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December 19, 2016
Document Release Date:
April 13, 2006
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Publication Date:
August 29, 1952
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U .r .L 25X1
=7.1 ~A III ;I I
''lir t,eve--- ~4A-F~E3R~'bU2498 001-8
X~- AL.uF\TTtON -._ _.-....,w._PIACE OBTAINED--J
25X' )A E OBTAINED _DATE PREIPARECf.._r.._: _.~. 29 :"~tl 1952
c ros ;-Ghencea.. During the second half o: 195O many jet aircraft flew
_ ; .h.._. - -
rater Buc~z?ostcst~~YAerscea R 43 l 64)25X1
tile former artillery rarfa ::Located there
had. been conv3rted into an airfi dh The aircraft had the ILumani; insignia
on their fuselaG;es and wings. They f:Le: , in formations of 12 to 20 planes
ant_ 've:~ 1 sometimes followed by the same number of ai.rcraa: t. +Jccasd onall;r,
inc.ivi= .uaal.. lgneS made approach fli.jrts at each other,
1ii, r:Lanian air force headquarters were quartered in the Singer Block. on 13ul.
'aratia:caz, This was inferred from.-the fact th6t raray officers wearing bluish
ay wr:,r:c:forms and propeller insignia on their spaulets were seen there,
very fast aircraft with swept-back wings over Bdtharest-
-1 25X1
Uhencea between December 1.951 and i:iar'th 1952, F
the aircraft were Russian versions of e caarn jet Cher
Rur;ianians said. that the aircraft were assigned to (3hencea ai.xf ielcl which "V
now is the main military airfield of I.3uclarest. The aircraft. which had an
s # a~~ 1 1 (R? . ; E ?JAL- : /Ct'1'rrRt L/u'i (F FICIA t .: JLI
Approved For Release 2006/07/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14200090001-8
Approved For Release 2006/07/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14200090001-8
i }vl~1>.LJ,?. ~ 11;~ f CrL. _ ....~l.r .J J.C 1' .I.E'3S ?.a;~
tium:inun sheen, flew in formations of 2 to b planes at 'altitudes
about 2.000 meters. They wore aloft in all s of v. , . or
and roneateclly practiced f irin:_T, at an air s! e'eve tried by a twrin-
on' "1_ne mane.
I.s, 13et:rc~err i;c c:: ;. er 1950 and .. arcl. 1952,
rest, that psrachutc Jumps were made in groups of 10 to 12 amen
tin--e riia're n" i1;Tina at an altitude of 500 to 600 meters,
jump;; were in the late afternoon over the area fro::: which
craft had taken off. i of lore than two such e :erci"os were
observed on one a1 terncor;,
]in Uhoneea on the western perirr>Fter of
Th~' -. .r.~ st ~ y
.... Ct aircraft mere observed oti f..2` B1 ''.~act aJQlr'i .f'6'I~Y'lloy.c~; or
..:arch l.;'S p.~ tAir activity lt., jet lanes was ,rtead.ily intensified urn
to Tare') 1952. The planes usually flew in orriations o l" 2 to La
r ~lar^.e>> at Ina.-Ii altituc:es. 1. f`ornation {;f :i. ' let aircraft was observed
once,, ire aircraft had swept-bac , vnnrrs, * 25X1
z i ne mares :rhich, were IL-).Os or 25X1/
`ii-$2se F3rin_; was proc.,iec at air s ee?v which were towed br air-
L:.raft of i,he same t:roe. Muzzle flahhes were observed at. the nose and
tail of the at tackintg to.lane. ':nnne of the nircraf t were r?rarked by
.:soviet stars, others by the three-color ;uznenian cockade ~ hik
Fin i'loesti Targsor : ou.;. er,.s;ines were runnin.- on the
-nearhy. _.: ter. ie 3 ..} Peeing was practiced I n all t T as of Leather and
often at ni;Zt, At da;,rtine, i_ci.vidual fliThtt7 were -.t,d.e in twi.n-
t loesti Tar?. son Lou. IDet_:een January and heceriber 1957.,
.. ,.)1a;j I1aj airfield bordered the southeastern nnerineter~ of 131&j
?,I /It 0)-. The field was bordered on the northeast b a footpath
.;ust narailell, to the railroad line, on she southeast. by fields, and
on the souatir;;e st by the hochel hiver. T ra ield had been built
;., orior to 1,140. The two ;pan -ar:a with vaulted roofs , of cerriL ated sheet
: tec1 located in 'the northwestern corner of the field, had been con-
structed c:rtrin, the Jer:"ian occupation, ' e coac'rote aprons in front
of Vic Jw-. 'ears were covered with -rays. The installations at the field
1-tad not been dar a';ed. ike, field was not used by the ..isszans
There was little air activity bet,,, een Ilov onl-xr 19)49 and i ovember 1951.
T-to or three biplanes wore nee-.-anently parked just,I`:ea t of t t
ax::ars. at-.le were usually .:razin; on t :re for, or field;
ce t for the ;: cards at, the entrance, soldiers were seldom observed
"he field, ar I there was almost no traffic to or frora the field?
7 Cons tr{,ction or ir2roove,r~cnr.?u .vork was observed at the field.
~o4 ::cat? 'i`?tis is VIC first information that the for-.,rer Butha-?
it is enrciudec Via t the airfield OCC'.7r1ied b-
y 25X1
M is of th u l'ir -inrlan lair Force :'d1.:,'.h let aircraft,. I
3vcha- 1,
from i<
the --
.tl;rii.n : a;;ove 1-ikarest. j 1C ';--
I u:T ;e of the 25X1
_- ?crl1t w'ile' not be It is nosribie fhb a parachute
?-! iii. is also stationed at 4-1,- r'ie:Ld. Irianver., sit also 3_s believed
;;i, ; ^ 1:4)at s?e? araC''11.zte .1w.i is observed -;.,ei"e !).art of the rw.rllar
the f'1,1.n- rersonne.I
rest Ghencea rzrti lief r rari,;e .vas improved for use as an airfield. The
t=errain 'v hich measure? s about 1.,; }00 metern tra-m north to south and
l','~C)".t cv.; from oast to west an-' e ar,s rz. f:,abl-e for are r.>j r.i ie ld lt. 25X1
car.. even be extended to the tiest
Approved For Release 2006/07)11 CIA-RDP82-00457RO14200090001-8
" I I:iU=:}?'?f322'~0 ~'h e information confirms that 'loestj `.~'~r'sorui Lou
i.- ccu,ied b;: a i,umani a n -it' Force unit:, I t; is possible
t'~at a .aoc:iet unit is also stationed at the field.. Thr' state:,ent
t. - t, t'ic nlanes are IL-10s is .not corxrect but it i.s bnl_3evAd
p:'aci'blo t?-at they are IL-,I.s or a otllol.^ ,~. r
.xina J(1-11, ?'r V :760
:,o* !t. irfcr:atior_ indicates TiiB'`' no co St:1,c'`,ion was
c.r;sic.ucted at :.,1aj airfield up to :late i,ovt*t`;C7r 191 and that the
rsIC,. was not occupied bbr a tactical unit, "i is mall airf`LO.d is
?u ably ;_cir~ ? used, for civilian .~1it hits :' o ~_Qrr-) factory where
;co~irce -:a; emoloved is located just ti:ast Of V- K-,
j ter _aan7ars:,
Approved For Release 2006/07/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14200090001-8