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Document Release Date: 
March 30, 2006
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Publication Date: 
July 16, 1952
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~'". J ).V,r:61s .~?,t::j (. ..":et 1Su b1:;` .b.i~;. "^.) l.'. i.. Appr6A o5I a "2~H i~ 3 C t~157R0"1320fT 00006-9 Cot Rear anna v `Soviet Zone) t TOPV_ Military Information from heA? te,. `x n `owvTroon Traininrr, rounc s DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES ......_I 2 PAGES REMARKS 25X1 0 Juli: .9T2 25X1 l6 During the period from 25 Lay to 114 :>un 1952,1 no arrival: or de,. artures were noticed in the upper section of the ?or th c armp in Alter n al-;ovw (171 5,3/Z 00). The artillery unit daily trained with gtrs; during the period 'rim 8 to noon and strung toleprone lines in the traini-.4z=7 area alon the road, The troop, ,3 remained in the lover ection of the north camp x,eco:Lv'oci the sane training as the troops stationed in 't-Tic up-)or scction,, 20 The barracks installation was occikoa.c--J to capacity, Tesid.:n_ts s . tr r:I that L Volks- polizei (VP) wearing Soviet uniforr;r t o o quartered. in t h;: low .'oodan build: ng for captains, while 8 or 9 VP in Soviet : -rtforn, Were quartered in the low wooden buildings for lieutenants, They had police star on their ? caps instead. of a Soviet star as worn by Soviet units. The ocr. -tiers, buiidin-,,s war:-, occupied by officers of the north carry and of the unit stationed in the barracks r?stal .a tionu The Borg hotel was occupied by officers of th units stationed; in r thendk~an 3. During thh. period from 8 a .m. to noo ". and from 2 P.m. to p n mortar units were soon enga rcd in airiing practice a3orr.,:; the .'ilien~ra'co?~-doe:~zai~C .?oad., Artillery units at the same time practiced emplacing ;, ca.s and securing gu,.i '3mpl cements wifi?",. machine gans5 Firing with live ar. a ra.i.?;r?oz was hard daily c urira : the time of observaat1on0 Two observation aircraft ' ar?e involved in the practicer Dug- outs were constructed at the trainir ~:'area, mops, 3 mete:'; loni, a-,ad about; 20 cm in diamet,-ar mere used for the coastr::?.,-ien. They, had been -torert at the railroad station. 4. Five carloads of supply daily arriveci at the -slin'll-sr de- g 25X1 25X1 e~?e son Hauling supply. it M' with fuel. arrived on 11 J' n and was emptied i:. to tart barrels . vehicles and Two areas of about 370 acres each in she woods near 3enthi. and ,Z7 er3ar were cute all rr d l f h 25X1 age or t y e erection of two at _-. etic fields, all villages and houses for a distance cd. 3 krai frorz the tro.D;a rain grounds would be vacated. V11.iaZes located in that Ceti zone incl.ud'ed .?CL o-.a; r:,'bow y Doex ni. ;z, Dr?ewitz, 11eeedorf, .;ardeburg-Fort,, C-:r-oss Luebars. :iosian, ::>vlaon,;;?orb' and ;lclr~reid~ nitz, *-+ CLASSIFICATIONS &9CT%=/C" Ilt:tOt/T3; OF"IC-TA-T,, 0111Y 25X.1. I-DATE 'REPARED-.. .ENCLOSURES (140. & T'YPE). .. _._....,-,, Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013200400006-9 LACE OBTAIN Ee_,_ Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200400006-9 9 S... ..T C J,..~:.'?v~T L` ~A?r nTrf.l r !_JL?[ J J~d II 25X1 6ry On 17 June; the north camp was occupied by b tweca 30.3 and 1~,OO() solders wearing red-bordere .? clock epaulets with ::Irtillary insignia a a''our 760 2-Yx.i field "ins were seen throw,-.I the o . ga te. Trucks ;lore se.-) ic?; ping, the installations :aerv ce of the 2:,ece r was erfbr.aed in eight 35- A i guns in the to rain op_)o:o:.te of the ins' allatioee . Ono officer and eight men were with each g u ;. 2 .r 7. ?etween 30 and 35 guns were :7orkb-d at the --,.'n r?axrk:i.nrr area., 25X1 I ] field ho 7itzers and t 22-;m field gun, 25X1 here were still othea? of ins., then 15') t:z ucksj lI 25X1 a -'ea e 3. i etwocn 30 and 103 truc.;.s e a1 ran; d in thre. 3 rows one :~.d th other tieero aeon at the Li l~'l: 3'i;:: ao i of t e asl:..un ion de o n j::o men stood on either side of each veh:~_ :i, k nrohably for. an inspoction:, T"ndi~.ridual firing of sans of venous calibers was hoard from the training area dux in`, the period. frog: rtc>? %:t! eccuoation no to mi_J-=Ju e 19c;,) -,7i -I lell E? cc do 3s q cor re:`ipon ds :?i :`! ri orris 7_ on s n-A.1ed :Late .ay 1952. It is believe that units of the 3L th x>.t y