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Appr& e 6 'iM reere~/o6 C Z o n e ) (soviet Zone ...-~:.... ';I; Ti ax TOPIC r 7 nfor_. A.on from Oraniery1.iz;7 2I EVALUATION] 2 jX'DATE OF CONTENT] DATE OBTAI N3 REFERENCES I ..y ._. ,Ts-iOE~@,03 0006-1 -REPORT NO.__?.., 25X1 __.DAT1_ PREPARED.. ;.. PAGES 'ENC' .OSURES (NO. & TYPE) 25X1 to addition to rear det (ils, the tank ' r -ainir_; unit was s ,a tioneda at the post namely, in Object Ie Lieutenant Vad elkov (fnu), the cor.~frarndin officer, was present all the time, Us adjutant a lieutenant vahc. 'lived 'vrtith ' dew rendents ri. ar I:ernnuer Allee, *`a =c7: ` 1,icheni.en fnu we on le-ave. r-e was the supply officer, 25X1 the billeting area was occupied as Lollovws; First unit, commanded by Lieutenant' Colonel Z e rnov q;?a "tered in Objects- dos 110 through 12$; Second unit, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Chin;. (fnu), quartered in Ob- jects Nos 133 tbrou.{-h 142; Third Unlit, Lieutenant Colonel `ka:r .>ra (fnu), a,:aai1ter~c:' in Objects .os 131 thrr6uC`1 14,0; Fourth unit, a training; unit L''o" T:, itfde by Lieutenant Cil.onel. 7adelkov (fnu), quartered in Objects Kos 1147 arid T; Fifth unit, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel St, ppanisht n. (fnu) quartere: in the inntir Objects Los 1 U?..rou~;h 103, On JIM10, 25X1 kitchen 10' helon~~ing to Unit Str p: -)n .shen. About Gc r of the unit wer present. They wre red-borderer: epaulets with tGr::k insi;nia and were quart or?ed in barracks 2)4 or 25. Pare cks 6 had been toy: r, down., A fuel dugs i uar('ec 'r.,V sentries .`oaring red bo: +- red black epaulet: with tank insis'nia alas between Object No 29 and fir' _na_ 102, The riotcuur trans?:ort unit of Lieutenant Colonel. "'ar'ci n (?nu) vra- ,3I7^ rnt, ~-resuu_a ply at Camp Vok elsang. A car wearin ; red bordered epaulets with mots-r- trar_s ort was acting coramarder. %lements of.' . ( unit v.ore quartered in barracks 6 zone l-_,: an.. barracks 12 to 13, zrne ;3 They numbered about 40 men. The IJen- tity of th 9 troops in barracks 3 .; n,d 410 could not, be c}e t ermined , A Cara: o about 3.2 niters .-.ide and 35 to 40 ;-1e-..ers long wrs under construction near target rangy--e 102, The nu:.'.-)er of motor veh".cles t iere 25X1 was estimated at about 30w On 1" three Fplatnons of 140 ,,,an each who we red bordered black epaulets 'th motor transport ..nsi 'nia and ca: ~ri field equipment left the camp, on 3 ,:? 4 trucks, Preakfrst in Hess 129 be,, can at u a.m? with four 3r oups,, each of 50 men wearing red bordered blac''c epaulets from Objects Tios 131 and being; followed at 23:30 a,n. by six platoor..s, each of 30 men tiaoaring., r d-bordered black epaulets ,:ai thl motor 17 July 1952 Camp Sachserihausen. QranienburE~ (N 5`/Z 65), that, in CLASSIFICATION SECR T/CC'IT'OL/L7 i `.?F': ICIALS o17i.:`. Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013200390006-1 0 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200390006-1 Z"T 25X1 25X1 transport insir is frog zone: _.I-> Huss had to he vac;=--eci at. 17 a.,r-:. 25X1 y ~ Cornr:?ent . corl_"irns t F r , ; Rine of rear de r t.1s t the ;s Liaserne and the :i: on ner c rtnt',entr a -' r Y. ca.ilp o Zia.. e C e" {mod + is are detached frorl the elenont, of the 25th ik !~vr rind the un dent'.:led , rk trai-- nirl;; '.,attal.iorl of the divisiort zrhi.::h are stz.3tictlec3 at e'er: :, ?.i_n troop trairti.n, ;-rounds The r re of the 25X1 corr)an(tinr ef''icer of the aiii ;;attal).on was -n,;oab1 ? een i.rieorrectlI : _cc or i "'1. to t i Harr, is ids 25X1 Lieu ;riant t cl a fnir she ct !e: ,fficer: are 'emm n fro: p:'etra.ous r c ? :: rt:; -to ;,e cor^.r. 3nc'i nx: officer ,s r? scr_'c-1s.r officers rn- the 25th Tan Dig- and, a.; far as is I.ncss'wn, Colonel Zhuk (fnu), belon to the 162d iank f. want Colonel . ,a (fnu) prcI,n',? I to the unidentified rotor tranrr; ort ?,alttalion, Lieutcni.a Colonel ` karir )a (fnu) has p o- uably j-peen rlistaken for Skornpai I-A-ic na:`?E, ' .pint 1. L3:+_ .~ 7 '.1; Ie ,r.. ,lone' .t '.tan-tan(fnu) or `,teoanishe~% riu is undetern dnet; The 17t.'.1.1diri r1U.T.)('rt' ll ? 'f~}?Y D'il;:'' ? 149 and i are e ed to as sketch of t?-,.e riS ,a F,; forwarded -ith. a previous re?-or.t.. F__ J ;';;e other 25X1 numbers refer to i',uildi.n 's of the !. (i?LceI'1 ,T~1 "].C7n carp, a ` tJ2'C.? d4,, to a Approved For Release 2006/08/08 CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200390006-1