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Document Release Date: 
February 1, 2006
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Publication Date: 
August 22, 1952
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'C SSiFII; ATI!7N Ap r. roved For Release 2006/03/03 >f81i8 0400003-6 L'OE36~a T F'.Y._astern errnar,)r _... ..~~ - ._y..-,. _...REPOF `t' NO.-T TOPIC- General I3liiar~, Inform than EVALUATION- see .oelozv ---.- .-PLACE OBTAINED, DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED `REFERENCES ?ACES------ 2 ~.r.., .ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE)---,--____-. E ARKS_-- 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 1= On Q July 1952, all a--,-)roach roads to forest sections 99/103 and 1=1/113 north of 25X1 ichhorst (N 53/Z 99) were blocked by soviet sentries. r, unit with vehicles bivouacked in the woods and, accordin.- to foresters- also had +anl.a Wha_c. Ito this 25X1 u au the unit had arrived during tho night of 7 July and loft during; the n 7'a o:f 9 July, No training activity was noticed, (1) 25X1 2. 1 tank units had -practiced ciofi?-i- thcy 'the 25X1 iver from east to west in the area of ;'?rneburt (%i 53/Y 6) from x:30 a,mma to 10:30 p.m, on 10 July, (2) 3 On 18 July, 2 motorboats, 12 meters long, and a xtorboats,.oach 8 meters long, were unloaded at the Juensd)+rf (M 53/Z 91) railroad station and' hauled to the uensdorf Lake. 25X1 )v 25X1 25X1 .-e e ~ o . 1 t71 LiL.:. u1- U/ ~'X). ux A The officer did not know the date when the transfer would take place. The building.- of the former Ategier-tri had already been vacated by the town ash inistr.~tion and was vacant. The houses on ,he Hellwveg had also to be vacated by the civilian population, allegedly to quarter Soviet officials. Only the owners of the houses we?e allowed to stay in their housos. (3) 6,. According to rumors in Frankfurt/Oder in mid-July, Soviet offices would soon move to Frankfurt/Oder from Potsdam and iiarlshorst `s? 11 ' g would therefore have to be vacated by the civilian populations everal residents had already 25X1 received orders to vacate their houses. (3) CLASSIFICATION SECRI%T/COtJT.IZOL/US OFFICIALS ONLY In mid-July. according to a rumor which had been circulated for some time in rank1irt,.Osier (0 53/V 63), the houses on the Hellweg would have to be vacated, slog :dly tto quarter offices from ?otadam and Karlshorst. The former music school. which previons1Rr housed the Soviet shipping company and was located on the Heliweg had already b en vacated. The shipping company was transferred! to 117ran';fur , Oder? (3) 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13800400003-6 25X1 25X1 25X1. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 At 5:45 p,,m0 an 23 Jobe., a train carrying 7 rocket launchers and 7 trucks r,-.,as se-on passing throu;h Iathona.?, in the c iroction of otcudal. The occupation of the Loo:en Kasorne in Joob3ritz (if 53/u 65) etas unchanged until. 24 Judy 19x20 Potween 2rO and 303 soldiers vioarin^? Hack--bordorcd crimson epa:zlet.Y arrived as roplaco.,le>.?~ts on 25 Jul. 0 (> om rants (1 -L ?st i5 ~ ~tua t G'(1 about 15 Ion :'Jest-sortT7est of :+} srv..-mlde. The units seen bivouacking there belong to the Fourth Gds i. cz xrrizr and the 6th C''cls i. ecz Div? The units probably came from the Tompl in troop training, grounds nearby and also returned to that training, groundso 25X1 (2)On 11 and 12 July 19 2, siY lax pr=:ctices involving 25X1 units of the Third. shock Army and en i leers a the 6th ads 'ccz Oiv in the area near b>torkau on the be River east of btendalo (3)Iio corresponding information from i'otsd.a:a and ,arlshors has been received, (4) the train carried a unit of the GOFG which is believed to be the unit unloaded in Altenburg on 2t July ? See Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013800400003-6 S CR:'T/CONT .OL/US OFI:IGIALS J;;LY There is a pos. ibility that this unit came from Pr ?=rmitz and Lxn1on 1s to the 25th HL Biriga (51 1 The replacements most ;probably were recruits or tine I St ..iOCZ Diva ~, 'C~ i"T/COI'mmL/J.> 0.j :.IC`L LS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013800400003-6