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Document Release Date: 
December 15, 2006
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Publication Date: 
September 12, 1969
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PDF icon CIA-RDP73-00402R000100260007-9.pdf116.39 KB
Approved For R--2/15:-, ~A7R.gV7-f3-00402ROO0100260007-9 DDB'S 69-4245 19 Septemaber 1969 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Socarfty SMECT : Re cousiderat in of lure Records Storage Policy 1. The Agency Records C4ow is neariy filled sad we are not Psr- mittetd any new construction. We have a continuing Used for recoreds storage and our temporary arrangement for 2.5. 000 c 1c feet of vault space In the GSA Records Center at Suittead wilt expire to December 1970. The GSA needs that vault space sand cannot continue to authorize us to operate on our term I. e.. with our personnel, In their facili 2. On the other hand the GSA Is rem to provide :gage and service for records from any Agency. And they do so for ten million cubic feet of records In sixteen Federal fieaos* Center across the country. They include vault space for security classified records from Atomic Energy Commission, State Department. cued the Department of Defense. In Vault 01 at Sultfld, Immediately adjacent to the Agency compartment, the DIA records are accessioned, sco eed, and regardless of classification are serviced by GSA security-clft red employees and their courier syston. At present the AEC is aegaUating with GSA to store its most sensitive "Nuclear Weapons Data" in a vault at the Denver Records Center. Only CIA sad NSA at Port Hotabird. Maryland continue to use their own Bearer Centers The FM has no records stored outside its offices. 3. ID order to protect Information on our s urces and methods, we built and manned an Agency Records Center_I 'here we store temporarily inactive office records and an arch" operation for Agency records of enduring value and historical or legal interest. For expediency we also include in that Records Center our emergency Vital Records collection and the highly classified .zz ra copies of Agency publications for Supplemental Distribution. 4. 1 would appreciate it if you would reexamine our Agony's long- standing records storage policy and by 1 November 1969 provide me with ~, udr !Ulgd ~it^ t 8t( I d~Eir 1 dt Approved For Release 2006/1 45,- GJA RDP73-00402R000100260007-9 your ratcommendatisas as to t e ssity or advisability from a security standpoint of continuing our present melt of operation as opposed to moving toward a greater use of the Federal Rinds Centers operated by the National Archives and Records Service in GSA fer We storages and servicing of at least a portion of our inactive records sad archival material. A move is this latter direction if feasible would obviously assist greatly in the resolution of both our more immediate (Suitiand) and longer-range records storsyae pr9blems. vS3 R. L. R2rsrcn R. L. Bannsn Deputy Director for Support Distribution: O & 1 - Addressee i - DD/S Subject 1 - DD/S Chrcn 1 - SSS Subject RAB Subject DD/S SSS/RAB rewritten: SOS/L-, 1969) ma b (18 September 1969)