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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 18, 1967
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Approved Fo,r.-release 2006/08/30: CIA-R DP74B002Z3R000100080002-4 TOP SECRET 25X1 (S) NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. '-I~FiC(c OF THE DIRECTOR OXCART/TAGBOARD August 18, 1967. MEMORANDUM FOR MR. NITZE MR. HELMS DR. HORNIG SUBJECT: Status of TAGBOARD Attached is a summary paper on the background and status of the TAGBOARD Program.. This subject will be discussed at the August 23, 1967 meeting of the Executive Committee. Alexander H. Flax Attachment Status of TAGBOARD OXCART[TALB WARD TOP SECRET EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC REGRADING PAGE DOD DIRECTIVE SE00.1 0 DOES NOT APPLY Or 4 Annroved For Release 2 0 0 610 813 0-:-CIA-RDP74B00-28 R0 . _ _ . Approved For-,Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP74B00283R000100080002- TOP SECRET 0 OXCART TAGBOARD BACKGROUND In late 1966 the DNRO requested and received approval to reorient the TAGBOARD drone program to be launched from a B-52 instead of an A-12. This decision followed upon inconclusive findings of,the investigation of the A-12 drone accident and the recommendation by the DNRO to use the 3-52 instead of the A-12. Contractor go ahead was given in January 1967. Three flights were conducted by launch from the A-12 which demonstrated successful operation of the engine inlet, inertial navigation and flight control systems. These flights were respectively 125,.1100, and 1500 nautical miles. We have not yet demonstrated successful termination of flight to include recovery of the payload. , MILESTONES ACHIEVED SINCE PROGRAM REDUCTION 1. Modification of the first B-52 has been-completed and work on the second aircraft is underway. 2. The inertial navigation system, including the star tracker, has been checked out in the -52.with an average 25x1 AGBOARD Aooroved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP74Bw2& ROD. _ ~-4..-______ Status of TAGBOARD CONTROL NO TGP SECRET COOT or_____ PIES EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC REGRADING PAGE .~~ < 4 Approved FokRelease 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP74B00283R000)gP80002- T SECRET e OXCART/TAGBOARD 3. The first mated flight with asymmetrical loading and dummy booster has been completed with all load and stability readings satisfactory. NEW TESTING Delivery and firing of the first hot booster on a test stand was successfully demonstrated August 14, 1967. Three more such test firings are planned prior to the launch of the first drone. This test series is late and is currently the critical pacing item of the program. In addition, four free launches of the drone will be conducted on the Pacific Missile Range from September through December to complete the test program. It should be recognized that every time a TAGBOARD is flown, the airframe (but not the.sensor and certain other high cost components) is expended. SUMMARY 1. At present it is anticipated that the conversion of the TAGBOARD from A-12 to the B-52 for launching of the drone will have been completed with testing by January 1968. How- ever, further delay in rocket motor qualification or unantici- pated problems in launch could slip this date. 2. A decision has been made to procure 12-drones with .1968 funds'for delivery in FY 68 and 69. This was considered by the DNRO to be the best-buy from alternat;vPC at~a;~ah1 OXCART/TAGBOARD CONTROL NO TOP SECRET ,,_Of _COP!ES DOD DIRECTIVE 5200110 DOES NOT APPLY PACE or PAGES AnnrnvPd For Release -2006/08/30 :-CIA-RDP74BQQ2 3RQ O.WD0.8Q0D2--L,___ _ Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP74B00283R000100080002-4 TOP SECRET OXCART/TAGBOARD 3. Consideration 91 the s and specifically for FY 691 will be presented to the Executive Committee in December 1967. /TAGBOARD TO SECRET EXCLUDED TOM AUTOMATIC REGRADING DOD DIRECTIVE 5200.10 DOES NOT APPLY CONTROL NO COPY OF~COPIES PAGE o0 D-G PAGES Aooroved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDR74B00283.R000100080002-4