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Publication Date: 
September 25, 1952
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ApJc?r**elease 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900230001-6 FORM NO . 51-4AA FEB 1952 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ' SECRET/C O OL - U. S. OFFICIALS OBLY SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Hungary SUBJECT The POL Depot near Mdr 25X1 DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED NIQ T CIRCULATE THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. DATE DISTR. 25 September 1952 NO. OF PAGES NO, OF ENCL_S. 1 sketch .(LISTED' BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. In the summer of 1951, a POI, depot was built southwest of Mor where the Mw- Nagyveleg highway and the KomArom - Szekesfehervur railroad line cross each 2. The cistern, marked, No.l on the sketch, is about 8 m, high with a diameter of about 6 m. and constructed of 6.m. steel plates. The cistern is above ground and rests on four concrete blocks. On the circular shed covering the cistern there are two pipes connecting the cigtein to a pumping station. The capacity of the cistern is about 200 tons and it is filled with castor-oil (sic) for the Hungarian Air Force. (3. The guard house is marked Nc. 2 on the sketch. This is a type of blockhouse built on a bill, next to the cistern. The entire area can be observed from this point. The underground. cisterns are marked INTO. 3 on the sketch. The cisterns are surrounded by an earth trench about 6 in, in diameter. There is an opening on the top of each cistern, which is. protected. by a grill. Under the grill are two pipes leading to the pumping station, These ciste'ns are made of cement and have walls 70 cm. thick. The inside is lined with an insulating material which prevents the absorption of the gasoline. Each cistern has a . c,paci.ty of about 80 tons; they are surrounded by barbed wire. 4. 4i.x men guard the cisterns during each shift of patrolling. The guard-is changed 4very 4 hours. A force of one officer and 42 men is sent every 14 days from Szekesfeherv6.r to relieve -the force on duty. The guard is quartered in a private house near the M6r railroad station. The guard is part of the AA Group (Ldgvedelmi Oszt ,ly) , APO No. 5426, quartered in t Szanatcrium. Laktanya Barracks. The AA Group is a component of the 9th tzfa,try Division at ti'eszprem. Encl. 1 sketch. The POL dump near Mr. CLASSIFICATION SFURET/CONTROL - U.So CM= Y Appeoved For Releash(903&LA-Rq?PS'8,2ffC11lg%7NLY000I The POL Dumps Near Moir SECRET/CONTIOL U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900230001-6