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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 3, 2006
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Publication Date: 
July 25, 1952
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l Approveci'F'or e "2OII6r05125 OOUNTRY iaistria (rovi-et A;on: EVALUATION.I I DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED... REFERENCES-- PAGES ? ENCLOSURES REMARKS LACE OL3"A"'IED. 25X1 IA!'; PI SPARED la On 3 June 1952, a platoon of four officers and 60 men wearing .,~)Lki-boraored 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 black epaulets and carrying bland ;its anti submachine .:eras on'c:r:i u Picniar x~asorne in KlosterneubuY:r? (0 9/ 30) from tho. d.irectio_- of the drill ,rounds beini- led by a 3c 71: _i ti lieutenant wearing r6C~~,bor '::TCed bl ack epaul3ts. The platoon was follov? ?. fj three groups of 1 ? ieutez tan c., 2 sergeants and u :yen each, who ' ox nc>d--bordered black epaulets _ncl ca,Yrae from the direction of the forric a" onierzeugaiat. ~r ien'tries at 4t' e : ain ; ate wore red-bor Bred -black epaulet . Three sergeants and six .ieri, al? ear:ir? red-bordered :clack epaulets re tux. a e-d to the :i.onia.or Kasox'ne tlsr: auk:`. the north`.vest, ;ate vd-iich wa'" ?: uardt iJFv a sentry .'.''? rf red-bordderec _i iauk epau- lets. One of the latter so1?dier cair'ied a porta:lc: :."adi,o se rod' an tenna? On the wall by th nort ar s , ;ate hug a net :;ith a cor belt, about:, 20 to 30 iietes l on, and about A"~.( crs 1'31T'~i,`T?-cno "~ruc :; stood. in the y:'tx'C. and in the ?arc ;e; of I.f., f crn:'r Plc r:.o::zeuga t Which 1' er'e rded b,-,- soldiers wearin red-bordore:i 'lack epaulets, "~. otor v hiclc , obser':-ed included jeeps ;;rucks tank trucks zou;ai,ita * all driven by soldier with red-bordere u black epaulets _ve 25X1 stood wood in front of the 1'ionier- 2a Cn 6 Juno, thr?ec fief:--,rad;: ofi',cers c::earin. re.-uoruored blac :. a;.aulets with artiller. ins's .;nia were at the i-lt-.K et . ;nho in uct . c chat (P 49/X 113)0 The ranking o1a-r,c32' :as a lieutenant colonel. . ? t sciLie r}s 25X1 wearing red bordered black epa is s here seen at the a.'ndows~ he senurios gore red-bordered black, epaulet, ,, Jeep II ..riven by a volc:ier ad'ti'a 25X1 red-bordered black epaulets, }ar a~. ht a :ria;jor with recb Uordereci ,.clack epau- lets from the t irnction of Vienne -end, after a sort stay, left again toward Vienna. -,~- 3, On 3 June, four rocket launchers cur undetorciine6 caliber were cLyerved in the f cx'mer agricultural school itn 'ruck an. der Lei_tha (t' 491%. r -j'i u . During ti-,e period front 3 to 10 Juno, the vehicles were re'peatecly seen leaving for the drill grounds r..jornin~' and returning latx a- .ni ;,t0 * - 3 - C L A S S I F I C A T I O N C -; Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300420001`-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300420001-1 - ~;r.:? fry [[ ~~ V: S ~J.:' a b. .1r `vl; .t ?1, iii.Ji~' t)G~ ~.)>Y~~ .t. i,a,i 1-;.i. n.J ' LZF b 25X1 25X1 0o,nent, All motor ve- seen in the rzii }tart' ~z~ .a113t orzs in iu os terneuuurg belong to 116th 'pis IJe c z Refit ;sa y e t z s 25X1 previously obs owed at tine o t ;?:ro t ate of the l iunieT z