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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
March 17, 2006
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Publication Date: 
July 16, 1952
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EVALUATION- DATE OF CONTENT r DATE OBTAINED 25x1SOURCE 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 . artillery, tank and wtor transp:rt ins ;pia Lltik,-b b1.a c.~ y . y .- , black-bordered black epaulet:; with si z;r al ins1`nia :. : iforiac uo'ion r,o ,"." bordered cr3.n on e i..1ets. Officeru wore: r-ad-bordered 11 u c - o ul~z l;r , capacity by about 1,200 troops, 6oldier;, observed worar r~:r". aaorc.:3rod b .. epaulets with artillery, tank and sir, &l innsi nia, tho latter '.7ith ;o L rod-bordered black epaulets with artil1_o:, 7 and rotor trans;-kart ins si, 1. on 17 June 1952, the Krie-;sschule in lot;:dan--3orr stedt (111 53/Z 63). ,,.Vas to 815=1 .nsignaa; and crimson e ulcsb, On 12 June, drivin;.;--sehoal trucic?s r n s er eldo :,ast, of the Yxi e sc r c , -, J-;0 1- ,3:G 3 tars aaractacec. a mi ,It tarsets placed about 20 motors .a-pay, Ck-j 1.3 June, two t Entrances fcir racks Lind tanks were being built in the paste nn 1)a -racks fence ' wo T--31 f35 fo r ,:eci aiming a th s ey d .d the day ~: fore; In ad: itions t-?:o 5...insn :soups. pract~4 er laci t a ng wo he vy machine guns and practiced aininr :, On 17 Tiro. Land-.TM 1 aintenance~ duty was perform d. men ivzth b~ 1letin ; cquapraent for tine installation arrived a t he 7 '., eta p4e3vIoUal.y S-GaZl nCd there left by vehi ele , On 'j' sK4 t ~ o The vacatilg of the hdolf Hitler Kaserne was coriti.nued u_nti`? 1.0 June +~, > last detail of the un' ' L%.Ler snd25X1 the adjace-it building were included in the bil.iotin7 area by the nerw `b 1)rivina-maii -3 `--k's le n e'n cravat on 17 une, the barracks ins?tallation quorter-od about J 77 77 belonged t7 advance details of tlhree diL er it init. he .advance, do to -. #. rl zo first unit was quarts 'od in 1 buildin , t'fiat of ; zc second nit ,n t' ;; that of the third unit in a barracks bui ; 1; _ .~:ng, 2 apa.rtuan .:!-rouscs ~ar:.~d and r komendat~rxz. iaeh bui 'i z~ ' 7 '~ r r, t2QUS e G cl~.K?1u GJ ,ulC3nm In abft ..ioa. ib ortt `1C'22 + ?c u .3, LS were stationed a `a i i2e form or mess, .a cl-i Imit l .4 n its o rr1 ^entr3as< ho peals were cooked in field s, T. '~ he troops were 4.. LA551 ~CAT7oIV, aTa:fC - ~' ~,T/c0!ri,:zo1fua__ car zux~.x.~ ~;rr.Y Approved For'Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013300010003-4 Approved For Release `2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0133000100,03-4 0n17 in roconditjQnjr .War'on the 1v ter acid electric :.ris ;a:tlatt,ic~~i in the, COnstruCtion of garages in Ghc.: barracks area,, .'iie Koch Imn't, previously, stationed in is northern section- of U, .,ol1. ' vas 1;e orariy l ptationed the J y y~ in ?q~t :...tlcr j .~ s, --;.:-. 1aart temp rcoA~.-t cacti)n office o io i:3,7 jj . 0.11 { '1 3.2 J1mo, tr11Cku CarY'' b .-1 t?-P.'i n, ?~+ova~.t laC7 W i+. 4.IQjIjaric ra, i' ?.t a'ejo.i :7i r 12 ' x r,r?G, 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 201 25X1 25X1 -25X1 -25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 -J:.I,iG~P ih S:V:i3.::tii j Ue i "JA'r' x1.11..". Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-0045'R013300010003-4 ? ?.t.j vv ci.c at? .F..LCe.Jt9.C"iL T'c7.~'..i'(.`Pa! ' " t t'}'?.. from the finterof 3LP ers3chu o on J4C :;er llioo arid On 1,7 Juno,t thr so it ier e seCj o o t e p0jigei Completely vacant ;hj.o the c o Cn, 10 Juno, tiho Laserno 1;r?I,cy; i , j"yti..?. tL n- 1?,.~., o _ _ -Z I , ~e ma , o~ }, , aril a P quertcrrc; a rear:,:' tail o.' s01d;.c:x u t~'~o .ror'o ?e c ,xL a;a. ~> , ~__ _ ; . ~.7 c~}?AwCir :: . 4; a r, ii -7,o 122.?'rim field.. imaa 17ere in front of a Uu.1.r_t..ti,':ia,,,, {3 w fora cy 6 ice, d on t 1em g , 'cer 4 ~ Jinn 9 sor of the trop s r. ceitreri - s?iruQ _c in ;lar C., ., )ft ens b ,' , . to a f ,f.f ~? .. ~, z ; x ..rc$nta .~.dirR III 0 to o percents uil _i.~~; 1v. 5: ortx c~::~t ~3r lsi~x" r? (In .~, yr+ 3imne the IIoherllohe 'lasernc a'las occupied uy t out. fit) ?'O )S t` rod-- er d b aci~}~i, with L . t1.L ill o+.r' `~ i~ +o fo r c~?.4n.+per cx -2.: s r .i .a ..~.:. .L xl: }~. Lam. quaater T were , hte4 as follows; fuild ' 2, 0 e O~tYx:? n l 2 ,L. r?;- `,s,~.v 3 ? still t14 s 5 Or -V " x carve i q rl i L .! { ~.1: i : .iv:: s r , y cl a orer +;ith --I troJ s as 2 ? ion Consisted of two bu:p.1dings,, One buil'.Iin" was occu -,_e -o . 3''1 5 - ~:; llL' by the if:T'Y ari postal serviceu 'sr 22ck I s~ ozx , .y =,*ard {h 13 J 'e Colonel Ko.II: "n;a) drive to the A aiu:jua :e~s this celoiiej. wis the co'4 1G3:7? y is' tai ti'L:. he vehic2.0J3 of rysa corAnL', to, or G e ). ?t1Yl?:' from. ,_k n [ 4 Si. i t. i? three tu gurti v oa 71 r1n to 8OSnxa c al i '_er stoxd in ' tau /f t+'-'r; cog zld o the ? ohonlohe Kaserno and the Ludcnde:A ~ ~.` :a sor;; Da ' ^? 5 On 13 Jurws.. t .e T adendorfX: :aserne c uar'Lared a r a? ?an iy; a euenizo ec the unit doporce a oia -mo it.i - exercise during :lat,'i or 12 Jwic,; Approved For Release 2006/08/08 CIA-RDP82-0045 R013300010003-4 barracks sate ;acre removed, and so re the 'c rn ~ } the a.cin soldier stood epjard.., Thcr tas no 25X1 25X1 On 17 Ilay,a a: n-rce determined , at tie si )al:il ,,,`: Kaserno or.