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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Friday - 14 May 1971
13. I 11 visited the office of Representative
Harold Runnels (D. , N. Mex.) and learned that he will be hospitalized fore
some period of time. Although his office did not identify the illness, they
did indicate that he is progressing very satisfactorily. Representative
Runnels had requested additional information on the Soviet SS-9 during
the Director's briefing of 25 March 1971.
14. I ITalked to Mr. Roger Lewis, Administrativ$TATOTHR
Assistant to Representative Udall (D. , Ariz. ), and told him that the Agency
has no record of employment or other association with
the individual Representative Udall inquired about. Mr. Lewis thanked me
very much and indicated that nothing further was needed. See Journal of
11 May 19 71.
15. 1 1 Received a call from Mrs. Lois G. Meyers,
Employee Benefits Subcommittee staff, House Post Office and Civil Service
Committee, who asked that the transcript of the Committee hearing of
11 May be returned to the Committee by noon on Monday.
Talked to Mr. Ralph Preston, -louse Appropriations
Committee staff, about the suggestion received from 1 for
briefing for Representative Robert Sikes (D. , Fla.) on
which is in Representative Sikes' district.
years since Mr. Sikes has been brought up-to-date on these activities. It
is Mr. Preston's judgment that unless Representative Sikes requests a
briefing, it should not be volunteered at this time.
17. I I Received a call from Mr. Philip
Trimble, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, who asked if the Agency
could provide a good map of China which would include central Asia and
one of continental Southeast Asia to include Burma on the west and Vietnam
on the east.
18. I (Talked to Mr. Richard Barton, House
Employee Benefits Subcommittee who told me that the current status
of the schedule of Committee hearings and commitments of the Chairman and
individual members indicates that Tuesday and Wednesday, 8 and 9 June,
are the first days on which a breakfast meeting at the Agency could be
scheduled. I told him I would check these dates and be back in touch with
him on Monday.
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Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040035-9
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Friday - 14 May 1971
Page 3
9. 1 1 Met with Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate
Armed Services Committee, and told him we, have had further internal discus-
sions on the GAO RDT&E study and have pretty much decided to do nothing on
this unless we hear from Senator McIntyre. This is based on the fact that we
have responded to the only inquiry we have received on this to date, i. e. , the
request from GAO. Braswell said he had no real problem with this, although
there was always the possibility that Senator McIntyre would react by claiming
that the Administration has refused to permit an objective evaluation of John
Foster's testimony.
10. I Met with Mr. Frank Stout, of the Alderson
Reporting Company, and alerted him to the possibility that the Senate Appro-
priations Committee would want a transcript of our budget presentation later
this month and I outlined the procedures we would like to follow with sensitive
transcripts like this. Stout said he thought he could accommodate our require-
ments but he could not guarantee 24-hour transcription of the record. I said
this caused us no problem but was something he would have to discuss with
Mr. Woodruff. We will await a decision by the Committee on this but Stout
will be prepared to provide us the names of a shorthand reporter and tran-
scribers in advance so that we can check the status of their security clearances
and process them for additional access clearances.
11. 1 1 I called Bill Casselman, on the White House
staff, and he gave us clearance to send our proposed letter to Representative
Edward Koch in response to his query on personal files maintained by the 'Agency.
Casselman commented that there had been some discussion of referring this
matter to the LIG, but this was changed.
12. 1 Talked to Mr. John Garrity, House
Defense Subcommittee staff of the Appropriations Committee, and received
from him the detailed itinerary of Representative Mins a 's R. , Ohio)
European trip scheduled for 20 through 31 May.
will be advised.
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Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040035-9
V oar V Y f i1n+
Thursday - 3 May 1971
i. By way ofoliowup to my convzrsd,o.zs
yesterday with J. Sourwine, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee sta
I told him today that I had checked with know edgeabie people here w :o -`13--t
that Paul Scott's column for publication tomorrow was largely a "cnt and
paste" job taken from the 10 May Time article and other news stories i
on the situation in.Mexico. The onty exceptions to this were t e w_Wgr~ r s
about U. S. citizens reentering this country trough Mexico an reiero ice to
an Agency estimate on the subject goner alit'. I Said I w-3 u:a w o v
anyone with any knowledge on either of these two subjects, al ho gh wws
/O .'
possible that some other branch of the Government had information
the reentry through Mexico.
3. I I Met with Mr. Ralph Preston?House Appropriations
Committee staff, who told me that he does not foresee Committee hearing
on the Agency budget during the next few weeks. The Committee schedule
is overcommitted at this time with hearings the first of next week on
European troop bases.
I briefed Mr. Preston on the 10 May Soviet Mars probe failure and
Soviet ABM facilities at Sary Shagan.
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Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040035-9
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Wednesday - 12 May 1971
9. I IMet with David Minton, Staff
Director and Counsel, Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committee
and discussed the prospects in the Senate for the Federal Executive
Service legislation (H. R. 3807). Minton believes the legislation is a
"warmed over" idea but said that Chairman Hampton's testimony was
favorably received and that the legislation could move, but that amend-,
ments would be needed. Minton was sympathetic to our needs and said
he was sure that Chairman McGee would agree with whatever we felt
was necessary and this would apply to NSA as well. He said the FBI
might have a hard time, however. He said the only one we would have
to convince, if we were interested in pursuing clarifying amendments,
would be Senator Hiram Fong (R., Hawaii), Ranking Minority Member
and he felt we would be able to do this through a letter from the Director
to Senator Fong.
10. I I Called Mary Jane Del Balzo, in the
office of Senor; .Mike i ans ie c D. Mont.), in connection with the
Senator's letter on behalf of
and she suggested that we send application torms directly to Me Senators
STATOTHR office, as had made the inquiry to the
12.1 I Talked at some length with Ed Braswell,
Chief Counse Senate Armea Services Committee, about the situation
regarding GAO's request to us for assistance in the study they are
preparing at Senator McIntyre's request on U. S. and Soviet military R&D
expenditures. It is Braswell's recommendation that we contact Senator
McIntyre personally on this (without Committee staff present) and explain
to him our problem with a GAO study and brief him on the subject matter
2 cMA
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