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February 9, 2006
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Publication Date: 
September 17, 1952
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~E8 1952 E~_ ..J CLASSIFICATION C ONF' IDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT CD NO.. COUNTRY China SUBJECT DATE OF 25X1 I NFO. 25X1PLACE ACQUIRED 25X 25X1 25X1 1. Comnnen to Tat ? ung was in Shansi under the Nation- allot regime but the Communists have included it in Chahar, New Location for Military Schools, North China OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE WEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 79), AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF,.THIS FORM 15 PROHIBITED. 00 NOT CIRCULATE DATE DISTR. 17 September 1952 NO: OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. The Chinese Communists, as part of them program for building a modern army, have established a number of military cadre schools..: Originally all schools established In. the . North China Military Area were in the Peiping Tientsin area, However the en-oli ntt in the sp>0iug of 1952 was so large that the utrigiinal premises of many of these eclsoois were found to be inadequate, and it was decided to move some of the schools to Chahar, 2. A number of changes in designations have been caused by the expansion and amalgama- tion of military schools. The Advanced Infantry School of the North China Military Area has now for example, been designated as the 6 Advanced Infantry School; and the Advanced Infantry School of the Northeast Military Area is now the 5 Advanced infantry School, , The first stage of moving these schools, according to persons in Chinese Communist Army Headquarters, has been completed. Seven have already been moved to Kalgan (l14559 4O-50). Tataungl (11:3-14, 40-06), and Hsuanhua (115-01, 40-37), The 6 Advanced Infantry School and the 6 Communications School moved to Hsuanhua, and the North China Military Area School of Veterinary Science moved to Kalgana Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA -00457R013900060010-5 - CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13900060010-5