014300510005-6 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300510005-6 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 25X1A (e) After two years in the school the students of the mechanical and ship repair faculties were sent for practical training on steamships to familiarize themselves with engines and boilers. Their third training period was spent on ships with Diesel engines to acquire practical expetience with them. The following year they were sent to shipyards and repair yards to become familiar with ship building and ship overhauls. The~last phase of practical training, lasting three months, consisted in an overseas voyage for the students in the mechanical faculty and more work in the shipyards for the other group. 10. After 10 semesters the students were given a subject for a thesis (diplomnyy proekt) which had to be presented andoddefended dbeforeQthe examination board three or four months later. per of the students failed this examination and were given a chance to take it again the following year. The successful students were give engineer diplomas as follows: (a) Navigation faculty: nautical engineers (b) Mechanical faculty: marine mechanical engineers (c) Electrical engineering faculty: marine electrical engineer (d) FAdio engineering faculty: marine radio engineer (e) Ship repair faculty.: shipyard engineer According to the results obtained in their school record graduate students were given the rank of lieutenant (Technical lt) or senior lieutenant (Sen Teehn it) in the Merchant Fleet. At the same time they received their reserve commissions for the same ranks in the Navy. 11. The appointments to positions were made according to the needs of the service with no consideration of individual desires 25X1 The prevailing regulations'stipulate that newly promoted o cer of the Merchant Fleet have to stay on their jobs for at least three years in order to repay the state for the expenses incurred by their free. education. Since 1939 all positions in the W and the Ministry of the River Fleet are considered as military service. All the personnel are under military juriadietion and no one can leave his position even after the compulsory three-year term of service,. Offenders are brought before Maritime Courts (Vodnyy Tribunal), set. up on the pattern of courts-martial, and tried for absence"withbxt` leave or desertion. The penalty for an unauthorized absence of 24-48 hours would be some five years of forced labor. Although martial law, proclaimed for the ministries of the Merchant Fleet and the River Fleet-in 1941, was lifted in 1948,all other mobilization regulations have remained in force. Disciplinary. and court-martial regulations of the Merchant Fleet are almost the same as those for the Navy, SECRET Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300510005-6