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Publication Date:
September 25, 1952
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t.+l. 7.S iLAi it. N 8k;CR T
CENT '. ;Ug.Rly t?L Oe i s C'
' A I .: T
`~? Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-004578013900230010-6
tUBJEGT A Co pil.ation of -90'vi.et AMY Units in the USSR,,
25X1 During the Perieeid .1949 to 1952
rrraN AT
IM 744, or THE ii. 8" CODS, AS ASLWt5E9. ITS TRI:?1 I3$ O0 OR REti E1"
=.nms O' ;I'+5 COI-::*KiITS T3 09 RECCIM 97 AN UWAU7 101.11ED mSOld
IS piSNlia1720 ry ,,'N THE RffpROU5C;T* OF'na6 F.:i"W is
f7A_1.3'sr-- districts "w
i.i Ica..-l ons F3 to the -)resnnt location r)f d;v ? n cor ;s,.azad )r- ieti of the cv
tf!f? tii@?4 cl `..v ;f 1s~11 of numerous l_vtStons was cn ' t
Colunn s, of the
I t. ti.1 s?ve c.. esseri to items of information concerning the history
O the . n is concerned i'I-Ach may furnish clues to the existence and ,.resent location.
L)? Co umn contains a comment on. the credit)tli_'%,y of the inform-Ai.on.
it` as`-irmme,,nt in nrld '_ar T1 cannot he doubted in '?>st ci seSs the.
c )r'... ent cili.e*x i r .iz1q l caters the -cos ,ihi.liy,v the. i?ni_es concerned beiat- cleactiv- ted
si -'ned to another unit.. Lt''1 re,rard to rifle diva ioru here
isO >,t~c7.fi1 i! S in 'Ost e:asnf, is' -to V;Iiether t:cy sA?l exist is r._-_1E dliN,4--
.i,n.: or e e rear-arij_zed as '.notor'1.zed rifle div1" lone
i.denti_'i?_'ed or even confirmed were t_}Tcler.L in column j to r e the nfor" tf:'L re
?tinn shows that the evoi.li.^ti.on
ji`_j rnishies cx`eV.111lc indications xe~rardi.n, 1.L e postwar- _Ora .,).e rl r' 33 ,c list, divisions
the rater , o of ~3nc va ;IC J_t"tC 1CLif:l..ono f 01 ti-%l e? e. x' ? 5di_
'I istpnce of ad
1.e"p divisions, i.e., 36 percent Or the il1. Zil.} divisions believed, believed, to exist
7 .' the The analysis of the .?!s ,'I - n;nents it the end c_-" the war and the '"`re-
locati.ion fiirtherrrre 'ite:s, indicat _ons as to the existe:nct?, of nine crri 'le ad.-
,ry -istrict
Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900230010-6
2) Selorussia i~ 1.tarv District.
3epterbe 196i
August 1950
January 1951
January 1950
178 Tank # r Tank Gores
28 Tank M 1 :..iA 'w!4
125X1avouds 1rrforrliation. iwT ?
Last ides tificAtion of X 'fenk Corps
in ref II near Braunsoerg, East
Prussia, in ebruary 194b, Corps
sought in. r ? ea of 5 Gds Tk Array
but was uirectly subordinate to 3
Belor?uszian Front iigs8
10 Tonic .Gsv believed to be
located in the 31orisov area
under Belorussian i;) Los or
5 Gds ":ecz Army
Corps was asel.;;nea to e I.Xds Tanis
Army in L,`d II and last identified in
East Prussia in January 1945.
Last identitioation of 1.1 Gds ecz
38 Gds Tk `~e t is Geis ..ec, Corns during r ii in Slovakia under
3rig,/ IV ads L=ecz Corps 6 Gds Tk Army/2 Ukr, Front in Larch
1945. 5o other indicoCien for exis-
tence of this Uorp in the Belorussian
685 Rifle ro c/ 193 '1'1e Div 'ought under 65 Army nei r :``_, roes
143 G' s rifle ''c,t/ 48Rifle . iv,
muende in i ay 1945w Hlon> names: "Dnepr,
o ranovichi"o 5' ol 384 Arty kegt of
this Div identified with Censorship
i,`tl;ce after the vare 22 ads ecz Div
with name "Dnepr" identz'ied with 65
Army in Silesia in 1947
'!"9 'Laec Div possibly located in
t le isk-3orisov area an .4 sub-
ordinate to 5 ads eck; Crm. sub,-
istence of this Army Probable,
since Belorussian i'.'D se:nns to be
a i;lain Tngo center of Lenz Tr:,
38 ;ids Tk Eiegt possibly ineorpara-
ted into u/i A'ecz Div (22 ids ,acz
Div? 4 see next line) Location of
4 Gds beet Div in Belorussian ?i.'
not supported,
Slight indication aoaordirrg to name
"Dnepr" for existence of 22 lids
Leoz 4v in i3eloruseion i;;,, Div !say
have absorbed ;.arts o:' deactivated
, P3 :. le .)iv
fills ?i"le viv last identifieci during ., .g Gds Aril"le Div (probably Fitz) be.
II a ?(s.liningred under V,;"'; R. Corps/23 lieved to be located in the tiU Q_ t_ ni r a Div pl-ouaiya.y ioaated
dissolved in Ghaulys,i in April 1947 and
ear ly in c'rpt r a.ted inn ::l_ y _? A i iy 'in
1 adimi xcLagerya'F ark P.,v
July 1951.
,j 7 FrR: t f ron: June 1944 t e Dec.,;.. , ember 19N.'I and 1 e iww M u ^ * a
- . ,.~. r 9 t
in East "'rus:sia until iaiarch 1945? ;xis- add,, , I rIT r, i!l
teru.e of Div not conf rriied Arty yegmot may
have "seen traans er-red to a ke,'Piv ?.' ~; 1ed
S ter' -}? T
Approved For Release 2006/03/03 CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900230010-6
Kcs e ?.sk, alu a Obl.c
Ala?aLno/S of Mocccru
App':. 1 1950
Shv> Tvanovo Ob'i,.
October 1951
Jan,Aary 1951
Rya. Mt:,/liursk obi
Fe',ruar?y 1952
Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900230010-6
! socw Wifltary District;
262 Gds Rifle Re&/ 37 Gds
Hqs 2~T'1 `rifle Div
Div activated as 300 R Div in the Kharkov
area it July 1941, Latest i.dentifir..atio
durinse ug;V' Ii near Kaliningrad in hpril
1945 Hon, desi ;nation "Perekop"
87 Gds Rifle Div prssibly= located
in in the Mccsccw ;D, but not confirmed
by additional iofoination:
Di activated in Orel in July 1941, saw
last action in 'ITT 11 in. Uppek Silesia
under 1 Gds Army Honorary names "Gorlovka
"51 Rift Re ts~ 295 Rifle 'I.~iI I-a.st identiPicatior,, of Div during 474 N
in Pomorani.e under 3 Shook Army in !Aaroh
1945. other Regt of this
Div observed in Saxony in December 1945:
This ihdicst possible d?r,ctivetian of
the Dias
271 Rifle Div unconfi reed but
possibly existing in the Moscow !D:;
265 Rifle Div may be deactivated. Vet-
.possibility for c.~istes s in l:oscow D.
7i Sep; 8ic Hays Xx11 + ds 72 Sig Bn once in 1"t'.1 II vaguely ide ati Indication is too vague to carry
Rifle "-orpe
8 2 cz riba.d 1 'l:. u~epz
Z"0 41i
fled u_-=der XIII Gds R Coma, Corps fought; XLII Gds R Corps in ivancvc
NE xa1in ngred under 2 Gds rL y is ~Ianu u
Existence of 8 Meow Div in the Kursk axes
Unlikei; VITT Meos Corps of ;ri 11 probabl,
deactivated Brigades utilised for a ri-
' c Mt R ?l e ~,?
Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900230010-6
Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900230010-6
7) Odessa. Military District.
5arata/izmail Jbi, 179 Gads Rifle Re t/ 59
Vill" ;s i..6a
1'y f2 )
`k4 raspoi 176 Gds Rifle Regt/
Oc4-nber 1951 59 Gds Rifle i)iv
Last identifi.oation of Div in sV 7.i under 59 Gds Rifle Div definitely believed
' y
46 Any la OzitSschT rt~grarryrlus`t.ria in Aprii under 46 Arm in the Tiraspol=1zYmsail
19350 Hon. names "Don, Araac torsk. Loser area 0
Dnestr"0 46 Army vaguely idantitied in O- See next line.
dessa aa(d in 1`"$60 bee also lexi line, 3218 GC;
Arty kegt of Div identified by document in
southern part or 4110
Nikolayev J/i Rifle Regt/ 188 Rifle Div activated in Kazar/Vo1ga ND, last idea= 188 Rifle Div unconfined bu possibly
larch 1952 Liv tified in Bulgaria under 37 Army in June 1946k existing in Odessa 143.
returned to USSR in fall 19460
Balta/Odessa Obl. 328 Rifle Regt/ 43 Rifle Div activated in Kalinin in 1939~ Bon,, name
Dxistened of 48 Rifle Div in Odessa hid
Div "Kal nin"3 v aaaw last action during not confirmed0 Div p:. sab4:j de ova
it Latva a in March 1945. l?n ; nd i att on fbr t }
irltiTA gat ) #i i1 sUUta4at4'r.[ u"a' i'l ai>iio
8) r as rio Military District:
S aetopc1 852 Arty Regt/ 2 6 Rifle Div activated in S-mforoool zn 19410 Last 2`6 Rifle Div believed to be boated in
X95,`,'- Lip:' identiffication during i,rJ ii in the ;restte the 5evs.stopol=6iiiifer epo are ; ! sur`i e. i J.:
Carpathians under 1 Gds Army/4 UkrrFront in Not cnfi ned..
April 1945, 'iv has hon0names "Tomry- ca Debris-
con", Return to area of activation plausible,
F t,rua p 1951
114 ids arty stet Regt was subordinate to 7 Gda A r m y 2 Ukr,Front Existence of 114 Ids Arty Re ;? i n
from 1943 to 1946. -ast identification in Gi ar4.:. passible,, Jleereabou... . 1, J' ey
II near ideutra/Sl ovak? s in March 1045: It 1 ? s nee i^ ' -"d.
n --t defin'itly e1 ' ed .~ the Z s .z'r ahi
belongs to the 'T-.uric or Kiev MMD0 1ndIcations
of 7 Gds Arran ex? st in X4 ev 141)(,-, es 72 tGds R4fl-
D ar iyrttsi G : E rY'FEbff In ye ?t' in
`1946 unconfirmed,,
Approved For Release"2006103103 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900230010-6
n r' r,1 .
Approved For Release 2bt`6/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900230010-6 25X1
- . - s : ? 59 bank R
Ju:u 1 01
01;;,iyaninski Rayon/
Ch'- t a QbI L
Jl.;v 1950
fdi / tULASS ai~/~liJ. k
Ju`v 195
544 Rifle Regtb/
:.52 Rifle Div,
Regt was 1t1st i:fentifi.ed in the ;perch area 159 Tank Regt possibly deactivvater,
under the Crimean Coast Army in deb a y xistence in the '`a',ul c Io not ou of
9 eition. since the Regt has been last
identified on the Crimea Penirnsuia:
Transbaikalilitary District
Div" is a peaceti;ae unit from Chita, was 152 Rife aka' definitely believed in the
.ngaged in cast Prussia under 28 Army until Chita area,
February 1945 and later shifted to 25 Array,
for the 1 Churianc. amp aign
..warts c: w5 sir i LLJ. '. ae' uy'u Ll b ti0.b ibY ~C1ili L29XLIY Glu Ala ~AMUTII yff
?tG1L?XS`t~9P T.1 1n Art-,., Re was
- -
jr Sibl 'Ruia~.7.zta in lt;'r~Cr
~J?`lrsnscaA asus i.ilitary 7istriet
N aP N 't
7 j ,.~ o N. n
er s
~Zl1U~~a. f! e Div d-f init 1y '7 yeve e
s L4~ ,nt tt t eg t i e 7i aG G'svat f n skn i s a x ve r be i
r" .
0 ~' UPt, a r 4 nr
~ takh' .::181Ta d h bardB8: vrJ k"-,~
P is lraniar
V a~~a
Ja%iaa y 1950
u!~ `~h 1950
ifle Regt/` 216 Rifle -Rept
lat' o tic #'or b1^'ns1:~a' 4+ct i.tr4n C?$,u .aU
oo 'r '' [ 14 7 e
.~r~a~,19~v Azx:abl2h~ wv ~1 d.C `~w?"~
r P ,"
saw last 9-e,_ I, an in p, di 'wx de: 13 :~sr%LT
i : ron YA ~3nx.ony r,, tpril s94I
Iran fa der 4 4rtrty 1' Tabrtr- araa)ri,
Div acti at in the hie, :, g 4iay i941
in Est
last iden'ci eie ti .a vurin R4 II
Mder 42 Amy in ?pri1 945. T1
?",I-Ile Div rxt
cases poseibly deactias.tsd ater? the
14 Rifle i i? r=oasibly ti e fisting 7k>.'
not carried in Trans.oau . +0, probably
Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900230010-6
Approved For Relics x2006103103 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900230010-6
Turkestan Military District:
.rWrur' eri SSII 2 Gds bltrel 13n/ V Gds Carps was entfivated in Siberia ir.. November'
rus eyz
m,ecz corps 1942 as feoz Corps., renamed
Vc?r?ps in dP.ntet:r"y 1945 , ;Last `c.tent 'i'a' Crn
in ati'ar ii ne r .uckenwalde under I Ukr;. Front
in May 1945g. Identified in Rumania in Au-
gust 1946, Location of Mlec% units in the
Turkest . ID accordin tc I' l statements
in Auguso 1V41 In ~r~s - :.v cug. a me
northern front under 1 shock Army.
S Gds i e t Di V e4SUrT d :;a tn.
SSft Tkescan ..D,
Tashkent 1.250 Rifl7 .Regtj 3 i Dig ctivateck. In Arcvos b;,rsk`ra.`=Siberia I?:) 37 Rios I not uppo ted in the :urke ta?
o T1 ht 4- 4-t A,D.
Apr}1. 1950 Rifle Div
12) Lrrs1 Military District.
idolotev wi~/o date
(I August
Auust 1950
iv fi,mly assumed `. r. t he
II 9 Rifle D
321 Arty F,egtT Div "'first activated in Achinsk/Siberria era ~ a 91
91 Rifle Div Second. activation in t4akhachkala in April l942, Iv,olctov area under X Rifle ros 51
Div saw last action in W .I in Latvia under, P.rmyo4
51 Arew/2 8rl.ttc Frnit, Sae net 1i.ne
503 Rifle l,eEt/ 91 Rifle Div
Sverdlovsk 239 lrt;r 'fie ,t/ 77 Ri`'1e )a.v Last identification of Div in :`5'f, II in 77 Rifle Div firmly established in the
Auust 1950
September 1949 (Another
remarks on 61 Rifle Div above and. on another
unit of 77 Rifle Div below,
5 Rifle ^.eg'i / 17 Ri f ;'. e Di v
o,.,.? t v+0 in ~eot otcar 410,53-j
"olotcv Dv Rif R 3 l 347 PI f e I n
Ycoruary 1951
CIvmmitmerA ad ub',Drd ration he end f S 4 Rife Div assumed in the Ac ctcv area
i' II were the same as 77 and. 97- Rifle Div under X Rifle Corps 51
ree ?.b(`ve) 91 end .3 7 Rifle ~jj )or Red'
to X : ifle Corps
Approved For Rele41 06103103 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900230010-6
p ,. .r a an ecerer
1941.. A.lw cornrnjtted at t}e 4andalaksha front 341 ',if le Div assumed in the area of
under 19 Arnty. Brig was reorganized into 341, Rifle 3tandalaksha robably under 11 rnrv..
1iv in August 1943, See next line,
13) 'Y'n1a;ailit~rv Jistriotr
Se *r?mbF 1~4g .w c. a ur1
asus s
re ~
~rly in tkte area, out not s~rpprtecx cy adda
alinin,rad area/1 ast Prussia in Aprs1 1945a
r info
,cnJ.x rr~at~on~;
V.....e.l .4...L_ ~.._ _ w - ~r. 1 +~ l1..., ir, l:a.
Kai 335 or 35 itifie Rest ' 6 i a'le Div was activated in `Tula in V., t.
r~1t 1943 and last o i s ux`
Jan~;,ry 1951 =iv ? v possib y stia aened in the
Identified during sort Ii under 48 r .
rtianaalaksha 22x1 9 Ri.f,Ie iRest/
No ber 1951
Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900230010-6
341 1 f1e Oiv
tlum ansk 9 Rifle Rogt/ 6`C }ii1 "le iiv?
Jon,, ?ucy x.951
Brig in August 1943- Div corunitted at Finnish Front
under 19 Army, ligs 19 Army transferred to 2 Bela-
r'ussian Front in Nov 1944 nni
relaved by
41 E R>,w. F- 1 by
Second activaLion by utilizatima of 77 tvuv T_ ' , 1
Div of first 0ctiv'?ti cn sanihllated it ?I ? '~ 4
Div is a peacetime unit from Leningrad and $aw past 67 Rife Div assure: d in the t+aurrnua,Ask
action in i1 Ii at the a"'
ront under
, f See rem#7rk on 7 o L- I 1 19 ArMj, area under it :'~rrr p
~y,a. ou La vxbx:~ 1, go .vii commit ed at tks 367 Rifle Div assumed in e x otrosav d k
northern and Finland front w
:k,ruar?y E945 a
? Ln t ea under 14.
subordination to 14 Arvir,, xTr,m ;a. .'
*~n* r~ Z `Ptr!~"cF ~rl> ~r ~41r
Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900230010-6