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Document Creation Date:
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 30, 2006
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Publication Date:
July 16, 1952
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2 11
EVALUATION___ .. ~.~ _ .~.R
2 1
D,X. _ IrP,1=PARED. `ttlT,~ ?o~ .~_..
PAGES ENCLOSURES (NO. &: TYPE)..... -,.,..,,,
A rf i_P1(1
L_JLACE O131hsF 1E..D___A
1. The air activities were observed at Cottbus a-e rfiel between
3.7 and9dune:
17 '"ay Bettijeen 8 a.m. and 2 ~')=my local fl. ing by ILLEGIB
2 Jet bot_fmws at ary alt-: ude Of '500 rxatew s,, 25X1
19 it
Between 2:145 and 4 local f y*ir~; by jet boi 1 r
21 It At 6:30 main 3 :et ?;ombors :acre made road;- to -',ake.-off..
my plane tour of-C., apparently for d:~ .-:ea lher? observation
formation flying by :t . bombers 25X1
he take-offs and lal ds_ngs were made at aaoxt i atexvals. )Airing
air activity., a comn.:. rrLi car with two rod antenn ?s 4 to 5 meters
long as parked at ? .,:~ eel. ,,'o of the landin r 1ioltlfi,
No ac tzvityo
Between 7:140 a.ra?, a c, 3 p.m., formation fi i.nL; ,r a f7.i ht~
:Q flying activi try,
22 " Between 0 a.m. axe :3 ?yam,,, formatf.on flyir%I.,, by ,;et bombers 125X1
at o s were made at che t inirgals of 15 to 35 seconds,
3ubseguently, the p-,,,,, vies assembled in a f3_:-..--ht :.t an :altitude of
1:00 to 500 metersce lie space between the ircr ft ~.4Tas about the
width of 1 or 2 wire :3pans. Plane ai ich ?e- d the f.3..;x ation
29 tt
above 6,000 arteters. fae; - further practic c; Ike asnouo1yand
breaking up of foama-~:.'; n, !lie tine r_r t of .r~ :1s . br. t ? on take-..o;^fs
and. larrlinrs of ind _: _dual pianos were reduced i tar?e and azoro,, A.
B--25 tii nee took off for a s'isort 1i ,al flight.
C ASSIFICATION ?, /,, :i, r?.- iv, ,.,
nrt. _,
AooroQ 11 6k1*&29
C:nrh i m^-tr / :rm 4 -' e,rtir
TORW, Cottbus
Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013200400009-6
Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200400009-6
31 L1 y aA f our th Jet bo r was observed at Vile fig Id for tth e first
tine.. One of id.. - other three jet be; bers v;:Ls on bloeks~
Its landing was dis-moimted.,
3 to 5 June
+o air activity yr :''et bombers.
On 9 hate, only ;jet? bona kurs were oi;served at the field.
6, 7, and 1 gain-emire p:f. ~-.r:e was observed in is aix? p:.?obably
9 June making, navigati x flights.
2. During 'tic: nigh.' of 19 E' ay,, foine
u r i AA ; .i and 12 "U-0 1.6 x
buildings south of the road rain
with ballistic directors were erro,
The craws was red bordered black
30 >ie eviously reported road leet3:.i
Zasow ter:iinated at the ammmniti?r n
were unde_^ construction cast of
uns .yore unloadec at tt;.: field. our
-1 i guns were obs eM_f i . ne a.., the evacuated
ance Station. After 6 Ju? e, U. gmns
aced in tie southern s :ctic.i of the field,
iatulets. (1)
free tip-. road t:iai.rr c narr:,c station toward.
cltrxt~. , (2) our- bare;a:cka !,n~xtallations
railroad line northeast ;r:f the r nw ay. (3)
~ o After 1 June, many female air fos:=- o members who '-,'Oro bLie ' opau].e is were
53 new radio installation. v::ith one :it was observed. at. ?nter Tech, (? 1
6. The follorrin motor vehicles Near auserved entering lo.a` .n .; the field:
tru tzc
ascd for driver- trainin ;
occupied by airmen
occupied by soldiers
tr' c : with soldiers .:ear w;i, ca-),,3 with a
cri ,e ,ri ribbon
;aith air farce vfa =rs
wseU ;a with air force officers
b u, i
tru "
t occupied yr th air s-,;!Idiers
i3~Ll:' %.caT!E:L
sect--r.: i occupied by a higlnl-: ?ariki_:.i; air force
who went daily
occ,.:?:~ ie vt by air force o:'.: ce ?s
occ';.' )- ed" by air force oJ!-,'::'.cers
00`.'" ,: 4;d !y a my office-T.- com_l m the
J!JV_. ,il 3O :11?.11L/ : c'v.1_c:r..."i. l..'l.ll i.
Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013200400009-6
Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013200400009-6
3ECiti:;T r5OflTItOL/U3 01t I e.i.l s~ C`1:L3
On 20 May, 2 type-273, I 1 pe?30 and '24 dark twin--eni ne aircraft
were counted at the field.. The following air activity was observed
between 7:20 and 9:I40 a,rn,,
Take-Off Landing Aircraft
7 A 45 a e2~2, 8:03 a a g:; , type -30
8:12 " 8:20 typo -30
803 ti 3:54 PP type -30
8 33 ee 8:53 type-27
8, ,,44 " 8:58 `P typo-27
9:01 " 9:09 type-27
9:3l " 9:37 4P type-30
The aircraft required abop.r , two thirds of the : ,,rxwa r for takkink off.
At the landings, the aircraft touched ground at the -3 3i, end of the
rusnvra;r and taxied along aY F =gut two thirds of the runty. ,y Then the noise
of the engine changed and the planes taxied. to the w:. st end of the
riu rway, There, they turned toward the north and tax:..ed back to the
t. ;.e-off point along; the a iv;ay which leads to the hanngars. AA radio
truck wit 'i three windcavs., woden boards to support 1. ads on its roof
and an antenna rod on the two rear edges was f eked yen. the landing field,
25, to 30 meters northeast of to eastern end cf the unrrayo
8. A new road had been cons -, acted northeast of t. e fie-.d on the southern
edge of the settlement occ.apied by Itussians. (6)
the road or to lock at fL ;F:Lng aircraft. Or G unman in the small
private garde t,... east of the field had been arrested a Hessian. 25X1
lit Bras danfsrous o stand still on
The drivers o-k all veh ' c es wore ac c
bordered light blue euaulcts. Jor?e itussians on true 'nos e
an insi;;nia representin ; o bladed propellers; 25X1
I oZ mnt_s??
(1) Two batteries of C5 .:irr: Ai' uuans and probably two batteries of 37-mm guns,
ine:ludin the AA guns vihich arrived in the night of 1:1 :Iay 1952 are
located at Cottbus air.fielr, The first four C5 nm gu:as had arrived on
13 Apr il. 'I be:,, were entpl iced north of the
fuoJ. dump on 20 tipr' 0 25X1
(2) The construction of the ron was previously reported
(3) For location of new 'barrack-3 installations. see Annex,
() The outer low frequency beacon is located at _inter-Teich, ee
Mai) G6US Wilk, sheet.425 ,, Akcoording to previous rep :,;; ts, the landing
he highway station is entered on >:ap GSGS
G ~- s s e' 4251 on t ho x?c3 . 1 leading; f ?ona Cottbu. tow ,d the northwest.
beacon is just southeast o triangulation point 61,7 ` is also
Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013200400009-6
en?',ered on the map.
(6) For location of newly constructed road, see 1,nnax0
t. .Q L li/~/Va: At.OL/J 1 Oli,FIt t.A1~.d/ C JL.~.
Approved For Release 2006/08/08 CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200400009-6
R''?}`/t'--; rf1 TOfai .. ,._: 67 - .`1...rr ry-{. ~, ,r { 4
M1t Sllt_ 4 4:~ ci~i i .rj 11 ! u i' l.C w~~ .& 4J S.L
he report coznfirms L :.. t.t the boiler reime ` in sus continued
retrainir2(r on jet The fourth Jct
i''#9i. lei` L':"S2a.a;~; 1J?`:s
observed on 31 .1 ay., t,: ,abab1y made a n e 3i~zte landing at the
field, vkiiio one of E. _:=.:? throe jot o tt ;.?s a:. the J.1o1d was
apparently not servjc:a ~tb1o for sc to ti,: o.
Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200400009-6
Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200400009-6
Location S'_e.tch of Buildings Under Construction
ws- Cottbus Airfield
1,.O7.,/u3 #+r,.L,.A.VJ..i
Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200400009-6