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August 18, 1952
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Approved For Release 2006/05/25: CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300370003-5 FEB 1952 b1-4AA CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROL U. S.. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED Airfield at Krosno,; DATE DISTR. 18 August 1952 ,NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. 1 (2 pages) (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NAT IONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON.IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. An airfield is located.sottheastof the small town of Krosno, (R59+), located in southeast Poland, west.of Przemysl. Construction on the airfield was begun before the war by the Poles, and was completed by the Germans, wio aided several new buildings; toward the end of the war, the ai;'field was largely d4stroyed by the Germans, and it was subsequently pillaged by the Russians. In 1948 the Poles began to reconstruct the airfield; progress was at first very slow, with only a few buildings being reconstructed. However, in 1950 1951, reconstruction of the entire airfield was begun. 2. The dimensions of the field are 4,000 meters from northwest-to southeast and 3,500 meters from southwest to northeast. There are four concrete runway's; these are very long, in excellent condition, and'are about 80 to 100.meters in width. The airfield is hard-surfaced. 3. Among the first to.,,' be reconstructed were the barracks, in order to house large detachments of WOP (Border Security Iltua) and KBW (Internal Security Corps) troops, whose presence was required by the unrest which has prevailed and still prevails in the surrounding area.(s3.c). There are about 1,500 to 1,800 men assigned to these detachments. The airfield is not fenced. ins but is gukrded by KBW sentries and-patrols; there are also warning signs, which forbid entrance to the airfield, In late 1950, a factory for the production of gliders, part of which was transferred from Rzeszow or Mielec, was built; at the same time, a glider training ,center was opened, .A military aviatis5n school was to be opened there. There is no artillery regiment located at the airfield. 5. In tb* summer of 195 g out.20 g.1icl ra, -built. at the airf2j]At,~..pd...about 12 planes we$eobserved on the airfield; the latter bore Polish designations; and. includ .:. some.-~I~;p.lane 6. There are two textile factories, a glass factory, a,,shoe factory, county and manic pal JIB (Security Police) units, and a nj pal militia unit and its u art f, ONlocated in IC'r Wo . SECRET/CONTROL - U.S..OFFICIALS ONLY - r~ -3 7 7 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300370003-5 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 CIA-RDP82-00457R013300370003-5 25X1 SECRET/CONTROL- U..S. OFFICIALS ONLY Attachment Legend. 1. Airfield 2. Group of buildings destroyed during the war, tow reconstructed. 3. Group of buildings destroyed during the war, in process of reconstruct jon. 4. Asphalt road from Krosno to Kobylany (R50/,.63); this road is not open to civilian traffic and is used as a taxi way for aircraft. 5. Reconstructed wooden hangars. 6. Several blocks of barracks which have been completely rebuilt and which house the WOP unit and the glider center. 7. Three reconstructed brick hangars. 8. Glider factory. 9. Railroad station. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013300370003-5 SECRET/CONTROL .- U. S. OFFICI4.S ,ONLY Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013300370003-5