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August 4, 1952
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Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200350013-7 \X 29 i rvnr wv. 51-~{AA FEB'1952 COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF 25X1 INFO. PLACE ACQUIRE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION REFER,191 ttpy INF AT -10 REPORT NO CD NO. Bulgaria DO NOT CIRCULATE General Information from the Varna Area THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 799 AND 794. OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS, TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON 15 PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. Four motor torpedo boats, German type, approximate speed 30 knots; DATE DISTR. 4 A, .NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Navy 1. The headquarters of naval units stationed in Varna, located in southern.Varna near the port area in what was formerly a stock-exchange building, have been redesignatea the .Vulgarian Naval Forces Admiralty.." 2.. Rear Admiral Atanasov, Commander of the Bulgarian Navy, an ardent Communist educated and trained; in the USSR, resides in the Admiralty building. The. Bulgarian Naval fleet) stationed at Varna, is composed of the following ships a. One'large'Soviet warship; the entire complement of the ship received training in the USSR;1 b. Two%%big?'Soviet warships, transferred from the USSR to Bulgaria during late 1949 or early 1950;; entire complement of both ships were trained in the USSR; c. Four motor torpedo boats, pre-World War II English type, approximate speed 30 knots; e. Six motor torpedo boats, new Soviet type, approximate speed 30 knots; f. Four old torpedo boats , formerly named the DURSKI, SMELI, KHRABI, and STISHNi; and CLASSIFICATION SECRET /CONTROL - T LS p OFFICIALS ONLY I Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200350013-7 ust 1952 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200350013-7 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY g ? Several mitre=r ep rs, -:ct ructed: at the T a,r za gav :rrment -ahip :rds .. Shii yards and Shipping 25X1A Th-d Korals vag go ternment `s.hipyard and all other government shipyards located at Varna were united and placed under the single directorship of KQRBSO (Bulgaro-S vetsko Druz estvo za Korabostroene; Bulgarian-Soviet Association for Shipbuilding) sometime-during 1950. The yards, outfitted with Soviet. equipment and machines, are currently building 3,000 tgns of ships and lighters* 6. As of 16 October 1951, approximately six lighters had already been completed by the KORBSO yards and transported, to the USSR. 7. All foreign ships entering the port of Varna must obtain port clearances from V' Osipov, Soviet engineer, port chief of operations... Osipov is assisted by a certain Khocheminaa, last name unknown, a female secretary. Soviet ships, transporting various manufactured products, machinery, steel,. arms, and military equipment call tiao':-ox three times each week. Arms and military equipment. are discharged only at night while. the dock area is completely blacked out, mds' are. }idled entirely by Communist or politically reliable dock workers. -10. Returning from Bulgaria to the USSR, these ships transport wheat,, cheese, various food products, and gray-colored ore. Geological Research 11., A Soviet Geological Research Commission operates in Varna and vicinity. 12. Until 16 October 1951, the Com4aissi.ou. had made extensive, but unsuccessful surveys for oil throughout the Provadiya district. However, it is currently rumored that the Commission has discovered extensive oil deposits at Shabla village, Kavarna district>2 The Bulgarian government is currently engaged in. ".secret` para-military and pre-induction. military training, of Bulgarian youth through the NSST (Naroden Byyuz. za Sport i Teknika; National Union for, Sport and Technique)..3 14. NSST members, chogen from male I NN! (Dimitrovski Suy na 3arodnn,ta Mladezh; DimitroV Union Of the People11a Youth), attend periodic voluntary training courses in parachuting, gl4der--flying, arms familiarization, marksmanship, boating, and horsemanship.., Miscellaneous 15. Reserves, officers, and. enlisted meA. in the Varna area are still being recalled for 45 days temporary active duty for familiarization and training with new Soviet arms and equipment. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S.. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200350013-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/08: CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200350013-7 SECR.ET/CONTROL - -U.S d . OFFICIALS ONLY 164 A concrete. p3,er is under construction somewhere in the channel between 'the Varna port arm and Lake Devn ra. 17., A soda factory is under construction at Beloslav village,, Varna district. 18. The following Army units are. stationed in Varna and vicinity; located at Traka, Tashle-Tepe (Tas Tere.N4239 E27071) and Uzun-Kum. The 8 Infantry Regiment; and At unidentified coast artillery regiment, three-battery compleme 19, Allegedly, all Bulgarian antiaircraft regiments,) equipped with approximately 100 guns are encamped on a plain in the Galata peninsula area while under going weapon familiarization, training, and daily practice drills against sleeves towed by planes, 1. C.ommentd Probably a.reference to. the old destroyer, GEORGI 25X1A D MI ROV, farm rIy the Soviet NOZANLOSHNIK.. 2. discovery of oil in Shabla.. 25X1A 3. Comment; For further information on the NEST, your attention t is direc ed to SECRET/CONTROL - U.. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200350013-7