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Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300370002-6 FORM NO . 51-4AA_ FEB 1952 N ( ..i CLASSIFICATION SECRET'/CONTROL, - !J0 Sa OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY IN_FORM~TION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED Poland Port of Szczecin 25X1 DATE DISTR. 25 August 1952 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1 REPORT NO. 5 DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATI.ONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 193 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF. THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. The following isa_list of leading personalities iri the Szczecin (Stettin) Fort Adminiasratio`n (Zarza&.Portu Szczecin), Chief Director, Deputy Directo 9 Chief of Personnel Department:: lst Chief of Port Vessels: 2nd Chief of Port Vessels, Head of special ' .S Department of Port Administration: Head of Pilots Department, Jan Bilinski (a Bickleman) Russian Kuprynski (former Jew) Jew formerly named name Kupermann, a Russian Jas.zczura;,formerly chief of Section III of Szczecin L (Security Police) Roman Szymik Jan Kronenberg Jan Grzegorczyk Waclaw Switala;also PZPR (Polish United Workers Party) Secretary of the Port Administration DB re resentative for the crews of vessels of the!Port AX:ministration: :Teske Chief of personnel for the crews of vessels of the Port Administration: Makowski; a agent Chief of Technical Department Engineer Wagner Chiefs of Engineering Department, Engineer Swiergiel Engineer Matuszewski Wiadyslaw Zalewski The following individuals are agents of the TI3 and WOP (Border Security for the crews of the Regimiusz Taborski: Edward Jurewicz: Marian Kulis: Ignacy Paliwoda: ozef Haustowski, Jain Glowacki: Waclaw Szmaga j: vessels belonging to the-Port Administration: Seaman Seaman Stoker Master of the HENRYK Master of the FELIKS Skipper of a motorboat Recruitment officer CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROL - ULSO. OFFICIALS ONLYI STATE ARMY AIR NSRB FBI II Guard) Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300370002-6 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13 1 300370009 1 6 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS- . ONLY 3. For, administrative purposes, the port is divided into five regions, each having its own office. a.. Odra - includes the left batik of the Odra (Oder) from the Harbor Master's Office to Kra (Kratzwik) (sic) and the Gorna_Okretowa Island. b. Starowka - the Island of Starowka (Lastadie), except the Free Harbor, which is subordinate to the Russians. c.. Ewa - Ewa Island, except the eastern part of the island. on which construction work is in progress for Czech Harbor installations. Par.nica - (former quarry harbor-Steinbruchhafen) includes the Warta and Gornoslaski basins except the area of the fuel stores (C.P.N.).l e. Kaszubski - (former Reiherwerderhafen) includes the Wroclawski, Kaszubski, Gliwicki and Notecki basins. 4. The Golnbw Repair; Workshops are subordinate to the Port Administration of Szczecin. A part of the Wulka,n shipyard was allotted to the workshops which are engaged in repair and mz.intenance of floating objects belonging to the Port Administration. The workshops consist of the following buildings. assembly, engineering workshops, carpenter's shop, f orge,palnting workshop, floating garage on the canal, and an office. The following cranes are available. Crane Lifting Capacity 1 revolving crane.on fixed mounting with two arms. & Pe arm. 65 tons one arm: 12 tons 1 mobile crane. 63 tons 1 mbbile crane: 20 tons 1 floating crane (No. 3) 30 tons 1 floating crane (No. 4) 100 tons 2 floating cranes (No. 5 and 7) 63 tons (No. 7 placed at disposal 2 floating cranes (new) 2 floating cranes (No. 9 and 10) 6. Floating stock. of the Port Administration. a. Steam Tugs FELIKS 400 hp HSNRYK 450 hp BIZON 400 hp IBS 400 hp KAZEK 180 hp TADEK 120 hp MIETEK 120 hp TADEUSZ 290 hp WLADYSLAW 290 hp STAS 150 hp b. Diesel oil tug LIS 280 hp c. Pilot boats 51 250 hp .3 tons of Szczecin Shipyard) mounted in May 9 tons (both *placed at disposal of the superphosphates factory at Kratzwilf) Obtained in 1951 25X1 Obtained[ in 1950 ex-German ex-German ex-German ex-German ex-Germanl,placed at disposal of WOP (Border Security Guard.) ex-Gernanjoverhauled and placed at disposal of Navigation Department of Port Administration ex-German; overhauled and, placed at disposal of the Maritime Office (Szczecinski Urzad Morski) ex-German; for placing buoys in r v. igation channels Obtained 'n 1950 25X1 Obtained in 1950; die6el o23X1 driven, maximum speed 13 knots, radiotele- phony; placed at disposal of Swinoujscie (Swineriuende) Harbor Master SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. -OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300370002-6 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 CIA-RDP82-00457R0133003700?1 SECRET/CONTROL - TJ. S ..OFFICIALS ONLY Pilot boats 52 250 hp Obtained in 1850; diesel oi25X1 driven, max mum spee 13 knots, radiotele- phony; placed at disposal of Swinoujscie (Swinemmende Harbor Master 62 250 hp Obtained in 1951; diesel oi25X1 driven, maxitmmm speed 13 knots, radiotele- phony 58 (not stated) Ax-German; diesel oil driven d. Motor boats The Port Administration owns approximately 16 motor boats. Of these,four were obtained from Sweden in 191+6 and 191+7. 25X1 e Ferry PIOTR 7. Of the four existing slips,iii'the Szczecin Shipyard, two have been completely rebuilt.and the other two dismantled. Parts of the latter are stored on Gorna Okretowa Island. The Xeel of an ironore and coal freighter (approximately 1,000 tons) was laid on 22 July. 1951. The yard has two small floating docks of approximately 250 and 1+00 tons. 8. Steel launches are under construction; six of these have been built, three more are under construction on templates. The length of each launch is approximately 11+ meters. 9. Wooden fishing craft are also under construction here- length,approximately 11+ meters; maximum width, 1+.20 meters. Seven of these were completed in July 1953. and are now carrying out trials. In addition, there are 14 of the latter type craft afloat or-AL nearing completion. They are equipped with engines, have a speed of 10 knots and are suppliedi wireless transmitters. These vessels will be handed over to the f ishdng firms Dalmor in Szczecin, and Barka in Swinoujscie. The former concern is a dtate firm. the latter, a semi- dtate firm. 25X1 1. Comment- The abbreviation C.P.H. signifies the Central Office of the Oil Industry (Centrala Przemys.lu Naftowego). 25X1 2. Comment- The BAY?ka firm has changed its name to Liter Fishing Enterprise SECRET/CONTROL - U.S.-OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13300370002-6