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Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200050007-7 ;e 1952 >r, INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT 1. Gorno-Notecki CanDO NOT CIRCULATE . NO. OF PAGES 2 2 DATE OF 25X1 INFO. 25X1 PLACE ACQUIRE 25X m oyu.goszez Canal 3. Oder Shipping CENTRAL /'+~II INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SOU.:o ~? 5F.28E /CONT.ROL - 0FFICIA7 i O19L J. SECURITY INFORMATION 'EFERENCE COPY NO, OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. REPORT NO. CD NO. DATE DISTR. 4 August 1952 SUPPLEMENT TO THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. The total length of the Gorn,p Notecki (Upper Notec) Canal is 114 -5 km; the navigable depth is 150 cma_ permissible tonnage for barges is 250 tons, Its course runs as followso aR The canal begins at the junction of the Warta-Gopio Canal in Lake Goplo and continues along the lake for a distance of 2708 kmao b. It then follows the canalized. Notec River for 18 kms, as far as the northern part of hake Pakose, where-it continues along the lake for 12.4 kms. At the junction of the canal and, Lake Pakose there is a lock 42x 5m c. From Lake Pakose the canal follows the canalized Notec River for. 27.e5 kms as far as Labiszyn (52038' 15?3T" E). There are no locks in this sett~or The canal then continues for 4 kms along the Noteco Three locks of 142 x mo are located in this sector.. d. After this, the canal leaves the river bed of the Notec and iwna due nt rth as.fa.r as the junction with the Bydgoszcz Canal. this sector of 24.8 kms. in length has four locks of 1+2 x 5 m 2. The Bydgoszcz Canal has not yet been restored for public use because only about thirty percent of its locks have been repaired. The initial r.econstruem tion program provided for the reopening of the canal on 10 April 1952, but work was delayed. Transport of goods on the Odra (Oder) River between Wroclaw (Breslau) and. Szczecin (Stettin) is hampered to a~great extent by the acute shortage of trawlers and 'barges o All available ones have been requisitioned by the Soviet Army authorities, who use them for towing equipment from Szczecin upstream. The barges going up river are for the most part heavily laden, while those returning are almost, emp 3v, CLASSIFICATION SECRET''/CO: QL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200050007-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200050007-7 SECRET/CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 1. Anyone using the Szczecin and Krosno sector of the Odra river must be in possession of a special permit issued by the army authorities and approved by the WOP (Border Security Guard). This part of the river is constantly patrolled by WOP motor boats. SECRET/CONTROL - T.S. OFFICALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200050007-7