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Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040032-2 itvAL OFFICE OF ?-:"CLATIVE COUNSEL Thursd: - 3 June 1971 I I ~Cceivod a cali from i3arbala y, _7 to oiLice of Senator R1b1CO i. , Conn. ), requi sti lg an inet:`t'Vi v 113r a c nstituent, Arrangements were made wi;h OP for tomorrow at 1:00 p. m. 25X1A STATE PEC 3. I I Accompanied Messrs. James Frey a..d cartes i a.vlo:r, of OMB, and A/Ir. John Clarke, OPPB, to a meeting wlc-i N ssrs. Wood cuff and Preston, of the Senate and House Appropriations Comrn_u.;tee staffs. 25X1A the meeting Mr. Frey broagh-c up tine s iect of interim unain .or adio Free _:urop : and Radio Liberty and proposed a in an amount equivalent to one year's budget for t :e Radios. Wooc : ,i - oppose but said lice would take up with Senators Ellender (D. , La.) and Yourg (R. , N. Dak. ) an alternative proposal made by Mir. Frey to carry interim funding under the continuing resolution. Mr. Preston indicated that Mr. Mahon has pr,viously i _dicai u that he has no objec -ion to tine continuing resolution apprca =it. (See h'ir, Clarke's Memorandum for the Record) Mr. David Abshire, r ssi:':ant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations, was advised of the ssions. hill Woodruff called later to say that he had talked with Cha-rxr,a :. EU-'_ender about the Radios and E1lender has told him that he would not agree to r_y continued funding of the Radios which was not in the open. With regard to chi: use of the continuing resolution, Woodruff said Ellender "didn't say yes and c._unlt say no. " He added, however, that if the Administration io use continuing resolution approach, Ellender would want a letter from "somebody' this effect. He said cite letter should also indicate that there is no objection -c(i~ the Chairman's stating on the floor at the time the resolution is considered T' it contains interim funds for the Radios pending action on the C~. bill. od uff said again that Ellender is not in favor of continuing the Radios and is ?., to help with an at-.propriation to cover the cost of their term.ina,cion. Mr. L'Dshire is being advised o~ this development. Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA=RDP73B00296R000100040032-2 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040032-2 25X1 TOTHR Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page Wednesday - 2 June 1971 in his office for Messrs. Frey and Taylor, OMB, Mr. Clarke and concerning the Radios. Agency. I confirmed with Mr. Preston the meeting for 10:00 a. m. tomorrow 5. I I Met very briefly with Mr. Ralph Pr;.;zAon;, House Appropriations Committee Staff, and filled him in on a few of the highlights of ye sterday' s meeting with Messrs. Blandford and Slatinshek. Mr. Preston noted, in passing, that the schedule of the Committee is very tight but that 25X1A he has no additional advice from the Chairman on a date for meeting with the 6. Met with Mr. William G. Phillips, Staff Director, Subcommittee on Foreign Operations and Government Information of the House Committee on Government Operations, and reviewed with him the letter to the Director from Chairman William S. Moorhead concerning information on Agency staff biographies. After some discussion Mr. Phillips indicated that the prime purpose of the letter was to identify proper points of contact for the Committee within the various agencies of Government and that it had not been possible to screen the hundred or more letters that had been sent out. Mr. Phillips will be pleased to continue contact with me. No further response is required to the Chairman's letter. 7. I I Met with Miss Jean Gordon, Administrativ Assistant to Representative ar es 'ubser (R. , Calif. ), who told me that the letter from the Narcotics Bureau to Mr. Gubser would be forwarded during the day for inclusion in today's Congressional Record. Talked to Roberta Gerson, Secretary to Chief Counsel on the House Select Committee on Crime, about a letter from I which they had referred to us. This was obviously a crank-type e e r - rom a disturbed individual and Miss Gerson said it was forwarded only to us for our information and no response was required. 25X1 9. Left with Sarah Tuggle, on the staff of Senator Edward Brooke . , ass. ), a suggested reply to an inquiry the STATOTHR Senator had received from bout Agency involvement with Radio Free Europe and Air America. Q'~ LVXLT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040032-2 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 CIA-RDP73B00296R000100040032-2 25X1 25X1A 25X1 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 1 June 1971 5. Accompanied Messrs. CI Staff, and A, to a briefing of Ed Braswell an Jack Ticer,of the Senate Armed Services Committee staff,on the drug situation in Southeast Asia. The Committee staffers were pleased to 25X1A get this information 25X1 The briefing was rather general in nature and did not get into great detail on Saigon government involvement in the problem. Braswell repeated the statement he has made on numerous occasions since the Defense procurement authorization bill was before the Armed Services Committee last year that they needed information from the Administration regarding our policy in Southeast Asia. As before, I told Braswell this was something that should be taken up either with the Department of Defense or the White House. Accompanied Carl Duckett, DDS&T, and of DIA, in a meeting with Russ Blandford and Frank Slatinshek, of the House Armed Services Committee staff, to clarify the confusion about the new Soviet ICBM silos. Duckett and II 25X1 emphasized that there was no disagreement between CIA and DIA as to the evidence regarding the new silos, and it was too soon to arrive at any firm conclusions as to their ultimate significance. provided 25X1 Blandford and Slatinshek with a brief unclassified prepared statement spelling this out, but Blandford and Slatinshek indicated they would feel free to go beyond.this in public statements which might be issued by the Committee. After and Duckett departed I briefed Blandford and Slatinshek on the E -II class Soviet sub that just arrived in Cuba. 7. Met with Ralph Preston, HouseAppropriatio ns Committee staff, on the E-II class Soviet sub in Cuba. I also told Preston of.the request of Blandford, of the House Armed Services Committee staff, that he and Slatinshek wanted a briefing on the25X1A Agency budget in order to backstop Chairman Hebert in the event of questions from the floor regarding I told Preston how we plan to respond to this request and he seemed to in this satisfactory. I suggested that he let Chairman Mahon know that for the first time the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee was gettiiig into the Agency budget which had heretofore been discussed only with Appropriations Committee. Approved For Release 200dqn / I -RDP73B00296R000100040032-2 kvi