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Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300200004-1 FEB 1952 Di "MA qT SECURITY.I,KFORMATION INFORM -T ON REPORT REPORT NO. CD NO. COUNTRY Korea SUBJECT Communist Milite.ry DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE DISTR. 6 October 1952 NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. Plans in Korea THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEPENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 795. AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- 2 5X 1 LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Prior to 8 September while Communist forces in Korea were mounting limited attacks on the western front and preparing limited attacks for the eastern front,, the combined Chinese Communist-North Korean General Headquarters ordered the circulation of the story that these attacks were a =najor autumn offensive. Actually, Headquarters planned no major offensive and these attacks were intended to keep the Communist.troops active during the concentrated United Nations air effort. 2. Troop dispositions were as follows: The Chinese Communist 9 Army Group was being strengthened in rear areas; the Chinese Communist 20 Army Group was being strengthened on the eastern front;l the North Korean I Corps was to be reinforced by II Corps artillery units; III Corps was being strengthened; and limited attacks were to by mounted on the eastern front from Kosong (128-19) 38-4o) (DT-4180) to Kumsong (127-37, 38-25) (CT-7953); the Chinese Communist 13 and. 19 Army Groups were mounting limited attacks on the western front.2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A l.. Comment. Presumably I Imeant that part of the Chinese Communist Amy Group which is in Korea, the 67 and 68 Armies. 25X1A Comment. Presumably meant those armies of the 13 25X1A and 19 Army Gro p which had been in contact with UN troops. According to available information as of 6 September the 42, 47, 50, 63 and 64 Armies were out of contact. CLASSIFICATION Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14300200004-1