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Document Release Date: 
February 1, 2006
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Publication Date: 
August 22, 1952
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~ ~. `~q ~( CZT 4' "7 'rn ~.'?;1?.rj+ `l i7T -M T r'PIT V Aaav~ior"ieTease7i%1` ;TntiiP~f~ CiUi TRY "sago, _ _ _w ..._ .r SPORT NU, r TC~'iC... i ilitar:r Iaiformation from the I-rea EVALUATION 25X1 DATE OBTAINED--J 25 EFERENCES.J ENCLOSURES (NO. & 1YPE)_ 25X1 12 x 122-mm artillery oiuces and trucks 15X1 t?'he una left for Cane i 05@i1cru~ a A train consisting of 2 boxcars and 1), flatcars with s4 dcraci-x-, ?yrryinr- an undetermined number of trucks Troop trains unloaded at the =-1-,engrabo.J (IT s;3/ 00) railroad station during the 25X1 period from 18 to 211 July 19;>2 included: i8 July. A train consisting of 11 boxcars and 1.9 flatcars with sideracks carrying 19 Jule A train consisting of 3 boxcars and flatcar: ratn sidoraeks carrying 25X1 ~x 7.-mm AA ;mss and trucks 125X1 The unit departed to.aard Gimorr'annsteich (laho ? 25X1 20 Jul3rm A train consisting of 30 flatcars with sidle raciks and carx ring now unnm korod trucks, coa:zin from I rest Litovsk, 41 train corzsi-tiri; of 10 boxcars and 35 flatcars with sideracks, carrying 1 x 37--r i AA guns and trucks A train. consis tiny of boxcars and 9 flatcars pith sideracks, carrying 10 heavy 25X1 machine guns and an. widoterninod number of trixcks Me unit departed teward25X1 mennsteicha A train consisting of 31 flatcars with sidetracks and 8 boxcars, carrying 12 x 37 AA guns and an undetermined number of truck `jibe unit departed. toward Rosenkruga 24 u_ va train, consisting or .3 boxcars and 11 flatcars with sidera ;k , care vinrr 25X1 25X1 25X1 3ype rocket launchers and trucks BATE PREPARED ?".-.:' The unit de ,arted toward i osenla-uc, 25X1 A train consisting of 12 flatcars with sideraciks Wd 3 boxcars carrying; 3 .13-ty: o rocket launchers and trucks ripe unit left toward 28 On 2 Julys, ?c si clernts that,, d bring the precedin - -woks units repeatedly left, and. new units arrived in Llten,rabo . )'hey included units from Potsdam and -Zathenow,,, CLASSIFICATION as:CRi;"T/CC~ ai? ZOL/tT, OF.. IciAL6 OIJLY Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013800400005-4 Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013800400005-4 01, 1" iJIlli ; Ji .'Ii:iALS OILY Cnx 24 July, the Nordla ger ,xia s occupied by COO to 1,00:) troops, Garin ; red-. bordered black epaulets, ~rnpIacin and. displaco,rent of six 160-Lm morti..ars, each with a crew of 5 to 6 an, was practiced at the training area op )osite the campo Driving practice with two T-31L chassis with angular supers fructuras following marked tracks was observed, At about noonp 30 colder d ear:in 25X1 black- ordered rid t t , .-Aa o s a,.1c. ojLluip x;ca WI VI s.rall arnis returned to the , , . . . No-rrl l per ." . f c rom Thirty heavy artiller' Pioces. incluc';in,- 10 x f. t h 5n Q .4LUz? ,a i ouj rruzrl..e brakes, were seen at the gun parking lot in open sheds, About 80 to 100 trucks were seen in the southr,ac? t section of th - camp, ;',xrrr;biia.g in a row, Only individual soldiers were soon in t ho, ar -,uni.tioa depot and the fillirn , station of the ammunition depot. No -motor vehicles were seen, A Small camp of lo:,, wooden au._L, dtn 's, a bout 14 km south of cross I,;aebars, ra; occu i od by 25X1 about 8 to 10 ;:ien only, who wore red-bored. rci black eaaul.etso .tor vehiclos seen in the training, area 25X1 Oom lento The unloading operations observed in, Altongrabow during the eri.od m om 1 to 214 July 1952 are corrunented on as foli.oiws: Jul ,, An artillery unit of the IV Art ~'orp,, probably of the 6th Arty Div rom randenbuxg. he trucks probably belonged to, the eighth Gds Arrl;r a ao Y u 19 July. An AAJ, unit of the Third Shock Ar;mr? 20 Ju , An AA. unit of the Eighth Gds Army; an A!, machine gun corn many, probably of the 6th Ods Div, (US); and an 11 ;; unlit, possibly of the Fourth Gds 1.Iecz Army, 24 Jul A rocket launcher unit -of the GOPG, probably of the 21th tL Brig from Frermitz? and a rocket Launcher unit of the Eighth OdF Ar,; p3f Oor* en ;c 111(3 bull,, of the units occupying tnc Altongra oot firing run- consists of_ units of the Third Shock .iii" ,ay, the ut11 :..rty Div from - atiionow and Brandenbur' any. t e 314th Arty Div (US) from Potsdan,, Some of these units were rotated to the firing range and reneated.l r ea ., ~ ...a.cliangc4 their rear details at their, postsO ',mall. units of other e'rT;k3rl~r Y' c"i-Y'2rLie S 3?'1 ~ S'G;;rll, ,part. . ~,. a ',.rnc wag ' u Arryy and the Second Gds ,..ecz Aria rotated eler.2ents for short-~tenn firing u r is also " practices to the firing ran~,O tinlu.c'n, as compared with a previous report, appears largely occup ad as previously. See . The motor vehicles soon in the training area belonged to the GOI{Is, the Third shock -drr:1y, the Eighth Gds Ar , the Third cis Locz Array and the unide;ntjficdd artillery battalion of the 12th Gds Tank Divo Approved For Rele Tlq' h -X57, 13800400005-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13800400005-4 Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13800400005-4